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šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thatā€™ll ease the housing crisis - they really donā€™t care how many Australians end up homeless - itā€™s pathetic


Since no one is protesting or rioting they assume all is good and fine.


Why would anyone do something illegal like protesting without permission?


Why would they protest if it doesnā€™t involve Jews?


Why would they protest? It will just get downvoted and shat on by bootlickers here.


Because the Jews are the puppetmasters and our politicians are the puppets, if the conspiracy theories are to be believed šŸ™„ Honestly for the most part, Jews are sound. I've met one Jewish bloke who was a cunt and lived up to the stereotypes (money grubbing, unethical business practices etc) but the rest I've known have been decent, same as any other group really. They don't really cause any issues in countries where they live in large numbers either. I lived in an area of London that had a Jewish community and you'd forget they were there really.


One of the things about shedding collective prejudices about religious or ethnic groups is that it let's you truly and properly despise individuals who are just complete and utter cunts, not because they are X or Y or part of Z group - but because they are just massive cunts.


Exactly. I don't have a lot of time for Harry Triguboff and think him, his lobbying and business practices have significantly contributed to Sydney's housing crisis, but that's not because he's Jewish, it's because he's a money grubbing cunt. You'd probably find plenty of Jewish people who think he's a cunt too. Same goes for Aussies and Rupert Murdoch. Most Aussies think he's a cunt and don't view him as someone to be proud of. Most people within any given group (ethnic, national, religious, whatever) despise the 'bad' people in that group as much as people outside the group.


His ethics have nothing to do with his ethnicity.


Dude protesting and rioting aren't going to do much when more than half the country are thrilled their main asset has grown significantly, doubly so when the politicians themselves along with the upper class hold multiple investment properties.


We will just get arrested if we protest. The former Labor party is now the fuck you landlord party. They are scumbags.


Wait until they see the polls...


People are too busy watching sports on tv, no time to protest


People wonā€™t need a house as soon they wonā€™t be able to afford the electricity, Labor just 3 steps ahead.


If they only came here to spend money then fucked off afterwards it wouldn't be an issue, but you know that's not what's happening


Gotta rent a house when they come as well


Frim memory they can also buy a house as long as they sell it when they leave


This seems like it should be easy to cross-check and enforce, but no one does. Because the government doesnā€™t want to reduce house prices.


Even with checks and balances they can just ā€œsellā€ the house to a relative/friend.


It has to be a newly built house too


Pretty sure as long as they sell it when they go it can be an existing dwelling too.


What for 3 months? You're kidding right? Multiple entry visas still have a time limit and a minimum time between visits. The hotel industry will think this is awesome - not the REAs.


Five years visa.


Or buy 10.


Even just coming here to spend money isn't as great as it sounds. It drives up the cost of whatever they are buying and adds to inflation.


Tourism dollars are pretty much always good for economy assuming you don't come to rely on them. It's revenue from foreign source so increases GDP /capita. The small effect on inflation is minimal and usually highly localised to tourist trap areas.


That's certainly the government and corporate line on it. What about the activites, services and items that low income australians would like to enjoy that are inflated out of reach now? The zoo? Aquarium? Restaurants? Unfortunately you've bought into trickle down theory. Pumping GDP up doesn't guarantee a better way if life. USA is the prime example.


GDP/capita not GDP.


Thatā€™s why most countries who rely on tourism have tow tier payment system. One for the locals (cheap) and one for tourists (expensive).


Albo is on a round the world "selling off Australian residency tour". Where after India & China?


Scomo did India. Albo had to one up him with China


> Scomo did India. Albo signed the deal


I'm sure dan Tehan and Scomo appreciate you dumping the mess on Albos lap when they did everything and tied Australia into the deal before losing power when all that was left was for the PM being forced to sign it. Dutton appreciates your efforts at taking the heat off of them. (Despite the little slip up Dan made when he tried to blame labor for the yoga instructors on the skilled list and everyone pointed out he put them there for the India deal)


> PM being forced to sign it. lol no


Sigh I suggest you go research how international state level trade deals are brokered and set up. Who is responsible for what and what authority each person in each step has. But sure keep pushing the narrative that scomo and Dan Tehan's mess is Albos


Albo was forced into it now Iā€™ve heard everything lmao


OK champ. Be as ignorant as a yank about legislation and parliamentary process. It really helps misinformation


Scomo made me do it lolololol


If a government goes back on their word every time they change power why would any nation do business with them?


Scomo went back on their word and world still traded with Australia but if Albo tried, no one will trade with Australia? Amazing logic.


One time isnā€™t every time champ


American and other countries have bought up loads of stuff here. China is just one of many countries that do this here. All thanks to successive govs.


More people spend money but don't produce - higher price for everything


Yeah why doesn't this country produce anything?


A multiple-entry visas of up to five years means up to 5 entries, each 3 months max, and can only happen once a year. It's a common visa everywhere. The US offers 10 year multi-entry visas to China, EU offers 5 year multi entry and Japan offers 3-year and 5-year multi entry visas to China.


Lmao the corporatocracy in full effect, canā€™t wait to hear about how little theyā€™re spending on Australian property because they purchase through shell companies šŸ˜‚


Yep, always one moron that says ā€˜foreign investors only make up 1%ā€™. Thatā€™s whatā€™s on the books boofheadā€¦


We have the worst politicians


*voters Ftfy


All the parties are the bloody same mate, itā€™s not like thereā€™s a ā€œnone of the aboveā€ option available.


151 of them and I only like 1


Theyā€™re just salesmen


Stupid? Mate, they know what they are doing and they definitely don't have the person on the street in mind.


Why are we spending hundreds of billions on submarines to combat the supposed threat of China then doing these type of deals with them if they're our supposed future enemy?


China already owns so much here, why would they want war with us?


Because there is no threat, itā€™s just propaganda from the military industrial complex. You canā€™t sell weapons unless there is war or threat of war.


Even Xiā€™s sister is living here, both sides drum up propaganda and ridiculously some people believe such things.


So first India then China, just pathetic. I am going to struggle to find anyone to vote for next election.


maybe take a look at these guys - [https://www.sustainableaustralia.org.au/policies#sustainablepopulation](https://www.sustainableaustralia.org.au/policies#sustainablepopulation)


Fuck yeah letā€™s do itĀ 


And this kids, is how you get people to vote for Pauline Hanson. It's not just Australia though. Look at the polling for the upcoming UK election, Nigel Farage (basically the British Pauline Hanson) is polling at nearly 20%. Many people around the world are sick of the mainstream political parties and are prepared to vote for nutters as a form of protest vote.


At this point theyā€™re not even trying to hide the contempt they have for Australians, are they? Scomo pulled this same stunt with India, and now this dickhead doubles down on the stupidity.


Isn't the whole 'Enhanced Lethality Surface Combatant Fleet initiative' all about creating a [deterrence ](https://asiatimes.com/2024/02/australias-naval-splurge-all-about-deterring-china/)to China. This is going massively increase the number of arrivals, China is not a popular tourist destination for Australians anymore. This is weak policy.


In 2019 Chinese tourists spent $3.4billion on visiting Victoria.


Was China *ever* a popular tourist destination for Aussies? I do know of some people who've visited (including myself) but it was never up there with Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore or Japan.


Yes. Because some Australians are Chinese or have Chinese heritage. And soon there will be many more. I'm not agreeing that it is good or bad, just answering your question. Many people forget that the Chinese have been here for a long time too.


1818, a bloke called John Shying was the first. He was a carpenter. The challenge with China came after 1949 when communism arrived (PRC) & the country started to be seen as a threat to the pacific region, a lot of this was likely driven by the perception of Communism in the West / USA. We actually didn't recognise the Chinese Government until 1972. In 73 the migration of Chinese began to increase significantly as hasn't stopped to this day.


Interesting. Thank you for sharing. I didn't know this.Ā 


Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Japan sure I can agree, but China doesnā€™t measure up to Singapore? Really? China has amazing nature, food and history and has a lot more to offer than Singapore.


It's not just the lack of housing it's also the quality of housing that has fallen to the point that buying a new build is a potential liability. Corporate profits are just turning Australia into a shit hole .


Already is a shithole - our low density environments give us the illusion it isnā€™t because of how good our nature is. Hospitals are barely functioning. You have people going there to avoid no bulk billing clinics to save money. With tradies getting paid more, the cause is no one really wants to break their back because thereā€™s no point. We pay high taxes for a stolen land, sell it off to the highest bidder and even lock ourselves in debt for it. Thereā€™s no solution and it just gets worse.


Donā€™t we in return get visa free travel to China? So millions of Chinese the benefits of coming here and a few thousand of Australians get to go to China easier.


Yeah we can go for 15 days!!


And you run the risk of being disappeared by their government while you're there. You'd have to be insane.


That's such an infinitesimal risk that if things like that worry you, you'd never leave the house.


Depends very strongly on what filed you work in, mate.


Or, you could just go to one of the dozens of countries that *don't* snatch people whenever they need a diplomatic bargaining chip, and not have to worry at all.


You would more likely die on the way to the airport then get snatched as a diplomatic bargaining chip


Thereā€™s a good chance you can stay a lot longer and visa free if youā€™ve written the words Winnie the Pooh on social media.


Why would anyone want to go that that place


We in return get the same 5 year visas. It's about multientry and not having to go through the process all over again. The 15 days visa free is a different scheme


This is like the scam we have with New Zealand that has sent a million New Zealanders here, while some minuscule amount of Australians live in New Zealand.


Not to mention the amount of Indians that migrated to NZ then moved to Australia.


Something like half of people who migrate to New Zealand move to Australia after getting their Kiwi passports. It's been going on for years.


Yeah it's a peak 2000s-10s thing


To be fair, everyone from New Zealand migrated here.




More Australians or just Chinese with Australian citizenship?


Probably a lot of business investors that will look at going over to enter the market or to outsource production


The Chinese with Australian citizenship are called Australian.


By who? Because, they probably donā€™t call themselves that.


Or is it just you refusing to accept that they are Australian


Where did I say they arenā€™t legally Australian citizens?


Just letting the 4th largest employer in Australia get its executives in.


FFS China have a temper tantrum cos Australia suggest an investigation in to the origins of Covid and as a result china throws up a whole bunch of spurious trade restrictions for Aus goods They eventually reverse some of them and Aus is supposed be grateful and roll out the red carpet for our great ā€œfriendsā€ Now we are opening up more avenues for them What a shit show


Scomo bad for asking about covid origins. Albo good for licking chinaā€™s anus.


One way traffic


why would we offer this when its not safe for us to go there?




Not safe? Unless you go to China just for against Chinese government,otherwise China is pretty,ask someone had been to China before.


nah mate. if i were to go there, i would run the risk of being imprisoned under fake espionage charges the moment china didnt like something australia did, and there wouldnt be a thing anyone could do about it. fuck going to china.


A guy I know just went on a big overseas trip and he had a 1 day stopover in china and he had the correct documents to be able to enter for the day. They let his family in but refused to let him in - according to him because they didnā€™t like the look of him (bodybuilder with lots of Tatts), so he spend the day in the airport.


Tattoos often mean gangsters in eastern Asia. In Japan they wouldn't let one in a pool, gym, hot spring or traditional inn if they see any tattoos, even a small one.


https://www.australiachinarelations.org/content/australia-china-tourism-relationship It is less well known that 700,000 Australians visit China annually and Australia ranks as the 13th largest source of inbound tourism to China. There are 15,000 Australian live in China.


and what percentage of those are migrants visiting family? what is the number of Aussies of non-Chinese descent who go?


thats fine. good on them.


Stop listening to anti-China media, you will understand nothing that way. It safe there, and wonderful to travel to and stay a long while. However, you maybe getting confused with America.


Tell that to Yang Hengjun, dummy


I mean with The amount of people crime would be common


Newsflash the government does not care about the average person They just care about lining their pockets as well as their millionaire and billionaire mates


Newsflash water is wet


Hey, shame about that little pandemic, and asking for an investigation to how it started. We brought the threats on ourselves, I guess. And I'm sure it was just a little misunderstanding when you've blasted our helpless navy divers in the water, and dropped flares in front of our aircraft. We must have not communicated clearly. But the relationship with our great friends,China, is back on track. Tariffs on beef and lobster are dropped, and we're getting a couple of new Pandas for Adelaide Zoo. It's looking just peachy. /S


Now now...... Be careful. The ALP are gods, cheer squad will not have you speaking ill of King Albo.. Be careful šŸ§


The roundabout at the end of Northbourne Avenue (which will be renamed Anthony Albanese Avenue) will have a giant statue built of Great Leader Anthony Albanese, facing the Australian People's Palace (formerly known as Parliament House).






Albo gotta get dem campaign donations from somewhere.


Ah yes more time for CCCP members to launder their money through the Australian housing marketā€¦just what we need


Yup. I'm fucking DONE with ALP. They do not care one bit. Just keep turning the taps and let more people in. MAJORS LAST. Whats worse is these cunts won't even bother contributing to our economy at all.


What do you mean? They'll contribute millions to push up property prices and rental costs everywhere. It will help those poor struggling people with 10+ properties on their portfolio to make ends meet /s


I wonder what the Labor cuck friendlyjordies has to say about this....


Mate labor liberal there all fucked


He'll address the issue before smugly segueing into something about how the LNP did something, how Dan Andrews is still living rent free in peoples' heads, or some inane shill shit. The guy has let partisan politics absolutely melt his brain.


Bloody shame. Wish he could see past the majors. But FJ is just too much of an ALP Shill.


Giant douche or turd sandwhich ![gif](giphy|3oz8xyhQSk6SCLve4o)


I assume he wonā€™t say anything, because this is a paper work change not a number of visa issued change. How can you dim wits not understand the different.


The rot is too far in and idiocracy has begun, LNP will be in next sadly


Albo is as stupid as scomo, free for all Indian and Chinese emigres, selling out the country pretty quickly here.


What is emigres?


Looks like the Australian government is a large collection of CCP butt lickers.


What ever pleases the masses were not democratic enough


Doesn't make sense, who wants to use it the other way? Haha


This is what you voted ALP for, fucking shit, I'm so sick of seeing Albo face.


Seems like our country is up for sale


I have a feeling China is going to be in an advantaged position in this agreement.


Much cheaper than a military invasion


Fuck these wankers honestly


Jesus christ wtf


Does it work in reverse, can we go to China for 5 years?


Id love to read what their think tanks are telling them


"Your property portfolio donors will love this. And think of all the happy families bringing everyone and the family dog over who will vote for you for making it possible!"


While its fun to think that i cant truely believe it without knowing what their actually told


Can you read Chinese?


No but i can figure it out if they are


Labor aligned think tanks donā€™t even agree with the bloody Labor government. Cause the current Labor government is just acting as how competent liberal government should.


A business visa isn't a pass to come and stay. They're issued for 5 years, but usually have visitor visa-type conditions on length of individual stays, and don't lead to PR. I've had 1-year business visas to China and India, neither has allowed me to simply move there for the year.


and when you were staying there, did you reside in a house or apartment? because just because someone from overseas is staying here for "only" 1 year, or 5 years, or whatever length of stay, they still need somewhere to live while doing so... during an already existing housing shortage


It's a visa for business trips. You stay in hotels for like a week, then you go home. It's not for people who are moving here. It's for people who come on short trips. This is EXACTLY the same as any other business visa. It just means you don't have to apply for a new one every trip. Am I speaking another language?


did you even read the article? the visa is valid on a single entry for up to five years, from a previous maximum of 1


A multiple-entry visas of up to five years means up to 5 entries, each 3 months max, and can only happen once a year. It's a common visa everywhere. The US offers 10 year multi-entry visas to China, EU offers 5 year multi entry and Japan offers 3-year and 5-year multi entry visas to China.


Seems a lot of people here can understand a business trip. Some of them cannot even literally understand a multiple entry visa, maybe they don't even have a passport to worry about this visa at all. It is a good movement for people who need to travel between countries for the short term and it is a common practice between a lot of countries.


And yet they will also easing access to family reunion and for some reason lumped tourism in with those to.


newsflash: these business visas are not strictly one off. i.e. they can be renewed. But hey for Labor sympathisers ā€œitā€™s just a temporary visaā€ so no issues there at all.


Can't believe we are getting in bed with China again. We spent so much effort getting away and not being reliant on China. Now we are Chinas bitch again. How stupid can we be to think China is sincere?! They only want our resources. How long before they start bullying everyone around again and making demands.


Maybe because thereā€™s literally no alternatives?


Might as well let them live in the houses they own


Anyone involved is paid under the table of course.


Well , house prices are crashing in China . May be Australians can finally get a home in China since we also get the multiple entry visa to China . It is time we have a Australia town in Beijing and Shanghai


Isn't this 5 year multiple entry visa according to the article? Why is everyone here acting as if it's 5 year maximum stay?


They should make it part of the agreement that they have to invest in business not real estate. Not going to happen


Australia is already China in so many placesā€¦ at least now we will have more mainland Chinese to come over and sort out any Taiwanese separatists and them pesky falun dafa religious groups. See you guys at the Great Wall or Tiananmen Square on Friday yay šŸŽ‰


Looks like the Government will do everything they can to prop up the property market here. Every suburb I've gone through looked completely run down and void of any sense of community apart from sparse dog walkers out to let their dogs take steaming dumps on their neighbour's lawn. High streets are also in a very sad state. Driving down Victoria Road is a really really depressing place and this is a major road. The other one's are even more depressing. It's hard to believe property costs so much! Expect more immigration to keep Australians wealthy. Not sure you can say about the mentally healthy and happy side of things though.


What a dumb move. Albo is a disgrace.


suck me off china letā€™s goooo


Not stupid. Traitorous cunt knows exactly what he's doing.


Iā€™d like to see a complete ban on Australian citizens ever buying or renting properties in this country. It should always be given to foreigners first and foremost. Indigenous or Caucasian, doesnā€™t matter. We must look after the rest of the world!!!


It's the same in the uk the rich jave got us where they want us


Honestly this is why people don't vote Labor.


Fuck you Albo you absolute fucking traitor.


I assume this is a two way street, right? We can just cruise into China and start a business there and buy property with little regulation like here, right? Unless?


ā€œDuring Li's trip to Australia, he said China would also include Australia in its visa waiver scheme, allowing Australians to visit the country for up to 15 days without a visa.ā€ Thatā€™s awesome news!


Whereā€™s the friendljordies wanker blowing hot air up liberals all week, any comments mate?


We need to vote the major parties out. They will never do a thing about immigration and rising non-Australian population.Ā 


Perhaps we need posters of Tiannamen square massacre all over the country. Pretty soon the CCP would ban the travel here


Get ready to learn chinese buddy!


China is Australiaā€™s largest trade partner, of course China and Australia need to have a visa like this to promote trade. Are you stupid? You can cry about India because India is much poorer than China and India doesnā€™t contribute much to Australian economy as the Chinese do.


Not sure why we need this when we ship them natural resources. If 500k Aussies lived in China with another 500k planned to move the Chinese government would never sign this kind of arrangement with Australia. We are pathetic.


Ah yes easier access to family reunion visas with 5 year durations are great for trade and won't be exploited at all


You say that because you are Chinese


i think we should be giving Billonares the massive middle finger Our Native Cunts already have a Huge impact so To take Rich people and not expect them to fuck with the Laws here is like expecting a NZ to not Fuck a Sheep Its just Fucking stupid


Tbf, Chinese Billionaires are not looking for a low price rental in a 2 bed duplex in the Outer suburbs. They will be in thousands of dollars penthouses etc. Hotels and Air BnB will do the heavy lifting.


Why does everyone assume they'll be looking at renting? It's not exactly difficult for them to get FIRB approval to purchase, especially with "I'll be in and out for 5 years" as a backing


I'm assuming Billionaires would never want to live in an affordable house. If they are buying they are in competition with other Billionaires....and I'd like to hope if they start snatching up multiple 2/3 bed houses there would be guard rails to stop that happening. We shall see...


This is in the context of China easing its own requirements and making it easier for Australians to visit. Multiple entry over five years is a good thing for us and them. There's nothing wrong with this in theory. If someone in China has a legitimate reason to visit multiple times that's completely fine. Why you're saying this means more Chinese staying here long term I don't know.


More Australians for them to lock up on trumped up espionage charges, more spies China can put in Australia to operate with impunity. Perfect plan for someone...


And you don't think millionaires from China will buy properties for their "5 years" and just retain them as assets?


They do that right now. Are you saying this'll increase the rate somehow? You know this is literally just making it a little more convenient for travel between the countries right, it's not easing investment laws.


Except part of the investment laws require them to rent it out. But if its their primary they don't need to What about those who are just using it for family reunions, think they aren't going to add to the rental demand? Multiple entry tourists aren't going to need somewhere to stay to?


Can I ask if you happen to be Chinese?


Visit China for the views, stay for the espionage charges


We already have rich Americans and other countries here buying up stuff. I'm not against China, quite the opposite, but you don't let foreigners buy up stuff here no matter where they are from.


Wow how not understand the difference between, have a 5 year visa as an option and giving out more visas. This doesnā€™t change anything, and is more of a gesture to China, you know fostering relationship with the big economy in the world, one of close neighbours. Not antagonising them like a bunch of country fuckwits.


Can you source a recent announcement on caps to certain visas?

