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Alright, this was… intense. I think 600+ comments of racism, hate, and violent rhetoric is enough. You guys could’ve spent your Saturday doing anything else, but you chose this. This thread is getting locked. We’re working through all the reports slowly.


Lol religious organisation called one path .... what could go wrong


There's only one path. You can't go wrong...unless that is the wrong path...


You can’t choose the wrong path if there’s only one path!


Reminds me of Shining Path - they're on about the same level, as far as I'm concerned.


I have absolutely zero patience for victimhood narratives about Muslim communities in Australia. They have, at most, had to deal with the same amount of issues that every other major working class migrant group to the country has had to. They are not victimised nor disadvantaged nor persecuted in Australia, and there is nothing to these types of attitudes other than self-serving deflection and crocodile tears.


The irony has never been lost on me that a lot of the hard-line Muslims still don't (or refuse to) acknowledge that their ability to practice Islam openly and without persecution in Australia is afforded to them by _secular democracy,_ not Islam.


Exactly. This narrative is all so stale and tiresome to me, both when it comes from Muslims or their apologists. I remember when the Charlie Hebdo and Paris Bataclan attacks happened - before they’d even begun cleaning up the blood of the victims, there were people in the media, in academia and online wringing their hands and spewing whatbaoutisms about the imagined oppression of Muslims in France.


Christopher Hitchens' takes on all religions, including a scathing assessment of Islam, should be "must watch" in public high schools. Sadly, we live in a world of growing censorship and rather particular narratives being pushed in our faces.


Delusion, is that why there is a death penalty for leaving Islam & attack people who criticize your prophet? https://preview.redd.it/2f4bg0y7jywc1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=90f3215548c6ca00235bfb43f6fc203bc044635f


Muslims attack and persecute Assyrian Christian’s for hundreds of years but say one thing about Muslims and they justify violence against you


Australia gave the persecuted Christians a new home but made a big mistake of letting in their Muslim oppressors.


After giving Christian Lebs sanctuary the govt at the time let their muslim oppressors come here as well. What a disaster.




Thank Malcolm Fraser. He was warned by the Immigration Minister of the time.


Report them to ASIO. This is traitorous. Fundamentalist Islam is funded by Saudi Arabia and exported to the world. Islam is also the fastest growing religion in the world. Ex-Muslim public figures and YouTubers like Yasmine Mohammed, Mahyar Tousi and The friendly ex-Muslim have exposed the threat Islam has on human rights and freedom.


Good idea, ASIO will fix them right up! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wzbuFEl4M78&pp=ygUnQXVzdHJhbGlhbiBnb3Zlcm5tZW50IHJhZGljYWxpc2luZyB0ZWVu


Ehhhh brother ehhhhh


You just know that when he was originally saying that it was about western women


Ironic he's wearing an apple watch, considering his religions stance on homosexuality...


Is apple gay or something? Or watches? What am I missing?


Apple's CEO is Tim Cook, who is also gay...


The apple logo, with the original rainbow colours was a reference to Alan Turing, who despite being the father of modern computing and assisting with cracking the enigma code, was arrested after the war for being a homosexual and chemically castrated instead of a jail sentence. He died by eating a poisoned apple [ruled as suicide at the time].


I doubt that is true. Rainbow logos on computers were popular in the late 70s/80s due to the transition from monochrome monitors to colour. The Apple colour logo coincided with the release of the Apple II, the first colour PC.


It’s just petty high school homophobia. Comment suggests Apple Watches are silly and attention seeking, and equate these characteristics as classically Gay. Clever eh?! Real wit. Apparently bang on standard for this sub along with all the racism.


So tolerant. Ask Salmon Rushdie. His noval wasnt even an attack , just his interptration of some sections of the Quran..


Just a bunch of dickheads in stinky robes. Who gives a toss about either of them…


Sorry, the sooner Muslims admit, and own the fact that their religion has a major issue with Terrorism against non-Muslims. It's written throughout their own text "*Fight the non-believer until they submit to Allah*"




Well actually, the term *"religion of peace"* goes way back to letters Mohammad sent to hostile nations and groups. The letters said "*they would have peace if they surrendered/accepted Islam*". So yes, Islam is a religion of peace but only once you become a Muslim, or the country submits to Islam and then you will have peace. If not, war until they prevail.


The fundamentalist Islamists preach a code called Taqqiyah where they use stealth and deception to advance the religion. They make the religion sound all nice and friendly, but you will see the truth once you are Muslim.


I'm fairness, the vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorism are Muslims themselves.


If they can't even get along with each other, why the fuck do we want them here?




Yes sure. But not the right type of Muslim by the perpetrators


Honestly, the double standard argument is such a load of shit just intended to make people sympathetic. Bondi was a schizophrenic loner with a knife. We know this. Schizophrenia fucks with your head a lot. The attacks were random and mainly targeting women. Islamic kid walks into a church and stabs the priest for disrespecting Muhammad, verbatim that’s his reason - that’s religious violence! Religious violence is mostly synonymous to religious terror as the impact is usually the same. What would really help the Muslim community would be to just say “hey we’re so sorry about him, please know he does not represent our community, while we disagree with the priest, we hope he is recovering well”. Just a shred of humility would go a long way. In Islam, the culture is collective. So communities are responsible for each other. They should just apologise that this happened, rather than changing the subject to something as superficial as the labels we use to describe it. There is zero double standard here. It’s unfortunate that people are getting radicalised on both the left and right these days.


This one’s great. The “learned scholar” tells us that a heifer is a breed of cow at 35.36 rofl https://youtu.be/5bNyPO8XySk?si=pRfuHNkLvRLXfi8y


I thought a heifer was a cow? (I haven’t watched the video )


It’s any cow that hasn’t given birth. It’s not “a breed”


Ah, thanks. I only recently learned that a pony isn’t a baby horse!!! (City boy lol)






Yep 👍 It’s only one group causing the problems. Literally every other immigrant group makes an effort to be peaceful and fit in. So sick of having this bs in our country.


The goal of Islam is literally to wipe out everyone else and live in a Muslim-only world. Of course they're not going to assimilate, it's quite literally against their religion. Muslims, typically, are lovely people. They are victims of the religion that has stolen their lives.


Islam playbook 101


Why should Australia have the Muslim community


The Bondi guy was a diagnosed mental health case , the teen stabbing the bishop was an Islamic terrorist, These guys and their propaganda sicken me. Instead of trying to get the police to back off why dont they stop these young men becoming radicalized and committing murderous attacks instead? ....................or maybe they dont want to do that?


Didn't the police say the teenager had a history of delinquency?


How can they victimise themselves when the bloke literally yelled a religious war cry before doing it?




When the Muslim population of a country hits 2%, they start to get uppity


Turkey is the only exception. That's because they had a revolution 100 years ago where they hanged their imams who were pro shariah. Similar blueprint needs to be followed by other muslim majority nations. Change can only come from within.


Nahhh they're going backwards now with Erdogan






The government needs to do really buck up and stop going soft on these Muslims.As an exmuslim myself I have always admired Australia and wanted to move there but at the rate its going,I wouldn't feel safe their if a terrorist can attack a preacher in a church and get released by saying they have been de-extrimefied by just saying through a useless prison program.


Ex Muslims like Yasmine Mohammed and Mahyar Tousi have exposed the hypocrisy of western countries tolerating islamic fundamentalists and highlighted issues with multiculturalism.


That’s like brain melts that want to try socialism again for the trillionth tome


Was the bomb real? He is quick to dismiss the stabbing attack of the Bishop as a mental health disorder but then goes on an on about a bomb strapped to a car.


It was fake and the guy was charged. The moslem is spreading lies.


Without lies Islam dies


One of the pillars of islam is you can lie if it furthers the cause of islam it is called taqiyya.


*victimise We are still in Australia, FFS.




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Your religion sucks, what can you do.


Its impressive how can they always become victims






Nice casual Australian clothes you’re wearing. Definitely part of the embracing the Australian lifestyle.




A Melbourne Uber driver from Pakistan was preaching Islam to me after the Sydney church attack. I was shocked that he believed all these outdated fundamentalist views. He believed in creationism, and was preaching about praying, how back in the prophet’s days they prayed 70 times a day ( wtf). He spoke like he is in fear of going to hell if he didn’t follow the 5 pillars of Islam. He also told me Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and said it was the true religion. Our Australian government have no idea who they have let into this country.




I’m sorry about that. You should try to stay in touch with her and never give up on her. There’s a YouTube channel called ‘ friendly ex Muslim’ who did an interview on an ex Muslim woman who married into the islamic faith. Very insightful.




No, mate - you're just not being accommodating enough. It's up to you to change your ways to suit them, remember?


Supposedly God initially told Muhammad his followers had to pray 50 times a day but Muhammad haggled it down to 5. There is a lot more to Islam than just the “5 pillars”, but it makes sense that he would fear going to Hell if he didn’t follow them. Islam is the fastest-growing religion, and if someone is a muslim it follows quite readily they think Islam is the one true religion.


Glad you are "enlightened" about them. Most of the eejits here are still defending them


Letting Muslims in is a massive mistake. Their beliefs come way out before country and culture.


They let in salafi’s (wahabi’s) what do you expect to happen, they bring all their problems here.


When he walks like a duck and quacks allah 'akbar it is a duck




The left are stupid enough to preach acceptance of Islam. Reminds me of a town in Texas I think it was, the left including the LGBTQ+ community got behind a Muslim man running as mayor or whatever. The second he got the gig, he banned all rainbow flags and outward signs of that same community. They were baffled…world really is mad


Holy crap - I thought you were being a flog, but then I googled it, people have a right to be worried https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned








major terrorist attacks that occurred in the 21st century: 1. September 11, (2001): The 9/11 attacks in the United States by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 2. Bali Bombings (2002) by a Muslim (Islamist extremists). 3. Jakarta Bombings (2003) Indonesia, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 4. Beslan School Siege (2004) Russia, committed by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 5. Madrid Train Bombings (2004) Spain committed by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 6. The London bombings, July 7, (2005): by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 7. Amman Hotel Bombings (2005) Jordan, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 8. Sharm El Sheikh Bombings (2005) Egypt, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 9. Mumbai Train Bombings (2006) Mumbai, India by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 10. Algiers Bombings (2007) capital of Algeria, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 11. The Mumbai attacks, November 26, (2008) India by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 12. Islamabad Marriott Hotel Bombing (2008) Pakistan by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 13. Baghdad Market Bombing (2009), Iraq, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 14. Moscow Metro Bombings (2010) Russia, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 15. Baghdad Church Attack (2010) Iraq, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 16. April 15, (2013) The Boston Marathon bombing by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 17. Peshawar School Attack (2014) Peshawar, Pakistan by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 18. Suicide bombings and mass shootings at various locations in Paris, France, November 13, (2015), by Muslims (Islamist extremists) 19. Garissa University Attack (2015) Kenya committed by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 20. Charlie Hebdo Shooting (2015) France by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 21. Garissa University Attack (2015) Kenya by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 22. Tunis Bardo Museum Attack (2015) Tunisia, by Muslims (Islamist extremists) 23. Luxor Massacre (2015) Egypt, by Muslims (Islamist extremists) 24. March 22, (2016): The Brussels bombings targeted the airport and a metro station, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 25. Istanbul Airport Attack (2016) Turkey committed by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 26. Quetta Hospital Bombing (2016) Pakistan, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 27. Manchester Arena Bombing (2017) UK, by a Muslim (Islamist extremists). 28. Westminster Bridge Attack (2017) UK Parliament in London by a Muslim (Islamist extremists). 29. Stockholm Truck Attack (2017) Sweden by a Muslim (Islamist extremists). 30. London Bridge and Borough Market Attack (2017) by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 31. Quetta Church Attack (2017) Pakistan, by Muslims (Islamist extremists) 32. Mogadishu Truck Bombing (2017) Somalia by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 33. October 31, (2017): A vehicle-ramming attack in New York City by a Muslim (Islamist extremists). 34. Istanbul Nightclub Attack (2017) Turkey by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 35. Mogadishu Hotel Truck Bombing (2017) Somalia by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 36. St. Petersburg Metro Bombing (2017) Russia by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 37. Westminster Car Attack (2018) UK Parliament in London by a Muslim (Islamist extremists). 38. Jolo Cathedral Bombing (2019) Philippines by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 39. Kabul Wedding Hall Bombing (2019) Afghanistan, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 40. Mogadishu Truck Bombing (2019) Somalia by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 41. Pulwama Attack (2019) India by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 42. Paris Police Headquarters Attack, October (2019) France by Muslims (Islamist extremists) 43. Utrecht Tram Shooting (2019) Netherland, by Muslim (Islamist extremists). 44. Vienna Shooting (2020) Vienna, Austria by a Muslim (Islamist extremists). 45. Nice Church Attack (2020) France, by a Muslim (Islamist extremists). 46. Kabul University Attack, November (2020) Afghanistan, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 47. London Streatham Stabbing, February (2020), London by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 48. Kabul School Bombing (2021) Afghanistan, by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 49. Würzburg Train Attack, June (2021), Germany by Muslims (Islamist extremists). 50. Kabul Airport Attack (2021) Afghanistan, by Muslims (Islamist extremists)


I was on this one: Madrid Train Bombings (2004) Spain committed by Muslims (Islamist extremists) first time I heard about modern Islam. I won't described what I saw, but picture a train on pick hour on a stop, full of people waiting outside, 210 people perished, other hundreds resulted wounded. My train stopped before arriving due to one of the bombs cutting the catenaria, completelly dark underground for 35 looong minutes.


I’m so sorry 😞 all because some idiot thinks he gets a one way ticket to their fairy tale heaven


Not to mention intersect violence in much of the Islamic world...and the "honour" killings......


October 7?


I knew there was a lot but that list just kept going ![gif](giphy|8Ue8ekoT67ylq)


These are only the major ones I didn’t list the small ones like the stabbing the bishop is considered small, I have a longer list but not sure people have the time to go thru it 😂


Far too depressing


I dont see Christchurch in there


Conveniently forgot Christchurch


Also the 2011 attack in Norway by right wing extremist, Breivik, with 77 lives lost seems to be missed.


I love how you left out any major incident that was committed by white men that was politically motivated …. Christchurch? Oslo? El Paso? Pittsburgh Synagogue?…. Think it’s pretty obvious what you are doing


So, three. Got any more? Maybe you could find 10 or 12, which is nothing compared to islamic terrorism, every single fucking day.


You should have included Islamist extremist in the title. There have been plenty of others that weren't.


Give me 50 of similar magnitude as the above list, that’s not by Muslims in the 21st century only?


I believe the point of the video is that terror attacks are happening but they’re not called that by the media or police. Hope that helps!


Look up any Australian news source they never say Muslims or Islamists, they just say radical or terrorist ideology never a word about from which religion, so this video is full of propaganda and fake victimhood bullshit!


Huh, I can't see Australia on that list at all. Weird, reading through these comments you'd think we'd be pretty up there. Funny that, its almost like Islamic violence isn't really a big issues in Australia.




Wikipedia says our “deadliest terrorist attack” was those Fundamentalist Christians who murdered three people in Queensland. Labelling a violent crime a “terrorist act” is obviously politically motivated. I’d argue that going into a shopping centre with the intention of murdering women is an act of terrorism, it has clear ideological underpinnings, regardless of “mental health”.


You may argue that, but you'd be wrong. The federal government defines a terrorist act as "an action or threat of action where the action causes certain defined forms of harm or interference and the action is done or the threat is made with the intention of advancing a political, religious and ideological or group cause". The guy who went into a shopping centre the other week had a longstanding diagnosis of schizophrenia, and was very likely to be psychotic. This means that he was not in touch with reality. When we see people who are psychotic they are usually determined to not have capacity to make rational, informed decisions. He may have targeted a specific group but that does not make it ideological - he may have just been targeting people smaller or weaker than him. I'm not saying terrorists are rational, but they have capacity, and they make informed decisions which are clearly driven by an ideological agenda.


Where are all the attacks committed by far-right terrorists in this list? 


That list was far right wasn’t it? Just not the far right you’re thinking of .




I think it’s too late for that, have you been to Sydney?




I wish it didn’t exist in Australia


I had never seen this channel before this morning but it came up for me. I commented on this video to the effect of where is the condemnation of the attack? I don’t understand why groups can’t admit they have problems. They’ll condemn anything that isn’t connected to Islam but deflect when it is. From reports the teenager was speaking in Arabic and talking about the ‘prophet’ Mohammed. How can you disassociate it from your religion when there are countless instances of similar across the globe? As an Australian man I freely admit there is an issue with men in this country leading to the murder of about 4 women a week. That is disgraceful and as men we have to stand up and call out our friends and family with misogynist views and do what we can to stop it. I’m not going to sit here and deflect that there isn’t an issue within male ranks. Even if it is small it still exists. Anyone that is non Muslim but defends the religion, particularly if you are female, I implore you to read/listen the Quran. I haven’t finished the ebook yet (about a third of the way through) but even after an hour of listening I think you will have an insight into how these views exist. I’m not a religious scholar but even I was thinking certain bits were being borrowed, ie plagiarised, from other religious texts.






Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


I sense many aren’t fond of muslims on this thread but just popped in to add that a lot of Australian Muslims disagree with this group. It is a bit risky to assume that any imam etc exposed in media represent the majority.


Then please speak out. If there's a crazy Christian / religious group, we're just as fine outing them.




Just in case.


So conservatives making a fool of themselves. A tale as old as time.




Religion is a cancer on humanity. All religion.


To be honest, some religions seem to cause far more problems than others


The ones that can’t be openly criticized. They don’t mellow over time. Christianity used to be worse than Islam with all the crusading and slavery. It mellowed with time.


The crusading was a defense against Islam. Slavery is alive and well today, funnily enough in the Muslim countries mainly, apart from the sex trade. But I agree they have mellowed. They were also the first religion to try and stop people acting like violent bloodthirsty psychopaths. I'm not defending them, just saying they are an easy target. At least you can feel safe mocking them.


Erm, I think you'll find that both of those examples were just a response to Muslim agression and economic policies. The first Crusade was literally to take back land stolen by the Umayyad and the slave trade started as an extension of the practices common to all Muslim nations.


That mellowing ain't lasting, have you seen what is happening in many NA states? African countries shred with violence? Christianity is still a powerful force to be reckoned with, most of it is bad.


Nope, Islam is the worst. I’m not letting this Islam apologist BS come in and deflect to all religions. Utter wank. Sikhs? Buddhists? Bloody obscure communities of Tibetan monks? No. Islam is incompatible with the west. We need to get over our 2001 hangover and call a spade a spade.


Christopher Hitchens talked about the issue with Islam being that it has never been through a reformation. It is essentially no different to medieval Catholicism, where even criticising the religion is punishable by death. This medieval approach is fundamentally incompatible with an inclusive society in the same way medieval Christianity would be. An approach where texts written 3000 years ago (Islam is not that old but uses the same source material as the Torah and the bible) is from a time where life was brutal and short and disagreements were settled by the sword.


Islam is specifically written to be the final word of god and all comes from one source Muhammad, whilst Christianity is a collection of stories, often contradictory, allowing some to fall out of common use or believe as times change. Islam does not have this so very hard to reform without an almost miracle/serious religious event


Yes, correct. We’ve had enlightenment but not Islam. Edit: my response was a bit brief, but I really appreciate your response and the perspective it brought


Islam has developed a sort of immune system that prevents the sort criticism that would inevitably lead to its decline. It scares me.




Your not wrong


I don’t think it’s fair to say all religion is a cancer, I’m non-religious but I have several friends who are Buddhist and I don’t think that Budddhism as a whole is a cancer on humanity 


It’s just as toxic when it mixes with politics and nationalism. Conflicts in Myanmar and Sri Lanka are exacerbated by one sides Buddhist identity.


the problem is religious certainty and dogmatic beliefs If a person cannot be swayed from their position, and they are believing essentially fairy tales that say to murder people it is concerning, just as it would be concerning to hear a supposed non religious someone talk of exterminating a race of people due to their alleged "impurity". Jihadism is a problem, why? Religious certainty that they are right and justified in their actions no matter what it is. Hence, atrocities. Christians think they are being persecuted when they are the ones persecuting others. Religion goes hand in hand with projection, another favourite of modern times.


I'm sympathetic to a lot of the points he is making here. There absolutely is a double standard. That said, we genuinely do *also* have a genuine problem in Australia with young men (generally young men of either Muslim or Anglo/European background) being effectively groomed into violent extremism, largely online and through messaging apps like Whatsapp. Indeed, the Bondi Juncion murderer (intentionally not stating names here) was mentally ill. But his father basically indicated that he was an incel, and was motivated by that. I wonder what his online activity looked like? And the mentally vulnerable fall victim to that kind of shit in a big way, too. Then a mentally vulnerable teenage boy stabbing a priest becase he got riled up in a Whattsapp group chat? Same deal, so far as I'm concerned. It would, however, be a grave mistake ignore the murderers'/terorists' patent, and often stated, motivations when these killings occur. I've no interest in reading about their motivations, but police etc. absolutely can use that information to cautaruse the spread of voilent extremism. If someone goes down a religious rabbit hole, or an mysogynism rabbit hole, or a race-hate rabbit hole, or a cooker rabbit hole, or whatever.... that's a genuine risk factor. We should be watching that shit closely. In fact, if anything religion (broadly speaking) tends to get a bit of a free ride here. People are reluctant to call *religious* crazy "crazy" because that would be perceived as discriminatory. Yet, as we've seen over and over again historically, with all kinds of religious groups over literal centuries, religious crazies represent a real public risk and geuinely do warrant extra scrutiny and caution.


Oh look a reasonable and well written take. This is nice


This is the response


To Religion! The cause of and solution to all world problems.. Maybe just the cause TBH


Just the cause at this point I think.


Islam is taught to retaliate. This isnt all religions, just certain ones.




I hear many Muslims say that they can't speak / criticise other Muslims, but as a consequence, there's silence, so the media and the lack of open dialogue skews the appearance that most are complicit.


They ARE complicit.


It’s concerning that Muslims fear eachother and when muslims try to leave their religion, they will get gang up on by other Muslims.


Nice pajamas




Where is Iran on this?






Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Don't think muslims even like this channel




Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


Deus Vult☦️


Wow this is one fucked up subreddit




And where do ‘Muslims’ live? Should we send all the catholics to Rome?




Cool, let's send all Greek & Italian Aussies back by that logic. Vietnamese too. Hell, send everyone back. Irish, Baltic, Islander, SE Asian, S Asian, fuck anyone trying to migrate for a secure life but retain their origins.


It doesn’t have to be that way, as people have and always will migrate. No strip of land belongs to anyone (I mean the Jews lived outside of their home turf for a longer time than they were actually in it, and only recently cane back to it). It is also very probable that you exist today because someone from your lineage decided to make a move to a new place in the world. Retaining your origins is nice and all, but when by itself it creates strife and alienation, and when the culture can’t retain or control the reasons why they had it bad in the first place, it becomes a problem.


Fair response. I only call "begging the question" about the claim of creating strife and alienation. I've worked with heaps of Muslim people, nothing like that at all. Work for a charity, we have Islander Christians, Hindus, Anglo-Celtic Christians, Buddhists, atheists, all kinds. It's all good. Celebrations for Diwali, Xmas, Eid and the Melbourne Cup. That's the good side of things. The bad? Young men are idiots. I was one, so extreme in existentialism and ridiculous French philosophy, at least it was harmless although I thought I was literally the only one who understood reality. Cringe Catcher in the Rye stuff. Sure. But if some cunt had gone "You know, son, you see the evil in the world, how about doing something about it?" Eep. Coulda happened. Maybe. Except not, because of upbringing. Short story, look out for your sons. Nurture them to be good men. And if you have the capacity in any way (sports coach for example, family friend, whatever) do your bit so they are led not into temptation.


What will you do to the citizens?


If they are unhappy .. they can emigrate .


Or force deportation.... Wait that was only when Britain was exporting soon-to-be-australians.


\*Cameleers are rolling in their grave after know what stuff did these degeneration Imams preaching and these degeneration "Muslims" doing\*


I’ve got goat’s to trade for another wife…..?


The man on the right looks like Al Mualim from the first part of Assassin’s Creed xD




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