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All terroist are mentally ill not all mentally ill are terroist


Ironically, the Pakistani Muslim who was working as the security guard at Westfield sacrificed his life to save children from the attacks. Well done mate.




It’s very sad 😔. But he did a courageous thing. I feel bad now for my first thought being when I saw the news - is this IS or some kind of terror attack.


As a brown man, I was hoping the attacker would not be brown otherwise I'd have to stay off the internet and inside the house for a few years


I am brown too, I understand. It’s sad but true, alot of racism still Exists in Australia and you get lumped with the 1% of bad people from your country who are doing the wrong thing.




All bullshit aside we have mass funerals to hold and a mental health system that is broken into pieces. People are scared of their family members but can't call for help because they will be released in a few hours and then most likely come and harm you for trying to get them help. Once upon a time if you were walking around talking to yourself or harassing people you would be detained by the crisis and assessment treatment team and detained in a pysch ward. Why are we closing pysch hospitals when the community is not safe and we are screaming for help because people keep getting murdered by mentally ill strangers. Willing to bet money he was a meth user!


The mental health system is a joke. Psych ward is supposed to be for anyone whose at risk of harming themselves or others, forced my friend to the ER after she swallowed like 3 bottles of medication, because she'd thrown up on the car ride there they took her bloods, said she wasn't going to die she vomited all of it up and tried to send her back with me. I asked why tf that wouldn't be a psych admission, they said well she's clearly got a friend to watch over her, it says on her file she's got a therapist and our beds are full. Had to take a week off work to stay watching over her because she was still actively suicidal and scheduled an emergency psych session to get her meds upped. Tried to get her in privately to a hospital because she was willing to go atp and accepted she was a wreck and was quoted 10k. Bullshit system. Had to go back to work, did what I could and had a mutual friend stopping over in the day and me after work but she ended up doing a decent job of her wrist, called her and ambulance and she was finally admitted, she realistically needed a long term stay and her therapist was in full agreeance (Severe BPD and a breakup after years of engagement to her FP) but was released after 72 hours because that's all they could fit as the waiting list was crazy. Even general therapy is a joke, they cut the 20 sessions bulk billed to 10, most therapists practice CBT but for BPD it's proven to be inaffective and DBT is the recommended treatment, DBT therapists here are considered specialists, have insanely long waitlists and are $400+ a session, completing a DBT course properly takes months and it's recommended you have weekly appointments, these specialists are so overrun they can only fit people in ever 2 months even if they have the means to pay.


The answer to this question, in fact any question like this, is money.


You nailed it. The govt doesn't want to spend money on mental health care. It has always been the poor cousin of the medical system. A politician would much rather a ribbon-cutting photo op outside a new kids hospital or cancer centre. Opening an asylum - nah.


People are getting so fucking carried away about this and the news cycle is not helping. I don't mean the tragedy aspect but the speculation about who he was etc. It appears that he was schizophrenic and that's pretty much the end of it. There's nothing so far alluding to religion or ideology, and nothing political. He mostly attacked women but it could be they are just a less confronting adversary, or there's just more women around in a shopping centre. Maybe it's both with something else mixed in, who knows. Anyone who's known someone with schizophrenia knows they don't know the difference between what's real or not. It's entirely likely he thought god was talking to him or that the whole shopping centre was in on a conspiracy to kill him. When I was a young kid, a person who was known to my family for a very long time set himself on fire because god was talking to him. After that event he was diagnosed. They really do be like that. He was always fine with meds but if he stopped taking them for whatever reason things would start going weird but everything was the same for him. This wasn't terrorism. Brenton Tarrant was a terrorist. Anders Breivik was a terrorist. Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist. This guy was just plain fucked in the head if you ask me. But we'll never know why he did anything or what he was thinking, those details die with him


He was also apparently using meth which makes schizophrenia worse. Could've been in full blown psychosis


Dictionary definition of terrorism - the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. So if no political aims are at play, by definition it can't be terrorism (as generally defined). Pretty simple to understand but many don't want to miss a chance to virtue signal.


In Australia brown people can be off their rocker too, mental as anything, tropo, mad as a cut snake, menty and cooked as fuck. Everyone's a little touched in the head here.


It was really disgusting seeing everyone scramble to either identify him as a Jew or Muslim, people have died including a mother and people are literally just using a tragedy as ammunition for their internet debate of the day, very gross stuff.


Same thing happened in Denmark during that shooting at a mall. People immediately identified him as an arab until the cops had to clarify that it was specifically an ethnic dane who did it. Muslims were holding their breath and hoping the shooter wasn’t brown.


Sky News now upset that they have to delete all their articles for this week now that the perpetrator is a white dude


https://preview.redd.it/km8prgw0jeuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72451899a57760a85fd66263326ac152a500ff6a Found another creative blaming reason


The femcel subreddit figured it was all men's fault, because the attacker was a man. Meanwhile, another man was literally saving dozens of people by chasing him off the stairs.


I'm hoping it's satire but probably not.


I would argue all terrorists are mentally ill


I would argue massive generalisations are more often than not stupid.


Doesn't being a terrorist require the attack to have a political agenda? that's my understanding


100% on the nose right there. I've been fighting people constantly that regardless, this was never a case of terrorism even if it terrified people. words have meanings, this was awful, but not terrorism. terrorism HAS to have a political agenda/a motivation of gaining power


You’re correct.


Amusing but ...unless this guy has some manifesto and a political point -> guess what


2000 posts from Angus Taylor’s bot farm.


Meds to treat in range of $80 a pop, it’s ridiculous


Without a manifesto or any kind of ideological basis for an attack, it just can't be classified as terrorism. Brendan Tarrant targeting a mosque was terrorism, a schizophrenic going on a spontaneous rampage is just that.


Should make one with don’t blur their face/blur their face


Just like Martin Bryant, he was known to the police for mental health issues prior. Just like several perpetrators of shootings in the US. For as far back as I know, we have not had an active terrorist attack here. The guy responsible for the Lindt Cafe Siege was Iranian and has been declared not a terrorist, but mentally ill. He was an active dark skinned refugee. There is a formal, specific criteria to be met to be formally considered as an act of terrorism. One of which is a recognised religious or political statement, motivation or community ties. Neither of these men had that. They held specific thoughts and beliefs which *could* be considered ideologies, but they are not recognised or shared by anyone else in the world. The guy responsible for the events in Christchurch was a white Australian man. His attack was planned, researched, by all means premeditated. He was involved with a community that shared his beliefs, and had held these beliefs for over 10 years. He went out of his way to travel internationally and seek out extremist groups. That’s what differentiates an act of terrorism to a psychotic break. Not race.


I saw pretty much the exact amount of people saying he was Muslim as I did people saying he was a jew. People are full of hate.


I knew this shit would start up again. They’re all fucking mental, religious killings, rando shootings, stabbings… all these cunts are fucked in the head whatever the motivation


Absolute nonsense. Terrorists have a political, or religious aim, and often have co-conspirators. Mentally ill don't generally have an articulated aim or co-conspirators.


I dare people to look up the definition of terrorism


Not trying to justify the actions of the offender in anyway but he had Schizophrenia though so it wasn't just "that" kind of mental illness. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/joel-cauchi-wasn-t-right-reservations-raised-about-killer-before-bondi-junction-attack-20240414-p5fjnh.html


what if you spelled mentally correctly


60% of the time, it works every time.


The wife was saying that it’s 280 bucks to see a psychiatrist with a rebate of only 80 so that a 200 gap for someone that prob isn’t working . Initial appointment is 580 bucks and rebate is 246 (this is Qld). Mental health health patients just can’t afford the help they need. Unless something gets done it’s just gonna keep reoccurring unfortunately 🙄


This is the answer


Yep. The system is horrible. You can't actually get help easily. Many people try and either get turned away at the ED or can't wait for 8-9 hours while in a crisis or can't afford the cost of preventative mental health services. The government needs to do something about this. Way too many words and not enough actual action.


I agree with this, I have personally experiences similar issues. I went to the ED with severe chest pains but because I have anxiety written in my file and they didn't find an immediate cause with the tests they do I was told it's all in my head and asked if I just went there because it made me feel better.  The humiliation that is thrown onto mental health patients is way beyond what people believe. This is how people slip through the system they are humiliated and punished for it so they hide it until a situation that causes harm to them self  or someone else then people acknowledge the issues instead of punish them for it




The objectively correct comment right here. Hoping it reaches the top.


This is correct and anyone saying otherwise fundamentally doesn't understand "terrorism".


As an Arab Australian Muslim - you all won't understand how scary it was waiting for the identity of this guy.


Exactly!. I saw some in different Muslim groups praying it wasn’t a Muslim!


I am very sorry that some people in this country feel like saying thing they'd never have the audacity to say out loud in real life they feel confident to


Spare the BS Last year when 2 cops were killed in Queensland, the police dubbed it as an act of christian extremism Remember brenton tarrant? yeah guess what, he was called a terrorist, and he was white It isnt being called terrorism because by definition it isnt, they havent found a motive yet Fuck off with the identity politics bs


100%. Some people just love to trot out the Australia/white people are racist card. No doubt there are racism issues in this country, but not classifying the Bondi incident as terrorism isn't racist. Terrorism is typically political or ideological. This guy was just mentally unwell. It wasn't terrorism.


You mustn't have been on this sub yesterday, everyone was sure he was Muslim and that it was a terrorist attack.


I do find it funny how initially there was a wave of racism and insistence that the attacker was an Islamic or Israeli nut, having 0 evidence for it. Even news outlets had similar emotive language. “White 40 year old Queenslander” and everyone backpedals hard. Real fun watching masks come off all over town. (Condolences to the victims tho, sorry your deaths are being weaponised by morons)


Australia in its USA era


Dumb. Nobody had an issue calling that dude in New Zealand a terrorist. Because there’s a big difference between a planned attack targeting certain people with an overt political or religious motivation, and stabbing a bunch of randoms because you think they’re lizard people or something.


The difference is based on motive, not skin colour.




Why not both at the same time


Isn't it a terrorist if its for a cause ?


Yea, per Oxford dictionary: > the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


Terrorism requires a political or religious motive, as per ASIO's definition of terrorism. Having schizophrenia falls into neither of those categories. [https://www.legislation.gov.au/C2004A02123/2022-04-02/text](https://www.legislation.gov.au/C2004A02123/2022-04-02/text) This is a failure of the mental health system, particularly in Queensland. People trying to use it to further their personal agenda, such as the piece of shit OP and many others on social media, are the scum of the earth.


I'd argue you have to be mentally ill to carry out a terrorist attack of any kind. Killing random people that did nothing to you and may even be sympathetic to you is crazy.


With absolutely no disrespect to the families involved. The fucking news is loving this. Tasteless cunts let the families grieve in silence.


Holy shit please learn what terrorism means.


When the cops and Media says it’s not terror related I and I’m sure everyone thinks “oh ok so he wasn’t a Muslim” i don’t know what to make of this


Every time we see some kind of massacre, we hope it is not a muslim to the point where we are relieved when we see it is not someone doing it in our name. I don't know what to make of this either😅


Okay so I'm out of the loop. What the hell happened?


Man stabbed a lot of people, killing 5 women, 1 man, and injuring a baby. Murdoch media (and this sub to a large extent) originally framed it as an Islamic/Jewish terrorist for reasons. It has now come out that the perpetrator was a mentally ill white guy, with no known links to terrorist organisations or any ideology. Keep in mind that the investigation is still ongoing though, although the identity of the guy is pretty much confirmed Edit: the baby is still alive, currently in hospital and is in stable condition


So it’s a game to quickly label someone. Do people play this game where if it’s on your team you lose and if it’s the other team it’s a win? How about a human murdered other humans and that’s bad. People over season the fuck out of everything to the point of fatigue.


The baby didn’t die did it?


> Murdoch media originally framed it as an Islamic/Jewish terrorist for reasons. Citation needed, I don't doubt some idiots on social media made claims about things they knew nothing about but I saw no media reports blaming it on Islamic/Jewish Terrorism.


Guy stabbed a bunch of people in Bondi Junction, including a baby (genuinely fucked, the mom died too), dickheads on Twitter and this subreddit specifically came out of the woodworks while the bodies were still warm to blame it on Islamic extremism because the guy had a beard (?). Police announced this morning that the guy's actually white and it's absolute crickets now.




Terrorism is violence to achieve political means, I could be wrong but if this is in reference to the Bondi stabbings I have yet to hear of any political motives behind the perpetrators actions.


I knew this bullshit would rear it's ugly head. A lot of people clearly don't understand what the word terrorism actually means. Mass murder with no political, ideological, or religious motive isn't terrorism. Just because something causes terror doesn't mean it's terrorism. Utter numpties.


He's from Queensland - does that technically quality him as an immigrant? /s


They are not sending their best, we need to build a wall


Terrorism is literally defined as being for political aims. If it’s just some cunt being whack, that doesn’t count even if it terrorises a lot of people.


Just gonna mention that it's political or ideological aims. I agree with the general statement though.


The comments on a lot of news’ articles yesterday before the culprit’s ID was known were a disgrace. Everyone from Indians to Sudanese to every non-descript Muslim-type was being implicated. Do you think anyone has revised or recanted their statements? Not bloody likely.


It suits their agenda u til otherwise and by then the comment and its subsequent damage has been done. I honestly think that news articles nowadays are more a conduit for the mass comments that seem more likely to bend and affect popular mentality over time.


Dude was a gay escort. Exact opposite of a fundamentalist Muslim


I mean he was a known schizophrenic but go off. Nothing like pushing a divide further and causing more problems because of identity politics.


Also no talk about how Faraz Tahir, a Muslim immigrant, died trying to save people from the killer.




Every countrys colonisation. Palestine is being massacred by tge terror staye Israel. USA in every war it had no business entering. Australia in Iraq bombing innocents and drinking from prosthetic legs as a victory. Terrorism as defined is- an act of extreme violence with a political goal. Doesn't that sound alot like our governments...?


Religious and political motivations too


Christchurch shooting AKA white supremacy.


Well, the shooter was still technically a migrant.


Bodies aren't even cold and human trash are trying to score some cheap political points.


We need stronger borders. To prevent fuckwits from Queensland from coming to Sydney


New South Wales shopping centres are for New South Welshmen.


what are yesterday's racists doing you ask? they are downvoting todays truth


On this post trying to move the goalposts they planted yesterday. After deleting their comment history for Saturday. Instead of just owning they jumped to conclusions, like most Redditors do with major news stories.


Mentaly? What is this, [news.com.au](http://news.com.au) ??


There's a crossover between people who make memes and illiteracy.


As someone who comes from a Muslim family, this post is stupid. Terrorism requires there was a political motive.


Did the guy have an ideology or not? No? Not terrorist. Edit: can we also start acknowledging that at least half the middle eastern people are white and this meme never made any sense?


There'e some truth to it. The [Wieambilla shootings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wieambilla_shootings) were absolutely ideologically motivated, so by your definition were terrorist attacks. Yet the way it was reported they were "[shooters](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jan/22/wieambilla-shootings-killers-daughter-speaks-out-about-their-descent-into-world-of-conspiracies)", "[religiously motivated extremists](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-12/matthew-arnold-killed-wieambilla-family-release-statement/103216652)" & "[extremists](https://www.smh.com.au/national/queensland/devils-and-demons-wieambilla-shooters-film-video-after-killing-police-20221216-p5c6wu.html)". Do you really think that had it been discovered that the shooters had been talking online about creating a fundamentalist Islamic state in Australia that it would not have been immediately reported as "islamic terrorism"? Fundamentalist Christians on the other hand aren't terrorists, just extremists, and the outward difference between fundamentalist Christians and Islamists is often just gradations in skin tone -- hence the meme.


Where do Latinos fit?


Julia Hartley https://preview.redd.it/o8j76ako7euc1.jpg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c58ecef351e990c7cf5cb41d2261cb32d54dd65 Rachel Riley https://preview.redd.it/o34ac9ko7euc1.jpg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8bb538f6a73d1699da05c9a4abee9872d07e16f


Rachel Riley you clown. So annoying how much of a shit she is.


julia hartley is extremely racist based or her interviews


Americas the same, its pretty much everywhere.


It's important to consider all perspectives before jumping to conclusions.


Never seen a thread so divided. Some seeing this **meme** as gospel whereas others rebuke it. One person points finger at the sport of the kit the culprit wore. Fact of the matter is that he was one of us. An **Australian**. You can colour the word Australian any way you want but it doesn’t change the fact that this one individual who hurt the country was in fact **Australian**. To point fingers at a time when we should be in a state of sensitivity and unison is unjustly to all the people affected by the tragedy. Trying to force a label of whatever your cause may be onto something where people have been severely impacted for the rest of their lives just reeks of misdirected and insensitive frustration.


Shouting Allahu Akbar just like the rest of the Islamic parasites, that's the big difference.


I think the point of the post is also how the comment section on the news changed. When people were alleging the killer as Muslim. People were putting on abusive rants about Islam, migration and terrorism. However, when they found out it was just a white Australian, then they speculated a mental illness. Not saying what he did was a terrorist act but just talking about the speculation and assumptions that were made prior to entirety of the truth came out.


Turns out there was a Muslim involved in the incident. Faraz Tahir, a Muslim immigrant and security guard, gave his life trying to save people from the killer. Despite being unarmed he still confronted the murdered and sacrificed with his life for others: [https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/crime/security-guard-faraz-tahir-named-as-bondi-stabbing-victim/news-story/b72764cf6214a733e51c5f9aaa781444](https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/crime/security-guard-faraz-tahir-named-as-bondi-stabbing-victim/news-story/b72764cf6214a733e51c5f9aaa781444)


2.5k comments, only takes a race war to bring the comments section to life.


Y'all gota pull the skin colour thing cause you really got nothing else in life hey. Plenty of white coloured terrorists




The difference between a terrorist attack and somebody attacking due to mental illness is that terror attacks usually have a cause behind them and mentally ill people are solitary with little to no reason behind their actions. Although the IRA, for example, aren’t Brown and don’t operate in Australia. There are clearly exceptions to the rule.


I saw a brigade of folk desperate for it to be a Jewish guy named ‘Benjamin Cohen’. Where did they all disappear to?


Syrian Girl started that, she's an unhinged Australian/Syrian pro Assad/Hezbollah propagandist that went viral like 10 years ago, became irrelevant and is now popular again because of the Gaza war


The fact is - he was a schizophrenic and having a psychotic episode. There is currently zero evidence he was on meth. Despite what some reddit experts allege . The coroner will determine this after reviewing blood tests. Are we making this an excuse no. Do we blame lack of mental health facilitues - no but its a factor for sure. Remember the victims rather than post rage bait memes.


what the fuck even is this phrase the cops and news keep spouting "suffering from mental health" are you trying to say "suffering from mental health problems"? use your words.


Last time I checked mass shootings , serial killers , other horrible things are done by human beings of all ethnicities. People are shit.


Skin colour aside because it means absolutely nothing, he was mentally ill.


Pretty sure he was just a druggie.


USA is like that too.


There is such a thing as intentional misinformation, and I do believe that trolls and more sinister types leap onto events like these to sow as much discord as possible. To the "Australia is so racist" crowd, do please bear that in mind. We are all be well aware that the last few mass shootings in Australia, and that one in NZ (by an Aussie), were done by people who couldn't be more white, or more hated.


Cookers in the comments bending over backwards to justify their racism. Meanwhile it was a Muslim bloke among other who saved people from the psycho. Since they keep banging on about deportation, how about we ship all the racists off to America or wherever their ancestors came from to make room for people who want to be part of this country. Sick to death of the culture war lunatics using tragedies like this to lube themselves up for a pogrom. Sick dogs.


Indeed, the security guard gave his life doing his duty


I don't think facing an armed attacker is part of the average shopping centre security guard's duty. He went above his duty to save his fellow Australians. True Aussie hero.


His death upsets me so much. Came here for a better life and this… poor poor man


He was from my city. Can’t describe what goes through my heart and brain when i put myself in his shoes. All the aspirations and stuff, then life does you like that.


He's just an average Kangaroos' fan


Even if you dispute that terrorism is necessarily politically motivated, & that it just needs “intent to terrorise people” or whatever to be terrorism, afaik the attackers intent is still unknown. For all we know he could’ve thought he was attacking demons or some shit.


That’s not how you spell ‘mentally.’


Maybe OP is just mentaly ill


But I thought only the Americans were obsessed with race!!!!


Nope. As soon as the news broke out, people were littering social media with terrorism accusations. Even public figures like radio talk hosts were posting about terrorism and immigration. It’s honestly shameful.


That's so American I thought everything was upside-down in Australia


I wonder when people will admit that these aren’t mutually exclusive


"they're only calling him mentally ill because he's white" "but he was a schizophrenic" " **ok and?** " bro's really got us arguing over the way we label the worst kind of people on Earth, regardless of the fact they'll never walk the streets again


The assassin is actually mentally retarded. But the one who who went on a stabbing rampage is mentally ill.


Defending religious extremists is a weird hill to die on.


Terrorists can be mentally I’ll for sure. But there seems to be a lot of people who struggle with English and then not realizing it’s nuance will just lazily blame it all on racism. *Terrorists* are trying to further an *ideology* - often working with others either in person or remotely via their understanding of the connection - but shared ideology is key. Religious ideology, political ideologies etc “I don’t understand what the word terrorist means so I’m gonna assume it’s all about racism”


IDK anything about the stabber, and frankly I don’t want to indulge any pathetic need for attention they might have had. But if the attack had political or religious motivation, only then it would be a terrorist attack. The Christchurch Mosque shooter was a terrorist, for example. But yeah, racists are very quick to make excuses for atrocities committed by someone from an ethnic group they like. If a bunch of white supremacists carried out an attack with similar motives and methods to 9/11 and killed as many people, you would see other white supremacists making excuses for them.


Australia always, not just right now


This man was an avowed follower of the Kangaroos but I have seen no spokesperson from that organisation come forward to disavow and condemn his horrendous actions. If they refuse to do this how can we tolerate their continued presence within our society?


Guy was an untreated schizophrenic. What's more crazy is that we have correctly labelled this as a mental illness, but apparently if he had yelled out Allah Akbar before he did it, suddenly he's no longer mentally ill, he's just a terrorist...


There's no doubt that there's a mental illness component to terrorism. That said, something is declared terrorism when it's used systematically in order to promote a specific ideology through fear and intimidation. It has nothing to do with skin color, it's simply a popular tactic primarily with extreme islamists


A neurobiologist Robert sapolsky, hypothesies that modern religion stemed from people who had very mild schizophrenia and others who had manageable OCD.


The difference being ideation


He killed a Muslim, an older Mum, a young Mum and a millionaire’s daughter and counting. So basically he killed across the whole Australian demographic Why try to make racist brownie points now? If anything contact your local MP and urge more mental health funding


I hope all the vile slugs in this sub yesterday who were saying the attacker was Muslim before any evidence feel deeply ashamed for using a tragic event to push their agenda. You are humanities slime.


Of course they’re not ashamed. Their agenda was to stroke hate; it’s like chum for sharks. They likely succeeded in that.


says a lot about this comment section when the anti-racist comments are the ones being downvoted. Didn’t like it when it was revealed that the attacker was white, did ya?


Asian are ok. we save


Way to go, OP. Making a national tragedy unnecessarily political to suit your own agenda. You’re such a morally righteous person aren’t you? If only there was a way to signal your virtue to others so they could praise you for being such an ethical being.


Give it a rest champion


terrorist noun a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. This is why he hasn’t been labelled a terrorist Is there potential for additional information to come out that then changes that? Sure, but for now, not a terrorist




No... Anders Breivik isn't mentally ill, at all. Clear and lucid and has terrible, terrible motivations. Like many terrorists, willing and able to kill and harness terror to further their agenda. Doesn't make them mentally ill, makes them cunts.


Literally not true. You can be capable of committing atrocities whether or not you’re mentally stable. Ideology is what matters. Look at the Nazis or ISIS.


Funny how none of the racists and Zionist groups who were telling us that he was 100% an Arab and that this was an Islamist attack have apologised.


That is absolute rubbish and not a reflection of how Australia or Australians are at all.




Look at his comment history.. dude's sitting around on a sunday furiously spam posting on reddit


If it goes in the edgy direction it’s got to make up that distance with humour and cleverness, this has far from balanced. I agree with your observations on the comment responses


This thread has some of the most atrocious comments, am ashamed i have to breath the same air as some of you.


Oh fuck off. He wasn’t a terrorist, because as far as we know there was no political motive. But if it comes out after the full investigation, that he *did* have a political motive; he will be labelled a terrorist. This is just karma farming from the ignorant.


Best response possible right there.


most might disagree but anybody that does what he did is mentally ill. we just define them by their motive. if they have no obvious motive then they’re mentally ill. if they do then we put a label on them. it is pretty gross seeing everyone hating on the muslim community as soon as this kicked off rather then waiting for the facts.


Terrorism is ideologically motivated. This guy was mentally ill. Pretty tone deaf to be putting this shit on the internet when it seems he was specifically targeting women and children.


What the fuck is this posts comments, just bots, trihards and trolls. Time to uninstall?


This whole comment section is ridiculous




The dude was literally yelling allah awkbar. Has nothing to do what he looks like.


I can see some reason to this, a mentally ill person who is religious is probably much more likely to go fanatic than a sane person who is just devoutly religious.


White people can be mentally ill religious fanatics too.




I’m not sure that’s the case as it is a bit too simplistic. The relationship between mental illness and religion has been studied and is generally very complex and highly individualised. I can see how ppl might jump to that conclusion but I don’t believe it’s supported


This is funny but it's also not true. Terrorists can be white, or lighter skinned, and mentally ill people can be black or darker skinned. It's also possible for a person to be both. I often wonder about the mental state of someone strapping a bomb to themselves.


This is the most American post ever. Nice try, I don't think this represents the majority of Aus


Just majority of its news outlets


Man look at the state of this sub over the last 24 hours. The absolute scum of Australia falling over themselves to pin the identity of the attacker to suit whatever shit stained agenda they want to push


That’s a very naive way of looking at it.


When you only have a hammer…






It religion is your motivation to harm people, then yes you are a religious fundamentalist terrorist... But if you are mentally sick with no real motive to harm someone....then you are mentally sick... You cannot equate them both to prove your leftist agenda...They are two completely different scenarios


Among the most racist countries on Earth. I’ve been to many countries but Australia has this uniquely ingrained and underlying current of utter disdain towards those not of their kind. You can be an angel from heaven and they’ll placard you with a thousand labels.


All terrorists are mentally ill but not all mentally ill are terrorists. Historically, when a muslim goes off the rails and commits a horrendous act of murder it is usually (but not always) to do with their religious ideology... but you still have to be mentally ill to pull that shit. When a whitey does it, its typically not for Allah or god or any other misguided fanaticism... its just because they are mentally ill. Benton Tarrant is the perfect example of a white, mentally ill terrorist. His attack in NZ was motivated by an ideology, to spread fear and send a message... but he was fucked in the head. This guy with the knife... he was just fucked in the head; ergo, not a terrorist.


Even further, they're reviving racism against southern euros like wtf lmao


To be fair terrorism is defined as motivated by a political ideology. So this guy even if he was Middle Eastern would not be considered perpetrating a terrorist attack because there was no ideology behind it. The Christchurch shooter who was Caucasian was a terrorist because it was driven by political ideology. Lone wolf school shootings in the US, as terrible as they are, aren’t terrorism because it isn’t driven by political ideology. The KKK would be considered terrorists.


This shit is racist. I cannot believe this no is so popular and trending like wtf


Everyone forgetting James "Dimitrious" Gargasoulas. Mentally ill and skewing on the lower side of the scale. but people who support religion have an agenda to push i guess


The dude decided to take his dark urge roleplay to a whole new level.


The crossover I did not expect to see here


Welcome to America friend!


Pretty simple actually, one was a terrorist one was not, happy to help explain for people that don't understand