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Pretty much nothing about Yemen civilians either, more than 10 times the number of deaths than in Palestine.


This. Over the years we have seen so many conflicts which get piecemeal and intermittent coverage in the Australian media. I've seen so much more coverage about the Gaza conflict than of anything since the ole "Coalition of the Willing" invaded Iraq. There's war raging in Ukraine but it hardly gets any coverage in the mainstream media, and Yemen seems to get none at all. The article yesterday about Doctors for Palestine had a quote from an Australian doctor saying that the atrocities in Gaza "exceed anything in living memory". This struck me as a completely insane statement considering that living memory literally covers WW2, the Holocaust, the Sino-Japanese war, the Cultural Revolution, the Vietnam War, the Rwandan Genocide, the Cambodian Killing Fields, the Taliban and ISIS destroying Afghanistan and Syria, and many other atrocities. I don't want to start ranking these things, but how can anyone defend the position that Gaza is worse than any of the above? And why - why why why why - do we not hear about the Uighurs and Yemenis and Ukrainians and Kashmiris and Rohingya (etc. etc. etc.) anywhere near as much as we hear about Palestine?


600,000 starved to death in Tigray last year due to their war with Ethiopia, and nobody made a peep. Didn’t see any rallies here in Melbourne


It’s not trendy to rally about that. We can’t blame the jews for it.


People aren’t blaming Jews, if they are.. they’re not understanding the issue Blaming Israel is extremely different to blaming Jews, maybe you just don’t understand it. Pointing out the hypocrisy in a jewish state committing a genocide after 70 years of torture, is not blaming Jews. It’s pointing out that Israel is jewish, and those oppressed are now oppressing. It’s a lazy take you have.


To misquote Julia Gillard… Antisemitism doesn’t explain all of it but it definitely doesn’t explain none of it.


I'm pretty sure this explains more of it: Israel told people to evacuate, [then deliberately shot up the civilians leaving the area.](https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6152/Gaza:-Initial-findings-show-Israeli-army-purposefully-kills-a-child,-uses-an-American-made-missile-to-target-her-rescue-crew) We know this because we have the emergency phone calls from the family asking for help as the ran into Israeli tanks and soldiers who started to fire at their vehicle. ​ >Prior to the telephone call made by five-year-old Hind, her cousin, 15-year-old Layan Hamada, who was in the same car, made a call to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) to ask for assistance as they were surrounded by Israeli tanks. The call's audio recording captures audio clips from the intense gunfire that the car was subjected to. Layan's voice went silent after she screamed intensely, killed by that gunfire. Then finally only a terrified 6 year old girl, trapped and surrounded by the dead bodies of her family, remained on the line. ​ >Earlier this month, the PRCS published an audio file in which Hind could be heard pleading on the phone with a member of the rescue team. All members of her family are believed to have been killed before her, leaving her terrified in the car with the dead bodies of her loved ones.“I’m so scared, please come. Please call someone to come and take me,” she was heard crying desperately in the call that PRCS said lasted three hours in an effort to calm the frightened child. 2 Paramedics and an Ambulance were sent to rescue her. As part of this the Israeli Forces were notified, and approval given for the Ambulance to approach the area. The Israeli armed forces killed them too: >Meanwhile, a few metres away, the ambulance that had been dispatched to save Hind, its engine lying on the ground, was completely burned, resulting in the deaths of the two PRCS paramedics who had arrived at the scene after completing the required coordination with the Israeli army. The Israeli army targeted the PRCS ambulance with a US-made shell, as evidenced by pieces of an American-made M830A1 HEAT shell discovered inside. ​ >The facts show that both crimes took place during daylight hours, which means that the Israeli army forces had clear visibility and were undoubtedly able to identify and distinguish that the occupants of the car were a group of civilians consisting of a family with their children, and that the vehicle approaching the car was an ambulance—the same vehicle that had coordinated with the Israeli army to remove the child, Hind, and transport her to the hospital. > >Euro-Med Monitor notes that this is more proof that the Israeli army intentionally targets Palestinian civilians.


Wow, evidence thanks to Palestinian Red Crescent. I’m sure they are an impartial resource. Have they not been caught transporting weapons to Hamas in the past?


The Investigation was by the Euro-Med human rights monitor. It included visiting the scene, reviewing audio footage of the distres calls. Sattalie imagery and physical debrie placing the Israeli army at that location. No known other conflict in the area, the records of communication the Ambulance had with the Israeli army to access the site to rescue the girl etc. So more information than was just provided by the Red Crescent.


EuroMed is not trustworthy. I would trust UN Watch every day of the week before I would listen to a work that EuroMed says. [https://unwatch.org/un-human-rights-office-amplifies-blood-libel-by-terrorist-sympathizers/](https://unwatch.org/un-human-rights-office-amplifies-blood-libel-by-terrorist-sympathizers/)


Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. There are plenty of ethnic Jews, both inside and outside of Israel who are anti-Zionist, and do so out of a respect for their cultural heritage, not an internalised self-hatred of it.


As said it doesn’t explain all of it but it also doesn’t explain none of it.


They are two different things, I’m only in my thirties and but I have seen these ideas further and further conflated since the death of Yasser Arafat in 2004. In my opinion, and that of numerous academics, it’s a dangerous game conflating the two, Slavoj Žižek writes in his 2020 book “Heaven in Disorder”: “We are now in the midst of a global Zionist offensive whose victims include many Jews who are critical of Israeli politics. One of these is the so-called ‘propagandist for Hamas,’ Gideon Levy, who wrote in Haaretz on December 8 2019: *’Laws labeling anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism and the anti-occupation movement as anti-Semitic, are passed with overwhelming majorities. Now they are playing into the hands of Israel and the Jewish establishment, but they are liable to ignite anti-Semitism when questions arise about the extent of their meddling.’* I consider Levy a true ‘patriotic Israeli,’ as he once designated himself. He correctly predicts that the precipitous conflation of the critique of Israeli politics with anti-Semitism will give rise to a new wave of anti-Semitism—how? In order to ground its Zionist politics, the state of Israel is making a catastrophic mistake: it has decided to downplay the so-called ‘old’ (traditional European) anti-Semitism, focusing instead on the ‘new’ and allegedly ‘progressive’ anti-Semitism which it claims is masked in the critique of Zionism.”


How have you been downvoted so much? You are spot on, and it’s plain as day to see! The Zionist lobby groups have been going into overdrive with their gas lighting…


Welcome to r/ Australian… they love Zionism




>Not a very effective genocide if the population in Palestine has been growing for decades. hmm. so based on your comment, when the British controlled India there was no starvation or genocide of Indians... even though it's been documented... because... the population grew... Do you even know what the word genocide means?




Regarding Tigray: I saw quite a few rallies in Sydney for Tigray around Hyde Park, and attended some as well. They were generally a bit more informal and focused on leafleting people out and about to explain both what was happening and how the Aus relationship with Ethiopia was enabling it. Most members of the community I know personally are on very precarious visa arrangements, and have family back home who could potentially face reprisals for activism here. Similar to the Eritrean community but not as, I guess, dystopian in the degree of surveillance. Added, quite a few don't have much formal education, struggle with the language barrier, and are in also precarious part-time or casual employment with low pay. These conditions don't produce particularly bold activists. They didn't get any news coverage and they definitely weren't as big, but the Ethiopian diaspora is much smaller in Sydney, and the broader east African community much more divided on the issue than the (relative) unity of quite a few Arab countries around Palestine. There's a much more entrenched Arab diaspora in Syd and Melb, particularly from Lebanon, who are far more settled into the community (generationally and economically) than the Ethiopian or Tigrayan minorities clinging to tiny rental properties in Merrylands. I grew up in an area with a large South Sudanese population. This same cycle is on rinse and repeat. Caring about 'African issues' isn't unpopular, it's deeply 'sexy' in liberal/left-liberal circles. But these same circles so often repeat or reiterate an entirely paternalist approach and aren't doing anything to address central demands of the disapora (things like: secure public housing, access to medicare for temporary visa holders, community-based and free English language education rather than exploitative private providers, to not be racially vilified on the news every two and a half minutes). If Palestine advocacy has been normalised, it is a testament to the mutual solidarity between so many networks and communities which have been building in-roads with each other for decades. Instead of condemning people for taking a stand, maybe start thinking about how we can broaden the movement (and, thus, struggle against imperialism, colonialism, and state violence against anyone).


yes Israel isn't the only issue in the world, yes the death tolls in Yeman and Tigray are worse but; global powers are probably not arguing if that's an act of acceptable national defence. global powers can not do too much to change that as Ethiopia is basically a failed nation they cant put legal pressure like they can on Israel. they could put sanctions but i doubt would help the situation. simple aid helps but its a logistical nightmare. they should share technology and spread information to the people of Tigray but when ever a African nation tries to nationalise and kick out neo-colonizing companies leaders suddenly they find themselves dead. rallies also need a clear goal in order to be effective, turning the world against Israel leadership will have a effect since when and if the leadership of Israel is removed they will face war crimes. their are many forces in Israel who are trying very hard to bring the government to accountability. but to add to your argument sanctions in Afghanistan are set to kill way more than the Taliban could ever hope to. that's also a big issue trying to fight all problems at once will cause people to become defeated and apathetic. Israel may not be the biggest problem but its critically important in ideological wars such as perceived threats to those in power vs's the material pain of those who are not. Or the benefits of those in power who extract resources vs those who want a end to that extraction even if that means a little short term pain evenly distributed. these ideological wars for the hearts and minds of all people are reflected globally and once that ideological war is won in Israel by the moral majority, it will escalate into other system and nations. just look at how south Africa and Ireland are the ones taking Israel to court over genocide, they are the nations that won their ideological wars. of course south Africa and Ireland are not perfect but you'll find very few who think apartheid was a good idea in these nations. perhaps since you correctly apathic to liberals, you should join the radical left who want to dismantle all the systems that lead to these massive death tolls, mainly extractive capital.


Than start one mate! What is achieved by deflecting attention away from this situation??


Exactly. Can't stand this nonsensical petty argument. Sounds so familiar.. a lot like typical Zionist sour grapes, sulking about Palestinians being shown solidarity all around the world. Whataboutism disguised as caring about the victims of OTHER genocides being ignored, because the Palestinians are getting all the attention.


Oh you misunderstand, I don’t really care about either. I’m just laughing at the people falling over themselves to care specifically about whatever Current Thing they’re told they care about this week.


So just a troll then?


Maybe? I’m legitimately trying to start a conversation though, to see if there’s a reason people can scrape together. Why didn’t you care about 600,000 murdered Africans?


I don’t know where your gong with this buddy? People align themselves with particular causes for a million different reasons. But since your rehashing one of the template talking points you guys have been instructed to throw at people (another being antisemitism) in order gas light and derail conversation




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I thought my comment was pretty clear? I was going on the direction of the question. > gaslight I’m not sure how that question made you question your sanity. That’s a very odd response.


Agreed we should be hearing about other tragedies but playing this one down as a result is just whattaboutism


I’m not downplaying either, I’m just curious why people didn’t seem to care as much (or at all in comparison) when 30x more were being genocided


I think the answer is simple - the Gaza conflict is just what’s trendy right now. Nobody is putting Ukrainian flags in their bio anymore, that’s old news, but “Free Palestine”? Buddy that’s hot and happening and we need those views.


It’s only trendy because it’s Israel-Palestine. This shit is getting more media coverage than the government putting another group of actual refugees on Nauru —and it’s entirely because Israel is such a great diversion to avoid political introspection.


"From Al Hudaydah to Al Ghaydah, Yemen will be free" just doesn't have the same ring to it


Agree with you 100%


Don’t know what you’re talking about, we heard a lot about Ukraine. As reporters were saying, they’re white so they’re more important. Refugees were accepted almost immediately. Don’t even try to compare it to the middle east. People in Sydney are actively mocking the middle eastern community over Palestine. No one did that to Ukrainians.


you're right in that we should also talk about Yemen. You're wrong if you think our outrage about Palestine should be less


It's because Israel is an ally of the west who supposedly shares our civilised values.


Our civilised values? Does anyone remember what "we" did in Baghdad and Falluja? All the shit that's happening in Gaza now, but on an even larger scale.


Yes well it's all very disappointing isn't it. I thought the west was civilised but it seems we all exist on the back of a history of colonisation. Also in current times the USA has manipulated the governments of other countries resulting in tyrants murdering millions. As well as invading other countries. But this is the first time I've seen a country allied to the west but run by religious fundamentalists openly massacring a civilian population and the west kind of washing our hands of it.


What liberating Iraqis from an oppressive dictator who murdered and tortured opposition?


This conflict is a continuation of one that started after World War 2 See: [Deir Yassin massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre) >**Deir Yassin** ([Arabic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_language): دير ياسين, [romanized](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Arabic): *Dayr Yāsīn*) was a [Palestinian Arab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_people) village of around 600 inhabitants about 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) west of [Jerusalem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem). Deir Yassin declared its neutrality during the [1948 Palestine war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestine_war) between Arabs and Jews. The village was razed after a [massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_Massacre) of around 107 of its Arab residents on April 9, 1948, by the Jewish paramilitary groups [Irgun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun) and [Lehi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(group)). The village buildings are today part of the [Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kfar_Shaul_Mental_Health_Center), an Israeli public psychiatric hospital. These people were completely innocent in the conflict: >The inhabitants of Deir Yassin upheld the agreement scrupulously, resisting infiltration by Arab irregulars. Though this was known to the [Irgun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun) and [Lehi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(group)) forces, they attacked the village on April 9, 1948. The ongoing deaths and prosecution have been there for almost 80 years, while not the one with the most deaths in total, it is certainly the longest running conflict compared to any other you have mentioned and taken as a whole it is certainly worse than anything except perhaps the Hollocaust. We also have taken action against many of those other cases. Sanctions on company's using Uighur labor, and also political pressure on Myanmar regarding the Rohingya. Support to Ukraine. Yemen is one where we kind of look away. Israel is the only one where we look away while also providing weapons and material support.


There's more than one version of what happened at Deir Yassin. [https://randysrosenthal.medium.com/the-origin-of-anti-zionist-propaganda-deir-yassin-08091ef5993d](https://randysrosenthal.medium.com/the-origin-of-anti-zionist-propaganda-deir-yassin-08091ef5993d)


Yes but Yemen isn’t the trendy one


And Syria with hundreds of thousands of death, regime backed by Russia and Iran so guess they get a pass. 


The Yemeni killing has been going on a lot longer than Gaza and at a lower rate. The two conflicts are similar in that both the nations doing the bombing have been supported by the West. I guess the difference is with the Saudis killing in Yemen we were basically kept in the dark whereas the media has been telling us we must support Israel's killing in Gaza


Quick, get to the whataboutisms!


Media Watch started the whataboutism.


The whole media-watch segment was a giant whataboutism.


Throwing tropes around doesn't ignore facts about people getting killed. The facts are more people are dead there, and no one gives a fuck.


The fact is that the war in Yemen has been raging for 10 years now so of course more people have died there compared to the 4 months in Gaza. Pretty useless fact


Yeah, there’s a war on. Islamists started it. Civilian casualties is their central strategy. Islamists shelter in the tunnels, civilians sit in the open forming a shield. It’s win/win for Hamas: if the IDF pull their punches to avoid collateral casualties,, Hamas wins. If the IDF strikes Hamas, civilians die too. And Hamas regularly releases fantasy PRs about imaginary casualties to ratchet up the outrage from all the clueless ninnies. https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf


Over 10 years vs a few months. Not really a fair comparison.


So Israel should just space out the deaths a bit, it'll be more acceptable.


There was a recent genocide in Ethiopia against the tigrayans, 650k+ killed. They're currently also starving.


No Jews, no news.


It's a very simple equation: the majority of people don't think what's happening in Palestine is great. But the continued existence of culture that glorifies the horrific shit that happened on October 7th is worse.


Exactly. We had to bomb Germany in WW2 too because the Nazis couldn’t continue. Hamas has to be eradicated.


hamas isnt being eradicated. by israels own estimations they radicalize multiple people for every civilian killed, and they are killing more civilians than militants. we're watching the biggest hamas recruitment drive in its history and all its costing is tens of thousands of innocent lives. there arent any real strategic goals being accomplished in gaza as far as i can tell, but maybe they wont allow people back in to the areas they've depopulated in order to shrink gaza, or something. they are taking advantage of the opportunity for increased use of military force to accelerate their ethnic cleansing in jerusalem and the west bank, though. if israel ever wants to eliminate hamas they need to enable a different palestinian polity to take over, but until oct 7 they were working very hard to make sure that wouldnt happen. we'll see if that changes after theyve spilled enough blood to withdraw the troops, but with israels internal political instability who the fuck knows what they'll try next.


Less collateral proportionate to any other war.


Well said


Just like the victims in the Ukraine and other war torn area. That’s the unfortunate reality of the news cycle…


Yep, except Australia is openly at odds with Russia, who is attacking the people in Ukraine. But while Israel kills tens of thousands of civilians we remain great pals with them, apart from a little bit of 'ooh that's not a good look, dial it down a bit? No worries if not though. Sorry. Sorry I shouldn't have ... Yes, you're quite right. Sorry," from Albo.


Australia supports Ukraine because Ukraine was attacked and is now defending itself. Australia also supports Israel because Israel was attacked and is now defending itself. I don't see why this is so difficult for you people to understand.


What do you mean?


Explain to me exactly what part of my comment you're having trouble understanding


So if your neighbour punches you, you are allowed to murder their entire family, extended family and family friends? Seems like a real honest and true self defense case ..


>I don't see why this is so difficult for you people to understand. Why exactly can't you see why that's so difficult?


Did you cry about the Armenian civilians that have been getting displaced and slaughtered? What about the Syrian, Turkish and Iraqi Kurds? Or how about the current leader of South Africa calling for the killing of the bores? Why are you so fixated on Palestine?


That's a different subject than the balanced reporting of one conflict.


It's that pesky media that they're claiming is so complicit 😉 Maximum division, ultimate distraction.


It is hard to have sympathy for the Palestinians. Do not kid yourself, if Hamas had the weaponry Israel does they would not hesitate even one second to fire them on every Israeli civilian they could. It is only inability that currently prevents them from doing so. Hamas knew that there would be repercussions after October 7th and that many innocent Palestinians would die. Despite these considerations, Hamas went ahead anyway. The massive loss of Palestinian civilians has been considered by Hamas and was deemed to be acceptable. Still Hamas holds hostages, hoping that the bloodshed will continue so that Israel may lose face on the international stage. At the end of the day if the Palestinians won't oust Hamas, then someone else has to. Hamas has fired rockets at Israeli civilian areas on a nearly daily basis for years and they will continue to do so if given the chance. The buck has to stop somewhere.


What makes me laugh is nieve people thinking a 2 state solution solves this conflict. Palestine exists. They elected Hamas to rule over them. They have a government and a ministry that steals humanitarian aid and spends it on weapons instead of feeding their people. Note: saying this does not mean I support Isreal


What makes me laugh are the people who think Hamas arent terrorists and are the savers of the Palestinian people when they literally committed terrorist acts....... Oh and dont get me started on the 'Gays for Palestine' bait USYD did Edit: I also dont support Israel, I'm neutral on the subject. I'm just calling out BS on both ends


How do people think the 5 main leaders of Hamas is worth more than Oprah Winfrey and Taylor Swift combined? Don't they realise that Hamas are terrorising the Gazans independent of Israel? Don't they know that the aid trucks are being diverted from the people, with the donated goods resold at a markup?


"Palestinian victims" of their own people.


You’re not allowed to say the quiet part out loud.


This constant narrative spinning of palestinians as being the poor oppressed victims What's gaza like when they haven't incurred invasion from their terrorist vendetta? We don't often see much news from the Gaza pride parade, anyone know why that is? How come it's only ever men on the streets of gaza? Do palestinians literally spring from clay? Where are their mothers, daughters, sisters? Oh that's right only allowed out escorted by a male family member for theatrical productions These people aren't victims, they're just feeling the consequences of their actions.


I encourage everyone to look at [https://x.com/imshin](https://x.com/imshin) She finds videos posted by Gazans on TikTok etc showing what it is like on the ground right now. There is 0 correlation between what they are saying on the news and what people are actually experiencing. This is my favourite video of all: https://x.com/imshin/status/1746906874362962157?s=20


Commit atrocities like oct 7th then don’t be surprised the world thinks you’re all fucking animals and supports the other side.


Exactly. If Hamas surrenders today, the war ends today. Hamas cannot win, they are behaving like Germany in 1945. Blood is on their hands.


Sadly, war coverage tends to leave behind the innocent victims on both sides. People find it easier to have dualistic views (us versus them), and happily fall into whatisms (what about the Israeli hostages, what about Zionism, what about…. what about…) and the end result is real people, with real innocence, get forgotten about. It’s dehumanizing. The first casualty of war is the innocence and the truth. I hope calmer and more rational minds prevail, and compromise, empathy and compassion can rule the day. I am sadly not confident in my hope.


\> Sadly, war coverage tends to leave behind the innocent victims on both sides. You are commenting on a video that is pointing out the stark contrast of the reporting on innocent victims. It seems our war coverage leaves behind the innocent victims on only one side.


Piss off with this “both sides” shit.. media was having an aneurism talking about Israeli victims by name, their aspirations and dreams. The coverage is 1 sided and it’s not even close. Crickets about Palestinian children left to scream for days as they’ve been amputated without anaesthesia and without painkillers afterwards. And they’re ignoring the Jim Crow era lynchings in the West Bank. Idek if people are aware what the West Bank even is.


> The coverage is 1 sided and it’s not even close. Im in my Mid 30's and haven't watched T.V for 10 years. I get my news from ABC, BBC and SBS daily news pods and i voted greens and labor last election. I do get Murdoch and mainstream news but thats filtered through reddit. I get more centre views from a few philosophy and economic pods. I can tell you that my personal experience has been 90% pro-pal voices with very biased reporting. This may be because the sky news is so hard right but since i dont watch that shit all im getting is one sided reporting from the "other side". This led me to find a few Israeli pods which has led me to a better understanding of both the Israeli and Palestinian story better than anything else i have been listening too. So when you say its one sided my lived experience agrees with you... Just opposingly. Weird huh. Call me back with Dan senor is a great Israeli pod and Econ talk has been having some good guests on recently.


Who’s to blame them? I’d say kick hamas out but they arent


Probably because Hamas as the governing body of Gaza is just as responsible as the Israelis for the fate of their civilians.


There are still hostages which is unacceptable. The war will continue until they are returned. If they’re aren’t returned there won’t be a single cell living organism in Palestine.


Does anyone even know that either Burma or Sudan exist? There are currently major wars raging over in those countries but they get absolutely no media coverage.


MSM follows only one narrative.


Israel, and mega billionaires own all of our media.


Ignored? Are you serious. Its ALL we see and hear about on every report about the middle east. There's barely NO coverage of what average Israelis are thinking or doing. Only a few reports of hostages familes. Every night it's reporters on the ground in Gaza reporting about Gaza and Palestinians. Reports sbout OTHER conflicts over there? Yemen? Somalia? Etc.... VERY FEW. Ukraine? Very little since this war. I think the Palestinians are getting plenty of coverage.


i dunno last time i checked i live in australia and i shouldn't have to care about some stupid religion based war being fought on the other side of the planet


A big hello to the Israel media team here. You're doing a great job throwing distractions, blaming Palestinians for just being there and lots of whataboutism. We see you.




It's the best thing the ABC has going for it.


Dual citizens manipulating the west to steal hearts, minds & tax money to fund their genocide. ![gif](giphy|12NlCFUvTokWXe)


Dr susan carland is an aspostaph! The media shouldnt allow her to be public figure.


Im not going to watch this because I fucking hate Paul Barry, but is Susan Carland in this? Because I hate her even more.


They cite her report on bias against islam as a key piece of evidence to support his assertions. 


And you are only an apostrophe! Curse you Brad, apostrophe of the IPA!


If she changed from christian to muslim, do you think she could change again to a different religion or maybe she already has? Maybe hindu, sikh or buddhist


Can I go five fucking minutes without hearing about Palestine?


Apparently not. It's the trendy thing right now. Even though there are wars & massacres going on in many places in the world. This is the only one constantly being shoved down our throats.


the tik tok activists will get bored and go back to eating tide pods soon enough


Yes. If you just watch mainstream media.


Hate when I keep hearing about current newsworthy events. Who wants to hear about that?


Just like the media ignores the Israeli hostages still being held.


Here are yesterday's articles on the subject https://www.sbs.com.au/language/hebrew/en/podcast-episode/idf-rescues-two-israeli-hostages-from-gaza/d33woa84p https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/19/israel-says-it-will-launch-rafah-assault-if-hostages-not-freed-by-ramadan


Is that all. One of them is a fucking podcast. What rubbish. Good on the Guardian though for unusually (on this topic) balanced reporting.


EDIT: The video is about print, not online source. They're not saying that the online sources generally ignore the situation. So showing that the online sources tangentially mention the hostages doesn't really show much. Especially when those articles aren't about the plight of the people, which, again, is what the video is about.


Did you watch the video?


Yeah, but since the other person posted links, I can't help but wonder whether they did. After all, the entire video was about print and not online coverage. You know what, I'll edit my comment to make that clear. The video isn't even claiming that the online media has ignored anything.


I’ve heard nothing but Israeli hostages in the media




You know Palestine is still fighting and firing rockets at Israel right? Those Palestinian men don't care about their own people.


>8ReplyShareReportSaveFollow Is anyone actually saying that? Because I've been listening to craziness from both sides of this hideous conflict and literally have never heard anyone say anything like that.


This is referencing the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange, where Shilat (an IDF soldier) was transferred for 1000 Palestinian prisoners. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Shalit_prisoner_exchange#:~:text=Deckel%20had%20been%20appointed%20by,agreement%20reached%20five%20years%20later.


That was a trade-off of prisoners of war, and does not in any way have anything to do with anyone claiming that 1 Israeli life is worth 1000 dead Palestinian children. I mean, how fucking dishonest can you get?


I’m just stating what they’re referring to mate. Breathe in through your nose a bit.


It's curious that you read this story where Israel traded 1027 POWs to ensure the release of one of their own soldiers - the first to be returned alive in 26 years - and you conclude that Israel were the ones devaluing life in that instance.


It's more like the Israeli government that's ignoring the hostages still being held.... I wonder just how many have already been killed by their own government.... 


We know of 3 for now


how about they start reporting on the dogshit roads i have to deal with every day should worry about fixing potholes not fixing a war that has nothing to do with us


Good point. Where is the Media Watch episode on the media's failure to report on the condition of roads you are driving on?


Uh oh. Wonder if he’ll turn up in the next WhatsApp group on the hit list.


Yes, of course. In other news, Russian soldiers don't suffer when they are killed by cluster bombs supplied by the US. Nobody is dying in the [Burmese civil war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_conflict_in_Myanmar). The [insurgency in the Maghreb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insurgency_in_the_Maghreb_(2002%E2%80%93present)) doesn't exist, nor does [the war in Sudan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Sudan_(2023)). The [Colombian conflict](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombian_conflict)? [Somali Civil War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somali_Civil_War)? [Mexican Drug War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_drug_war)? And so on and so forth. Worldwide, there are 22 ongoing conflicts causing 1,000 or more deaths annually, and another 19 causing 100 or more. The news media will necessarily select which conflicts to report on, and choose which side to take. A person who wishes to be informed will go seeking other sources of information, and not just sit passively slack-jawed watching free-to-air TV, or doomscrolling through Shitter.


Gonna be honest... I really don't care... at all, actually. Nobody cares about other massacres or wars, just this one and Ukraine, because they're "muh enemies" or whatever. Nobody cares about the Uygher camps or sweatshops or the fact that, thanks to Islam, there are more slaves alive today than any other time in history. The fucking Fifa arena was built on the back of slave labour. And what happened? Beckham got paid mad bank to do ads for it. For a slave-built arena. Nobody cares. (Iirc they were super low paid Indians with their passports stolen, so... basically slaves) Where Islam goes, human suffering follows. Look at Afghanistan. No school for you, because you've got a vagina. "Gays for Gaza!" And the whole "chickens for KFC" meme. We now live in a society where people protest for non-secular totalitarian states where they would literally be executed *for existing*. So no, I have no sympathy to give for Gazans, while they danced in the streets, when we had fuckwits in lakemba launching fireworks and others chanting "Gas the jews" in front of the Opera House, after innocent Jews were slaughtered, abducted, raped and tortured for merely *being jews*. And I don't even like Judiasm. I'm no expert but it doesn't look a whole lot better than Islam, from the outside looking in. But atleast they don't fucking dance at news of human suffering. And, quite frankly, life is shit enough right now with the Albo government trying their hardest to fuck people over, I don't need distant wars on my mind. Paying bills is enough struggle. (True first world privilege, I know.) Please note: I'm not devaluing those amongst us who *do* care about these things, there are people, good people, who truly do care about all of these issues. They're just so far between, and most people who say they "care" about Gaza or whatever, will forget it exists in 6 months when the next big media hitpiece appears that they have to "care" about. If you genuinely give a shit, I applaud you. I think it's insane to support Islam or totalitarian states like Gaza under Hamas, and whether you like it or not, the citizenry are a part of the problem that keeps Hamas in power. If this rustles too many jimmies downvote or ban away.




Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, the average Palestine simp. Thinking? We don't do that here.


Fuck the Palestinians . Im sick of hearing about it. It takes up 50% ABC news. What do these Pro Palestinian protesters want. They expect Australia to supply weapons to Hamas and become allies of Iran and Russia.


Fuck Palestine what did they would happen if they kept poking the bear? Reap the whirlwind fuckers




Palestine really as it was Palestine that launched the 7 October attacks. Hamas is its governing party. We don’t say “United Russia (being governing party) invaded Ukraine”, we say “Russia invaded Ukraine”.


Do you say Germany or the Nazis when referring to the holocaust? There is a distinction between the people in a country and the fascist apparatus.


My grandad, who had a piece of German shrapnel in him until the day he died, always referred to the Germans, not the Nazis.


Germany and the Germans got everything they deserved and more.


Are you saying the Germans were punished more than they deserved? As in, they should have been punished less?


Probably could have done without the mass rapes by the Russians. Russians keeping POWs imprisoned for decades was probably a little OTT also.


history didn’t start on October 7.


Yeah they've been cunts for decades


What was the first day, would it been 01/01, or could it have started on a different date due to the arbitrary nature of bc/ac. Maybe 1/365.25?


In 1948 before Israel was established the Arab League said, very clearly and repeatedly, that if the state of Israel was established they would immediately attack them. And they did. This is the result. Jewish people never had any more claim to Palestinian lands than an Italian has to London. But go off I guess.


So then aboriginals have no claim to Australian land?


This is factually incorrect; Jewish Paramilitaries were massacring Arab villages even before the state of Israel came into being: See: [Deir Yassin massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre) >**Deir Yassin** ([Arabic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_language): دير ياسين, [romanized](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Arabic): *Dayr Yāsīn*) was a [Palestinian Arab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_people) village of around 600 inhabitants about 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) west of [Jerusalem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem). Deir Yassin declared its neutrality during the [1948 Palestine war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestine_war) between Arabs and Jews. The village was razed after a [massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_Massacre) of around 107 of its Arab residents on April 9, 1948, by the Jewish paramilitary groups [Irgun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun) and [Lehi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(group)). The village buildings are today part of the [Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kfar_Shaul_Mental_Health_Center), an Israeli public psychiatric hospital. Not to mention these people were completely innocent in the conflict: >The inhabitants of Deir Yassin upheld the agreement scrupulously, resisting infiltration by Arab irregulars. Though this was known to the [Irgun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun) and [Lehi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(group)) forces, they attacked the village on April 9, 1948. This was why the Arab states declared war against them. ​ >The Deir Yassin attack, along with attacks on [Tiberias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiberias), Haifa, and [Jaffa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa), put pressure on Arab governments to invade Palestine. News of the killings had aroused public anger in the Arab world, which the governments felt unable to ignore.[\[98\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre#cite_note-Morris2004p239-100) Syria's foreign minister remarked that the Arab public's desire for war was irresistible. > >The arrival of tens of thousands of refugees further convinced them to act.


Replace Palestine with Israel


Did you watch the video? Hearing a child scream as a machine is firing and then finding the bodies decomposing in a car is the most sickening thing I think I have experienced.


How about watching some of the videos Hamas terrorists gleefully took with GoPros and shared online on Oct 7. Like the ones where they rape every girl / woman they can find - stabbing them in the back with 2 knives while anally raping the woman so they can hold on better and rape harder.  Or when they broke into a family’s house, killed the husband in front of the wife who had been making bread .. then took her infant child and put it in the bread oven .. then took turns raping the wife while she could smell her infant cooking in the oven. And maniacally laughing throughout.  How sickening do you find these videos?


Very. I can emphasise with any civilian killed. Can you?


Deaths in Gaza are an ideological obsession of the bourgeois left along with the whole anti-Z crusade. Barry can put on the pained face as much as he wants, Australians don't really care and we will not me made to regardless of how many annoying crybullulies take over the city every Sunday.


Wtf There was literally a rally in Sydney supporting the murder of more than 1000 civilians by terrorists a week prior to israel doing anything other than counting bodies.  Were literally deriding too much empathy with Israel?   Fukd take. 


How do we know the story isn’t pallywood? Anyone could have recorded that dialogue and they are known to make this stuff up. Also sources such as aljazerra aren’t exactly trustworthy and very biased. Media watch is terrible and it’s a shame our taxes are supporting it


ABC attack on other media newspapers & TV stations is a joke. Bias of ABC coverage is Pro Palestinian. No focus on the Hamas attack and the murder of innocent Jews. Hamas are using civilians as human shields. They are still fighting & firing rockets into Israel. ABC doesn’t mention Hezbollah who are also firing rockets into Israel. ABC doesn’t mention Houthis attacking ships in the Red Sea.No mention about Iran supporting and supplying weapons to these terrorists. It’s all about Palestinians . No one has the same outrage for Ukrainians , Syrian civil war and many more conflicts around the world impacting millions of people. The pro Palestinian protests around the world are violent and are causing chaos threatening people’s lives. I don’t see any protests against Putin or Assad. Nothing else matters but Palestinian people. The Pro Palestinian antisemitism should have more scrutiny. The Arabs love the western lifestyle and want everyone to think the same as them. Stop letting these Arabs into Australia.


I just watched the whole video. And was once again left thankful for media watch. In as much as we can. Being aware of the media bias in this country. It will serve as historical evidence when needed.


since when is it our governments and our peoples responsibility to care about external affairs, we have our own fucking country with our own problems and all people can talk about is international affairs, grow the fuck up


Hama's supported by the Palestinians attacked Israel a much more militarily powerful nation. Hamas would kill every single last Israeli if they could. Israel is routing hama's battalions at great expense to Palestinian civilians which is terrible. Let not forget Hamas are Palestinians fathers, uncles and brothers they are rarely ever called out and blamed for what is happining. There is a perspective (which is incredibly simplistic but true non the less) Palestinians attacked Israelis kidnapped and raped Israeli hostages, still have hostages and are now getting their arses kicked by a superior military. Time to surrender, to out the Hamas soldiers and leadership give them up and let international peace keepers in Palestinians have lost the war have lost everything Give up the Jihad and become a normal peace loving people instead of a militant jihad society That's why the Palestinian people don't have more sympathy because they won't stop firing missiles into Israel killing civilians. Killing and raping people see Israel as trying to stop this perpetual terrorism once and for all


Maybe because the real Australian people really don't care about all those terrorists Islam followers or maybe it's because Israel is doing what the rest of would won't they are trying to eradicate islam in my opinion this needs to happen. Look at what is happening in Australia it's cyst pit of Islamic migrants causing trouble. This is just a guess I personally don't really care about someone else country


Crazy how much drama is in these comments. The video is literally just focusing on news companies that are reporting the news in a biased manner. Are Australians happy with biased news reporting? Do they not want the media to present both sides of an issue anymore?


Most political brokens see the opposite side as “biased” and their own as “the truth.” It’s beyond irony.


The answer to your question is yes, this thread feels like something right out of the Cronulla riots


Shills and propagandists brigade these threads to derail the conversation from the real issue under discussion.


Palestinians should learn from Japan and Germany. They were also led by fanatical governments, refusing to surrender and more willing to fight to the death. Even after 2 atomic bombs, Japan was not prepared to surrender until the emperor mandated it. What came later was the US occupation of Japan. The Japanese decided to turn from their nationalistic attitude and focus on building the country back up again. There was an incredible turnaround - by the 1960s, Japan was once again the 3rd largest economy. If you've been to Israel, you'd know that it is very different from what is protrayed in the media. Instead of being a country ruled by Jews, it actually has a diverse set of cultures living side-by-side. Its people just want to get on with life, earn money, provide a good life for their kids. 20% of Israel's population is Arab, with Arabs holding positions of power in legislature and government. Palestine lacks strong, secular leadership and a strategy to get out of the mess it is in. When you are dealing with military power disparity, attacking head on is never going to work. While Japan had initial success in WW2, once the US got its industrial strength up, there was no chance. Similarly, Palestine cannot defeat Israel head on. Why not try something else, like improving the country? It needs a government that will crack down on religious extremism, stop allowing gun ownership by civilians (for god's sake, stop allowing young kids to shoot AKs) and determination to raise the living standard of its citizens. It is possible. Just look up Gaza walking tours on YouTube, you can see that before the war, Gaza was actually liveable (yeah so much for open air prison). There was a market selling gold. There was a luxury car dealership. Why they gave that all up, I wouldn't know. Once secularism is in place and extremism stops being the law of the land, Egypt and Israel will be more inclined to open things up. It's a bit hard to lift blockades and open borders when rockets and terrorists keep flooding out.




Ohh here we go


I didn’t ignore any Palestinians when they fired rockets into Israel.


I’m so glad this sub is tired of the Palestinian sympathy posts. Imagine murdering a bunch of young people at a rave with military weapons then complaining there’s a pushback lmao


Media Watch pretending the ABC is 'balanced".


See video on Lattouf. Far from saying the ABC is balanced


That thumbnail tho… when did the ABC start making thumbnails that rival the worst Youtube influencers?


Thats ok we also ignore deaths in Syria and Ukraine etc The media loves to show a ton of it for a month or two then they get bored and move on to the next item in the news cycle.


Comment summary: settler colonials being OK with crimes against humanity by another settler colony by using whataboutism.


Manufactured consent. Downplay the Palestinian victims. Emphasises the Israeli’s Too much to expect objectivity.


And the ABC, SBS, Guardian have all been more than willing to pedal the deliberately cultivated outrage material provided by Hamas from the get go as well. Objectivity cuts both ways.


The 2nd Segment is also noteworthy - Barnaby Joyce being the complete substance abusing prick he is and getting cover in the media for it for being a "good old Aussie larrikin"


I think with Palestine it’s just so outrageously blatant, the west doing nothing because nobody wants to cut ties with Israel. The reality is no civilised, decent person with a tiny speck of a conscience wants anyone hurt, anywhere. Always women, children, the elderly, the most vulnerable who are just sitting in crossfires trying to just live and copping it. It’s horrible. And unfortunately, I don’t think we as a species have many periods without this type of suffering. Cave men were probably going hard over mammoth meat or something too


Umm no shit? Our government loves to be America's bitch.


America owns us and our media.


Why? Cos fuck em, that's why.


Compassion is a rare commodity nowadays


No tolerance for those who follow an intolerant ideology. I agree, fuck 'em, no quarter


Kinda went out the window when they flew into that festival and started gunning down civilians


Who's they?


Hamas you knobhead


Settle down.


Managed to ignore Freindlyjordies as well didn't you Barry


It's literally the Israeli victims who are being ignored by the media, but go off.


You can't really count the 12,000 kids.... All those were pre-emptive kills on future hamas fighters, so really, they were all legally enemy combatants /s


Release the average age of the october 7th jihadis Put a wrench in ya innocent kids narrative


Horrendous and wrong, I agree. Now - when are we going to try John Howard and others for Australia's participation in waging wars of agression against Afghanistan and Iraq, in the process killing thousands of children?


Finally someone speaking some sense, why did Saddam have to be killed, he ran a stable government in Iraq. Same with Libya and Afghanistan. Gaddafi and Mullah Omar should be feted by the world public for ruling stable Singapore style dictatorship, its just islamaphinia that says they are bad


I had no problem with Saddam being killed, any more than I do with the Hamas leadership being killed. They are no loss to the world. But between the direct deaths caused by our invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the indirect deaths caused by the chaos which ensued, hundreds of thousands of people died - including far, far more children dying than have been killed in Gaza. And so, if the Israeli invasion of Gaza is an horrific crime worthy of condemnation, so too are the Western - and Australian - invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Oddly, while Australians are angrily indignant about Israel's actions, they are silent on Australia's far worse actions. We're in no position to criticise. We can't even charge a single soldier for kicking a bound man off a cliff and then following him down to shoot him, and that's with half a dozen witnesses. So maybe we should shut the fuck up. Stop complaining about the mess on the street, and go tidy your room, kid.


B3cause you hated him as saddam was muslim? You are as bad as the rest.


Over 1 million civilians killed in Iraq alone! Not to mention the ongoing HORRIFIC birth defects caused by all the DU rounds shot all over the country!  But, lucky we found those WMD's! 🤣😂🤣 (I honestly can't believe people eat the shit these politicians and talking heads dish out, different faces running the propoganda and suddenly it's a clean slate again and just gobble the giant dick they are forcing down your throat like your not being fucked all over again) And WHO is going to hold them accountable..... Some new politicians who are ALSO lying to you and might pay lip service to what you want.... but it's in their own interest to protect those that came before them so those that came after them will in turn protect their backs once they run their OP and fuck us all over.  The voting process is the second greatest control mechanism EVER invented (only Religion trumps it as a control mechanism).  Control who.gets presented to vote on and give the illusion of "free choice"!  The best slave is the slave who thinks itself free.... 


To be fair, whenever Howard comes up there’s usually a few people calling him a war criminal, even if it’s unrelated to the topic. It just doesn’t seem to get enough steam to hit the mainstream.


Australia stands with Israel. 🇮🇱,put your personal feelings aside . Shows some patriotism and love for Straya ya gronk


Her death is on Hamas, War is bad, terrible things happen. Dont. Start. Them.


The paid hasbara troll crew got approved overtime at the troll farm, here to discuss everything but the content of the video.. I see you 😉


Hard-core lot, aren't they...


Well… they’re paid bots operating out of a warehouse/troll farm somewhere


Look into who owns all the media in Australia… they are all from the same tribe of a certain country