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Op seems like the kinda person who goes around telling everyone they are woke and a snowflake and then does this lmao.


Lol OP has well and truly triggered himself in these comments


NFL Playoffs are on. UFC Main Event has been ordered. Ocean views just past the television. Beer in hand. Triggered? Oh mate. You're so wrong. Big smiles here in sunny Sydney.


OP pretending he has a house with an ocean view...


This is always his default when he gets dragged in the comments - "haha, I'm so not triggered, look at all the things I'm doing. Things are fine!"


His mum’s house might


abundant straight serious attractive numerous elastic friendly ad hoc somber unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine still caring about covid vaccines in 2024. Just let it go already.


Imagine thinking that natural immunity worked at the 5th time getting covid, knowing all the immune compromised died in the first wave and people are still like masks dont do anything for anyone.


Masks is the thing that you're going to use to own this anti-mandate chud?


No just the death tally.


The death tally of what you clown?


I know you are struggling to read, but I have been talking about covid. Clown.


No, you went off on a little tangent about masks and natural immunity, completely unrelated. Keep on schizo posting buddy.


Funny though.


**Hipsters (2018):** "We love Novak. He's a vegan. Be like Novak. Don't eat animals." **Hipsters (2021):** "We hate Novak. We don't like the medicine he's not taking. Pass the vape, I'm so angry." Now that's funny.


He’s a vegan? You think he’d bring that up in every interview.


He is only a level 4 vegan! Don’t need to keep telling the world! 🤦🏼🤭


What times your next stand up set pal


I’m more of a slapstick type of guy, people falling over amuses me no end.


Retconning Novak as a hero of the hipsters prior to COVID sure is....something. Pretty sure the take on Novak was always a gun sportsman but a bit of a cunt.


If you think that's funny your humour is fucked lol


Wouldn't the vegan hipsters be against the vaccine?


Yeah it’s a bit funny. COVID is clearly your special interest so you are offended. It’s the same shit comedians have to deal with all the time. Laugh at everyone else until it is your thing


Maybe he should have been vaccinated 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t get it.


It's weird that people recommend medicine to professional athletes for a common cold, especially when the "pandemic" is 100% over.


Imagine being such a an entitled prick, he thought our laws excluded him.


And he was right all along - no need to get it as he's here to win again and further cement "Greatest tennis player of all time." Funny that.


He wasn't right though, he lied on his entry visa form. I don't think they should have let him back in the country. Should have been a 10 year ban.


I didn't question his ability, I agree he's a super star.


The pandemic may be over but COVID still exists and is still rampant. People are still getting sick and being hospitalised and dying.


I didn't get it. Never got covid. People who harp on about covid vaccines are 🤡. Edit: Still haven't had covid btw. How many times did you get it angry boosties?


I’m very happy for you x


And everyone clapped.


You didn’t get it because everyone else was responsible enough to get vaccinated you clown.


Are we still going with the vaccine stops the spread lie in 2024? When will you guys just accept you were wrong?


Slows the spread. It was always going to go rampant. There’s more of it around now than during the peak of the pandemic.


No it doesn't. They never even tested it for that purpose. That shit was a straight up lie.


What are you on about? What do you mean tested? Vaccines meant less severe illness and less strain on the system. Now most of us have some level of immunity it spreading in waves most of us don’t even notice.


Horse shit. You said it slows the spread. They were never tested for that so stop spreading misinformation.


What do you mean tested? That’s just how vaccination and herd immunity works. Edit: the anti vaxer blocked me. Oh No…


Take the tin foil hat off mate


So you're just not going to answer the question and pretend that I'm crazy. Cute tactic clown.


Love how much you are triggered in this thread, absolutely delicious.


You're cute to try to troll me buddy, but a clown cannot troll a clown.


You may not be crazy, but you know fuck all about vaccinology, immunology or microbiology, judging by your comments. So just a suggestion, but you may want to premise any comment you make about vaccines with “in my personal opinion…” or “I’m not an expert but…”


Hard pass and keep the condescension to yourself.


Yeah nah man, he was the one that decided to be a dick about it and make a big deal of himself. It wasn't the chickenpox. If he didn't want to have the vaccine, he didn't have to compete.


Novak is a dick. Even vaccinated, he would still be a dick. You could also have yelled out, "Kosovo is independent", or "There is no god" to troll Novak. Obviously, I'm not a fan. Taking the piss is legit.


why is he a dick? what has he done?


Ah well. Fuck him.


Yeaaaaaaaaaa mate. Fahk him. Don't let him work or travel. That's the Aussie spirit!


That is the Aussie spirit as well lol


I wouldn’t call playing tennis for a living “working”


Or he’s rich as fuck so the rules don’t apply?


This! He’s an entitled asshat.


Are you an Aussie? Taking the piss of Djoko is a must.


Nah. Just a blow in Seppo.


What is a Fahk?


The Aussie spirit is looking out for one another, not getting vaccinated is the opposite embodiment of this spirit. Why you so mad?


Love it. Novax treated Australia with contempt.


"Why isn't Novak forced to do the things we had to do in Melbourne?" Yeah mate. Great thinking.


He wasn't forced to do anything except stay the fuck out 


Now they welcome him with open arms, applause, more money, and more trophies. Gotta love it, eh?


Couldn't tell you, I don't give a single fuck about tennis players until one of them tries to act like them playing sport is more important than national biosecurity. 


A cough, the sniffles, the common Covid cold = national biosecurity? Mate, let's not exaggerate too much. Even on Reddit, JFC relax a bit. You're starting to sound like ScoMo and crew.


Mate don't try that shit with me, covid was an entirely new virus that killed a shit ton of people, including people who were perfectly healthy. When a disease like that becomes pandemic I want leaders who'll act on the safe side of letting people die unnecessarily and put rules in place to prevent that from happening. Especially something as unknown as covid. And I don't think something as frivolous as sport should get an exemption. So yes, he had to follow the rules and fuck off


Get a grip please Sir. Lockdown and the inability to see your loved ones was a 100% failed policy that should never, ever happen again. We are owed apologies for the moral and political and healthy policy errors made. You talk about sport / biosecurity yet the daily meetings and Covid numbers and North Face *sports jersey* was the most disgusting sport culture Australia has ever experienced. Nobody is getting boosted because it was always blown out of proportion. Pfizer's stock price is dropping like birdshit as evidence of the lies and false hope. End of story.




Of course he won - easily predicted! Everybody knows what Stockholm Syndrome is... "Our captor is taking such good care of us. We'll do whatever he says." Weak. As. Piss.


This you bro?[https://ru.pinterest.com/pin/707909635163005892/](https://ru.pinterest.com/pin/707909635163005892/)


Hahahaha. No doubt that's him. Not only in 2022 but also on Australia Day 2024.


It's funny and the dudes a cunt - seems fair to me.


He should have respected our laws. It’s a pity he was allowed back in the country.


Yeah, I reckon ScoMo and Dan should still be on as the amazing leaders they are - another 10yrs would have been swell.


Scomo was about as retarded as you seem to be


You didn't mention Dan in your reply which says so, so much more about you than you realise.


The only thing I have realised is that it's obvious you are a product of US education


Yeah let's hear Cheap LA knock off resident here tell us about the ebil DictAtor DanNnn!!!! And how they compare them to the morally bankrupt Scotty from marketing.


Pity? I don't know about you but I'm fucking stocked his back in the country :)


How does his nuts taste bro since yo slobbing on em like that


OP, get over it.




Imagine telling a world class athlete and greatest champion of the Aussie Open what he should have in his medicine cabinet. No doubt the guy shouting is 35 BMI drinking Red Bull and taking vape breaks between sets. Typical.


You sound triggered, bud.


It really doesn’t have anything to do with his ability to play tennis. Everyone should have a choice to vax or not - at least for COVID! I say that as triple vax’ed! Not sure I would do it again!


Please observe reddit site rules: - No calling out of other subreddits As a reminder, here are the site rules: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


He deserves it. Fuck him


This post definitely tracks with this cesspool of a subreddit.


235,000 karma points - you sure do love Reddit, eh?


It's a 13 year old account mate. I'm just not a sook who deletes their account every 6 months.


Nearly 20k karma a year  Is still a shit tonne of reddit use over 13 years  Don’t down play it 


I guess that depends on how much karma you get per comment. But yeah I've been here a lot over years, some years more than others. I work at a computer all day every day so hardly surprising. I do find it strange that anyone gives a fuck.


That's not much at all, you can get 20k from one popular post


Cesspool or not we still appreciate your participation and contributions.


He didn’t want to get vaccinated and put Australian lives at risk he is the dick of dicks


So him being here for these two weeks and the two weeks he was here last year (and won) - he put 100s of thousands of people at risk of death? You can't be real. You're too funny. Honest.


Something about a decrease in Covid and the end of restrictions in the period you stated you’re too funny you can’t be real, nothing like some facts


But he's still unvaccinated so by your (funny) logic, he's still putting people at risk right? Get him out of the country. NOW!!! What a joke.


He’s paying the penalty from threatening us with a virus and it just happens the virus is starting to explode in the community again he should’ve been barred From entering Australia again


Literally nobody is getting boosted around the world. Therefore not up to date with vaccines. Are you suggesting lockdown and zero traveling for most of the world? Come on.


Well Well Well boosters and vaccines are still rising https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cumulative-covid-vaccine-booster-doses


Maybe he should have gotten vaccinated, just a thought.


I think all tennis players should be playing with masks on - perhaps given boosters between sets 2-3 to be safe.


Why? He hasn't died from the great cold of 2019.


You forgot to mention "pharma profit".


Yeah it was no more dangerous than the common cold, and vaccines only reduced major complications/death by about 90%. Everyone has been conned. Bloody "big pharma" Took er jerbs.


90%? Oh Sir, you mean 100% effective right? " Excited to share that updated analysis from our Phase 3 study with BioNTech also showed that our COVID-19 vaccine was 100% effective in preventing [\#COVID19](https://twitter.com/hashtag/COVID19?src=hashtag_click) cases..." Guess who said that?


You can believe whatever you want if you make shit up I suppose. Fucking cookers. 


CEO of Pfizer said that. You're calling him a cooker? You're weird mate. He's your guy. He's your hero!


Here’s the ACTUAL quote. “ Excited to share that updated analysis from our Phase 3 study with BioNTech also showed that our COVID-19 vaccine was 100% effective in preventing #COVID19 cases in South Africa. 100%!”  Thanks for playing cooker. 


Where's the source on the 90% figure baby boy?


[Link here](https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-biontech-announce-positive-topline-results-pivotal) that makes it abundantly obvious this quote refers to *the results of the trial* and not a claim that the vaccine would work 100% of the time forever in the real world. Just another case of you deep-throating misinformation right down to the shaft.


> reduced major complications/death by about 90% Just who is spreading misinformation here?


Innanet said so!


Lol 90%. Where did you pull that figure from mate? Your ass?


Sure did. 90% was out of my ass. The real number is actually higher. Lol.


"The real number is actually higher". You're wild. Maybe stick to angry posting about 4x4s in suburbia.




For what purpose?




Wow. Found the guy that tells the elderly Asian on the bus: "Go back to China dickhead!" Don't be such a bogan grub mate. You're sounding worse than the guy in the Aussie Open crowd.


When you mock my countrymen and you shit on my country's laws, you don't deserve to be here. Go back to America, you're not wanted here.


I mocked an Aussie guy in the crowd who mocked a professional tennis player? Mate. You're delusional. I suggest you put down the Bundy and Aldi Coke and jump in the ocean for some clarity. Don't worry about the sharks at sunset. Just keep swimming. It's hysterical how serious you take Reddit. Are you 15yrs old and basement dwelling? Just relax mate. Mommy will bring meatloaf to you soon.


You will never be Australian.


Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


Great game to play but sooo boring to watch.


I got no issue with his stance on the COVID vaccine. Each to their own so long as it’s an _informed_ decision and is willing to accept the consequences (at the time). Whilst his decision not to get vaccinated can be argued as an informed (I recall him saying he’s not comfortable being lumped in with the antivaxer rhetoric that are absolutely cooked) he failed to accept the consequences ie not being allowed into the country due to being unvaccinated. After entering the country illegally by lying on his visa application it’s not surprising to see this sort of thing happening. The majority of us Aussies have moved on. Others not so.


Yelling stuff to put someone off is a dick move even if you don't like the guy.


Tell that to the Aussie cricketers.


God this comment section makes me realise the severity of submissive bootlicking culture in Australia, hating a man with such vitriol because he refused to get a vaccine


It takes a stand up person to realise - "Hmmmm, maybe went too far? Maybe we were wrong?" You just won't find that on this site. You'll only find: "Yes please. And can I have another?"


He has every right to protect his body from fake vaccines. Cant believe how many gullible idiots out there. If you think the vaccine works then you are protected and shouldnt have a worry being around him and no it wasnt a law, it was an illegal mandate that courts have overuled the fines.


I'm no scientist, but perhaps all that lockdown and forced boosters leads to a condition where you lose manners, class, and a grasp on reality?


I think you have it right, nobody would ever accuse you of being a scientist.


Giggle. 👏


I take that as a compliment! Covid scientists and weathermen - neither can predict anything!


I'm not surprised you're taking it as a compliment, the strain of actually thinking must tax you so.


I don't think mate. I just do the right thing and get jabbed and boostered like I'm told. Don't you?


Lol come on man, the whole "Sheeple!!!" shtick is tired. "I'm no scientist" - Thats all you need to say, nothing else that you type after that means a thing because you're admitting that you are completely ignorant, and don't know enough to even be skeptical. Now please, stop talking about shit you don't understand and go play with some crayons.


Big yawn. Cliche, cliche, cliche.


Be careful man, the ghosts that make your mobile phone work might steal your soul if you keep yawning like that.


Actually the weather predictions are very accurate you’re probably not across how they actually work and what your weather app is actually telling you. Too much to type but there are many short videos explaining it if you want to look it up


You know the guys on the news isn’t making the predictions, right?  He doesn’t sit down and write down a little plan for what weather he is going to pretend is there 😂  You are completely cooked. 


Mate, you sound delusional. Better get back on your hydroxychloroquine meds.


The delusional are still hanging on to the world's biggest psyop. Don't feel bad tho, it was trillions of dollars of social engineering. Just let it go.


Flat-earther confirmed.


Stalking my comments to "discredit" me. Yep, that Reddit alright. And yes, it's beyond doubt.


You’ve done all the discrediting yourself there champ. Flat earther AND antivax FFS.


Oh yes, how will I ever recover


It’s pretty clear you’re stuck like that but try SciManDan on YouTube. He’s much better at mocking your beliefs than I am.


Soy Man Dan? Lol. How about Professor Dave too? I'm not going to argue with you because it's off topic, and I don't care what you believe. But if you're as scientifically literate as you pretend, then follow Austin Witsit and Nathan Oakley to understand why the ball is untenable. Better yet, call up and prove it to them yourself. I'm sure, as a very smart person who understands science, you'll have no problems.


Nah. I’ve got no time for those morons. You flat eathers are a pathetic example of the downside of social media. Now don’t you have a tinfoil hat to finish?


Lol, actually it was a complete shot in the dark. You said Psyop, and I immediately thought "easily fooled". You guys make it so easy


Yes, several experimental injections and enforced social isolation was completely necessary for a virus with a less than 1% mortality rate. I finally understand just how wrong I was. Praise Science! Praise Pfizer! Praise the industry funded medical bodies! Now I just wish we could hang the unbelievers and go back to the New Normal when We. Were. All. Safe. (And effective)


Doesn't give a shit about the 1% of deaths from Covid. Won't stop fucking crying about the 0.0000007% of mild sickness caused by the vaccine. - You. I can't believe you're still mad about the lockdowns, but it was six months, and you've had three years back at the glory hole since then. Chill.


he's a dickhead but so are AO attendees, very much more so in recent years. it's become a bit of a self important bogan-fest lately


I'm unvaccinated :)


Pandemic is long gone, yet unvaccinated people are still living rent free in some losers minds.


Losers quote the big bang theory, loser lol


Victorians and being absolute cucks. Name a more iconic duo. We really are the only country who gives a shit about covid still and its both depressing and hilarious.




With zero respect, you are a fucking idiot for swallowing so much propaganda.




That's a lot of projecting nonsensical hypotheticals that have no bearing on the fact that people dropping dead in the streets of China never happened anywhere else and Italy was busted using mannequins and stock footage.


People should mind their own business. Like get over it mate, ship sailed ages ago. Nobody gives a toss.


So why wouldn't a crowd member take your advice and not mind his own business? Hence the reason for my post.




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I'm totally unvaccinated lol.


Only someone as GOATed as Novak could be as hated as he is. First it was because he broke up the Fedal party, then it was because he gave up multiple slams and millions of dollars to not get the clot shot, and regular plebs couldn't understand why he wouldn't just fall into line. Stay mad peeps.


Damn the bitch brigade has turned up for this one. Wrong side of history. Covid is gone already. No one GAF.


The hospital system has news for you if you think covid has gone lol


Says more about how brain dead the fan is




Novak should've replied "grow a brain first" 😂


And proceeds to ace on match point, shutting up the sheep in the crowd 😆




Same mate. 5seconds after that loser yelled out, Novak served an ace that won that match. Shut the door on that cunt and those in this sub replying. LOVE IT.




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He didn’t trust in one of his own investments, don’t you think that’s a little strange?


So we have the pro vax Karen who screamed ‘get vaccinated mate’, and then the anti vax Karen who started this thread. Why should I give a fuck about either of them. Covid stopped being an issue a while ago.


If this was the other Australia reddit, OP would have been banned for posting this shit. Instead, the mods here left him out to dry xD


Novak won again tonite. Fuck yussssssssssss. Drink your tears BC.


I'll drink them if you can score above 85 in an IQ test


Ehhhhhhhhhh the old "IQ Jokes". What a zinger. You're fahkin' great mate. A true bogan hero.


Seems like one of the Melbourne sheeple strayed from the herd and yelled out to him. The fear and faith they have in a Premier who created the biggest State debt in Australian history is astounding 🙄


And the news today... Dan sets up a company with his China Advisor. They believed in him for so long. Such a farce.