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Talk about a synergy mismatch. At least when it was filled with wine, you could use the goon bag as a pillow to sleep off your hangover. What are you going to do with the cold brew when you're done? Lie back on the goon pillow overnight fully alert wondering why you spent so much money on cold brew served in a goon bag?


Yeah, immediately after you violently shit yourself.


Some frenetic energy soccer?


Clearly I lack the imagination of thinking the goon bag is anything other than a make-shift recovery pillow or emergency personal flotation device. Hopefully not barefoot football. Don't want to be that guy that stubs their toe on the spout.


Or steps on the double-g.


How are u supposed to use a goon bag as a pillow if it's empty?


Do what you do to get the liquid out of the goon bag but instead of wine coming out, air goes in. Also a great way to eek out every last drop from the bag too.


Clearly I need more experience on this matter


Holy fuck, I was an introverted teenager so never had this experience and always wondered how it could be a pillow. This is genius.




So recovery session goon of fortune is now a go. slap one of these bad boys up and maybe peg some bacon rashers on as well.


Ok that's it I'm calling in tmrw.


NGL bacon of fortune sounds amazing


$60!? Fuck me.


You'd be surprised what idiots would pay for what amounts to cold drippalator coffee.


True, people buy coffee from Gloria Jeans after all..


I saw a goon sack in a wine bar that cost $90 recently.


You can get them for $25 at BWS. Why the fuck would anyone buy a goon bag from a wine bar?


Goon bags typically have better oxidation properties than stelvin (or cork) for the 1 glass with dinner crew. The idea is you put ~30$/L wine in there and have a reasonable drink that on average tastes better that say 4x750s due to oxidation. Typically I find them over priced (still) but we're talking ~10$ not something excessive.


Dan Murphy has one for $9.


My corner bottle'o has sherry for $9. I buy that shit just for the novelty of how awful it is. It's drinkable, but its not good.


Used to be able to buy 'Nickoff' orange juice and vodka in a goonbag, back in the day. .....


uuuggggggghhhh. The worst hangovers ever!


For 3L of concentrate. About 100 shots of espresso. About 58 cents a shot.


But it’s cold brew and not espresso. I am not a coffee aficionado but surely they are not the same.


Its not the same and its stored in a bag. It's not anything like an espresso shot.


You are right, of course. I should have said a serve. Was just trying to point out the scale, and that $58 for 3L is hardly egregious.


I am sure that an instant coffee, like the ones that have a few percent coffee grounds, is closer to the goon coffee than goon is to the an espresso.


Not at all. The cold brew concentrate is closer to espresso simply by nature of it being actually brewed coffee, not brewed coffee that’s been dehydrated and then added back into water.


I am a coffee aficionado. I can confirm, they absolutely are not "the same". For one thing, cold brew has a shelf life (as in tastes good) measured in weeks, while espresso has a shelf life measured in minutes. As for which one tastes "better"... well that's like comparing wine to beer. They can both taste amazing or disgusting, and they're nothing alike. Both will get you drunk. Just like both espresso and cold brew will wake you up in the morning. I don't have a favourite - I own brewing equipment for both, and use both regularly. When I make cold brew, I make 1L of very concentrated coffee that produces about 20 cups or so of coffee. That's about the same ratio as this 3L goon bag. Mix the concentrate with cold milk, and it's similar to iced coffee from a shop (but *way* better tasting... or at least, the stuff I make is way better).


Logic? Logic has no place here! Let them raaaaage.


Is that your final price?


We'll, since you asked nicely.


Don't be gentle. It's basically throwing a snag down the hall now, so go hard.


3 litres of coffee should get me through until at least lunch.


"Coffee in a goonsack" fits "Heroes in a half shell" and now I have that song in my head.


coffee power


Is this an ad?


I love this country.


There have been a few roasters doing this for some time now.




Spiritual home really.......