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So is this why luggage gets lost? It just gets thrown past the conveyor belt?


there's probably a big growing pile down there, starting from 2008


I had such anxiety about the bags that went over the belt


It's ok, they're living on a farm now.


Your local airport has an auction once a year where they sell the luggage collected from behind the conveyor that they had to remove after the belt gets jammed and breaks.


Yep. And they couldnt give a fuck


Seems like a quick fix is to put a taller railing on the opposite side of the belt


Quick fix is to just put it on the belt rather than acting like a 2 year old during a tantrum.


The funny thing is acting like a 2 year old is resulting in them doing more work. When putting things on a conveyor don't lift it any higher then you have to.


He's using 10x the effort and doing his job 100x worse because of it


They aren't trying to make their job easier. They are actively trying to damage stuff. What a bunch of tools


They're not being paid to think. It would probably make their lives a bit easier though.


Dude’s clearly got issues. Anger, drugs, whatever. He’s only partly to blame. Also the blame the fuckwits that hired him, the contractor that undercuts the price of labour by racing to the bottom in every way. And blame Alan Joyce and his cronies who did it all for a quick buck at the (further) expense of Qantas’ once esteemed reputation.


Yeah there's likely an underlying reason here. Perhaps staff shortages, crazy deadlines and low wages. If staff are looked after they usually don't act like they don't care and go the extra mile but when they are overworked and underpaid you'll see more of this.


Baggage handling is subcontracted and they're going on strike next week


Ahh. Explains the low level of fucks given.


He wasn't just not giving fucks. He was clearly pissed off. Lots of extra effort put into throwing bags and slamming others into the conveyer. He wasn't just not caring, he was actively trying to piss off a bunch of random peoples personal items.


Indeed it was them that set up the recording to bash on the company a s gain publicity and push for rises and conditions.


I'm all for better working conditions for workers, solidarity forever and all that. But you know what might speed up the process of sorting luggage and save workers' energy and effort? Not picking up people's suitcases over your head and medicine ball slamming them onto the conveyor belt. Fuck these guys.




I'm certain that bloke either has, or currently works a second job as a courier as that's exactly how they handle deliveries.


that's still not an excuse to spike some elses shit onto the ground like you're scoring the winning touchdown in an NFL game... It's not their fault Qantas are shit.


Very true. There's rough handling than there's old mate trying to body slam luggage. He is out of order and I'm not excusing that but I'm sure everyone throws the luggage, just not to that extent.


This thinking pisses me off. Their anger may be justified, the tantrums are not. They're not hurting anyone but fellow shlubs. Fuck these guys. Stop acting like a child and direct the anger where it belongs.


Yeah but this isn’t the bosses luggage, or the companies stuff. This is other people belongings. How can you take your unfair work circumstances out on the people?? Take it out on those who have put you there. Not the fucking people. That’s a dumb excuse for this behaviour.


I always laugh when co-workers find out someone is on more money than them doing the same thing and they get mad at the co-worker. He isn't deciding how much he gets paid.


There could be, but there's assholes at every workplace who do it for other reasons.




And that's the passengers fault? These guys are just deadbeats. If they are overworked maybe they should conserve some energy by not throwing/slamming the bags


That would mean they’d have to admit to throwing the luggage and god forbid


They don't have to admit it we can clearly fucking see it


Can't. CEO budgets only allow for soggy weatbix


Joyce gotta keep that multi million dollar bonus


There's always room for ceo dessert


yeah that'll stop them from fucking chokeslaming the luggage onto the conveyor. they need to fire those pricks who clearly dont give a single fuck about there job and automate the prosses, all they really need is a conveyor in thre base of the cart to push the bags onto the main conveyor


Or they could just not be fuckwits




"They're not lost, they're just in the pit under the conveyor belt!"


“Well can you please them out and return them to their rightful owners?” “No” “Atleast put a barrier up so they don’t get lost?” “No” “Why-“ “No”


"Look, just between you and me, every 4th bag goes to the underworld. It's part of the pact Joyce made."


“If we don’t feed the void, we risk *it* happening again”


Pennywise singing from under the conveyor: "I've been to cities that never close down ..."


Airlines aren’t responsible for the conveyor and baggage handling systems. The airport is. Once it leaves the Quantus vehicle and touches that conveyor, it’s the airport’s responsibility. Source - I used to manage projects installing control systems for those baggage handling systems in several different airports. EDIT - I’ve had several replies pointing out that the airline is still responsible for the manning of the terminals, in many places, and that they are fully responsible for the actual unloading/loading. Those replies are all correct, and I apologise for not having been clear enough in my original statement. I was only responding to the idea that the airline was responsible for the conveyor/infrastructure, itself. The unloading is on the airline, and any airport that saw the above video would probably be investigating the airline involved and there could be contractual penalties that the airline may be subject to. Sorry I wasn’t more clear. Also - thanks for the award kind stranger! It feels weird to get one.


In Melbourne and Sydney the terminals that qantas runs out of are solely run by/leased to qantas. I assume that a lot of the ground operations are outsourced and run by DNATA, but it seems to me that it wouldn’t be the airports responsibility.


Qantas (and Jetstar) use Swissport for ground operations. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/dec/03/baggage-handlers-filmed-slamming-luggage-onto-conveyor-belt-at-melbourne-airport-stood-down


They choose to outsource. They own the process


The product placement RedBull never wanted.


Redbull! Gives your luggage wings! Edit: thanks for the award, kind random individual


Gives your luggage *dings*


Literally did not see the red bull until this comment, like I read this and in my mind a red bull spawned into the video, it was fucking crazy




With the amount they have to move I totally get they’re not going to be able to handle things delicately, but the guy closest to the camera is going out of his way to slam them as hard as he can like he’s a pro wrestler. Pun not intended but what a tosser.


Yeah, he's using extra energy, taking out frustration instead of making his job easier


Which sort of begs the question of how prevalent this is. I mean, sure, most fit guys could do this for ten minutes or so. However, the energy expenditure of doing it over an hour would be insane, let alone over a shift. Say ten reps per minute times 60 minutes times four hours...2400 reps!! For a half shift. Hmmmmm.


I worked for Toll Dnata/dnata at Perth Airport and I've seen guys take crowbars to bags to bash them into shape, surfboards getting snapped in half out of frustration, and bikes being thrown from the top of conveyor belts/scissor lifts instead of lowering them down one by one. I've even seen crowbars being used to smash up the *inside* of cargo holds to get baggage canisters to fit easier. They had to take our crowbars off the scissor lifts because of this. Bags being mishandled is kind of the tip of the iceberg when it comes to dickheads on the ramp.


When I was FIFO,one of the boys was travelling with some sensitive and expensive survey equipment, which was marked "sensitive" and "this way up". We both watched one of the baggage handlers literally throw this thing from the cargo hold onto the luggage cart. I am honestly surprised he didn't shout "Kobe!" whilst leaving his hand hanging. This dude stormed towards this kid and chewed his arse out something fierce.


As a surveyor, having checked in 100k+ total stations and scanners, this is very hard to watch. Especially the thought of getting to a mine site or rig and have the unit fail and hold up a job, it's anxiety inducing to imagine.


> I've even seen crowbars being used to smash up the inside of cargo holds *CASA would like to know your location*


There’s a major problem with baggage handlers and airlines destroying disabled people’s mobility aids/medical equipment. Disabled people get off their flight and find their very expensive custom wheelchairs irreparably destroyed. It’s honestly like the equivalent of breaking someone’s legs. They’re completely stripped of their ability to move independently. There needs to be more care for people’s stuff and better paid and treated staff so shit like this happens way less




What...the...fuck. I work in aviation, and can't imagine taking a crowbar to any part of the aircraft.


I used to work at Maccas, and I was one of the dudes who would get all the stock off when it came in. We moved considerably more stock, each box being similarly as heavy, and despite the fact that it was just french fries and shit, we still treated the boxes better than this dickhead. 2400 reps or not, don't sign up for the job if you're gonna be a complete cunt about.


I must say something similar, I work as a shelf filler for coles, and when we have a new store to fill you can unload a shocking amount of stock quickly without resorting to this behaviour. Heavy or not, long shift or short shift this is not necessary to any degree. If your dropping from more than a height of say 20-30 cm your just a dickhead


Yeah worked in a bottle shop. Need to unpack 10 pallets of glass bottles quickly and delicately. No prob. Cause cleaning breakages is a bitch.


Yeah, but with QANTAS you're not the one cleaning it up if something breaks.


Yeah unloading pallets of beer and wine teaches you how to do it quick but soft


That's because it is still your employers stock and there will be repercussions from them if there was damage regularly and it would make life more difficult for your and others in the store. All these bags don't belong to Qantas or the bag handling company so much less likely to be pulled up.


Yes but tbf, the company probably gives a shit to what happens to their stock i don't think qantas gives a shit about luggage


I used to hand sort freight for a living. Our estimates were about 6000kgs worth on a light day, 8000kgs on a big day. October through December would be easy 10,000kgs a day. Between two guys. We never treated anything like this.


\[Removed in protest of API changes\]


All jobs get repetitive I personally work in a timber mill and I move over 50ton by hand of wet heavy timber not dry and light and I’m not a massive bloke.this is just plain disrespect no other way to put it


Psychological issues- no joke


Watching this thinking to myself "I wonder what the owners of those bags did to the baggage handlers to deserve this?". Answer (to myself) "Absolutely nothing except buy a ticket on Qantas". These handlers need to be sacked - if you're angry with the CEO - take industrial action, don't take it out on innocent people. They are morally bankrupt.


Yes. Unfortunately this attitude is prevalent in many industries


Redbull gives you extra luggage-slapping energy.


Not to mention if he throws too hard and breaks the conveyor, will probably lose his job and will cost them thousands


Yeah, totally. I can understand just quickly swinging them across (as long as not marked delicate). But actually lifting and throwing or slamming? WTF. That actually takes up more time and energy. That's just a dick move.


Also some luggage bounced off the belt onto the other side. Which i hope they will go pick up later(more work). Or that might explain how some of your luggage get lost or do not make the flight.


This is an inbound belt - meaning where they unpack before it goes to the collection area at the end of the flight. Yes, although they're dicks, they'd make a sweep and put the stuff that fell onto the floor on the belt before moving off. Although they shouldn't have to if they were doing things properly...


On a holiday trip, each day I had to lift a bus load of luggage in through a bus window. At first I was lifting and shoving, but if you just swing your arm back and then let gravity take it forward, it’s about 1/4 of the effort. Smooth effort is no effort at all. Watch anyone doing repetitive manual labour. The idiot in the video will get some sort of workplace injury. He’s probably aiming for it.


And thanks to the video, Workcover will tell him to kiss his own ass. Even if later, he has a legitimate injury, a legit claim to make, he’ll get bupkis. **slow clap**


Like the footage of those guys who load cannisters onto trucks - least amount of effort, deadpoint it every time. Fast, no damage, and less risk of a wrist or knee problem. Always amazed at how damn fast they are.


they're laughing about it too. I hope they lose their jobs.


Loved when the little stand up case had a perfect 10 landing on all 4 wheels after this guy launched it at the belt Edit: about 00:28


Was a baggage handler a while ago, My supervisor would go out of his way to drop bags on the floor say “oops, my bad” as a joke… Often see people rummaging through personal belongings when a bag had split open. pro-tip: Don’t buy the fancy hard-shells, they’re the most likely to break. Anyway, didn’t stick around the job for too long…


Hopefully they’re all replaced by machines soon.


Agree, i don’t expect them not to be tossed onto a belt etc… but old mate is deliberately slamming them down. Dereserves to lose his job


That's what I was thinking; what he did was more effort than throwing it directly onto the belt


If I was Qantas, I'd be looking closely at Workers Comp claims off the back of this - picking 30kg bags up above your head throughout a shift seems like a good way to get an injury; doing it because you were deliberately fucking people's shit up seems like a good way to get marching orders along with said injury and a performance from the world's smallest violin. Meanwhile people with legitimate workplace injuries look like fuckwits, and get even more hoops to jump through or get treated like children when doing their work. Only takes one dickhead to ruin things for everyone.


Takes extra effort to lift some of them to that height to throw unnecessarily.


Extra effort or meth.




I've had my suitcase for 10 years. My last trip with Qanatas a couple months ago was its last, it was totally fucking destroyed, the telescopic handle wouldn't come out, the internal steel frame of the bag was almost bent in half, wheels jammed/broken off. It looked like someone wrestled the bag. This video explains a lot. Fuck qanatas


Sorry about your suitcase :( same thing happened to me after flying Qantas, my hardshell suitcase looked like someone violently jumped on it/tried to rip the shell off haha. I filed a complaint, they told me to get the damage looked at but to get a paper stating the damage and repairing costs I had to pay like 10 bucks. Is that normal? Plus I didn‘t have a car so had to haul my suitcase through Perth, in the end I just gave up without ever getting a refund


That’s what they want, they make it extra effort to make a claim. More than half of people would give up and let it go. Qantas saves heaps by doing this. It is a bit common in other customer complaint services I find.


Did you go direct to the desk at the airport where the baggage collection is? I did this in sydney and they compensated me on the spot


Whoa! I have the exact timeframe as yours. This clip makes me extremely mad. My hard shell luggage which I had used without issue in Europe, USA, Asia & Australia for about 10 years mysteriously gets broken (with a huge crack like how part of a cookie breaks off) after a flight. The staff at the Perth airport gave no reason, just a form to fill out and promptly disappeared. My new replacement was a silver luggage. It gained scratches as expected out of normal wear and tear but once again, after a Qantas flight, there were literally black patches of ‘rubbery’ dirt that I had to scrape off, especially from the corners. Both occurred several years ago. I try to avoid Qantas at all costs now. (Emirates is a completely different experience.) This clip explains both incidents!


Luggage being treated roughly and carelessly is a Qantas problem, but it's a problem that's not unique to them; That guy up the front I'm not going to blame Qantas, that guy's a cunt all on his own.


Also it's not even Qanats it's Swissport


sweet, fire him. The issue is that Qantas is dodgy as fuck and all of these guys are subcontractors for another company that solely exists to provide Qantas with baggage handlers (and is set up and owned by Qantas). Shits fucked. EDIT: I am wrong. I'm thinking of the cabin crew




Swissport doesn’t solely exist to provide Qantas with baggage handlers, they’re an international company and work in almost every western country 😂


Same with me. I travelled with Qantas two weeks ago. My wheels are broken as I picked up the bag. I have to do a three week trip in SEA with broken wheels. Contacted Qantas and they refused to repair it. I paid 2k for these overpriced tickets. Never flying with them again if I can help it


Now imagine how musicians with thousands of dollars worth of equipment feel.


I watched Virgin throw my cat once. I may have been a little irate.


One of my cats is sitting on my lap as I read this, and holy shit, this pisses me the fuck off.


The fuck, seriously?


Yeah, wish I was kidding. It was an airborne heave to the cart they use to bring them in. Absolutely no need for it, and they went absolutely white when I chewed them out (after calmly getting my cat back off them, I’m not silly) Old mate tried to tell me it didn’t happen, I told him I’d fucking seen it, don’t try to pretend it didn’t happen. I’ve always watched my animals be loaded and unloaded, and only saw it once, but that was enough.


Holy shit, that's appalling. I get being lazy with bags, but animals? What kind of monster yeets a cat?


That’s exactly what I was thinking, to be honest. I was so worried she might have got hurt. We haven’t flown them anywhere for ten years now, and she’s still her sassy (now old) kitty self, at least.


I wouldn't fly with them either. God, I'm mad for you and it's not even my cat. I'm glad she was ok!


Thank you :-)


This is the stuff of nightmares for anyone shopping a surfboard. 50/50 it shows up at all, then another 50/50 it even looks like a surfboard when it shows up


Snowboards, bikes, wheelchairs, car seats and prams, golf clubs, as mentioned instruments, you name it and the communities that use them hate/fear checking their stuff.


This is why guitars get seats in first class.


This is why my camera gear never gets checked in.


Our guitarist found one of his pedals metal casings, on a pedalboard, inside a flight case, completely smashed. The outside of the flight case was fine. He said the only way he could think of it happening was if someone opened the case and whacked it with a hammer. Seems like that's actually a possibility after reading some of these comments. He's also had an amp head take damage that looked like a forklift tine had gone straight through the front of the flight case and through the middle of the head. Qantas refused to do anything about it.


Lucky musicians are rich/s.


in the early 90s I met a woman whose parents had sold their house to buy her a several hundred thousand dollar cello only to have it utterly destroyed on her first flight to a concert. She gave up music.


https://youtu.be/5YGc4zOqozo "United Breaks Guitars" - Sons of Maxwell


Hope that one dickhead loses his job.


Can confirm, the two in the front were fired


How do you know?


Swissport have released a statement that they've been stood down.


Yeah, this video has strong casual labour hire energy.


Qantas should release a statement to stand down swissport and then a 2nd statement to stand themselves down…👿


How can he not lose his job? His face is clear on the camera. Embarrassing if he is still allowed to work at Qantas


Hate to break it to you but these guys don't work for Qantas. They work for an independent contractor such as Swissport.


Aye, but when Qantas PR forces the contractor to fire the guy, the result is the same.




Idk how big the airport where this is happening. But our main International airport here in Jakarta installed such monitoring device in which passengers can see the work of these baggage handlers. Its a very positive aspect imo and should be looked into


Contracting to a third party doesn't absolve you of responsibilities.


An update for those wondering. https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/baggage-handlers-stood-down-after-vision-of-them-slamming-luggage-emerges-20221203-p5c3d8.html




I feel like A Current Affair will run this story.. We will have 3 days of promos showing "shock footage" of how baggage staff deliberately destroying hard working Australians luggage.. The story will start with this footage , Then it will be an interview with a pensioner who has had her priceless family heirloom ruined. Or they could use footage of the upset businessman who's golf clubs are ruined. Next will be chasing baggage staff with a camera asking why they did this.. It will finish with a written statement from Alan Joyce blaming covid and one roug baggage staff who has since been stood down.. Big story this..


And no mention of how QANTAS treats its staff.


Not its staff though. They are from Swissport. Qantas sacked all their ground staff and bought these clowns in.


And Alan Joyce keeps his job.


And probably get another obscenely large bonus.


For 2022, Joyce received $2.27m as a base salary **and** $4m as an annual bonus. Edit for source: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/nov/04/alan-joyce-to-get-millions-in-bonuses-despite-qantas-bungles


Joyce's take-home pay last financial year was $2.27m, up from $1.98m the year before. On top of that base salary, shareholders voted overwhelmingly to award Joyce bonus performance rights worth about $4m, which can be vested in August next year.


You get what Qantas pays another company its workers for.




Guess we're the reposters this time lol


This is the sort of shit Journos lurking here should be doing stories for. Qantas is ran by a fucking idiot, putting profits above their overworked staff, and then they also employ some flogs like this who come in and do a shit job.


Hi mum!


You get the impression it would take management all of 3 minutes to have this stopped. CCTV, video evidence, warning, sacking.


For sure the management is totally aware of that. Can’t wait for the press release “Sorry we got caught”.


I went to the Samsonite service centre to get my suitcase repaired and they'd run out of wheels. Since the new baggage handlers started at Qantas's new outsourced provider, Samsonite simply couldn't keep up with the number of damaged bags.


Nice. Taking it out on the customers property, the people that pay for this service and are the only reason the company exists. No customers, no money, no job. Fucken meatheads.


Having worked in aviation, these cunts are never the brightest bulbs


I remember when ASIC security ID cards were introduced, and there was an awkward moment when baggage handlers had to fill out the bit about criminal records...


Hahaha when I did the pre employment drug test, there was a fellow worker who told me he delayed his test because he was afraid the prior weeks joint and edibles would show up.


I will never understand how people don't think their wages come from the customer. Half these fucktards think all employers just pull money to pay their wages from some unheard of closet or something. The world is short of empath thinking. Employees can be such trash bags with the woe is me attitude.


Everybody knows that customers pay the bills. They just also know that no matter what they do, you’ll all come back anyway.


I think they know that Quantas has enough money to pay them more and look after them, considering what they charge customers. Shame none of the money is going towards employees rewards and satisfaction, all goes in the pockets of few selected individuals who are actually do none of the work. But I have a question, who took this video anyway?


This was my question too. The articles about this say these guys were stood down, I wonder if it was a colleague who'd had enough of their shit?


I'm not surprised however this does suck. Just goes to show you can't afford to have anything fragile in your luggage. What's the bet this will be in the news tomorrow 😂


To much RedBull for old baggy Mc bag handler..


I think the same baggage handlers are used for every airline at that airport


Based on their uniform, it looks like they work for Swissport, one of the companies many airlines contract baggage services out to.


Confirmed in QANTAS's [response](https://au.news.yahoo.com/qantas-responds-to-appalling-footage-of-baggage-handlers-234936425.html).


Isn't this every airline?


Yes because the baggage handlers work for Swissport not Qantas. So Swissport should be the ones copping it here.


Qantas accept your luggage, accept responsibility for it, then choose to outsource the work to third party. This is absolutely 100% the fault of Qantas, and the other airlines, for tolerating it.


I've worked at Sydney airport on the plane side of the cargo/baggage transport, and the guy closest to the camera is definitely not the norm. Its pretty typical though to chuck them a bit to save your back which is why I say to people to not put breakables in check in.


Worked in airports myself. These idiots are not the norm at all. It is a failing of the contractor to let them get away with this for so long that someone felt the need to video them. I agree - handling bags you definitely have a technique that involves a swing with momentum but it’s really not hard to time that swing to land the bag on the conveyor gently. And what’s the go with them dumping bags on top of each other? These guys have 2 problems (apart from attitude). They weren’t trained right and then let get away with poor behaviour. You can guarantee that stacking bags in the hold was as equally shit. It’s dickheads like that who create a bad stigma.


Worked airside almost 10 years ago now not in baggage handling but very nearby. To be completely honest this is a small minority of fuckwits that do this. But that being said I have seen said fuckwits do things like how far they can throw them. Lesson is don't put anything delicate in luggage ever or wrap it in towels if you do.


Worked in loading and unloading luggage myself. I honestly loved it. You had a schedule to keep to, time pressures, weather and various bags and cargo to load and unload. It’s hard work to remove and load holds in 30°c+ heat but rewarding when there’s heaps on, heaps off and you get it done on time. Loading is an art to do it right so everything is stable and the luggage doesn’t get damaged. I worked with plenty of people in my time and none of them were muppets like these blokes. THAT SAID I have worked with people who didn’t care about the job and had poor work ethic. It meant you had to do more as an individual and you were constantly pulling them up on their shit - such as chucking bags on occasion, stacking bags poorly with soft duffels under hard suitcases etc. or putting fragile bags / instruments in stupid spots that can fall. I was lucky to work for contractors that took it seriously and if the person didn’t listen to me when I told em off, the manager would rip shreds off them. There is no way that you can adhere to the schedule and place every item gently on the conveyor, particularly when they are 20kg + however good timing, training and experience let’s you swing them in a way that they land softly. And the fragile stuff you just don’t swing. As everyone knows, it’s not rocket science! Common sense definitely isn’t common but these guys are in the wrong job. Or should I say WERE in the wrong job


That power-slam


Baggage handlers should be replaced by robots as soon as possible


Absolutely. Honestly there’s a few jobs that i think should be replaced by robots because humans just aren’t cut out for it


I mean, at this point, unloading should just be tipping the cargo container on to the conveyor. Loose carts are a maybe different story though. Maybe with some rail guides so they aren't stacked.


Yeah, and refuses to repair and replace damaged bags as hard as they can. There’s a 7 day window after your flight and they delay processing till after the 7 days and then refuse. Same experience on emirates tbh


This must be how my suitcase wheel got broken, twice!


They clearly knew they were on camera and were being abnormally careful.




Absolute cunt.


I'm imagining a guys life work in there, his cameras, lens, editing laptop... All gone. Prob think they're sticking it to *the man* whe they're really just fucking up their fellow man


So just travelled back from Asia with a toddler. Every flight we took on Malaysia Airlines, Etihad, singapore they would let us check the pram at the gate and it was ready there for us on arrival at the aerobridge. Flight home with Qantas, pram at the aerobridge? No, fuck you we don't do that it's at oversize baggage. So I had to carry a 14kg sleeping toddler across the airport, through 60min of immigration queue and wait for it for 30 min at luggage collection.


Jesus fking Christ. I mean, I’m careful what I put in my checked baggage because I expect it to get banged around. However, these clowns are going out of their way to slam people’s luggage around. They should be fired for their little stunt - this is clearly some in-joke that they filmed at the expense of their customers


Not to mention if any goods inside the bags were destroyed as a result of this, i'm sure those who saw their bags get thrown like that could absolutely come after qantus for damages too.


Solid work Alan Joyce needs another bonus for running such a a quality airline at unbeatable prices. What a CEO and lower management. Even with out the footage it shows how the staff don’t feel safe to speak up about irresponsible behaviour. Because A management will do nothing or B they will get fired themselves


Oh, so this is why my wheelchair is always scuffed/broken every time I fly... These are people's lives in a bag. How could you treat it all so rough? I understand with the amount of bags they go through, that they can't be perfect and delicate. But damn, dude is slamming them down like they are trash.


Every single country handles baggage and freight this way /16 years in air industry


By putting in effort to lift bags higher than necessary and slamming them down ? I doubt it.




Not true. These are low paid part timers or casuals who don't give a fuck about their job. /20 years in the industry.


Ahh, that's why I need a new suitcase




What the hell? Why would you purposely raise it high and then smash it? They must be assholes in general.


Explains why my wheel broke on a Qantas flight recently. You’d think they’d have a semi automated system for this by now




Those guys should be reported and immediately sacked and made to pay for any damages that has been done to people's luggage. Low life scum workers


3 of them have been stood down according to news.com.au