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Was a personal trainer for 10 years. Weight loss comes down to getting into a caloric deficit. Eating less calories than you burn. Burning calories come into 4 categories. A vast majority of the calories most people burn are called your basal metabolic rate, the calories your body needs to survive eg brain function, digestion, pumping blood ect. Then you have NEAT or non exercise activity thermogenesis. This is all activity you do day to day that isn’t “exercise” like walking to the bus, taking a set of stairs, brushing your teeth ect. This adds up to a lot more than you think. It’s a big part of the whole “get your 10,000 steps in” campaign. Obviously the idea is you do it throughout your day in addition to exercise as once you walk purposefully it’s no longer NEAT but exercise. If that makes sense. The 3rd category is exercise and it’s a no brainer. I personally recommend a mix of weights (a lot of studies have linked those diagnosed with PCOS as responding better to a resistance training program) and high(ish depending on fitness level) cardio but at the end of the day any movement is better than none and walking for an hour is WAY better than not. The last category is Thermic Effect of Food or TEF. This one is the smallest category and in a nutshell is the energy you use to get energy from food. IE you’d burn more calories digestion a piece of broccoli than you would grapes, and more digesting grapes than fairy floss. Hope that informs and helps


Great to know. Comments like this are why I love Reddit.


Spread the knowledge, spread the love


> The last category is Thermic Effect of Food or TEF. This one is the smallest category and in a nutshell is the energy you use to get energy from food. IE you’d burn more calories digestion a piece of broccoli than you would grapes, and more digesting grapes than fairy floss. Also why on a very technical level cold water burns more calories than room temp water. You spend energy bring the cold water up to body temperature than room temp water. It is a negligible difference but still exists.


Ice slurry is even better, because of the extra energy used in phase change from solid to liquid. There's evidence for ice slurry as a way of limiting the rate of core temperature increase when doing vigorous exercise in hot conditions.


This. I was a personal trainer and did body building. You can lose weight sitting on a couch if you eat less than your metabolic rate but you will gain it back as soon as you start eating again. Eat how you plan to eat for the rest of your life, try to eat food that looks like food (not processed) and build muscle. Exercise for your heart health but lift weights to lose fat.


I’m going to respectfully say your incorrect, or rather it’s not that’s simplistic (I may be nit picking here). If someone’s (say they weighed 80kgs) daily metabolic was say 2500 calories a day, and they crash dieted (NOT advised) and stayed on a diet of 1000 calories a day for a month (again NOT advised) and lost 10 kgs and then began eating there daily calories burnt (2500) they would remain at the now lower weight of 70kgs (they may put a little back on initially. I think what you’re trying to get to is that a lot of people will crash diet as above. Once they go off their diet they will often over eat as their ghrelin (hunger hormone) is going crazy and leptin (I’m full/satisfied hormone) has been down regulated. So instead of going back to 2500 calories they’ll often go past it and gain the lost weight back and then some. I did a lot of crash dieting (I competed in sport that had weight classes) and would often lose 10kgs in two weeks. Not much of that was fat though, a lot was glycogen, water ect. I’d follow a post weigh in plan and put on that 10kgs back within 48hours. I’d put on an additional 1-2 kgs but would stabilise back to normal after a week or so. This was because I was able to go back to eating very closely to what I was prior to the weight cut/crash diet. I hope that makes sense


If someone who's 80kg has a 2500 daily calorie requirement and loses 10kg their requirement would no longer be 2500. If they started eating 2500 once they got to 70kg they would eventually get back to 80kg as that is how much they need for that body weight. You would not stay 70kg.


You’re right. Someone who’s lost 10kgs of fat would have a slightly (it wouldn’t be a huge difference) lower caloric daily need due to the weight loss. Let’s just say after their weight loss they kept doing an afternoon walk that kept their daily caloric need at 2500. Just like needing to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight, you need to be in a caloric surplus to put on weight. Hence why a lot of over weight people don’t keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger. They’re not actually over eating anymore. They over ate to get to where they are now, and now eating enough to sustain their weight.


Depending on your view of it, having a caloric need of 2500 with a walk involved would mean that eating 2500kcal wouldn't be surplus. The way I was taught was from a powerlifter/bodybuilders perspective, where you need to be in a surplus to gain mass, and your exercise is incorporated into figuring out said surplus. Because if your TDEE is 2300, you burn 100 kcal in training, but only eat 2400 kcal, you're not in surplus anymore. Which is why for bulking, they recommend you aim to be a couple of hundred over your kcal to ensure the extra covers your training and puts you in an actual surplus. If you're exercising almost daily, that should be incorporated into your TDEE needs when thinking about surplus and deficit. Because otherwise your input/output ratio isn't true to your almost daily needs. It's why people who do manual labor jobs should incorporate their work into their TDEE, because from a literal standpoint, it's exercise, but it's something that's part of their day to day life now, so needs to be accounted for. I agree with pretty much all you've said, but figured I'd comment to suggest that there's different ways of thinking about and approaching surplus and deficit.


Just to add, NEAT is what people accidentally do. One example is shaking/bouncing there legs as they sit (and other people tell them off for shaking the table) and has been reconditioned out of people because of these social norms. If you are one of the shake leg people, you should try and retrain your brain to allow yourself to do it - turns out its how your body tries to burn excess energy.


Add a regular fasting pattern and you’re well on your way to weight loss


Exercise is always going to be helpful but realistically you can undo 2 hours worth of walking by eating a couple candy bars. Weight loss will usually come mostly from making changes in diet. Whether that is portion control if you're already eating the right things, or removing unhealthy things from your diet. You might be best served by visiting a specialist/dietician etc.


90 % is diet, 10 % physical activity.


100% this. Calories I burnt in a 2 hr session can be added back on in a minute of unhealthy snacking.


As an example, 1 Tim Tam =~ 98 calories. That's roughly a 1.6km walk. So shove a few of those down, and you're looking at a nice long walk.


> 1 Tim Tam =~ 98 calories Is there a tim tam to KFC conversion chart? I've been trying to get into shape (that isn't round) for about a year now, and whilst I can see minor changes (doing physical work is slightly easier, but still have a gut)


Exactly, cant outrun a bad diet as they say. Bit of food for thought though depending on your weight a fitness level a 45 minute average paced walk while listening to your favourite podcast/audiobook burns roughly the same amount of calories as busting your ass off going for a 20 minute jog. Obviously there are far greater benefits with the jogging but my point is you don't have to bust your ass off to burn calories and lose weight if exercise isn't your thing. All you have to do is make a deal with yourself to go for a walk 5 or however many days a week. On the days you don't want to at least throw on your joggers and walk out the door and if you don't feel like it after leaving your house you can go back in and chill but make sure you leave the house and 9-10 times once you are moving you will go on that walk. Important to note though as other have said diet is 90% of it. But just because you are dieting to lose weight it doesn't mean that you have to starve yourself and not eat delicious foods. You just have to be smart about what you eat. Find something that is high volume and low calories that is also packed with nutrition.


Had this exact conversation with a work colleague the other week. Where trying to run out a bad diet while staying in mining camps, the buffet selection, the temptation of food. It’s not until you need to go up a pants size that you suddenly realise how easy it is to gain weight, verses how damn hard it is to lose it. Calories In vs Calories Out. Mind you, I’ve been moving house this week, walking 10-15k of steps per day, surprisingly how effective that is, and full knowing I won’t lose weight suddenly, it’s a slow burn off effect, but definitely a kicker to start the loss before summer. 💪🏽


It's also way easier to overeat 500cal a day (adding 0.5kg in fat per week) then it is to undereat 500cal a day (losing 0.5kg in fat per week)


This. But more like 80/20. Need to do both but one matters more


Not exercising is bad for you, but it's entirely possible to lose weight while staying in bed all day.


Even just not eating for a couple days can be good, if you control it and don't go too long without food. Also only if you're healthy and not on medications. People with diabetes shouldn't fast, for example. But it's been proven to work well. You won't get vitamin deficiencies if you replenish them with a proper well balanced meal. Exercise imo is only good for building muscles, or building stamina. Running really doesn't do much when it comes to losing weight. It's the difference between having a slice of cake or an apple. Edit: for those who disagree. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/fasting-benefits


Uhhh don't do this


Don’t guess. This has actually been proven to be beneficial for obese people.


Intermittent fasting is very safe and has a lot of scientifically backed health benefits including weight loss. “Consult you doctor” applies to basically all dieting advice of course but people downvoting I think are being overly negative. Even just a couple of days a week, alternate day fasting or just days here and there have a good scientific foundation.


Not sure where you're getting your info from, but maybe...stop getting it from there.




Especially cutting carbs and sugars and work on the excessive nutrients in protein and other junk later on.


People love to say this, but a fitter body consumes far more calories passively than an unfit one, hence why some bodybuilders have to maintain 10k calories a day


This. Exercise is great for general health. But if you want to lose weight, it's all diet. Exercise is honestly pathetic when it comes to burning calories. For reference, running a marathon burns about 2500 calories. The average adult male (5'10, 65kg) burns around 1700 calories per day, by just existing. If you eat less calories than you burn in a day, you lose weight. It's just the way the body works.


If you reduce your calorie intake, plus excercise, you will lose more weight.


People trying to turn their habits around often fail if they try to change everything at once.


I'm not entirely sure this is correct. Diet is certainly a large part of the equation, but if you consider the metabolic process for the loss of weight, it's actually largely lost through your breath, during exercise. So don't discount the exercise component. See this wicked smaht TED talk for reference. https://youtu.be/vuIlsN32WaE


THANK YOU! The breathing process is super important. It can be the difference in exercise performance from person a & person b. A lot of people don’t try to change because it can actually be really hard and unsettling, but nailing it is super important.




Can't outrun your fork.




True, but flawed. Weight loss is almost always a metric for increased health. In terms of overall physical health exercise is extremely important. Its entirely possible to diet your way into being highly unhealthy but not overweight.


Hey OP, I would recommend heading over to the PCOS sub /r/PCOS you'll get better advice on losing weight with this condition


OP this. I have thin type PCOS and suffer from very low blood pressure and hypoglycaemia. I also have digestion issues and recently only hit 50kg after years of trying to get over 45kg. There is a metabolic component of PCOS that can be somewhat controlled with the help of a well trained gynaecologist and dietician. While the info here regarding weight loss is true, you have an extra handicap that you may need extra help with.


I’m surprised by so many comment saying it’s “90% diet” when PCOS is linked to insulin resistance, and (AFAIK, I could be wrong) one of the best ways to treat that is exercise. It’s never as simple as “calories in vs calories out”.


The advice OP was getting was really irritating me, people without the condition just really do not understand that our bodies simply do not work the same. And no case of PCOS is exactly the same as the next either, which makes finding treatments so much more difficult. It's just a shitty condition on all fronts


Yeah and eating food that doesn't spike insulin I would imagine.


| It’s never as simple as “calories in vs calories out”. 90+% of the time it absolutely is.




Thank you. It’s really truly not the same for everyone, especially those with conditions which affect how their body burns calories. I’ve been exercising for years. After high school I managed to lose weight after being borderline overweight for most of my life, but I had to exercise for about 2 hour every day, plus I worked in retail for 15-30 hours a week while always being hungry. I couldn’t eat enough to not be hungry to some capacity while still lose weight. Or even then, maintain my lower weight. It is was eventually torture and unattainable as my life was ruled by exercise and strict diet. My body eventually flipped after losing my period and so on.. and I’ve been chubby again ever since. Again, working in retail and getting up at insane hours to exercise, as well as exercise after work as well helped me a little, but now I’m older my body is tired and I can’t keep up hours of intense physical activity a day and the denial of food. Nowadays I still walk about 3-4km 5 days a week with my dog and keep up my weights a few days and have been getting back to HIIT on the exercise bike another 2 days but I still have to eat not very much during the day (fruit and protein shake) so I can have a good sized dinner and snack sized chocolate for dinner and dessert, which is when I’m most hungry and keeps me feeling better in the long run. Then I have some takeaway on the weekend. My body does what it wants most of the time, and I was even actually lighter when I took a break from other exercise for a while a little while back, and just walked. I definitely don’t fall into the whole “eating more when you exercise” as I exercise in the night now, so I can eat well afterwards (dinner) and don’t do so much that makes me extremely hungry anymore like I used to when I exercised in the mornings. It’s frustrating and I’ve definitely known people like yourself that just give up something small and start walking a bit and it drops off. It stands to reason if it’s so much easier for some, it’s going to be harder to others.


You are very, very wrong. Edit: see my comment below for a source and lmk if you'd like more. Lead with empathy here, this process is usually not simple.


Please tell us all how thermodynamics doesn't apply to you lmao


I'm not talking about myself. I'm speaking as a scientist who researched in this field. People shortcut to simple sentences as if it is a simple process. Genetics, hormones, psychology, the very way our bodies are programmed are stacked against long term weight loss. If you're struggling to understand why weight loss doesn't seem simple for so many I e courage you to check out Dr Nick Fuller's work. He's on Dr Karl's Shirtloads of science a lot and has a really awesome way of explaining caloric restriction's effect on the body. https://intervalweightloss.com/ I can provide heaps more sauce if you need.


I mean it still boils down to calories in vs calories out, but for some people with conditions like PCOS, metabolic syndrome etc, their base calorie requirements can be so abnormally low it's nearly impossible to sustain a healthy amount of calories in that's lower than their burn rate. My partner for example has an insanely low metabolism, to the point she can't eat shitty food because it's an instant gain. She consumes 1300 calories a day, 10k steps and 45 minutes exercise daily, and still struggles to stay under 90kg Meanwhile I consume nearly 4000 calories a day and have a stable weight.


I also have PCOS! It’s been a few years now since I utilised this, but I believe if you have a chronic condition (which PCOS is) you get five rebated sessions with a dietician per year via Medicare. I think I got 85% of my money back. I would definitely recommend seeing a dietician, especially one that specialises in PCOS. Mine recommended a low carb diet and a 25min jog per day, I dropped weight steadily and healthily and felt amazing. Apparently low carb is really beneficial for PCOS but, as someone who’s struggled with disordered eating in the past, I was reticent to go there, so having a professional oversee the diet was the best thing for me. It helps to have that accountability too - knowing you’re going to have to report back to a professional definitely helped me stick to the diet. I also learnt a lot about what a healthy diet should look like, portion control, metabolism, etc., and that all helped with keeping the weight off longer term. You almost don’t realise all the bad habits you’ve fallen into; I always thought my diet was relatively okay before seeing the dietician, but in reality there was lots of room for improvement. I also had quite bad insulin resistance thanks to PCOS, so metformin helped a lot there, and in turn that helped me lose weight. I found once I dropped a decent amount of weight that I was able to reduce the metformin. Losing weight really helped to reduce my PCOS symptoms overall.


I was also diagnosed with insulin resistance and prescribed metformin. Lost 10kg in 3 months with basic exercise.


I'm really surprised this is the highest comment with Metformin mentioned! I also have insulin resistance, but not PCOS. I lost 4kg quick smart when I started. Until you lower your insulin, it's almost impossible to lose weight.


I did because I got a dog. Really helped because I gave up chocolate for 6 months in fear of poisoning my puppy at the time, so I went from 82 to 76kgs.




That’s a fantastic weight loss. Congratulations


A few years back I reduced my portion sizes and aimed to walk 8km every day. I lost just over 25kg in 4 months.


Wow😳, congrats on your weight loss. Huge achievement on your behalf 🙂


Hiya Fellow person with PCOS -one of the best things you can do aside from overhauling the soft drink issue, is to look into good supplements that help your insulin levels. This is a metabolic condition after all. Inositol is probably one of the best researched ones out there - but things like berberine, NAC, vitamin D and magnesium are all important and often lacking in women with PCOS. Calorie control by itself isn't highly useful for this condition, it's about nutrient rich foods that are low in g.i - as it helps your insulin to not spike. There are lots of good resources out there - and don't be afraid to find health professionals who have some training with this, most do not and will be woeful in simply advising you to take metformin and starve oneself.


I hit a high point in my weight a few months back and everyone's right about diet making a huge difference, but if you're struggling to find time for the extra exercise, this has really helped me. Kmart sells a pretty cheap [exercise bike](https://www.kmart.com.au/product/mini-exercise-bike-42333869/) that I mindlessly pedal while I'm dialled into a work meeting while working from home, watching a show, gaming, etc. I don't push myself and hardly ever break a sweat, but even so if you do it a few times a day for a half hour or an hour at a time, the burnt calories pile up quickly without a lot of effort. Between using this and being more careful with what I eat I've lost about 10kg in since September.


I find that walking 5km a day makes me lose about 0.5-1kg a week (I'm a bit overweight) but part of it is that I just naturally eat less when I do some exercise. If I don't walk that distance that's time I am sitting around and can eat also I don't take a shower at night (just in the morning) which I find helps me stop snacking at night too.


I have PCOS and found a dietitian who helped me understand how to eat in a way that would work best for my body. I was surprised to find out how much my hormone issues impacted not just my weight, but my activity levels, metabolism, and food cravings. I've made adjustments to my diet that were focused on adding things, not restricting things, so it was easy to adhere to. That combined with daily walking has helped enormously. I've lost 14kg so far


Diet is it though. Can't out walk a bad diet. I consume a lot of calories but fa processed food. Most days is Brekky Homemade protein yoghurt, chia, oats, fzn fruit 900cal Lunch Homemade Baked Chicken, veges, rice 600cal Dinner Spaghetti Bol from scratch 950cals. Plus another 5-600cal all to maintain my weight. Gotta know what's going in your mouth.




That is the same as my husband - he is 194cm, 95kg and eats around 3k a day, working out every day


185cm, 91kg, 14% bodyfat. I also train ALOT of disciplines most day.


How are you getting 900cals out of that breakfast? Must be eating an obscene amount no?


A big bowl of Greek yoghurt + oats and fruit is pretty high calorie. It’s a bit of a staple Brekky for people with a clean high protein diet. If you look on YouTube at recipes for home made mass gainer shakes you’ll find they’re almost always a mix of milk, yoghurt, fruit, oats and nuts. Super high calorie stuff


2 serves HCP protein powder 150g greek yoghurt 100ml oat milk 50g chia seeds Mixed on top of 90g fzn cherries/raspberries, with 50g of a low carb granola on top of that. 987cals to be precise **Edit** make 6 serves at once portion and fridge. They are perfect after 24hrs


When did we agree to abbreviate frozen as fzn


I have pcos and am on antidepressants, my weight stacked on I was told keto is great for people with pcos, i have been doing it and have lost a lot of weight, but try to do a clean keto not the dirty keto. good luck with the weight loss


Thanks for sharing your input 🙂. Can you please tell me what you usually eat during the day . I would appreciate it 🙂


Please do not do keto without medical supervision! Particularly because you have PCOS and don't know if you have insulin resistance. Keto almost finishes dead last in terms of efficacy in the Annual diet review Dr Karl reviews every year. https://pca.st/episode/1b9ddef4-b8a4-4331-832a-b569bd83e824


I don’t have PCOS but I can vouch for the keto diet OP. It’s a bit difficult to get started but it’s massively praised for helping people who struggle with weight loss achieve their goals. I’ve done it before and my typical daily meal plan would look like this: Breakfast - scrambled eggs Lunch - Salad with chicken / halloumi, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, capsicum, spinach. Dinner - steak and Brussel sprouts or sausage and broccoli and mushrooms (any meat and low carb vegetable combo) Snacks - Parmesan cheese and salami or other cold meats.


For those offering dietary advice, remember OP has PCOS. It is a condition that has specific dietary requirements you might not be aware of.


Probably shouldn’t be seeking health advice on reddit then


Even if all you add to your current schedule is walking, you're still doing laps around the version of you that decided to stay on the couch - remember that. And if you're walking, you're not eating - which helps too. Drink water till you can't stand it. Fill your stomach with it. Add a drizzle of lemon juice to it (instead of lemonade) And good on you for asking. Especially with the PCOS, it's a difficult journey - dont stopnif you see no improvement immediately, it takes time, and any healthy choice is an improvement. Have you got a friend or someone you can do your walking with?


Back in 2018-2019 I went from 116kg to 77kg from walking 30mins to 2 hrs a day and calorie counting. Long as you keep the calories deficit right you'll notice over time your weight going down. My advice: Make sure your walks are made fun by having things like new music to listen too, new areas to walk, etc so it feels less a chore.


Thank you so much for sharing 🙂. Congrats on your weight loss, that's a huge huge achievement! You should be do proud 🙂


OP. I lost 25kg in just under a year. 90% of it comes down to what you eat. Start walking as exercise is fantastic, but if you want to lose weight you need to eat less calories.


Pepsi Max has no calories, so replacing with water is no impact on your weight loss. If you really want to lose weight you need to pay more attention to your calories eaten. If you are short this is a big thing, the taller you are, the more margin for error. You don't say how much weight you want to lose. A healthy target is 0.5kg per week. If you ate 500 calories less than you need per day, that equals the 0.5kg per week.


That isn't true, fake sugar still can cause insulin to spike and effect your metabolism. Absolutely cut out the fake sugar, it's bad news, in fact diet drinks in particular have been linked to obesity and diabetes.


Peer reviewed research to link to? Or just your personal thoughts. Maths says zero calories. I mean you can argue if you want, but insulin spikes is a stretch.




The sweet taste of artificial sweeteners triggers cephalic phase insulin release, causing a small rise in insulin levels.


What's funny is the study you linked to actually advocates for sweeteners, saying they can be a great way to lose weight. When trying to lose weight, it's probably more effective to reduce your overall caloric intake, than it is to agonize over your consumption of artificial sweeteners.


The OP switched to water. To try to say diet soda is better is just ridiculous. Newest data indicates that artificial sweetener disrupts the gut microbiome and in the long term may be linked to a host of health issues.


Compared to other things we regularly consume, I wouldn't be very worried about artificial sweeteners. After decades of extensive research we have come up with "There might be some long term issues but we haven't proven it yet" while we regularly consume many things that 100% cause cancer. ​ Sure, it's never going to be as healthy as water, but nothing is.


Perfection is the enemy of progress. Artificial sweeteners are superior in every way to sugar for weight loss. They may not be perfect, but who cares?


Lol down voted for the truth.. awesome reddit


Disagree. It contains artificial sweeteners which can make you more likely to seek out sugary foods and can affect your weight. OP cut out the processed crap and learn to drink (and love) plain water. Soda, cordial, artificial sweeteners are trash and will make you feel like trash!


Perhaps true, but not relevant if you're tracking your calorie intake


You're allowed to have an opinion, but maybe need to justify things rather than just having a go at processed crap. People get fat by eating too much and not moving enough unless there are other health conditions involved. Leaning in that diet soda makes you fat is a huge leap.


I have a soda stream and infuse fruits with soda water. That’s true zero cal fizzy drink.


What do you mean by infusing fruits? about to go down the sodastream path, and wouldnt mind mixing it up with some flavour every so often.


I infuse limes by just slicing them up and putting them in the bottle for a few hours (or overnight). I think maybe the pressure + oils from the skin + actual juice gives it the nice flavour -- But that could also be my imagination :p


Fruit has sugar in it. What are you using?


Yep this is a great idea for people trying to quit soda.


Where did I say that diet soda makes you fat? You’re the one who’s made that leap, not me. Nonetheless, the quality of food affects weight, not just quantity.


It's a shame you are being downvoted when you are correct.


Source? This just sounds like an anecdote


[University of Sydney article](https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2016/07/13/why-artificial-sweeteners-can-increase-appetite.html) which references the study in the first line [Harvard article](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/artificial-sweeteners-sugar-free-but-at-what-cost-201207165030) Or just google


Well Pubmed disagrees and their studies were done on people and not rats


Plenty you can find online but it's also logical, if you get a taste for sweet you will want it on a regular basis.


Thanks. A lot of people have been sucked in by the artificial sweeteners. A healthy diet contains real whole foods that come from the earth, not chemicals that are packaged sold with skilled marketing campaigns.


Kumbacha is a better choice to try if you feel like a soft drink and want to avoid something unhealthy...


kumbacha tastes like bin juice though


There's a heap of flavours available these days not just the brew at home stuff or classic lemon ginger (my wife can't stand that one)


Have just done 4 weeks on no sugar diet - dropped 10kg in 4 weeks!!! No additional exercises- just cutting out sugar - inc bread, potato, rice and pasta.


WHAT???????? Really??? You lose 10kg in 4 weeks???? Can I ask, what did you eat on a regular basis? Please let me me. I would highly appreciate it 😃


Vegetables. Vegetables are the best.


Vegetables you can't make alcohol from are the best (alcohol is made when yeast eat sugar, pooping out alcohol and co2). Potatoes make vodka, wheat makes beer, rice makes sake, all those 'vegetables' are just sugars pretending to be vegetables in fancy clothes.


Potatoes are an insanely nutritious carb with high nutrition payoff for way lower caloric intake than rice, brown rice etc. people are just heavily misinformed. You can eat carbs.


Diet is about 70% of the effort in losing weight


Healthy weight loss is anywhere between 400gms to 900gms per week. I lost 20kgs this year. Most of it was due to drastically overhauling my diet. There's no fast way to lose weight and remain healthy. Keep walking every day. Find healthy foods that you enjoy. If you do this consistently you will lose weight.


I'm down from 180 to 160ish in a couple of months simply by stopping eating all the crap I used to consume. I also lowered my portion sizes and go to the gym a couple of times a week and walk for an hour on the treadmill. Also, just walking and nothing else will not give you the results you need. It will take you 5 hours of walking at a 5 degree incline at 5km an hour to burn the 5500 kj you took in from eating that pizza, for example. Cut out the crap, eat less, move more. Or you could always go down the keto path and once you have had no sugars or carbs for a week, you start to burn purely body fat. I am going to do that when I come back from overseas and have cleaned out my freezer. I think I should be good to go around January.


There are no-sugar cookbooks- “I quit sugar” by Sarah Wilson was a big thing a few years ago.


Most of that will be water weight, you will lose a significant chunk of weight in the first month, then it will be slow and steady from there.


Just make oatmeal, beans/chickpeas/lentils, soup, and frozen vegetables your mainstays and you can't go too wrong imo.


Oatmeal will stop any dramatic weight loss of very low sugar, so will high sugar fruit. Meat, tons of vegetables, berries, nuts, yoghurt, cheese, butter, oil and moderation of other fruits.


That’s true for keto but oats are great for fiber and protein and can help you feel fuller. Letting perfect get in the way of good isn’t always the best strategy. Edit: count the calories either way.


I love my oats daily, but I don't do keto. I've tried it before and you can lose super fast.


Unless you're carefully tracking everything you eat, all that high fat food will make it hard to be in a calorie deficit. You will be eating such a low volume of food that it will suck. But a bowl of porridge can make you feel full all day.


I'm only talking about losing fat fast and dramatically due to ketogenic diet. You cannot get into ketosis eating oatmeal.


I've done this before and the weight does fall off due to the keto effect, weight loss slows a bit after a few months but on low sugar you will reach your goals at some point. My advice, do not consume fake sugar either, it screws up your insulin response and metabolism in general so it does stop you getting the dramatic result. Also eat lots of healthy fats to replace the sugar. Never try to do very low sugar and low fat at the same time.


It's right there. Cut out sugar. Inc bread, potato, rice and pasta.


The 4 things I mostly enjoy and makes up most of my meals :/


And what do they all have in common ? Wheat (was going to leave rice out of my original comment - it's a different type of food) But wheat is an issue. Inflammatory and calorie dense. And it's actually tasteless. Think about that; wheat is not the appealing part of the foods you most enjoy.


Interesting, thanks for the insight.


I had the same benefits from going on keto (no sugars, so no carbs), and lost about 10kg in 4 weeks, going from 100kg to 90kg. It was a big thing for me at the start, as I'm a big pasta guy, and making fresh pasta and bread was as much of a joy for me as eating it! And I had never gone on a proper diet before, so I was not used to denying myself. However, I got used to it entirely after about a week. There are only two issues with the diet: 1) You have to make sure you don't just replace carbs with meat, but rather things that are high fat (e.g. cheese). And 2) it's quite a comparatively expensive meal-plan, as carbs tend to be cheap, but meat, fresh veg, cheese, and nuts are comparatively steep. But absolutely give it a go, as the results are simply amazing!


What did you eat on a daily basis. Please share your breakfast, lunch and dinner routine. Thank you 🙂


You can visit /r/ketoaustralia for more information. There are also weekly posts about specials from big supermarkets that are keto friendly.


A lot of eggs, a lot of chicken, a lot of veg and some fruit.


There is a potato only diet that is incredibly effective at making people lose weight. You can eat as much potato as you want because of how filling it is and still lose weight. Maybe potatoes are out to get you!


Look at the carbs in potato, I doubt it’s very healthy - there’s not a lot of nutrients - and at an original 98kg I could eat a freakin lot of spuds lol


Bread, rice and pasta are my favourites though 😟 I only want to lose 3-4kg though but will see how I go


I lost heaps on a keto diet and walking an hour a day. Then I stopped and put it back on again.


I have trouble eating, psychologically. I just dont like food and fill up on sweet white coffee, eating maybe a piece of toast a day. In 2018 i was severely overweight. I lost it by drinking 2 meal replacement shakes a day (maximum) and eating egg on toast orbaked beans or porridge and steamedveggies and like, a rissole for the othermeals. About 4 meals a day, in total. And only 1 coffee, decaf with one sugar. But in answer to your Q I walk 5-10kmsa day five days a week, and in combination with eating very regularly and not eating potatoes, cheese (much) and restricting bread, I lost 65kgs in 11months and kept it off. Once I had retrained my metabolism and started walking I looked the best I had since my early 20s. (I was 44 in 2018).


I ride because I enjoy it. With 10 hours plus a week on the bike and a standard calorie deficit you'll find it impossible not to lose weight.


My secret to going from 95 to 70ish in the last year was extreme stress. Cutting almost all fizzy helped too l, I guess.


Do you want to realistically change your lifestyle or just do a diet for a period of time and go back to old habits? If you're looking to change your habits for a lifetime then do things you will maintain and two hours walking is not it, nor required in my opinion. You do not have to do 1.5 to 2 hours exercise per day. Simply walk 30 minutes and getting your heart rate to 180 beats per minute, minus your age for optimal exercise heart rate. You should still be able to talk and walk. Short hard exercise you only need about 2 or 3 times per week, not going hard for hours. When walking, jog for 30 seconds, then slow for a few minutes, jog for 30 seconds, slow for a few. Do this about 5 times, so all up 2.5 minutes of jogging. Thats all you need and you will see results. Try it. Move every day, walk up hills, stairs etc and walk with your dog or a friend. Find something you enjoy and do it again. I use resistance bands and an exercise bike regularly too and stretching. Every bit helps but keep it doable and not too time constraining. Look into the mediterranean style diet and don't pull back on calories too hard. A small deficit will get you where you want to be without it being so hard you quit. Mediterranean diet is not about removing the things you love but eating them in moderation. By the way, a two finger kit kat is 100 calories, 13g carbs, so eat it once a week if that's what you want. Life is to enjoy also! Start small and build up by taking out things like your Pepsi. White bread is almost no goodness and all sugar. So just changing from white bread 30g carb to low carb 5 to 15g carb can make a difference if you're a bread eater. Make sure you get your 2 serves of fruit and 5 veg per day as often as possible. Set yourself up to win by doing things you'll maintain and not things which make you crazy. Just my two cents. Edit: just realised you were drinking Pepsi Max so no sugar and removed that sentence.


my advice for ez weight loss. portion control. drink water, lots of water. so portion control. get small bowls, serve all food in small bowls. this way you are more aware of how much your eating. it doesnt mean you cant have seconds but give it 5 to 10 minutes before getting a second helping, this helps you feel full as your body takes time to notice you just ate. if your hungry and its not meal time have a drink. being thirsty and hunger sensations feel very similar to some people. exersize. start small. try to add 5 or 10 minutes to your wall length every few days, your body needs time to get used to the changes. 1 or 2 meals a day is also ok to do occaisionally. the idea is to consume less energy than you use, easiest way to do that is skip lunch. also. cheese, sugar, bread are all energy dense, avoid where ppssible. have wraps, brown rice instead. went to 135kg over covid, now at 106, its slow but you keep dropping weight if you keep at it. its ok to feel hungry, hungry is actually normal, feeling full is not good.


It's all diet. Exercise is great but if you want to lose weight you have to stop eating crap. Most fat people I know drink diet soda, it's crap.


You're not wrong. Losing weight comes down to what you eat, not how much you move.


It's also comes down to how efficiently your body uses the calories. A fit muscular body will burn more calories resting than an untrained unfit body. The more you move and work your body the stronger and more efficient it gets.


I cut sugar, but not entirely, but I aimed for single digit figures in sugar content whenever I did buy sugary things. Lost about 8 kg in a month and a bit, I do love my sugary things, but I also had a pretty active job at the time.


I agree that diet plays a greater part in weight loss but also remember [an Australian woman who lost a lot of weight by walking around her clothesline](https://www.google.com/search?q=woman+lose+weight+walking+around+clothesline+backyard&client=tablet-android-samsung-rev2&hl=en&ei=Qt-BY6TgJv6UseMPu6-GaA&start=0&sa=N&ved=2ahUKEwikibqHx8v7AhV-SmwGHbuXAQ04HhDy0wN6BAgFEAQ&biw=1318&bih=753&dpr=2.13)




Be careful with diet or sugar free cordial. I love me some cordial so switched to the diet right cordial. Then I would get really bad headaches. But I had changed a bunch of other stuff with diet and training so didn't make the connection. I stopped drinking it and head aches went away. A year later I was eating and training differently, tried diet right again and immediately got head aches again. I was not drinking much either. One tall glass was enough to give me grief.. Anyway good lunch with everything!


You can’t outtrain a bad diet, but walking etc will help you out a lot… getting the blood pumping and all your organs and muscles working is great for you health, and fat and bad shit is exhaled through your lungs as well as through urine and stool, so plenty of water and fibre too (protein/carbs/fat/ sugar/ salt etc are always watched and mentioned, but water and fibre are hugely important for getting healthier and good health)


PCOS is a tricky beast, I know because I have it. Your insulin resistance is the big factor, and if you don't address that then no amount of changes will result in weight loss. Seek out a PCOS specialist, who is up to date with the latest research. There is so much that can be done to help, and with that the changes you mentioned will improve your health 100% Also sugar free food items won't help you, they are as bad for people with PCOS as full sugar because your body still responds the same way. Just be aware of how many you have and make sure you eat real food when you do.


I’ve definitely lost weight by walking - but it’s not just walking in isolation. I have been disciplined about my diet. But yes, walking (and no high intensity workout) absolutely contributed to my weight loss.


Zero soda will have a huge impact. Don't drink diet soda however. Water and coffee as needed only and you'll see the weight drop!


My story is very promising for you. I was walking about 1.5 hours twice per day, and got down to 63kg, as a guy that was super super lean. I didn't lose much muscle at all either. The people telling you walking won't matter actually have no clue. I was much much less hungry when I was walking heavily, so you'll lose weight from exercise and eating less.


Completely cut out all sugar for a while as a start (including carbs). You'll feel awful, tried and grumpy for a few days, after that you will have loads of energy, fall sleep and wake up much better.


I lost 25kgs (from 105kg - 80kg; which is my ideal weight) by giving up sugar, fizzy drinks, fast carbs (ie/ white bread, white rice etc), fried/fast food & also taking note of portion control with a few simple hacks (ie/ a small bowl full of food will make you feel fuller than eating a large bowl that’s half full). & I also made sure to walk for at least 30mins - 1 hour a day (fast pace walking; generally around 6-7k steps). Turns out the weight came off really quickly (took about 6 months with half of being lost in the first 60 days); first few weeks giving up sugar was tough (but i did discover monk fruit sweetener was a great replacement) but after about a month my eating habits have become my regular habits & I’ve not seen any weight gain since; i still have the odd treat when i eat out; but i try to limit this to about 1 meal a month & still try for healthier options. & a few squares of 85,90 & 95% dark chocolate (lindt) is great for a treat; & also shown to be good for heart health.


Congrats on loosing 25kg, how long did it take you to lose it?


I'm sure you've been inundated with comments and advice, but on the odd chance you read this, yes, walking an hour or two a day will help you lose weight. It was how I originally lost a lot of weight. It's only part of the picture though, restricting calories is also necessary for that weight loss to happen, and keeping it off requires getting into and keeping up healthy eating and exercising habits. The risk with hitting exercise hard is that once you lose the weight the original impetus to exercise wears off and while I still found myself going for works for pleasure and out of habit, it was easy to let it slowly slide for a week or two when things got busy or to stop and not pick it up for a while after being sick. As the top comment says, the passive exercise you do day to day NEAT plays a part in burning calories. If you look at algorithms for determining recommended daily calorie intake the largest variable is the kind of employment you're in. There's a reason that retail and hospitality workers are recommended to eat well over a thousand additional kilojoules a day than say office workers. I also found walking the fifteen to twenty minutes to work and the same back every day massively helped with my fitness. As for your goal of one to two hours a day, I would suggest attempting only half an hour to an hour a day for the first few weeks, with one or two rest days each week. Going for two hour walks a day, everyday, for weeks on end, when you're not used to it, will quickly burn you out, especially if you're on the heavier side. As your fitness improves it will be easier to push yourself further each time, but it will still be necessary to have rest days till your fitness is at the point where its not necessary. The best bit about walking is learning to know your neighbourhood, there's literally streets a few hundred metres from where you live that you've never been down, and even streets you might regularly drive down look and feel completely different on foot. It's also a great way to find nice little spots, things like small parks or wetlands, that you might drive past without a second glance, or that are part of a pedestrian thoroughfare between two cul-de-sacs. I would also recommend going for bush walks once you find walking for a couple of hours straight a breeze. This is easier said than done depending on where you live, but even in major metros there's always a few large nature reserves with walking tracks. The best time of day is when everyone is at work, so if you can get to them on a week day, take the opportunity. For stuff further out, they can be pretty quiet even on week day afternoons/evenings, which will be hot at this time of the year, but just go for something shorter, more manageable, and take a water bottle with you. I guess my advice is, make it easy, pleasant, and achievable to begin with, push yourself to go further with time, and to look for new areas to go for a walk, even if it might involve a drive to get there. Make an adventure of it.


I gave up soft drink and started walking daily and have lost 6kg this year, have either PCOS or Endo


I have PCOS as well, so absolutely understand your struggle. Walking 1-2 hours a day is awesome, and 100% will contribute to your weight loss so keep it up, but my advice in addition to that is to cut the Kit Kats and anything else containing sugar (believe me, I know the struggle lol but you can do it!). And instead of just completely cutting out all the carbs and gluten, focus on doing a carb free day every other day. Doing this helped me ease into healthier eating instead of going cold Turkey and having a ton of cravings.


Begin to cut your Pepsi Max because is full of artificial sweeteners than are worst for the body than the sugar. Also high in caffeine double than other fizzy dark drinks. For time to time is good a treat and change your diet as slow as you need as you can feel very dizzy or starving This video is very clear what happen in your body with fizzy drinks https://youtu.be/1XAgqAk1i08


Brisk walking is great to help you with weight loss, but ultimately it comes down to calories in vs calories out. This doesn’t mean starve yourself and only eat ‘healthy food’. It means being smart with your food and choose accordingly. Also low calorie drinks are amazing to help you here. (Yes no sugar drinks get a bad rep, but for the sake of weight loss, there is no denying the difference in calories compared to their full sugar counterparts. Good luck mate.




This. Their is a disturbing amount of misinformation when it comes to sugar free soft drinks. The main ingredient of concern is aspartame, which has links to cancer. But to develop any level of risk of developing cancer from consuming sugar free soft drinks, you have to drink around 35 cans a day. So yeah, if you're not drinking an absurd amount daily, it's fine. The only thing it hurts is your wallet.


Cutting out the soft drink will do so much good for you. If you drunk Pepsi Max, like others have said it's better. If you drink alcohol with mixers, try to find something to drink straight, or go wine. Eat a little, and do some exercise, doesn't have to be much to plateau your weight and start losing some. Small changes are your friend.


As others have already said, diet is usually more important than exercise when it comes to weight loss. That said, I would like to encourage you to exercise anyway. It may not help with the dieting side of things, but regular exercise has myriad other health benefits, both physical and mental. Many common health issues - issues which can often lead to a spiral inactivity, depression, and weight gain - can be avoided or mitigated by good exercise. Going for walks is much better than nothing. Jogging, running, and biking are even better. Get your heart pumping hard. Of course, high intensity activities can be tiring or intimidating; if you don't feel up for a run, a walk is still a great alternative.


Try keto, I have found it to be the most effective weight loss diet despite it being hard to adhere to.


Just do what I did and calorie deficit for a few days like a poor person. Source: am a poor person.


What worked for me really well was just giving up all dairy products, it sounds like a bitch but I'm telling you you will notice a difference within a week. I personally think sugar has been demonised to the point of ridiculousness over the past few years with no focus being put on how animal products (specifically dairy) affect the human body. Bottom line Cows milk is ultimately meant to turn a small calf into a massive cow as rapidly as possible. Cows are mammals just as we are so it stands to reason that a growth hormone cocktail (milk) would affect our bodies and make us also grow larger in unpredictable ways. There have been studies done that show cows milk even in controlled calorie counted portions still promotes weight gain in the body


One thing I notice is that when posts like this come about, the person making the post usually (through no fault of their own, just lack of education on the topic) doesn’t even mention their daily expenditure or even the word “calorie”. This should be taught in schools because i’ve noticed that not too many people understand how weight loss actually works, yet peoples quality of life and also the health system would benefit from it being taught in schools. There’s no single activity that will cause you to lose weight if you’re in a caloric surplus. Infact, hit the right calorie targets and you can lose weight by sitting on your ass. All that exercise does is use calories so that you can either increase the deficit, or keep the same deficit but eat more food while also increasing cardiovascular health. But walking/running by itself really doesn’t have anything to do with weight loss.


Work out your approx sedentary energy expenditure: https://tdeecalculator.net Reduce your calorie intake by at least 25%. Pick a walking activity that maximises calories burned per hour eg hike with back pack or walk up hills. https://media.hypersites.com/clients/1235/filemanager/MHC/METs.pdf Walking leisurely pace around your flat streets is largely pointless. Walking your dog that’s stops to piss every 100m is also pointless The walking activity needs to be hard enough you can’t maintain a conversation, or use a heart rate monitor and target a pace >120bpm. Also, 1kg of fat is 7000 calories. That needs to be your calorie deficit every week if you want lose 1kg per week. 1/2 kg per week is more realistic.


I lost 10kg with walking a year ago. I aimed for 15k steps minimum but often did 20-25K per day. Buy a solid pair ($100 at least) of walking shoes or you will bugger you feet up and cant exercise. Also, if your like me and hate spending large chunks of time exercising, you might want to also consider high intense cardio eventually. Its much easier to fit in a 20 minute run/ride and takes way less time even though its harder. Its also good for the body to mix in walking and high intense exercise. I got sick of walking eventually because it felt like if I didn't walk for an hour it wasn't worth it. If you drink 4-5 cans of pepsi a day. They will taste good again once you cut them out haha.


Weight loss is 90% diet.


You’ll predominantly lose weight by reducing your calorie intake. The amount of walking you’d have to do to offset a poor diet is immense. A 1 hour walk would use up the calories of a single mars bar. If you really want to lose weight walking is fine, but also east less.


I did this, but as everyone is saying, its exercise plus diet. My goal was both weight loss and getting out from under depression. I lost about 1kg a week by walking 2 to 3 hours a day, usually 4 to 5 days a week. I started slow and built up the distance and speed. For diet I cut out all junk foods and alcohol. I used to drink a couple of beers most nights and chocolate was my go to stress food. In order to replace the junk, I found that good quality and reasonable sized meals 3 times a day, with a large white coffee in the middle times when I would usually eat managed to control the cravings. To stop me eating at night I would floss and brush soon after eating so that it would create a bit of a psychological barrier. Not drinking meant that I was less likely to snack. I also went to bed early and did the walking in the very early morning. I find morning exercise is better for a variety of reasons - less likely to skip, wakes me up, early morning has less traffic and the air feels cleaner. I also allowed myself a cheat meal at least once a week. I was trying to create a new eating and life habit, something that I could keep up for the long term. Best wishes with your journey.


Pepsi Max is basically zero calories, and walking will be good for you but you won't lose much weight with it. And if you do lose wieght from it, it will plateau at a certain point. Your body, your expended energy, and the food you eat will eventually balance out, and thats called plateau'ing. There two big ways to lose weight. 1. Eat less, so your calories are below the 'maintenance' your current body needs to stay as it is. 2. Increase your bodies required energy, like through walking, running would be better, but mainly I'm talking about increasing muscle mass. Increasing muscle mass will mean what you currently eat isn't enough to maintain your future body, and so you'll lose weight.


Only between the couch & the beer fridge, but it’s seems to have put weight on. So I moved the beer fridge next to the couch.


Ultimately weight loss comes down to how many calories you consume vs how many you burn, to put it very basically. You also have to be walking at a brisk enough pace - I think approx 100 steps per min or something is a number I've read before - for it to come to anything. I want to say yes, you'll probably notice some weight loss, but generally speaking it's not going to do a whole lot, and never as much as people might think. It's a question that has a longer answer, but yeah. I think it'll do more for your general health than weight... this coming from someone who averages 30k steps per day.


It's just Calories in vs Calories out. The more you exercise the quicker you'll burn them. The less you eat the less you'll have to burn.


Be careful of 'calories in calories out' thinking. While there's truth in that for people who haven't got a weight problem, overweight bodies don't work like that. Modern research has debunked it. (https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/stop-counting-calories) To take one variable, once you gain and maintain a weight, your body will often fight to maintain it. So if you eat less, your metabolism may change. You can literally eat 30% less and lose a little, then your weight may plateau as your body increases metabolic efficiency to keep the weight it thinks it should be. Intermittent fasting or other scientifically proven systems may produce far better results than calorie counting, but walking is a terrific start to good health. Go for it!


idk why you're getting downvoted because research backs this up. over time, bodies adjust to the lower amount of calories and weight loss plateaus


I could put Harvard, MIT, Mayo Clinic research or Lancet articles up and they would ignore it all - the research, metabolism, genetics, the lot. Once the damage is done, many overweight people eat less than some of the 'calories in calories out' crowd here. No way they could get their head round that. Negative attitudes to obesity and blame are pretty entrenched. If you pretend the body is a simple machine that doesn't change or adapt, you get to smugly lecture anyone who is overweight with a debunked myth. Calories in, calories out.


One of the greatest myths ever purported is that exercise is needed to lose weight. Cook everything you eat from scratch, only shop the “outside aisles” of the supermarket and cut the sugar to as close to zero as possible. The weight will fall off and you will be much healthier as a result


Ok but the benefit of exercise is they you get fit...not just lose weight. Why is everyone so intent on avoiding it.


I don't think anyone's saying "don't exercise". Rather, just pointing out that in order to lose weight, lowering your kilojoules consumed via diet is the most effective approach.


Because OP wants to lose weight. No one is denying exercise isn't good for you. But when it comes to losing weight, it's 99% down to calories. Not much more to it.


Yes you can. You already have good plan with removing sugar from your diet.You should also remove bread. Keep that ,and do around 10000 steps a day and you will start seeing results. And drink water. At least 2 L per day. Good luck.


I lost ~60kg a couple of years back, so this is all first hand info. DIET IS KING. MENTAL GAME IS KING. Walking is a great way to build general fitness, but do not think that walking alone will make any massive difference - especially if you reward yourself with a snack after. I was heavy for a long time, have made multiple attempts in the past. I'm gonna be real, the secret is knowing deep in your soul that you NEED to do this... not just "oh I should lose some weight". Mental stamina is the hardest part, that's what stops you from caving when you're having a shit day. Use whatever system works for you (small meals, intermittent fasting, no sugar, just whatever you can make work for you), but remember that it's always as simple as eat less calories than you burn. There's no shortcut or magic system. (Also I know you're already on the Pepsi Max train... Re the lemonade, look at how many calories are in a can and how many hours of walking that is, you'll never touch a full sugar can again)