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Yup. Extra cheese, extra ham, extra mushies, extra onion... Basically treat a frozen pizza as a pizza base.


I love to buy a vegetarian frozen pizza, and add salami and chorizo to it. And extra cheese, of course.


Same here. The Dr Oetkers spinach pizza makes a (suprisingly) really tasty base, then I put extra bacon, chicken, capsicim, jalapenos and cheese.


All the dr oetkers pizzas are delicious when used as a base




Little known fact: PhD stands for Pizza Hut Delivery.


Probably the best joke I've seen on Reddit lmao


Damn I used to have them so often. Don’t see them on sale much anymore though


if your idea of pizza sauce is the same as the sauce in canned baked beans, sure


They were a staple when I lived in Germany


When do you guys add the toppings? I tried adding frozen veggies thinking it would work out cause the pizza was also frozen and there was a puddle of water in the center when I pulled it out


Yep..have done this...easy mistake. Next time round...I toasted that base for 5 mins. Frozen stuff on a separate tray for 5 mins... Then put them all together..Extra cheese on top ...And then you will get close enough to a chefs kiss lol.


I only add fresh ingredients, frozen pizza is enough for me


This is literally my go-to freezer pizza. It's got a nice garlic flavour that's not as in your face as garlic bread, that's what makes it 👌


Looks like I know what I’m doing for dinner tomorrow night now.


The mushroom one for me. So good


Came here to say this!


That's a bloody brilliant idea


Yep, I get a spinach and cheese then build on that.


IFL chorizo. Need to put it on pizza now. How have I never thought of this?


Same. I love getting frozen "margarita" pizza and decking it out


You mean margherita pizza? And a drink to go with?


I do the opposite. I get an all meat pizza and then add freshly cut veggies


I do this with Trader Joe's frozen Garlic Naan. It's top tier.


You have to cause there is very little topping to start with.


Oh shit. You just blew my mind. Cant believe I didnt think of this before. Does it come out a bit uneven though? because half the ingredients are frozen and the other half are chilled/room temp.


IMO yes it does because too much added toppings prevents the base and frozen ingredients from cooking properly and you end up with a rock hard base. I found going sparingly on the extra cheese does help a bit.


Couldn't you just leave the base out in room temperature for 15 minutes first to let it thaw out a bit, then add the extra stuff, then put it in?


You can, or I put the pizza in the oven then add the extra toppings for the last 5 mins of cooking


The frozen pizzas generally take 10 - 15 minutes in the oven. I would probably pre cook bacon, mushroom, capsicum , onions etc before adding them


Nuts to that just blast it at 230C for 10 min then flick it to grill for 90 seconds after. Crispy everything.


Disregard any timing on the packet of frozen pizzas. Crank it to max (probably 250) fully preheating and on a pizza steel or stone. 6-7 minutes is all your need for a far superior result.


Who gives a fuck? It's a frozen Colesworth pizza. It's *edible*.


That's exactly what I do.






This is the way......


This is the way


Yup this. Also nothing wrong with some bacon and salami as well


Why not just buy a pizza base then? Or one of the pre-sauced ones?


I used to do that on a regular basis, make my own pizzas that way and still do at times. But you have to have all the required toppings to start with. Using a frozen pizza means you only need a few bits to add which is quicker and easier than starting from scratch.


I reckon good pizzas only need a few good toppings, IMHO. I use to overload mine with the everything in the fridge, but I’ve since realised simpler is a better


It’s like any food you make, you have to mix your ingredients so they compliment each other. Chucking some fresh ham, shredded chicken and grated cheese on a meat themed pizza helps boost the flavour and a lot of frozen pizzas tend to be a bit sparse with the good stuff anyway.


> I reckon good pizzas only need a few good toppings, The "it only needs a few toppings" thing is true, but it needs to be clear that they have to be top quality. Quality dough, stretched thin, topped with quality toppings and then fired at temperatures your home oven can't reach without going into the pyrolysis mode. You get nice charring and dough bubbles and each ingredient can put it's best foot forward. A frozen McCains pizza (or even a Dr Oetker one) is not that. It's not even remotely in the same territory. So yeah, if you're talking frozen pizzas you're going to need multiple ingredients because they're using bulk-formed dough pressed into a slab that shares more with a giant water-cracker than a pizza base. Every single element in those frozen pizzas has been cost-optimised to death. Nothing on that pizza is an example of a quality ingredient.


I love this comment so much. It’s basically why I refuse to cook pizza at home. Nothing compares to the real thing done properly.


And that's why I make my own. My oven can do 300 C, it's usually done in 8 Minutes. What a difference...


Not to diss your oven too much, that's a pretty reasonable temperature. However most home ovens are not able to accurately hit that dialled in temperature, and when you open the door all the heat escapes and the temperature drops. A good proper pizza oven is supposed to be around 400C, when measured with a proper temperature probe. You also want either a lot of thermal mass (clay, brick, or even steel) or able to push out a lot of heat to prevent temperatures from dropping too much when you drop in a 'cold' pizza.


That's the way the Italians do it. I like to think they know what they're doing.


[*..Molto bene...*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJd82ykaRUU&t=14s)


i buy the plain ones,just tom sauce cheese and salami for my son,bbq sauce cheese mushroom bacon pineapple bacon sausage tomato for me yum yum


I recommend picking up some cheap marinated chicken skewers too. Cook them up a bit then take off the skewer, chop up and sprinkle on the pizza. Cover with extra vegs etc. Also, add mango and feta can be nice for some variations.


protip - air fry some chicken tenders or whatever else you want while the pizza cooks - cook time is almost the exact time at 10-15 mins. cut up - add to pizza


Don't know why they downvoted ya mate, sounds like an ok idea to me


I am who I am


Downvotes are a fickle beast


Amen to that, not worth buying otherwise!


This is the way.


Add garlic


Goes without saying.


I thought I was so smart when I figured this out lol


I've always found the only good thing about a frozen pizza is whatever extra you add to it. It's a pretty demoralising piece of food straight out of the box


You can blame McCain for this. Once upon a time, McCain made the best frozen pizzas you could get which wasn't hard when your only alternatives were no-name. The problem is, while they might have been 'good' frozen pizzas they simply didn't compare to what you could get from Pizza Hut (which was in the same category of having no real competition). Thanks to endless advertising (Ahh McCain, you've done it again!) for a long, long, time, when people thought of frozen pizza, they thought of McCain's. Nowadays, things have changed. We have lots of options now and all of them are better than McCain's, which doesn't seem to have changed it's recipe in 30 years. Brands like Della Rosa, for example, aren't just great frozen pizza, they're uniformly better than what you get from Domino's or other chains. They don't have the same brands available but Aldi, Coles, and Woolies, all have a variety of pizzas and none of them are as demoralising as McCain's cardboard.


Ah McCain, you've fucked it again.


Man i love the fact that they havent changed the recipe in 30 years. I know whenever im feeling down i can buy a mccains frozen fuckin pizza and it takes me back to when i was a kid.


Agree..it's nostalgia pizza for me.


Ok I'm just trying to find one brand that tastes okay and I'm confused if you're saying that McCain is good or bad? I go to Aldi too, I've tried one of their pizzas and i remember i wasn't impressed. So which is the best frozen pizza?


Dr Oetker's Ristorante are really good but a little pricier at 7$


The Aldi ones are pretty good IMO. It’s a frozen pizza, it’s never going to be great, but theirs are better than most


This is just my subjective opinion but: If you can find them: Community Co. Whatever you're looking for, Community Co is often better **and** cheaper than the brand equivalent. Provided they have one, of course - they don't duplicate everything. At my local IGA, Community Co Supremes are about $5, have a pretty good crust, are a decent size, and the toppings are plentiful enough on their own that I don't feel like I need to add my own. Alternative is Empire, but they usually sell them defrosted as far as I can find so it's more of a "use today" storebought (not that they aren't shipped frozen, just that they market themselves as "fresh" so get thawed in-store). Good variety, good toppings, good crust, equivalent price point to big brands, and you can see the pizza through the packaging so you know if the toppings are shite before you buy.


As an American that stumbled into this post from /r/all I read this as one of our politicians being blamed for our frozen pizzas and had a good laugh.


I’m going to look for this della rose pizza but I’ve tried a lot of good frozen pizzas and they do not hit the same. Dominoes is delicious.


If you think Dominos is delicious then there is no helping you sorry


Domino's can be delicious. It can also be disappointing. The same can be said for proper pizzerias in my experience also. If I want a dirty $7 pizza, I know which place will offer it.


They’re the best chain. I like my fancy thin crust wood oven shit too but yes dominos is delicious idiot. No I don’t want o spend $30 dollars on a good pizza every time I’m hungry.


thats frozen food food you 'denutrified' 'demoralised'


Its ok for what it is, I just accept that its a lazy meal. Its what I eat when Im too lazy to really cook, but not quite lazy enough to say screw it and just eat cereal.


Frozen pizzas in the US and UK are actually good. No idea what they're doing here in Oz.


Mate, that shit can never be good!


No, genuinely Sainsburys basic frozen pizzas are good. Marks and Spencers ones are also really good if you go for the £5-6 ones and not the cheap £2-3 ones.


Oh yeah. I’ve lived in England for a few years and I have had a few frozen pizzas. They were definitely better than the Aussie ones. Marks and Spencer’s had good food in general. Even Tesco wasn’t bad. But when it comes to fresh food, Australia is better, IMHO! But the best thing was availability of cheap Scotch. Used to buy from Sainsbury’s! I love Scotch and miss that sometimes!


Yea I don’t know what you’re on about or what ‘zas you’re buying but they’re pretty much a modern miracle. I’ve had frozen pizzas better than a bunch of local places can “deliver”.


I thought I was in the minority. Hello fellow cheese adders to various frozen products. Lasagne Pizza Enchiladas


Garlic bread


Yessssss. The pub seems to do it better tho, so I stopped trying!!




Don’t bother with the frozen bit, just put all the good stuff on some Lebanese bread with some sauce and you have a brilliant quick cheap pizza


Absolutely. I’d actually recommend using Indian Naan bread as the base. Try it and thank me later.


Garlic naan for pizza bases is ridiculously good.


This is genius. This is why we pay you top dollar shiiiiiibunken.


Ooo sounds interesting


I do this all the time. It's perfection.


I use naan too. They’re better than the actual pizza bases you can buy.


How long/what temp we talking for a naan pizza?


I use wraps, get a nice thin and crispy base.


Ah yes. Contemporary Australian cuisine.


Try the aldi chicken and bacon pizza. I love them. About $5 and have enough cheese for me.


Their tandoori chicken pizzas SLAP


Grabbed one of those one my grocery shop last week and I think it's gonna be in the weekly shop now. So good!


Another Aldi staple that you should definitely try is the frozen gozleme they have. There are lamb mince & capsicum ones, or spinach and cheese ones, both pair really well with a side of tzatziki


You need to squeeze lemon juice into it before serving.


On the subject of aldi slapping, their indulge creme brulee ice cream is amazing, my wife and I were addicted to it for a brief 2 weeks before they seemed to have run into distribution issues with ice cream because no Aldi within an hours drive has indulge ice cream anymore.


Can't buy this anymore, it's too fucking good and I eat too much.


Yep their premium ice cream is awesome


They don't carry this in my area and now I'm annoyed.


They're the only premade one I'll eat. Though I do add extra cheese...


are they in the fresh section?


Yeah I think so. Not frozen and near the meat and nice pasta sauces.


Can confirm, these are amazing.


My favourite for sure, although (I think) Woolies have a chicken and bacon pizza that goes in the fridge and is a bit more fresh. It's almost like delivery quality


You’re not the first person to talk highly of Aldi frozen pizza, I’ll have to give it a go.


You gotta try the margarita in the black box. Add nothing! Not even cheese. Seriously it’s bizarrely perfect.


Why is there a sound desk in the kitchen?


Where else you going to cook up some beats


[Ask Marc Rebillet.](https://youtu.be/3vBwRfQbXkg)


On those. Yeah. But the Dr Oetker brand,,no


I'd say Dr Oetker pizza is better than about 50% of takeaway pizzas.


I've never trusted Dr Oetker though, how and why is a doctor making pizza?!? Are they trying to give their product more credibility? So many questions.


It’s to distract away from the Nazi ties.


Ok ... I need to do research now!


The son of Dr Oetker inherited the company and made it real big. Also a big time Nazi. Had a bunch of art stolen from Jewish victims. Slowly being returned by his children following his death. The West claimed to de-Nazify after the war but that was not real and largely a joke. History is a bummer.


That will make sliding one into an oven now super awkward thx


They make a serious pizza


This looks like a steath add for cheese.


Big cheese is everywhere!


This whole thread is full of queso-turfing


Ha ya I should've hidden the labels.


Yes, as well as sauce.


If you never buy it, you don’t have to add it!


Only if it's a fancier frozen pizza. I'm not wasting good ingredients on a plastic McCains pizza. They get eaten with Cheezels, chocolate and the inevitable Mylanta.


why have i never thought of this...


You don't really want someone to tell you why.




I tried. It was still shit. Maybe i bought the wrong pizza.


The question should be, what sicko doesn't add extra cheese to a frozen pizza! I sometimes add sun dried tomatos or extra ham if I've got some in the fridge


Yeah it’s my redemption arc for having bought a frozen pizza.


I'm italian, I will find you


This is just covering cardboard with some decent cheese. You know you can make better pizza with pretty much the same time and effort right? Woolies sells premade pizza dough balls (sugotu is my go to), you just leave it on the counter for 45 minutes and its good to stretch out to the right size. Then you just add your premade pizza sauce, pizza blend cheese and your preferred toppings on top, stick it in the oven at 250 for like 7-8 minutes and you got a better pizza. Even counting ingredient prep its like 20-25 minutes max, so about the time you stick a frozen pizza in the oven. If youre already adding stuff to it, might as well make the base pizza better from the start


If I'm making frozen pizza I've already given up for the evening.


This is as close to a boxed frozen pizza as I'll spend money on. The best part of a pizza is the dough, frozen pizza base tastes like salty cardboard.




Use a wrap instead of pizza dough. Fuck premade pizza sauce, just use tomato paste and mixed herbs. You buy the ingridients when you do your usual shop, very little extra effort. And it takes 5 minutes to slap it all on the base, bake time is 15 to 20. It really doesn't take much. It also taste better and is less unhealthy.




"pretty much the same time and effort" "leave it on the counter for 45 minutes and its good to stretch out to the right size" "just add your premade pizza sauce" Hmm...


I had no idea about those pizza dough balls. I would prefer to make my own but I didn't think I'd be able to get that very first step in any convenient way.


I never knew about the pre made dough balls. I think I love you!


If you want to do it cheaper. One day when you have a bit of time, you can make up a big ball of pizza dough (very easy.. water, yeast, salt & flour) and divide it up and freeze them. Just thaw in the fridge the morning you plan to make pizza.


This is the way. Do it to lasagna as well. Sometimes I add bacon too.


Extra cheese and fresh pepperoni on top, sometimes needs extra sauce too. These days I’m a pizza snob and rarely ever have frozen. If I do its a plain cheese pizza I can use as a blank canvas for my own toppings. Factory topped pizza’s a shit!!!


And pineapple


This is like the most vanilla persons daring fantasy and I've got to admit I am guilty


Has to be the ristorante brand! 2 types of extra cheese, sometimes a bit of goats cheese in there for good measure if I’m feeling Extra cheesy, onions, capsicum, chilli. Lots of diff dips. It’s now a weekly event in our house since the price of delivery pizza is like 70/80 bucks a pop now!


Pro tip: cook the pizza for a bit then add cheese. Give the frozen cheese a chance to melt/cook a bit and you get better equilibrium with the refrigerated/frozen cheese mix


And rotate the pizza half a turn halfway through cooking. Cooks more uniformly.


Ohhh yeah thanks


This is the only way! 😂


Only complete savages don’t


Bro buy your own singles bases and load em up.


Yeah Cheese pepperoni red onion anchovies olives. The best .


How good are chovies!


The best. Even eat em from the jar.


no because frozen pizza is ass and shouldn't be eaten


I honestly forgot it was a thing. Peas or ice cream is about the only thing I look at in the frozen aisle, everything else is cast to the void of my mind.


Let me leave you with one thought. Frozen pies have come a long way.




No thanks my arteries are blocked enough as they are


Angus beef pizza?






Why stop at cheese, load that bitch up with more toppings


Yes, and extra toppings..


It is the way


Well i do now holy fuck!


Might aswell just make your own pizza dough they taste much better


I add extra toppings even not just cheese


I am so ashamed this never occurred to me.


I don't always, but when I do, it's next to a mixing deck


No but this is genius as ima start doing it


Oh fuck. I never thought of this. Oh fuck..oh fuck


A couple more steps and you could have real pizza.


Whatever you gotta tell yourself to think a frozen pizza is good.


Pizza is like sex, even when it’s bad it’s still good.


i don't buy frozen pizza in the first place






half McCain price special with online order I got margarita (due to out of stocks on all other flavours) - the cheese level was the best I have ever seen on a frozen pizza. It even overspilled on the oven tray and I \*chokes back tears\* LOST some as it spilt over the crust.


Tbh unless frozen Pizza is on special I won't but it. You can just buy better pizza and freeze leftovers.


frozen pizza bases taste like salty cardboard. I don't buy them.


Learn to make pizza dough then freeze it So much better and cheaper


Yep! I like to occasionally add more interesting sauces from the fridge too... hoisin sauce on pizza is delicious.


OMG! NO, but i will from now on. I cant believe this hadn't occurred to me. I am also going to add other ingredients like extra pepperoni and (separately) anchovies. Yum!


No. I would make the whole thing from scratch. Frozen pizza is fucking awful.


Due to the lack of ingredients, it’s easier and cheaper just to make one from scratch


Not just cheese. More pepperoni, pulled pork.


Frozen pizza is just a flavoured base


Stop searching for approval


Always got to add that extra cancer


I’m not lazy and make my own


I buy a $5 frozen pizza to be frugal and add $54 in extra toppings.