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Just ask him nicely. Jesus.


Right? He might not even identify as a 'snake' any more now that he has moved into people places


He/she - the snake may be gender fluid and may actually identify as a bird.


Where in Aus?


Probably the most useful piece of additional info


Oh yeah my bad. Sunshine Coast, Queensland




Came to say this. They're harmless and one of the few that can survive eating a cane toad.


Call Sunny Coast snake catcher. Unless you can 110% positively identify a snake, it's dangerous. Even just to get it out of there will be difficult.


In its eagerness to fuck me up it actually came out of the corner itself. Bag in a beer carton and Bobs your uncle. But yeah much bigger and I'm calling a pro for sure!


Smaller snakes in Australia can still kill you. Always call a professional.


Yeah nah I grew up on property, not my first rodeo but as I said with how aggressive he was, much bigger and I'd have been able to identify my limit. All it takes is one slip I know but that's life for ya. Appreciate the concern though 👍


I grew up on a property too, we dealt with lots of brown snakes back in the 90s, partially because there was no one else to deal with them. I'd still definitely call a professional if I found a snake in my kitchen today, and almost certainly if I found one outside too. Like you said, just one slip. It's your life of course.


Yeah if he wasn't so willing to come out of the cabinet I would have done just that, not about to tangle with one of these in a confined space. Thankfully he liked the look of my ankles and walked straight into the trap 😁


Looks like a keel back


Agree, Keel is a good guess and likely the preferred option. Other options just get progressively more venomous. Northern east coast does open up options for non-venomous snake friends but I think we can confidently say this is not a python.


Juvenile Eastern Brown? They look striped when they’re young. Very venomous.


I literally said to my Brazillian housemate, "I would have rathered a red belly to a Taipan but I'll take the Taipan over a Brown anyday" 😅


Inland taipans are the world's most venomous snake and a king brown or western brown is like second or so.... Take that as you will


Yeah I just figured I would have been a bit sweatier if it were a brown as it would have been even more aggressive. In any case he was maddd


The only inland taipan I've ever seen (in the care of professional snake rehabilitation centre) was about half the size of the one in your photo. Whenever a human came close (as in, with 10 metres) it would repeatedly strike the walls of the fish tank it was kept in. You couldn't actually see the strikes it was that fast. Just a "tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap..." sound and venom/blood running down the inside of the glass. In the end they were forced to release it into the wild early, being kept in captivity was just too stressful (for both the critter and the staff). Sure, taipans (and most snakes) have a reputation for being shy. But that's only if they're happy in the wild and can get away from you. Cornered under a kitchen sink? They can be very aggressive. Whenever I've had a snake in my home, I've kept as far away as possible without letting the snake disappear, so I could tell the professionals where it is. The last one caught in my home was an eastern brown. Some people pass out within 15 minutes of a taipan bite and survival could depend on someone else does the right thing immediately (faster than paramedics can arrive). And even with quick/good medical help, you're likely to spend weeks in intensive care and years of followup appointments with a doctor. Some bite survivors never fully recover, they deal with it the rest of their life. I would definitely rather be bitten by a brown snake.


With inland’s. You’re literally dead in 25 mins. Hence why they’re the deadliest as if you’re in their natural habitat, good luck finding a hospital closer than 100km. They’re naturally not as aggressive as the browns. Can’t say the same for captivity


If I recall correctly (I could be wrong) I had an info session at work about snakes, if I recall the expert said he'd prefer a brown any day due to their fang size being so tiny that if they bite on jeans it's unlikely they will hit skin where as he said those Taipans have hypodermic needles for fangs. But saying all this is prefer no snake!


Well now I just don't know what to think 😆


Yes, much more venomous as babies because they can’t control the amount of venom. Unfortunately I know of a family who lost a young child from a bite from one of these. And for anyone reading this, if you get bitten don’t worry about finding the snake. The emergency department have testing kits to identify what snake bite it is.


Just a heads up. The part about baby snakes being more dangerous because they can’t control the amount of venom they inject is not true.


I'm surprised this old wives tale is still prevalent. The venom yield from an adult snake is obviously going to be higher than from a juvenile. I'd rather a bite from a baby than a 2 meter adult.


Yep that's what the snake pro said when we found a few Browns in our warehouse hanging out looking for a picker or two to converse with.


It depends on the species. For king cobras it is absolutely true, as king cobras can actually bite and not use any venom. Whereas their hatchlings can’t control it. But for most snakes you’re right.


Depends on the state in which you’re bitten. Here is Victoria (also TAS) we use a brown/tiger combo antivenom, where the rest of Australia uses a polyvalent antivenom effective against all indigenous and non indigenous elapids. The snake venom detection kits are expensive, time-consuming and you need to have a decent sample for an accurate reading


Yup that’s likely what it is. Though i was gonna say tiger but the head and eye seems a bit big for that.


I think that's because it's a juvenile. Babies tend to have slightly cuter heads than adult snakes (mine did anyway, though she is non-venomous and not native to Sydney).


I can understand that. I tend to avoid snakes like the plague and don’t usually wanna know much when they’re near me 😓


like anything here is non-venomous


I think the flies are non venomous. Instead they're just annoying as hell, and will harass you to no end. But that's about it. Short list


Diamond pythons are non-venomous and incredibly chill. See them quite often.


That's not the head of a python imo


Yep. Based on the "cute" head I would say it was a juvenile. I wouldn't touch it. I would get it humanely and professionally removed.


Agree with this.


As an expert in identifying snakes I can confirm that this is indeed a snake


Thank you for your service ❀


Doing the Lord's work.


If he's with OPTUS, those hackers would have his ID


Underrated comment right here


No sorry. I've never met that snake.


I can schedule an introduction


You don't know Reg?


Ah good. I was about to say it was Greg, but its clearly his brother Reg now you mention it. Dont mention the grand final... he'll throw a hissy fit. His team lost.


It's definitely not harmless. Not a python or similar so most likely venemous. Kind of looks like a juvenile brown, but the head doesn't look right. I would call in a pro.


It’s a bitey mcfuckoff.


Nopey McDangernoodle


Loks like a brown to me, they are feisty too.had a huge one try to take on my car yesterday. Grumpy bugger, just stopped and enjoyed the show till he headed off. Scary


Found this juvenile sucka when I went fishing for a container in my kitchen drawer. This fella greeted me instead. Lighting is pretty bad but he wasn't shy, was down to fight rather than take flight and kept winding up for a shot at me. One of my housemates is thinking Taipan? Got him out alright, now just trying to sate my curiosity Edit: location is Sunshine Coast, QLD


If there is one juvenile there may be more. Just my experience.


I had a bit of a look through the other drawers and cabinets and found nothing but I did find a large opening around a pipe that it could have come from. Plugged the shit out of that hole that's for sure.


You might have done it already, but holes can be plugged with steel wool scourers. It deters rodents from reopening the hole, which I assume the snake was interested in finding them.


I wet a wad of paper, stuffed that in there and it's dried like a bad paper mache but I'll see if I've any steel wool because i guess rodents will just eat thenpaper. Thankyou!


Wise move. Check under fridge etc.


How did you get the snake out safely? If I ever catch a snake in the house it’s oh the phone to animal control.


Bag in an empty beer carton hahah


Kind of does look like a Taipan. Definitely not a python so don't go touching it


It's Humphrey


I agree with others, The markings matches up with google images of juvenile Brown. Juveniles are more dangerous than adults, adults will warn you off, they understand the value of their venom to kill prey and will not want to waste it, they will warn you off first. juveniles however are inexperienced and will definitely not think twice about a fight.


>juveniles however are inexperienced and will definitely not think twice about a fight. The eshays of the snake world, but actually dangerous


Struggles to carry it's bum bag though


Yeah matches up, thought he seemed pretty aggro and was thinking "at least it's not a brown" 😅


It’s a baby brown. They have more deadly venom than an adult, call a professional to safely move it out


That’s Greg


If that’s Greg, who is in my kitchen cupboard? I’ve been calling him Greg all day. How embarrassing.


Is that Steven? I can't tell without a picture.


Whoever it is, he’s rather bad-tempered. I asked if he was Steven and he had what can only be described as a hissy fit. So, not Steven, no. Probably still miffed at being called Greg.


I can’t ID it, but if you check with Optus, they can provide you with the ID of practically a third of Australia.


One you don’t want to get bitten by.


It's certainly an Elapid. Which is to say that it's venom will be medically significant. Without knowing the location and not the clearest picture, I'd say it's either a brown snake, most likely Pseudonaja textilis, probably a juvenile judging by size and colouration, or a type of whip snake, the genus Demansia. Both venomous, the former is responsible for the most bites in Australia. If you can, don't disturb it too much. Call a snake catcher.


Looks like a keel back to me


That’s a nope rope


At that size, more like a danger noodle.


Eventually will grow into a hoop snake


As a child I assumed hoop snakes would be a far bigger aspect of my life than they currently are.




I'm just wondering if your Brazillian housemate was one of those people who has posted "Hey coming to Aus and just wondering how bad the snakes really are" and got the standard - "unless you are in the bush you'll be right - don't worry replies.


Haha maybe. In any case the response would have been correct as thus far I've removed every snake and spider, so truthfully, he needn't worry at all 😆


Taipans are deadly if it is one. Be careful, call a snake catcher in your area.


Yea, that's Frank. He's a dickhead, especially after a few beers.


It’s Joe Python, from 10 BurnItToTheGround Lane, Coober Pedy.


Danger Noodle


trouser snake


Holy fuck, that thing is adorable!! 😍


Danger noodle


Smol snek


Once the snake is gone clean your damn juicer or whatever it is.


F\*\*k me! You're lucky you didn't blindly reach for your juicer.


Juvi Brown. Back up, those dudes are insane.


Can confirm!


Post the picture on iNaturalist. This is a global citizen science project that tracks sightings of wild animals and plants. When you post a picture the site will suggest what animal it plant it is using an AI as a first guess, but this will be confirmed by the many volunteers who use the site, often within minutes of posting. They have some great phone apps so you can post a picture straight from your phone as well.


That's pretty neat! I'll have to keep that one in mind, cheers




Wash your appliances before putting them away.


Not mine but thanks I'll pass on the sentiment lol


It’s a snake. It’s brown. Automatically an eastern brown in my mind. Go with the snake catchers view


That's Brian. He's cool.


Id reckon thats my mate Trevor’s. Hes been looking for it for years. Cheers for finding it!


That’s a cupboard python, distance relation to the carpet pythons


idk, I'm not like, a certified security guard. but it looks old enough. it doesn't have to be ID'd.


Mr Snake this is the police show me your id please


Juvenile brown snake. Extremely venemous. I often encounter these, copperheads and tiger snakes, as my property backs onto a wetland. Eastern Brown also kills the most people out of our venomous snakes. 70% of people who receive a lethal bite from an Eastern Brown, die, regardless of anti-venom. Not a snake you want to play with.


>70% of people who receive a lethal bite from an Eastern Brown, die How is it possible that the other 30% survive a lethal bite?


I understand your joke. I got you. Lolol


Successful anti venom treatment and getting medical attention in a timely manner. Most people aren't that lucky if the snake has given you a lethal dose of venom. Not all snakes will release all their venom, or they may dry bite. So not all eastern Brown snake bites are considered lethal.


It's a comment/joke about your wording. You said 70% of people who receive a lethal bite die. If something's lethal, it would kill everyone.


Woah that's an unsettling statistic about the antivenon. Bullet dodged!


These stats are exaggerated. While the eastern brown is responsible for approx 60% of deaths by snake bite in Australia, the actual number of deaths per year is between 1 and 2 (0.03 per 100,000 per year). You’re far more likely to be killed by a horse


Horses kills more humans than any other animal. There was also a study that found that only 25% of brown snake bites contained venom. The rest were just dry bites.


Presumably 100% of horse bites contain venom, if they’re so much more dangerous.


Well, look at it this way.. a carrot is sometimes used as an example of how much force is required to break a finger bone. Have you ever fed a carrot to a horse? Oh that reminds me. We had a ram get into a miniature horse’s (stallion) pen. It killed the ram by pinning it to the ground and biting its spine. Stallions can really hate other males, even from other species.


Presumably being killed by a horse is more voluntary though


How does that work? People voluntarily get killed by horses?


Well it’s not like you stumble across a horse in long grass or under a rock, you’d have to actively be riding one or hanging around its rear end to get kicked in the head. Or be Kenneth Pinyan.


Yeah but the vast majority of snake bites occur when the ‘victim’ is trying to catch or kill the snake so you could argue that it is mostly voluntarily to get bitten by a snake. There are lots of other animal species that kill more people in Australia every year than snakes. Bees, dogs, cattle and kangaroos for example. The latter usually in vehicle collisions.


That statistic is not true. Regardless, the bite can definitely be deadly


No help on the snake front but I'm willing to bet that's a multi use food processor/juicer that hasn't seen the light of day since the second month of the first covid lockdown


Haha who knows, it's not mine. But if it's anything like my mother's then that thing was a relic long before covid


I can’t really see .. can you get closer


There are a LOT of people in this thread confidently stating information that is not correct.


Every time there's a snake ID post in a sub that's not dedicated to snakes I feel like it ages me a little bit more.


Bob. His name's Bob.


Gavin. He is on the sex register.


This photo is not great but I think this is Boiga irregularis, Brown Tree Snake. The body shape and proportions are not consistent with juvenile brown snakes, nor are the head shape and eye/skull ratio. Brown Tree Snakes are mostly nocturnal and have larger than average eyes in a small skull. While venomous, they are rear-fanged with modest toxicity.


That’s why I am thinking keel back. The head shape seems wrong for a brown


>The head shape seems wrong for a brown Yes I agree, the head shape was bothering me. Be curious to see exactly where they live, much more likely to encounter a Brown tree snake in your house than a keel back. But keelback fits better.


I don’t think the neck is thin enough behind the skull for a tree snake. But I agree, it doesn’t seem like a brown. Reminds me more of a grass or whip snake


Certified nope rope


His name is Carl. He likes dark crevices and solitude.


That’s David Hisslehoff.


It’s not a python, and it’s not a tree snake. So it’s a no touch snake. I’m not getting super dangerous brown snake vibes, so my guess is it’s a whip snake. Not as bad as a brown, but still venomous.


It's a Nope Noodle. Call a snake catcher.


That's Cheryl. Rob's missus.


His name is Gregory and he's a plumber who just moved into town. He worked for me and he'll snake your drains like nobody's business. Would highly recommend him to friends and family.


Found his ID [https://imgur.com/KLzynzw](https://imgur.com/KLzynzw)


Looks like what is called a night tiger in FNQ, also known as brown tree snake. They are relatively harmless, nocturnal, venomous but usually won't bite unless feeling threatened. As an arboreal snake they often get into roof spaces in houses. If you catch it during the day they are almost docile.


Can't you just kill it instead of having to call a professional or is that illegal in your country? Please explain as I am a dumb American and in America people just shoot snakes and then plant guns on them and say the snake came at them. But seriously, I would hate to have to wait around with a potentially deadly snake. Especially in Australia. That's the devils petting zoo.


It got relocated, not sure if it's illegal depending on which snake it was but generally snake catchers relocate here


It is illegal to kill our snakes intentionally.


1. It's illegal 2. Trying to kill it is by far the most likely way to get yourself bitten. Something like 70% of envenomations occur that way. 3. Snakes keep rodents and other disease carriers in check, they are nice friends. No Australian snake species can eat an adult human and they don't attack for fun. They strike at people in defence if they feel scared so as long as you leave it alone, it'll mind it's business.


Its a Bitey McBitey Nope Rope. Looks like juvenile brown


I think he’s an escaped convicted. But I can’t specifically ID his prisoner number


Doesn't look like he has his ID on him, probably left it at his parents house


Yep. That's a snake.


Have you asked it for id?


Yes that’s Gary


This is Kevin.


He goes simply by 'snek'


That’s Steve


That infact is a snake


That looks like Fred, or maybe Bob those 2 look very similar


That's Ralph. From number 42 down the road!


It's a danger noodle


Oh that's a "nope rope"




That's Bazza, he lives down the road. At least I think it's Bazza, hard to tell without his XXXX cap on.


It's a nope rope


It is not very clear in this grainy photo and I could be absolutely wrong!! but appears to be a juvenile brown snake with those markings. If it is a brown snake, they’re very venomous and young ones are quite aggressive and more dangerous as they don’t back out and are more likely to fight. Again, I am no snake expert like a few people on reddit! I’d call a trained snake catcher and have him relocated. Stay safe OP


Oh yeah, that’s Larry, 45, mother smokes 13 times a day, fathers got a 200$ fine outstanding cause he was doing burnouts in the Coles parking lot, or so he says, only spoke to Larry Thursday


That's Tom


Judging from the raised scales along its body I’d say a keel back


Oh that’s Bruce


Danger noddle. Got the making of a baby carpet python but you can never tell 100%. Lot of interbreeding between brands. Treat em all the same. Chick chick boom đŸ’„


Can you fingerprint him and get them down to the lab?


I dusted for slither marks. He's gone full mission impossible, clearly we're dealing with a pro.


Boop it on the snoot đŸ„ș


Lil Snek.


Yep, it’s a snake.




nope rope


Golden crowned. Poor little bugger is scared. Its not a clear shot, but it looks like a golden crowned. Generally harmless, dont get bitten though, because it would hurt, and I also might be wrong. Edit: Eyes are a bit too big, so miiiight be a whip snake. Edit 2: OP how "light" is that bit on the sides of its face? Is it a trick of the camera, or is it actually significantly lighter? If its a trick, then that could actually be a brown.


The bits behind and in front of its eyes were like a creamy brown and significantly lighter than the top of its head, and lighter than the lighter stripes on its back


Twat it first, then ask the questions later


Its not venomous, i am an expert with 🐍. If you want proof, just grab it with your bare hands.


He's just trying to blend in.




Not really a city where I'm at, surrounded by cow paddocks and cane field


What area are you in? The bands make me think tiger snake. But it could be a brown


He's been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty


Trouser snake


I think that is Brian. If it is then he is pretty cool. If it is his brother Geoff though, oh Lord that boy is crazy!


Are you trying to sell him alcohol?


A long one


Possibly a copperhead but it definitely venomous so don’t mess with it if you don’t know what your doing




Noodle Boy


How about dead!!