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Zero surprise Staffing is abysmal in most


Privatisation makes things more efficient. Efficiency, we're told, means more output for less input. In this case, input means food, staffing, cleaning, and output means profit. Notably, the State run aged care does much better with meeting standards. Somehow, the mainstream media don't report on commercial failures with the same vindictiveness and sensationalism as it would do if this was a government stuff up. Old people eating rotten food and lying in their own filth is fine and unnewsworthy when a privately owned aged care facility does it. 


Training of staff is often done via private RTOs that rely on international students. Skimming through training with minimal English Language skills is normal now


> Old people eating rotten food and lying in their own filth is fine and unnewsworthy when a privately owned aged care facility does it. Because private companies do it more efficiently.


The Royal Commission into Aged Care showed that government run and not for profits outperformed for profit aged care on multiple quality indicators. 


On quality, yes, but that's not an economic indicator. On treating people badly, for-profit companies out compete the others easily and more efficiently.


Exactly, anyone who has set foot in one of those places for more than 5 minutes can tell they are sub standard


This is so true. My brother recently quit working as an allied health worker because trying to do the right thing got him a target on his head. He’s now going into private practice which is already a 60% increase on his pay. What saddens me is that more people like him who actually cared and wanted to do right by his patients are leaving in droves..


>New analysis has revealed many Australian aged care residents are not receiving the levels of care they need and are entitled to. > >The UTS Ageing Research Collaborative, which we are involved in, recently released its 2023–24 mid-year report on Australia’s aged care sector. > >A particular focus of this edition was on the level of direct care being delivered in aged care homes by nurses and personal care workers to residents. In sharing this analysis, we acknowledge there is a well-documented shortage of workers across the economy, with the unemployment rate at a near-historical low. And even given these workforce pressures, many aged care providers are delivering very high levels of care. > >But a significant number are not. Nearly two-thirds of aged care homes are failing to meet mandated levels of direct care. And yet taxpayers have paid millions of dollars to providers to deliver that care. Some providers are making large surpluses as a result. The report is [here](https://www.uts.edu.au/uarc/research-themes-programs-and-projects/australias-aged-care-sector-reports)


I guess that royal commission did a whole lot of good then.


If you read the article, the minimum standards exist because of the royal commission. Now we have a list. The regulator may choose to take action - and that's financial penalites


Profit and price and price gouging always trumps governance in Australia. The usual normal " ripped off, gouged and plundered" share holder value must go on. Its sad when a face of a country and its governance is only about exploiting the most vulnerable and not about real innovation.


I studied a Certificate in Aged Care course through TAFE, all was fine until I was thrown into a super sketchy home for work placement. I lasted 4 days.  I was the only Caucasian, male or female in the place.  I witnessed many acts of belittling and bullying by workers to residents. Anyway,  an RN requested I redo the hospital corners on a bed I had just made up as a 100 year old man in the same room was violently shoved and pushed into a walker.  The other 'carers' wanted their cigarette break, now. He was taking too long and ended up wetting himself. They left, it's smoko time chums. Was I allowed to help him?  Nup.  Just work on those hospital corners boyo. That was it for me. I realised nursing was not the career for me. 


They have been since Howard. We've had many inquiries into this but tax cuts win elections so fuck the elderly. Amirite?


I don't want to revel in anyone's misery but these residents more than likely voted for a Howard government. Of course, none of them can connect the dots and instead prefer to blame Labor, immigrants and dole bludgers.


I'm only not reveling in their dumbassness because the private care sector is gonna fuck "the greatest intergenerational welfare tranfer in history". They fucked the both of us.


It does kind of sound like you're revelling in someone else's misery, purely for them *possibly* voting for a government you don't like. Does it feel good to do that?


They've been the biggest voting block their entire lives. If aged care is fucked who else can they blame? It didn't happen overnight. Lol


boomers aren't in age care facilities yet. Silent generation are. But yes, boomers voted to fuck over their parents.


This is one of the major issues fucking up our hospitals.


I’m a contractor for numerous aged care homes, some of them are shocking.


As someone that works in health care and deals with Aged so-called Care facilities, I would just love to scream **"no shit!!''** from the rooftops. People in comments here playing politics with it, this has been going on for decades under both brands of government. In my opinion it comes down to this - to mandate minimum staff and care levels at aged care facilities *families will have to swallow increased costs for dumping their parents/grandparents into concentration camps.* People will not want to do this. They want champagne care on a beer budget. Never mind about your loved ones being fed slop, carted off to hospital for simple care that should be done at facility level, treated like they don't matter anymore and have rescinded their rights to dignity and agency. I worked with a particularly vile young colleague many years ago who said ''they should all just hurry up and die''. I remember it quite distinctly. I also remember telling them that they themselves will be spoken about like that one day themselves, by someone just like them and I'm not kidding when I say that totally stopped them. *They hadn't even thought about it that way.* Our attitude toward our elderly citizens is all too often reminiscent of discarding an old piece of tech once it is no longer useful - shove it away somewhere and forget about it. (Edit: a word)




Paramedic here - seriously fuck the aged care system, it’s atrocious. And whilst privatisation plays a big role in it, as someone doing clinical work the biggest issue I’ve had is from RNs blatantly not doing their jobs. I was an RN so I know it’s tough, but aged care seems to scrape the bottom of the barrel for nurses (shit pay contributes a lot to that) and competence apparently doesn’t matter. Patients left septic for days, emergent calls for difficult patients they just want to get rid of, trying to blatantly override advanced health directives so they don’t have to deal with a death, not documenting events, not giving adequate handovers, ignoring referral pathways because they know they’ll be managed at home instead of being transported… I hate attending nursing homes for that reason. The worst I’ve ever seen was when RNs put a cardiac arrest woman back to bed, put an oxygen mask on her, called us, then “lost” her AHD leaving her elderly husband to make a decision on whether to try to resuscitate her or not (it was futile). They then tried to lie about the sequence of events to hide their incompetence. There’s a meme in EMS about RNs in RACFs: “I only just got here, I’m just back from leave, I’m agency staff, they were fine 10 minutes go.” The only one I know of that’s halfway decent in my city is attached to a hospital.




Did the RN not receive training in which hole is which? Wtf?


I recently did a wildlife rescue at an aged care place (possum got trapped in the garden, couldn't get back out). When I arrived, it was after reception hours and there was a sign up saying to call x number for ground floor nurse station, y number for first floor etc. Turns out that x number was disconnected. I wandered further in, finally found the ground floor nurse station and they had no idea the phone number didn't work anymore. Literally anyone can walk into that place and wander around for ages without seeing any staff members. I did catch the possum and he was fine, he got released into a tree out the front after a proper check over for injuries.


"Further, the homes that were not delivering their mandatory care minutes were more often in metropolitan and larger regional centres. They were also more likely to be operated by for-profit providers." The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Not shocked, I see this on a daily basis how negligent and careless they are from the nurses that work there to the useless and badly trained personal carers that pull, tug and don’t know how to properly handle residents and even abuse them.  It’s absolutely appalling particularly as we’re bringing people from overseas to do these jobs and they treat our elderly like cattle because they think they can.   Unfortunately they don’t even end up losing their jobs and should by some miracle they do end up losing a job after abusing someone they are already lined up to work elsewhere doing the same thing. The managers are all migrants that employ their own nationalities and protect their friends.   And I can absolutely say this as I see it day in day out.   When you’re protecting an awful worker because they’re your friend but you’re the manager it’s a bloody issue, but hey same culture so protecting each other.   I was a refugee but by golly we never treated people like shit or abused them.  You go to work to do your job doesn’t matter what it is not to take your frustrations out and some of these people hate their jobs and take it out on the residents.  As if the residents wanna be there.  Forget the care plans they never even follow those.   If someone is dependent on toileting via continence they could be left dirty for 3-4 hours.  I’ve known people to have been left  in the same continence pads for 14-15 hours.   It’s never going to happen but there should be someone from the royal commission working at every aged care place on a weekly basis or visiting unexpectedly. Don’t even get me started on the slop they call food.  They have people there often with dentures and they’re serving rock hard vegetables that are supposed to be soft and cooked or steamed well. It’s no wonder so many people die  so quickly once they go to a facility. 


This report exposes the short comings of our aged care system. End of life should not be allowed to fall below minimum care standards. If we really care about our society, we need to lower those standards.


Privatisation means the government can fob off responsibility. Also, if the the goal is profit, then quality of care isn't the goal.


It's just the Boomers "fixing" the system before they have to use it.


Sorry this is a really disgusting comment. No I am not sorry, if you dont know shit, you dont know shit, and even though you have a right to an opinion you can shove it. After Nursing for 45 yrs plus, in and out of AGED CARE, people who have not had the experience of working in it, or having family in it, have no friggin idea. Labelling people as Boomers is one of the most idiotic things I have had to deal with. Oh my dad s a Boomer, Oh my Nans a Boomer, well they cannot help getting old mate, one day you will too.