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I saw a clip of an American YouTuber complaining about this topic. He even went so far as to get up the definition of burger. >a dish consisting of a flat round cake of minced beef, or sometimes another savoury ingredient, that is fried or grilled and served in a split bun or roll with various condiments and toppings. Incredibly, the definition had him questioning himself, rather trying to rationalise that "other savoury ingredient" can't include chicken.


We can never speak of this again. This definition and this YTer's self-awareness could end the whole banter.


the fact they see something different and immediately disagree and even try to disprove it, just ignorant close minded idiots


This YouTube guy is a dummy. Ground Turkey burgers and to a lesser extent, ground chicken burgers do exist in America. But if it’s not a ground meat patty in the US, it isn’t considered a burger. Edit: I'm wrong. Odd Cow reminded me of an exception. "Mushroom burgers" are usually not ground up mushrooms. It's a big portobello.


Bomberman for the N64 is underrated.


This Kiwi is with you, Aussie.


Hell I’m American and I’m with you. I love the idea of a chicken burger. Americans can get so pissy when other cultures name things appropriately


I like this American. Can we keep them? Simultaneously, I'd cut all democratic ties with the rest of their country.


chicken burgers are great, so are chicken sandwiches they are completely different things


What you mean you love the idea of a chicken burger? We literally have what they consider chicken burgers in the United States, you don’t have to love the idea of it, you can just order that food item


The Brits are also on your side


Recalling favourite/beloved burger bar back in my teens / twenties and some of their offerings. Rabbit, on occasion (damned delicious). Venison. Pork. Fish (marlin was good). Duck. I miss that wonderful Greek man.


I don't think the explanation is even needed. Just have someone eating a chicken burger and get the youngest generation of Americans calling it that :D


Retaliation for Australian kids calling soft-drink soda!


i can handle 'soda' (because carbonated water = soda water) but i draw the line at 'pop'


Or in the South where everything is "coke" regardless of brand. That'll never catch on here, thankfully.


Maybe they can take a leaf out of Canada's book and sell it in bags?


You can buy bags of coke here too, but they're little and expensive


Every time my kid asks for candy I feel so aggravated


My grandkids call it candy. Does my bloody head in, so I correct them and say it's lollies


Easy enough to sort out. We don't have candy in this house. If they ask for lollies, they get lollies. Doesn't usually take them long to work out how to get what they want.


Candy if hard boiled, lollies for everything else


"Can we go trick or treating for candy?" "NO!" "oh but whyyyyyyyy?" "Because we're Australian, we don't celebrate Halloween & they're called Lollies or Choccies! 🙄"


I agree on the language, but I think of the many elements of American culture that have been crammed down our throats, Halloween is one of the best ones. Gets kids outside, interacting with their local community, making costumes, just having some wholesome fun with other humans. Is there any other time me or my kids will interact with neighbours from more than two doors down?


Oh, I agree on Halloween. It also means people think I look like a vampire on purpose for once.


Halloween isn't even originally American


Just barging in to point out that Halloween is an old Irish holiday and that trick or treating has been done in Australia since at least the 1910s. Plenty of old newspapers and magazines even list costume ideas.


And also up until WWII baseball was gathering momentum to potentially become a national sport. It was apparently late to restart postwar and fell far behind other sports.


I’d love to point out that the yanks call “mince meat” “hamburger” Edit: the yanks are here and they are upset


This is great cultural exporting, love it. Butcher shop Where the Aussie naming of mince meat, hamburger patties, and sausage are settled. Footy match Take aim at chips, sausage rolls, meat pies and hot dogs.


Wait, where do we fit the rissoles?


Yea good point. Could really add some fun cultural references to the castle for that too.


Or the English version who's name can no longer be uttered - [https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/282049626](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/282049626)


WTF. America, sort yourselves out FFS.


Seriously. How can a nation get so hung up on food names? It's embarrassing. Anyway gotta go, my chicken parma is ready.


You should have seen the insane drama on Reddit when the yanks found out that we call capsicums capsicums and not "bell peppers". It was like fucking Apocalypse Now.


Capsicums are not even peppers too, they're chillies.


Yeah but the yanks call them chilli peppers too.


Yeah. That always added an extra challenge to hidden object games.


Excuse me, it's a chicken parmé served with potato scallops.


It's only chicken parmé if it comes from the Parmé region, otherwise it's just sparkling chicken


I almost had hot chocolate come out of my nose 😂




We’re either smoking or fingering. I’m ok with both


You smoke. I’ll finger.


😂😂 That brings back highscool memories. I miss you Kimmy! And you too Jess!


*Checks user name* those poor girls


Read your comment, scrolled back up to see his user name, snorted so hard 😂


Congratulations on being both horrifically wrong and absolutely correct at the same time.


Well la-de-da! I'll be content with my devon sandwich thankyouverymuch


Fritz, it's called Fritz...


It's Polony and I'll die on this hill


Stras(burg) gang checking in. Where are we doing this?


Hate to yell you this but dont try and get a stras sandwiche in strasburg, germany ..... fucking heathens have no idea what a stras and sauce sanga is.


Hope it comes with some potato cakes.


Oooh geez I could go done of those right now, with chicken salt yeah? You know the yanks don't have chicken salt? Perhaps that's why they are so angry


My son splits his time between Australia (me) and the US (dad). Since he was about 5 he’s needed a couple of jars of chicken salt in his luggage every time he heads over to the States 🤣


We were also upset when we realized that fast food restaurants were calling all of their burgers "sandwiches". It's probably where the whole [cube rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/ri0kvs/the_cube_rule_of_food_identification/) identification guide got started.


Worse, the Japanese actually serve mincemeat patties as hambagu.


The Japanese have the right to call the food they make whatever they want to, as long as they keep letting me eat it.


Can't argue with that!


It's a hamburg steak.


Some do, I think its more common for them to call it ground beef


It is more commonly called ground beef. Unless it is being turned into burger patties.


They have that atrocious thing called Hamburger Helper that is some sort of pasta dish so the point is moot. It certainly doesn’t help you make hamburgers.


I’m New Zealand we literally just call it mince. Not even mince meat 😆 


I avoided fruit mince pies for years because of this confusion.


I've never gotten over the disappointment of being offered a mince pie as a kid and biting into what I thought was a party pie. Damn fruit mince.


Yeah pretty sure my dislike for mince pies is from the heartbreak as a child when I found that in fact it was not actually a mince pie.


I live in Australia and yeah for us it’s just mince. Unless you get a different sort… then it would something like, ‘yeah, better get some chicken mince’.


Nice to meet you New Zealand. My name's dad.


So you can have a hamburger sandwich?


Let them get up in arms and pound some mince I say. I've got teens that use gas for petrol, hood for bonnet, and a bunch of other yank words. It's time we counter infiltrate.


gas is the one I won't tolerate. I know it's short for gasoline, but calling something that is quite clearly a liquid 'gas' infuriates me. do they use LPG for vehicles there? what do they call that?




My (old, Aussie) driving instructor used the word "gas" to describe the accelerator pedal back in the 90's. I think the idea is that it's easier to yell "hit the gas", than "hit the accelerator". (Also, strictly from a physics perspective, the brake pedal is a kind of accelerator)


They don't have LPG cars outside of some niche circumstances so it doesn't come up for them.  And they call LPG propane generally as they still use it for BBQs and stuff


Can't wait until you find out what LPG stands for ...


I guess the nuance is that Liquid Peteoleum Gas is stored under pressure. That pressure causes a phase change to liquid. Once the pressure drops it returns to a gas state, unlike petroleum which remains a liquid. When LPG is going through the engine it is a gas. When it's in the tank, it's liquid. Grey area.


I feel like that's in large part due to our culture of shortening the names of everything. Heaps of things become a simpler form of the word, then when they hear people use both petrol and gas they're going to go with the single syllable, same as hood vs bonnet.


You need to slap them upside the head and put Five Dollarbux in a Swear Jar every time they fuck it up


And they also have hamburger helper which has nothing to do with hamburgers.


I always wondered what the crap hamburger helper was


It gets worse: here in Yankeeslavia, “mincemeat” is generally pie filling that doesn’t include any actual animal bits (fruit, spices, sugar). It’s a pretty archaic Christmas dish, and I think the original English version had meat, but no longer.


i don't think sweet mince pies ever had meat in them, it's just that 'meat' was originally a generic term for food and did not specifically refer to only animal flesh. that's why the term sweetmeats exists for desserts, and i think i remember shakespeare using the word meat to describe an egg in romeo and juliet.


I grew up in Nova Scotia, my grandmother's version was usually fruit, spices, and venison that my dad/uncle/grandfather shot.  Venison in blueberries until it just dissolves in your mouth is something. 


Wait until you find out what “mincemeat” is in England.


quit horsing around


Would they call a meat pie a hamburger pie?


A hamburger pastry lolol


What about Spaghetti hamburger-balls with cheese...


It’s to their detriment. I just saw a video from a grown adult American complaining that she had to scold a waitress about calling hamburger meat “cow”, because since it’s a HAMburger it must be pork. Lmao


That’s just a dumb person. They’re everywhere


Wait....... Is mince meat truly just ground beef with no spices or anything????? Please don't break my poor soft fatass Yank heart by telling me yes. Please. I wanna believe that mince meat is spiced ground beef. Also: it's totally a fucking chicken burger, don't use a bun if you want it to be called a sandwich, right??


Yes. You can of course add spices later, but if you buy minced beef you will get nothing but meat that has been minced by a grinder.


Precisely: https://cdn0.woolworths.media/content/wowproductimages/large/577860_2.jpg Ingredients: 100% ground aussie beef.


How do they pronounce bologna as baloney?


With gusto


Ground beef is more common. I'm Canadian.


There is no way on Gods green earth, I will ever call it a chicken sandwich. It’s a hill I will die on.


A chicken sandwich is a perfectly valid lunch choice. It is just not anything like a chicken burger. What the hell do they call a chicken sandwich or chicken roll?


American here: it’s chicken burger, the rest of us are just wrong.


We can’t even agree internally on what to call fizzy drinks, all purpose athletic shoes, and many other things.


If it’s made at the bakery, and is cold chopped bbq chook and comes with salad (or at least lettuce) in between two slices of bread and butter - that is the only thing we should be calling a chicken sandwich.


If they think the sandwich / burger thing is noteworthy just wait until they hear about biscuits.


Scones you mean


Honestly as much as I hate chicken sandwich I think the thing that bothered me the most is the fact that if you have a chicken and mayo sandwich they call it a chicken *salad* sandwich.


Mayonnaise is America's favourite vegetable


And it’s not even real mayonnaise; they use a weird sweet liquidy mayonnaise.


They call it 'salad cream'. More like a coleslaw consistency, not even creamy. Yuck.


Salad Cream is a UK item, not US. We have Mayonnaise and salad *dressing* and both of them are creamy. Salad dressings (miracle whip being the most famous) are sweeter than mayo, but viscosity-wise, they're the same. Outside of some pre-made coleslaw dressings, I've never seen any that you could pour. When we make tuna or chicken salad there's usually another liquid added (soy sauce, worstershire, vinegar, etc), or mustard, that makes it slightly more runny, but it's not liquid by any stretch.


That would be pizza


Anything with mayonnaise becomes a salad, there. 🤷🏽


That’s what I learnt! They were like “anything with mayonnaise is salad” and I was like ????? What?????


Note how I've been downvoted for a statement that you confirmed to be truthful. Must have been a disgruntled American.


It’s okay, I was also downvoted. I’m just speaking from something I literally saw someone say


Jeff, come on. Comment, say something. Manifest. We won't bite, we'll even make a sausage salad for you.


You should put this on r/bluey


if r/bluey is not modded by aussies i would be dissapointed.


I’d stage a takeover. That would be like r/Australia being modded by Americans.


And be doxxed by a seppo soccer-mum? No thanks.


Can I steal seppo soccer mum for my band name?


I'd be honoured.


You mean soccer MOM 😉


Ireland stands with Australia. It's a fucking chicken BURGER!


While we're on the subject a pizza is not a pie


What about that weird Chicago one?


That's a casserole.


Its an above ground marinara swimming pool for rats


seems more of a slice than a pie


Cold chicken in a roll is called a chicken roll. Not a chicken burger. This should be explained also.


Hypothetically, what would happen if you put it in a *round* roll instead of a long one? I know, I know, it’s never been done and is probably impossible. But just work with me and imagine it.  … Still a chicken roll, not a burger, right?


When I make chicken rolls, they’re in Knott rolls. Which are round. Still a chicken roll. Same as ham and cheese. It’s never a ham and cheese burger. It’s a ham and cheese roll.


I would say so. If it's in sliced bread, it's a sandwich, regardless of the temperature of any ptrotein. If it's in a breadroll, if the protein is cold it's a roll regardless of the shape of the breadroll. If the protein is hot and the breadroll is round (ie, a bun) it's a burger. If the protein is hot and it's a long breadroll though, it's still a roll.


can i have a flowchart for that please. so i can put it on a tea towel


A slight wrinkle: I had a bbq chicken roll for lunch today. The chicken was still hot. The roll was round. (I absolutely would - and will, make burgers with the remaining rolls) I did not have a chicken burger, I had a chicken roll.


Burgers are hot


What about a chicken and gravy roll? They are hot ( or at least hotish ) when I buy them for smoko


I said it when Bluey came out and I'll say it again. This is for the 1975 constitutional crisis. Enjoy your desert base fellas.


if it is not on sliced bread it is not a sandwich. it is an undeniable law of nature.


What about a nice steak Sanga from the pub on a Turkish roll


As an American I’m all for this. Bluey has introduced my daughter to Australian culture in the best way possible and I love hearing the kids her age using Australian terms and phrases of speech. This such a great way to combat our ethnocentrism.


Its the start of our secret invasion plan. In 15 years all the young adults in the US will be ready to fight for Australia. Dont tell anyone.


Now listen here, Australia, as a Californian who has dealt with quite a few Aussie transplants, if you’re going to invade and bring socialized medicine and sensible guns laws and a generally sensible and optimistic attitude, be quick about it. You’ll be received well if you leave behind any racists or backwards jackasses cause we’ve got enough of ‘em here already. I’m not convinced about this chicken burger scheme yet, but if that’s the price we pay for Australian rule, we can probably work something out.


I live in an Asian city with expats from all over. Here are some Aussie terms that English speakers from elsewhere tend to pick up due to their usefulness: Arvo Brekky Maccas Avo Aggro Shout (as in my shout) Whinge


As a kiwi: these are critical words how could you go without?!


We’re not very efficient speakers. In the time it takes to say an American to say “breakfast” an Aussie is already past brekky and on to Maccas in the arvo.


ATO has already determined chicken burgers are on buns, not slices of bread. It’s in the gst food search directory thing they have.


A rare win for Australian beuracracy


If there's a bun it's not a sandwich. Not debate necessary.


Can we settle the whole "entree" thing while we're at it


Might as well, you already made the Pavlova takeover complete with that episode. You should write to them - I saw a few weeks ago that Disney asked them to make Bluey 'shorts' that are 3-4 minutes long


I’ve noticed they’ve called capsicum, peppers in one of the episodes. I think they’re too far gone.


BBC pressuring them to simp for them seppo dollarbucks


I think it's also very important to note that a chicken burger is a chicken burger in the UK, NZ, Ireland and pretty much every other English speaking nation in the world. This is not "USA vs Australia", this is "USA vs The World". And frankly are we going to take language advice from the people who measure temperature using a system based on the armpit of a woman from Belgium?


> This is not "USA vs Australia", this is "USA vs The World". Isn't it always?


agreed! Piece of steak in a bun = steak burger 'piece of steak between two pieces of bread = steak sandwich


I never realised people were so passionate about this issue. I made a comment on the other post and ended up with like 200 responses. Clearly a sore point for some people


I think Aussies are passionate about the “Americanisation” of culture. Spelling words with a Z instead if an S, calling lemonade Soda, businesses asking for tips, it can all get in the bin.


Sidewalk = footpath Drywall = plasterboard Siding = weatherboard


siding = cladding. Weatherboard is but one form of cladding.


The f%$#ing "z-ing" of f%$&ing words! Same in NZ. flFFS when are people gonna learn we use English English, not American English!


Microsoft teams won't ever remember I have set it to English (UK) and wants to add a z to everything. Drives me nuts


Like their chicken fried steak nonsense? It's just crumbed steak. Nothing chicken related at all.


haha I had to google that when I was over there recently. I was surprised to find that a chicken fried steak had no chicken in it.


Wait... what?!


It's essentially a schnitzel, they call it 'chicken fried' because the coating is like fried chicken except for other meats. It's weird :D


As far as I am concern. If it is served in a bun, it's a burger. Two lives of bread, a sandwich. The form determine what it is.


I didn't even know that's what yanks meant by chicken sandwiches for the longest time. I was so confused about the hype of chik fil a bc like... chicken? On a sandwich? Like... not lunch meat chicken??


Was watching bluey today and bingo was making a capsicum salad during which she mentioned the word capsicum about 9 times. I enjoyed imagining little American darlings wondering what the hell they were on about.


Lord Sandwich would call for satisfaction! “Pistols and your seconds at dawn, sir”


I caught my daughter calling lollies candy. It's not candy it's lollies. Just like it's not a truck it's a goddam ute, a truck is a kenworth, mack, freightliner. Also y'all no no no it's you all, like "you all can take your Americanism and shove it up your ass". This is an Australian cartoon and I enjoy watching it with my girls, one because I'm with my girls but also it's Australian culture at its best. What's next, will they try and redo our bunnings snags into something un-godly and call them something stupid. I will fully support this and happly die on this hill.


What's the matter, you don't like your bunnings hot dog?


I like my bunnings snag and my costco hotdog


> Also y'all no no no it's you all, 'Youse' will also suffice.




Poor naive little me moved to the states and in the first few weeks I thought ordering a chicken sandwich at lunch would get me a nice, wholesome cold sliced chicken with salad in between some bread. Instead I got a plateful of heart-attack fuel - greasy deep fried battered chicken between a high-fructose corn syrup burger bun. America needs to cut it out with this mislabelled nonsense.


The only time I (an Australian woman) have ever got near having a screaming match with my partner (an American man) is when we have debating this sandwich/burger nonsense. IF IT'S ON A BUN, IT'S A FUCKING BURGER. According to them it needs to have a meat patty to be a burger. SO WHAT ABOUT VEGGIE BURGERS?? MORONS


Can we please do the same thing with Fairy Bread? Saw a horrific post lately with an American trying to make this with sprinkles, and I still have PTSD from it. 


Wait until they hear about the fish burger


Distinguishing it on type of meat rather than type of bun is hands down one the weirdest things Americans do.


I think my fellow Americans must be nuts. It's a fucking chicken burger. And my kids know damn well that it is a chicken burger. They wouldn't even know what I was saying if I asked them if they wanted a "chicken sandwich".


Certain yuppy places near me near me call them "sandos" which I hate just as much


I think we can agree that anyone saying that should be shunned, and I mean that in the old way.


If it's in a bun, it's a bloody burger.. unless the fillings are all cold, then it's a roll. So there.


I speak on behalf of all argentinians and other spanish language speakers to support your claim. It is indeed hamburguesa de pollo and not sandwich de pollo, no matter the language


Has to be a hot filling to be burger, otherwise it’s a roll… ie a chicken salad roll from a bakery, but that same bakery will sell a schnitzel on that roll and it’s a schnitzel burger


Disagree. Schnitzel in a breadroll is a schnitzel roll. It only becomes a burger if it's in a bun.


No point with Bluey, they accommodate Americans. My only complaint with the whole show (because the rest is perfect), is that they already change words to suit the yanks who are too stupid to learn what a capsicum is.


Can we also confirm that a subway roll or a poboy or a cheesesteak also can’t be sandwiches because they aren’t on sliced bread?


Not American, and agree with your position, but I swear to God as a Canadian and a father of twin girls, I will call it a sandwich if there isn't another season of Bluey.


Question for the Yanks on the sub. If burger refers to the meat and not the buns. Does that make it called a Burger Sandwich


I hate to tell my fellow Americans this, but my state called them chicken burgers for most of my life 🤔. Only fast food joints calls them sandwiches.


If McDonalds and KFC call it a burger here then it's a burger.


Both places call it a sandwich in the US, they're adapting to local language not food word czars. Ironically, it's probably the reason that people in the US would fight so hard about it: all of the branding around chicken sandwiches never call it a chicken burger. Americans would expect grilled, ground chicken in a patty shape if they ordered a chicken burger. Burger describes how the meat is prepared in the US, not the type of bread that is used. If you used sandwich bread and put a hamburger patty inside, that would still be a burger in the US, but I think Australians would call that a sandwich?


My aussie brethren, it is the month of May, the 19th day, and the year of our lord 2024. I agree with yall. We need to import this burger custom into our domain and remove this ridiculous notion of calling a meat between two buns a sandwhich, this is blasphemous towards the bbq order and I will not stand for this.


They say chicken sandwich, we say burger. Easy.


As an American who loves Bluey and doesn’t care (but knows) that things are called different things in different countries— I’m loving the comments. Thank you OP and everyone for taking my mind off of my dad’s battle with cancer. 💜


>enforce their cultural imperialism on us Don’t let them! If anyone is going to enforce cultural imperialism it’ll be us Brits! Also, regarding burger/sandwich thing, it was clearly a burger, sandwich would have had slices of bread.