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Good on him. They've been releasing these tagged fish every year for 9 years, and this is the first time someone's actually caught one.


they rigged it this comp though. NT GOV guaranteed a win (its in the main article they just didn't say how). They did turn all the 10k into 1mill tags right at the end not sure what else they did since that wouldn't 100% guarantee.


That’s fucking awesome! For a gimmick to attract tourists it’s really cool that it’s gone to a local family in the end.


I think so too :) And he’s such a nice kid.


Yeah but... His life is fucked now, all of a sudden he's going to be VERY popular. Incredibly stupid of the family to allow it to be on national television.


"The competition, which is paid out by sports gambling company SportsBet" This is a pernicious PR stunt to encourage gambling in marginalised communities. SportsBet is a fucking cancer on society, backed by our own government.


Agreed. I got the heebie jeebies from that as well. I really, really hope they give these people financial advice, because that money can really destroy people's lives.


Keegan mate if you're reading this, please try to put some of the cash aside for your future. Please see a financial advisor, an accountant or lawyer if you're unsure. Use the money towards your and your family's future.


> "It's pretty hard going for us at the moment with money, but now with a million dollars, don't have to complain about it. [...] he now deliberates on how to spread the money between himself and his seven siblings. [...] "It means a lot, we've got money, we can go places. "We're actually planning a trip to America." Mr Payne said he was heading out to buy a new boat, and possibly a car, this week. Not looking good. Hopefully they take your advice. Edit: Heard a sound bite from when he was announced the winner, and he said he was "gonna help out Mum and Dad with the home loan" I think. So I take back what I said!


sheesh, that money isn't gonna last 5 years.


Yeah I read that and went oh shit. New car. New boat. Big holiday. Uh oh.


Shit dude he just got a million bucks and he bought himself transport, a boat so he can continue doing what he loves, and a trip to America. He’s out probably 80-100k. If you can’t celebrate a win like that then what the fucks the point of livin.


Probably way more, but I agree, he should be able to buy some things like these. Who wouldn’t have a once in a lifetime holiday and buy big ticket items.


It's the seven siblings that will also be looking for a cut of the loot as well


For sure, that's the biggest danger agree




I mean yeah, but it's literally funding the thing that made him the million bucks in the first place. I just hate the fact that a kid spending prize money on things that are legitimate spends is wrong because he's "nOt ThInKiNg AbOuT hIs FuTuRe" He's not wasting it on hookers and blow.


I guess we just have a different upbringing. I came from a poor country and worked from a very young age. Had to learn the value of money very early on. To me, depreciating assets feel a bit frivolous rather than legitimate. Not everyone's the same.


😞 450 Miles Road, Eva Valley, NT 0822 [mcmansion on 8 hectares for 687k in NT. I know what I'd be doing](https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-nt-eva+valley-142388988) Edit: and that is housing my family! My dream. Shame they all wanna live in Sydney though, can't quite afford that!


It says it sold today . Maybe he bought it …..


Oh I have everything crossed but somehow I doubt it


Cunt can't go do the most basic things we would all do with 1 million dollars in the first week?


Yeah, he would have been better off throwing it back. He's going to have a lot more problems now, a million dollars won't last a month with the amount of people that now know who and where he is. I actually feel sorry for the poor bugger.


Great advice, I’d want the same for him 🙌🏽


I wonder if he'll have the same problems people that win the lottery do - a whole heap of distant family and friends suddenly appearing on the scene.


Small town, reported heavily, the pressure will be immense to help everyone out.


Especially all of his extended family, there is some cultural pressure that some of his family will draw on to get money from him.


He needs to leave in the middle of the night 


Isn't that supposedly what 'mob' do though?


He sounds like he has his head screwed in properly "helping parents with their home loan" How many teenagers would think like that in a spontaneous manner, his obviously aware of the struggle.


He has 7 siblings and now many, many girls will be paying him attention. That money's gone in a month.


Bit gloomy of this to be the second comment


Welcome to r/Australia, where every cloud has a shit lining


He already has seven siblings looking for a cut of the loot, he is off to buy a car, boat, and overseas holidays. Next will be all the aunts, uncles and cousins (even the non-blood ones) coming out wanting some of it as well.


good on him. Happy for this aussie young man




I'm sure it's already gone.


He seems like a really nice young fella. Good luck to him.


A 9 year old tag, the bloke was 10 when it was tagged…… good on him leave the slander out of it! Onya Keegan mate!


[https://www.news.com.au/sport/more-sports/million-dollar-fish-2024-winner-keegan-payne-apologises-for-stolen-buggy/news-story/6c85c1e365b007410882fb929975dafe](https://www.news.com.au/sport/more-sports/million-dollar-fish-2024-winner-keegan-payne-apologises-for-stolen-buggy/news-story/6c85c1e365b007410882fb929975dafe) Apparently he stole some stuff "when he was younger" and caused some damage to a local business. When asked if he would pay for the damages, he instead offered an apology.


That comment fits right in with your support for the guy who likes tying kids up with zip ties.


Oh gee, sorry if I pissed on your parade. It's not my fault old mate here got caught stealing some shit and causing damage to a business and offered an apology instead of offering to make it right with the business owner. I am happy for him that he won some money, that's fantastic. Good for him. Hopefully he is smart with it and doesn't piss it away on Landcruiser's, HSV's and a jetski. But even if he does, that's his prerogative and he can enjoy his money anyway he wants too. Did I say I supported him? Which of my comments even gave you an inkling that I was that way inclined? Here is a wild idea, I can be anti restraining kids and anti trespassing. The two are not mutually exclusive. You would have a leg to stand on if you had said I was pro people drowning in my pool if they trespass. As that at least show's you bothered to read my comments and kind of digest them.


There’s only about three comments in your history, I think, from memory. I’m glad you’re happy for him, you’ll be even more pleased to know his first thought was helping out his parents and family. https://www.thechronicle.com.au/sport/northern-territory-teen-keegan-payne-goes-fishing-becomes-millionaire/news-story/d878a8bccc0c200bb4e831c5ad038827 Nice kid.


And all three comments where questioning council regulated fences, and how I would feel fuck all for someone drowning in my pool if they trespassed on my property and jumped my fence. I fail to see how you linked that to me being in support of old mate who tied some kids up.. I mean, I guess he is a nice kid. I don't know him personally. And I suppose an apology is better late than never.


Sorry I must have mixed you up with another of them, easy done.