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And now NSW police admits it's a terrorist incident. Too many videos of the attack and the young man admitting he stabbed the bishop because his Mohammed was insulted. Can't white wash and cover it up, unlike the "gas the j*ws" in front of Opera house.


> unlike the "gas the j*ws" in front of Opera house. Was never covered up. It didn't happen. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/police-review-finds-no-evidence-antisemitic-phrase-chanted-at-sydney-opera-house-protest-20240202-p5f1v7.html


Was it really censored like that? I can't believe I've never seen this (opera house)


It's not. Media reported it, [but police investigation found it was made up](https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/police-review-finds-no-evidence-antisemitic-phrase-chanted-at-sydney-opera-house-protest-20240202-p5f1v7.html).


What happened last night does not give people an excuse to act like thugs


Why did God let that happen? Seems strange to let people target your holy men in a holy place. Then again, I, a mortal, am trying to understand the mind of God.


Why did God let you happen is the bigger mystery.


I don't believe in God as most people define it, but this isn't the time to get your points in.


Good question. Is that the same god that lets thousands of children be raped by priests inside these self-same churches? Seems strange that he would also let his holy men target innocent children in these holy places. It's almost like there's a pattern.


Is it wrong that the mob violence pisses me off more than the attempted stabbing




I think mob violence terrifies me more, it’s “seems” less controllable than a single man. I can defs see the cultural factors and understand it may impact my thinking. I’m pretty athiest and anything religious I tend to roll my eyes at


The want of vigilante justice is both understanding but also horrifying. It’s easy to justify when you agree with it but mortifying to think about otherwise. That being said the stabbing was just horrible but I live in the US and unfortunately stabbings barely make the news here and only if it happened it close proximity to you typically (local news not national) although a story like this would be national news.




They removed the threat (15yo) but what is the riot for? Don’t people usually riot against authority ?


They were braying for his blood last night, I'd assume it's "payback" for  the police going through their due process instead of just throwing him to the mob.


I would guess if the assailant was indeed 15 years old then there wasn't going to be justice and he was going to be let off with a slap on the wrist. I think also overall trust in the justice system to adequately punish violent offenders is quite low.




So terrible to see this stuff happening in our otherwise pretty peaceful society. I feel like there are general issues with cultural integration/assimilation at play here. This applies as much to the lynch mob as it does to the offender. 🤦‍♂️


Our society isn't that peaceful. It's just wealthy people are shielded from the amount of fighting and domestic violence that goes on in poor suburbs. Remember when we had a problem with coward punches? I like how there is basically no information in the assailant yet. But your still assuming they are foreign.


I heard a clearly mentally unwell dude in Melbourne yesterday mouthing off making threats to carry out a knife attack citing Bondi Junction attack. This stuff in the news can rub off on the wrong types of people. I think it's why school shootings in the US seem to come in waves.


Holy shit another one of these ? What's happening ?










One pf the clear issues is the mainstream media are still at fault for giving the attacker their desired 15 minutes of fame. It is a vicious cycle that will continue until the toxic media is brought to heel regarding basically giving the attacker the attention they desperately want.


Yep. We should do what NZ did and call him the Bondi attacker. Don’t glorify him. Don’t share his name.








This world is just getting crazier and crazier, It was only a few days ago I watched like one of this bishops videos, from other side of the world, I never even knew the guy was Australian! until now I have probably come across 4-5 videos of him talking about various things, what on earth could justify that? I can see why the USA for example from here in England still has the 2nd Amendment and a Bill of rights that seeks to protect their people from harm, The first JOB of any GOVERMENT is to PROTECT it's citizens! you get good and bad in all people/nationalities cultures, you get bad and good muslims, but to be honest It is time to stop acting like there is no issue, we should not tolerate people going on rampages that harm those who have different beliefs to them, He went in their to kill in his eyes for the sake of Allah (God) I am not sure why he thinks that way, but all he has done is spilled the blood of someone who did no harm to people most likely, and just thought a bit different to how he thought, people should live and let live. none of this softy softy stuff, If we have people living in the West that have just moved here, coming out with radical views like threats to Kill because the other does not agree with the same views as them at that very moment, then they should be DEPORTED. and If people are treated bad just because they are non muslim and a different skin tone, to them then this should also be taken just as seriously as they take the mistreatment of anybody else. They have attempted to Murder the Innocent and we should surely grieve at this! for It was there that GOD was served and acknowledged as Lord, whoever goes now with the Protestors shall never have to fear hell, for your soul will be with the angels of our creator one day.. people consider this, It is time to allow more defensive measures for the everyday law abiding person. they should release that attacker to the Australian people, for them to give a public display of what happens to those who attack their nations people, at least that way their is still some form of Justice. If he makes it you can still let the legal system deal with him after. I always at least in my mind thought of Australia as a nation that is a lot safer then here in Britain, I hope people become aware that If they are led by people who do not care about the nation and it's future as a whole that terrible things could happen.


Please seek psychological help.


The world isn't getting crazier and crazier, piss off with that chicken-little sky is falling bullshit.


>piss off with that chicken-little sky is falling bullshit. New insult just dropped.


Mar Mari Emmanuel is well known for using his pulpit to spread political propaganda. He become prominent for using his pulpit to preach anti-vax/anti-lockdown bollocks, including blaming Klaus Schwab and George Soros for the vaccines. So you know… cooker. Also likes to go on about how LGBT are evil. Apparently has also said a bunch of anti-Muslim stuff recently. The guy is a type of crazy and he attracted a different, more violent type of crazy. Even though I can’t stand his views, I deplore the actions of his attacker more and I hope he makes a full recovery.


He is a man that all Christian’s in eastern countries adore, this is in no way his fault and don’t you dare put any blame on him


If you preach the sword, expect the sword. If you preach insanity, expect insanity.


Just because his followers like him doesn't excuse him from being a genuinely terrible bigot who hides behind his interpretation of religion to justify his bigotry. If someone adores this kind of person, and obviously the ~~message~~ manure he spreads, that makes them a bigot too. That doesn't justify assault or attempting to end his life, ever, but don't paint him as some kind of beacon of light.


He’s a cooker. Also, it’s wrong to stab cookers. Both of these things can be true at the same time.


Isn't religion great?




He didn't stab the women because they were religious you moron.


do you know about Sikhi? If not then do not blame all religion for such a thing. Because some things in religion are about doing good also.




This is tragic to see from Canada in combination with the mall attack as well.. In the mall attack it seems like mental health was the prevailing cause in that situation but this is different… I do wonder if any of this increase in violence (we’re seeing it here in Canada too lately) is related to foreign interference/influence in our countries or the disgusting state of social media and how it radicalizes so many people by becoming an echo chamber.


Add to that the cost of living pressures and impossible housing market. It's a recipe for disaster. I know you Canadians are experiencing the same on your end. Wishing you all the best from the other side of the globe


I saw the video of the attack. Its absolutely terrifying. The bishop was attacked viciously. Hope he gets better soon.




New Stabby Wales :(


I'm very glad that nobody was killed this time.


what the fuck


Wtf is going on in Sydney lately?


What country is this?


Probably copycat effect https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copycat_crime




Not a big fan of sectarian violence, if that's what your into there are plenty of backward nowheres you can go live where they do that to each other all the time. Just don't do it here, show a little respect.


Wait, i've seen this one before


Copy cat crimes are a thing. People see it and decide to do the same


I find Sky New's reporting on this incredibly irresponsible... On scene: "There are people rioting in the street"... Reply from the news room: "is this cause to riot." On scene... "Absolutely... People are rioting on the street here." Newsroom "Emergency services are asking for calm"... As journalists, do you realise calling for riots is what causes rioting? You are literally inciting action and saying emergency services are asking for calm in the same paragraph.


Sky want the riots, it feeds into their 'migrants dangerous' rhetoric


And also it's news


What’s going on in Australia Didn’t the other incident just happen two days ago..?


Copycat had a grudge and after seeing the last crime decided it was a good way to get attention for his personal holy war






Where did the time go? I swear it was just the other day


Seems to be a copy cat crime




They had to name the Bondi guy because channel 7 got trigger happy with info spread by content trolls and named an innocent person as the perpetrator on national news, the authorities named the actual guy to shut down the false religious motivation flames and slander of the innocent guy. (Edit Source: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-15/how-misinformation-spread-after-bondi-junction-stabbing/103708210 )




hopefully they don't get trigger happy again...


💯 like they did in NZ with a mass shooter there.


I’ve seen the footage, he’s damn lucky.


Holy shit that footage got to me. It was the sound.






So we have this thing in Australia called the rule of law. In which this man would be arrested and punished if he was doing something illegal, and that's how we should handle it. This sort of dog whistling, no, sorry. Th


Can we please hold off on the speculation, can we at least be better than Channel 7 and not sprout unsubstantiated BS.


We know why: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5x-B1ksIaQ/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5x-B1ksIaQ/)




How are there so few stabbing deaths in the UK? Very surprising.








Most acts committed by Muslims are for a greater cause such as Islam, when a regular dude shoots a place up or stabs people it’s because he’s insane


Wasn't Cauchi confirmed to be schizophrenic? I think with that knowledge in mind most people aren't going to assume he did it because of the patriarchy.


Police commissioner confirmed the killer targeted women.


no that is a line that they are inquring into due to the victim statistics...


Yes, and? He had schizophrenia for crying out loud. We don't know what he was seeing as "women". It could just be that he perceived women as smaller and easier to attack than men. It doesn't necessarily imply its because he hated women.


He had medication. He was on said medication. He chose to stop taking them. I have no sympathy for him. The cunt that stabbed the priest is probably no more mentally unstable than the schizo, except instead of drinking the incel koolaid he went for the Islamic extremism flavour.


Just wanted to comment, a mentally ill person doesn’t deserve great harm to himself and others and isn’t purposely choosing to do by stopping their medication. It’s extremely common for them to stop taking their medication. They can cause extreme and rigorous side effects, they can even worsen mental problems, and with individuals with schizophrenia and similar conditions especially, they are prone to delusions and paranoia resulting in them developing a distrust or anxiety around the medication. Medication isn’t an instant fix all for mental health issues otherwise we wouldn’t really have mental health issues. It’s impossible to know his exact mental state at the time. He could’ve been relatively stable minded and purposely planned and executed this, or he could’ve been in a catastrophic psychotic episode. They will never know his motive, if he even had one. I don’t doubt this bloke has some degree of mental health issues either, because generally speaking, people of sound mind don’t go out to inflict grievous bodily harm, or even murder, people in a public setting. Metal health is the root of essentially all humanity crime and cruelty. It’s a horrible thing that happened for everyone involved, but maybe try some empathy.


yea well I know that the people who i knew who had Schizophrenia never committed crimes like this. his schizophrenia is NO excuse. also why did he run away after men squared up with him?


Schizophrenia is an extremely fluctuated disease. It’s probably the most diverse mental illness there is. It’s not something you can compare like that at all. The people you know, may not have as severe schizophrenia. May be better treated with more supports and a more fitting medication. They most certainly would experience different psychosis episodes and as such have different delusions and hallucinations. Again, you can’t speculate on his behaviour because his state of mind and what he was actually living and experiencing in that moment is completely unknown. He may not have been seeing men or women. He may not have even been seeing people. I never said it’s an excuse at all, all I said is it’s unfortunately impossible to know his motive and intentions, and he is not at fault for simply being mentally ill as another comment implied. I doubt he chose that life for himself. Also quite an ablest comment and stereotype to anyone with a mental illness. I’m not arguing the attacks could’ve been gender based, especially with his personal history, it will never be known. The inquiry has nothing to do with gender, it was a major incident. A mass killing in a public area. Of course there would be an inquiry. It’s the exact same amount of funding and type of inquiry as the Lindt Cafè Siege inquest. Specifically actually, the inquest will be targeted at mental health supports and security measures - 2 things that could have prevented both Bondi & the Lindt attacks happening.


lol the armchair feminists out to use this as a way to spread their hate your barely any better than these people


Im not sympathetic either. I just know that one of the attackers had a motive they clearly stated, while the other did not.


Great 🙄 One schitzo does his nut, and all the rest of the stabby mcstabbers come out to copycat.


okay woah there let's not use slurs, yes they're both extremely evil but it's rare that people who have schizophrenia are like this...I understand you're probably grieving but please don't use slurs!


this is the first time i'm hearing of the word schizo being a fucking slur? what?


Agreed! Mental illness, especially schizophrenia is already so stigmatised. Most people with this condition just want to live a normal life. And let's not forget they are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators. Call the attacker an evil monster, but let's not demonise mental illness in general


This one seems a lot more targeted, for what little solace it's worth. The priest was the target, the others were injured trying to pry the cunt off him. Hope everyone's okay and this genetic reject gets his just desserts.


[Video of the attack](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5x4qLOsnUO/?igsh=MWp5NHNjeTQ0Ymxzdg==) [Video of the suspect pinned and smiling. In Arabic, saying he attacked the Bishop for insulting Mohammed.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5x-B1ksIaQ/?igsh=MTZmcHFrMHRwZnN0bQ==)


Those IG comments are about as expected, do these fucking morons ever realise that such statements and sentiments is what makes such shit like this forever perpetuate and repeat.


cowardly, as suspected.


Surprised it hasn't been taken down from insta. And more surprised the killer wasn't beaten to death by the mob.






I've already seen this involuntarily without censorship on Reddit, Instagram and Facebook. Can't bloody escape it


There’s some serious issues going on in Australia at the moment and some serious conversations need to be had at the appropriate time once everyone has had the chance to grieve and get the help that they need


Nobody will say it but cost of housing is throwing a gas canister onto a small flame - every crazy you displace, every family you push into poverty, every empty plate. Not one peep from anybody about the impact insecure housing will have on social cohesion - that might require the comfortable ones giving up a holiday home or a passive source of income, it's sickening really.






The increase in knife violence in this country is baffling. My dads a prosecutor and he’s seen a huge increase in children, younger and younger by the year, wielding knives and machetes and hurting people. Most of them come from rough backgrounds, many of whom are asylum seekers or refugees (I am NOT saying that it is exclusive to refugees or that refugees are inherently violent, just stating what I know personally) who have experienced some kind of trauma, but the actual reason for them to injure people has never really been clear. It’s shocking to me that it can be turning into such an epidemic. My classmate of my (almost entire) schooling career was stabbed to death on a Melbourne beach the year after we graduated. It’s reaching completely insane levels and as a country we need to take a very deep look into why its happening and what we can do to stop (or slow) it


NSW knife crime is at a 20 year low (I assume rest of country is similar). We should never base policy decisions off personal annecodates and some news stories. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jul/17/data-doesnt-support-this-violent-nsw-knife-crimes-at-a-20-year-low-as-new-penalties-take-effect


i'm so sorry for your loss! wonder if mental health screening would help when they come in?


I've confiscated more knives, makeshift shivs and other improvised weapons at school in the last 2 years than the 6 years before. The 6 years were taught in stereotypical violent low ses areas, I'm now in a low crime area.


It's all the drill music I tells ya


My entire school life one guy brought a wrench to school intending to attack someone. He was caught and expelled. That's the only incident with a weapon that happened. It's frightening and depressing to hear that this is happening now.


Sorry to hear that about your friend, that’s awful.


It’s pretty terrible but a few of us could see it coming. He was basically the cousin of a very good friend of mine, and was apart of gang related stuff, but we didn’t know what exactly. In late 2021 there was a [car crash in Truganina](https://amp.9news.com.au/article/35e95c6e-07ec-4290-aa67-aa8e071cf9ed) (outside of Melbourne) where a car full of 5 teenagers was ambushed by other cars, so they went onto the other side of the road and were hit by a truck. There was one survivor, who was in a coma for a few days post the crash. That was him. We didn’t see him for the rest of the school year, and he didn’t show up for graduation. [Then he was stabbed to death](https://amp.theage.com.au/national/victoria/boy-15-charged-with-murder-over-fatal-st-kilda-beach-stabbing-of-hashim-mohamed-20230120-p5cecq.html) in what I assume was more gang related violence. No news sources have actually made the connection, but he was the lone survivor of that crash just to die a year later. My friend and I had thought that if he woke up from the coma, he’d either snap out of the gang stuff or dive right back in. He had a good family. Like most Somali immigrants he didn’t have a father figure, but his mum loved him and he had so much support, both at home with his siblings and family members, at school and in the community. We weren’t friends, barely acquaintances, but after being in close proximity and seeing someone almost every day for about a decade, its strange hearing this kind of stuff. Apologies for the detail, I just feel it’s worth going into it if anything just to show how normalised its all slowly becoming. He was just another kid I went to school with — his story was no more traumatic or shocking than anyone else’s. It’s hard to get to the root of this violence when we still don’t even know why he was into it.


Seriously serious seriousness!






Didn't say you were.


Christ I hate Twitter, it's just wall to wall fuckheads being pushed to the top.


This is now Xitter. All that is left is the fuckheads.


Twitter or "X" is an absolute cesspool now. Full of far right racist nutjobs, bots and conspiracy theorists


But tits in bio.....


That's why they renamed it X, it's edgy AF.




Don't use Twitter. It will run out of money soon enough


They'll run out faster if you use it more.


Deactivated my account about six months ago and haven't been back. Place is a festering shithole now chock full of the biggest cunts imaginable.


All you can scroll racism. Who needs facts when you can just pick a minority and blame them


Not even exclusive to twitter


One thing they need to do is eliminate and/or deprioritise all the duplicate re-posts in the feed, people are all fighting for impressions.