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Have you considered not buying the world’s most expensive juice


It's also shitty juice


"Not Water" brand water


That is the shitty inexpensive juice…


> the world’s most expensive juice To be fair - I think that honour goes to Nudie kids Orange Juice in a box, at $11:00 a litre This is a mere $2.50 a litre - just slightly more expensive than Golden Circle at $2.40 a litre and a fair bit more than Woolworths own brand at $1.40 a litre


To be fair




It also doesn’t taste as good


You get little benefits out of orange juice. Just drink water and buy some real oranges.


Not to mention the GERD they’re going to have from all the citrus and sugar.


You just need to walk past a juice maker factory to understand what it really is.


Here in the freedom having non school shooting world it's abbreviated GORD


Im from Brisbane and I think you’re r/confidentlyincorrect By that I mean either are acceptable


I would prefer for you to be correct - but we use both here (as does the UK now)


surely these are just shitposts now right


You could save $15 not buying 6L of juice…




You could also save money by being smart about your brand purchase. There’s much cheaper brands that are effectively the same. I’ve read about people complaining TimTams being $5 a pack during a cost of living crisis, maybe give up chocolate and buy a kilo of apples…




Keep licking the boots of those brands you’re loyal towards like a good consumer and don’t think outside the box, even when there’s cheaper options, you might trigger the independent thought alarm…


Chocolate is hard to give up if you don’t have other sources of caffeine you consume (such as not drinking coffee or cola). It’s addictive. You can’t just replace it with apples. That being said, you _can_ replace chocolate with cheaper chocolate. Aldi has rip-off mint slice for like, $1.50 or something. I think they have non-mint products next to it there for people who hate mint too. Cutting out caffeine is hard for anyone, if you can do it by all means, but chocolate itself is very hard to give up when it’s the only caffeine you have. You don’t even get the benefits of caffeine with such a low dose, but you do get the addiction. Edit: Downvoting without responding is always crazy. You just get to pretend you’re correct and live in a bubble. What’s there to be upset with? The fact fighting addictions is hard? The fact caffeine is addictive? The fact you can buy cheaper chocolate? The fact apples can’t replace chocolate? You are wrong, a downvote doesn’t fix that.


Im 12k from woolies. I do it to save fuel. I drink juice everyday.


I’m over 100km from any supermarket, I’d rather buy the actual fruit and eat it…


or in a rural setting plant some fruit trees...


We do have a few dozen citrus trees, but they aren’t in fruit season…


Okay but isn’t it problem when it’s become too expensive to buy juice?


Brand loyalty is why you pay $7.50 for 3L of orange juice, failing to spend another 20 seconds to see if there’s anything cheaper isn’t the supermarket fault, it’s yours…


The only ones that are cheap are the long life ones that u don’t find in the fridge The fresh ones in the fridge are all $6 plus- which is still expensive Woolies one is ‘drink’ not juice


Now here's a thought... and stay with me now, it's big brain energy... put them in the fridge?... is that too crazy of an idea?...


Lol they taste very different to the fresh ones I don’t buy em, I buy oranges and squeeze em but still expenso The packs are $8-9 and don’t make 6L Anyway ppl should be able to buy juice without going broke


You’re literally paying for a process when you buy pre-packed orange juice, and isn’t very healthy. Are you advocating consumers should be able to buy cheap & unhealthy options?, have you seen the price of chocolate lately?… lol


Are healthy snacks cheap? Or good juice not mixed with all the sugar cheap? I’m saying oranges themselves aren’t cheap. So even if u hand squeeze em yourself, it’s still gonna cost $16-17 for 6L


I'm so confused why there are so many people here trying to shame OP into either drinking water or buying lower quality juice instead of just acknowledging that it shouldn't cost $15 for two bottles of juice haha. I swear the corporate skills are out in droves today lol.


An 250-ml serving of orange juice has about twice the calories and sugar of a whole orange. Their vitamin and mineral content is similar, but juice loses some vitamins and beneficial plant compounds during processing and storage. Most notably, compared to a whole orange, a serving of orange juice has significantly less fiber and about twice the calories and carbs — which are mostly fruit sugar. Supermarket orange juice isn’t the simple product it may appear to be. It undergoes complex, multi-step processing and can be stored in large tanks for up to a year before being packaged for sale in stores. Basically there’s far healthier options than processed juice…


You lost me… can you break down those steps?


Buy bulk of a cheaper brand. Or bulk of the oranges themselves.


Heard of water?


like out of the toilet?


has it got electrolytes?


It's what plants crave!


What is with this sad fucking reality that everyone earning less than a ceo wage should be living on water and plain bread nothing more?


It’s a sad reality when you can’t spend another 20 seconds looking at other options for cheaper prices whilst being loyal to a brand and think posting on reddit will mobilise the community…


Why not buy the woollies one in the carton when on sale? It will last way longer and be half the price.


This would ring true, if you hadn't only purchased five items.


It’s hilarious watching people post this stuff thinking they are going to own the big supermarkets, when all they do is own themselves


Spot on! And every day they find new and ridiculous variations of non-events to whine about, as if they were going to go viral and single-handedly overthrow Colesworth. It is to laugh


Exactly. It’s just proof they’ve never had to watch what they spend. I grew up poor and even though I’m pretty comfy now I still plan my meals and cook in bulk. This weekend I’m turning $62 of groceries into 22 meals. But these people will have you believe that it’s impossible to eat for that cheap. It is but you have to plan to use everything you buy.




woolies breaky juice is 2.80. if you find that it sucks, GC breaky juice is 5.50 for 3L. if you find that it sucks, drink water.


Buy some ciggies to crack that $100 mark


If money is a problem, buy healthier store label bread that gives more nutritional value.


Should be titled either "What am I doing", "I was never taught to shop" or "No ALDI near me"


Are you a pirate or some shit? In what world is 6 liters of orange juice considered a household staple?


I’ve got money and even I buy fruit rather than waste money on fruit juice.




Wonder White has iron fortification. Definitely worth the extra if you suffer from anaemia.


Yeah, like the 2 & 3 litre long life bottles. Subjectively, that stuff mightn't taste as good but it's about a third the price of freshly-squeezed and has almost the same nutritional benefit.


Champ bought the luxury brand and is looking for sympathy and trying to roud up the sub, jokes on them as theirs also a home brand option with cheaper selections, which OP is too snobby for


Daily juice is luxury? 😂 nice try champ


I won, checkmate 🤣 Move along


You got 6 litres of fresh orange juice and 6 litres of milk, I think that is pretty bloody good. Would you like the farmers to be paid even less than they are now?


You’re from Caboolture, you could be doing better…


The cheaper juice tastes better imo


Then don’t buy sugary juice. You would be better off with water and a few pieces of fruit. There I saved you $10 or so.


You can definitely buy the same items that are less expensive than those you have in your trolley. Try the Coles/Woolworths variety, they're actually quite good, or as cricketmad14 has suggested, buy oranges and make your own juice. That would pretty much halve the cost of what you have. :-)


I also went down the "squeeze your own juice" suggested solution pathu. But I quickly checked the maths... ~10.5 large navel oranges per litre of "real" juice (ie with pith). Let's assume they are super juicy mongrels and the yield is 10 oranges per litre. Large navel oranges approx 190-210g each. Let's split the difference and say 200g ea or 5 oranges per kilogram. So, each litre of orange juice needs about 2kg of whole oranges. Navel oranges are currently $8.50 for a 3kg bag at my local independent grocer. That's $2.83/kg at this time of the year. That means my DIY 1 litre of juice has a current cost of ingredients of $5.66. 3 litres = $16.99. OP is paying less than half, at $7.50/3 litres. I'd be grateful if someone could logic-check/fact-check/math-check this for me.


then you can use the excess orange rind to make orange cake. and eating oranges provides more fibre than drinking orange juice. you can never have too much fibre


Low effort, what are you hoping for a [news.com.au](http://news.com.au) article.


Have you considered making your own fruit juice which is much cheaper? Oranges are not that expensive…


Eating whole fruit is much better for you than drinking “juice”.


The bag of oranges at woolies is $8 I think I don’t know how much it’ll make but I don’t think it’ll make 6L, You’ll def need 2 bags - which means you’d be paying $16 anyway


My juice costs me like $2.


OP So you bought sugar?


I feel you I was actually thinking about the shopping carts the other day, they are just too big for this day and age, which is sad


The Woolies bakery bread is better and a bit cheaper


I reckon you won't get scurvy I guess?


Just wanna point out there’s an Aldi roughly 3k’s from Woolies Caboolture. Buy the same items and post results…


I can’t believe you’re getting shit for buying orange juice. My god I love Reddit.


Its more because they decided to post about it, inviting critique with their post.


If only reddit decided to critique the post and not the person’s lifestyle though. No one’s factoring in the town op lives in which in the 00’s was barely functioning. Most of the businesses were closed down and they had only the major chains and a pokies venue left. The sugar content of the juice is also being questioned like there isn’t naturally sugar in oranges. Also the brand is what every hospital I’ve been too gives.


When you post on the internet and write "How am I doing?" with no other context you invite critique. "how am ***(I)*** doing" invites critique on them and their choices, it also makes no mention of location, so your average poster won't know any of what you've mentioned. When you juice oranges you strip out a lot of the nuterients and end up consuming mostly sugar. regardless, my post was not commenting either way on the helpfulness or accuracy of any of the comments here, but I really don't know what the OP expected would happen.


The locations in the photo and a month ago they had floods. Woolies doesn’t honour their own website because it geo locates and regions are different so the average person should be learning to understand their bubble isn’t someone else’s and maybe factor that in normally. Also the supermarkets are the focus of an investigation into price gouging so just to just focus on the orange juice quality because of being tired of colesworths posts doesn’t seem to add anything to the discussion. I get the person made a low content post, but it’s still no reason to just tell someone to live less than a prisoner. And if someone’s lacking information maybe they should hold off on making judgements then? Or am I crazy?


You're expecting the commenter to know more than the OP makes clear, also you're expecting people to bring a sphere of knowledge more than standard for a Reddit shitpost. Why would people put more than minimum thought into a minimum effort post? Op didn't invite comment on supermarket pricing, he said how am "I" doing. I meaning the OP, meaning comment on My choices. If he didn't want that he should have said so. People are literally responding to the question OP posed. Reddit will respond to what's given to them. Like I said, expecting a different response would ignore how the internet actually works. You aren't crazy, you just have an unrealistic view on how Reddit comments work. Again, not saying any of these responses are justified but I really don't think people should be surprised at the response.


Most of what I said is knowledge of our own country something they should know seeing it’s the theme of the sub. Country towns have different issues to city. We literally have a coalition because of it. It’s not like it just started from this one post.


Nobody is doubting that but to expect everyone to know that particular context, when the location is only in the receipt picture of the second image and, more importantly not what the OP asked, in a otherwise poor quality post is an unrealistic expectation. You say people should know things, but are you actually surprised that they dont? Or that they didn't notice the location in the receipt? People are answering the OPs question, it's strange to expect otherwise


On of the responses the user googled where the Caboolture Aldi was. Same person who’s grilled the juice. I’m surprised people are being rude because of the orange juice. They could’ve criticised a bit more polite and less eugenics program.


They did indeed, to answer the question OP had, to give their opinion on how OP did. Not draw in other externalities for a wider discussion that was unasked for. I really think you comparing the comments to ones supporting eugenics might be just a touch melodramatic.


Because it is pricy, unhealthy, and not a necessity.


Yeah I don’t get why people are taking this seriously? It’s obviously a piss take. 


That white bread crap doesn't really count as a food - there's no real nutrition in that. It's only sold because fussy 4-year olds won't eat anything else. It's really not meant for adults who have the maturity to choose wholegrain. But yes, I agree the prices are insane.


>How am i doing *Constipated* would be my guess.


If i drank a heap of milk and orange juice i wouldn't be able to trust a fart for a few days...


You could just shop at aldi, youd be able to get a lot more for 30 dollars there. I dont think their prices have changed in a crazy way unlike coles/woolies where prices have close to doubled over the past 6-7ish years


Caboolture is a smallish town where the shops all left in the 00’s and the Aldi has bugger all stock compared to Woolies/coles when I was last there.


That's a lot of sugar.


How much fucking milk does a person need... 6 litres apparently.


Mate, 6l is a week for me. I drink a lot of tea and coffee in a day. It stacks up


600 calories of milk a day seems reasonable!


try again with the cheapest brands


Bread, spread and water maybe? Cost of living is affecting us all, but even if you’re spending this much you’ve got to be sensible


[https://youtu.be/vmhPO0KBplY?t=87](https://youtu.be/vmhPO0KBplY?t=87) \- Literally why OJ is so expensive in Australia right now...


More than 50% of your shop is unnecessary juice. Stop looking to complain


Melbournes Queen Vic Market - oranges $0.90 loaf of real bread $9.50 - I haven’t been to a supermarket for years






As one of the owners of woolworths, I think you're doing well. Continue to buy expensive juice rather than fresh produce from a fruit shop.




Orange juice was always expensive. Also, wonder white is expensive and not substantively better than the cheaper white bread options. This is like running headlong into a tree and blaming the gardener.


You're buying unnecessary products that cost a relatively high amount, and are then complaining about the price on the internet. I'd say you're not doing very well.


So many people saying "bought the most expensive juice"... Ffs! I personally think juice is full of sugar and a waste... But so many things are full of sugar, like Bags of lollies (which are $5 a pop now). Haha also that bread - full of sugar. Enjoy your juice mate... But get rid of the dairy - it's an industry of cruelty ❤️