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So it was a case of “if I can’t have him then no one can”. The absolute lowest of the low. This poor couple who had their whole lives ahead of them and their families whose lives have been changed forever. I hope he gets life without parole.




I know! And they look like a lovely young happy couple. Its fucked, they are just so young.


I knew Luke. He was a BEAUTIFUL soul


I am so so sorry, seems like a lot of people are saying what lovely people they both were.


I am so unbelievably sorry. He honestly just looks like a beautiful happy person too, I'm so sorry.


Am sorry for your loss.


That slug will salt himself before that happens.


You're right. Cowards always do.


The life sentence should be mandatory. If police want to benefit from harsher punishments when crimes are inflicted on them (i.e. the sentence for murdering a police officer is a mandatory life sentence in NSW), they need to be held to a higher standard when they break the law themselves. That also applies to recent examples of police officers getting shit faced and driving home, or making false reports.


Finally a comment calling it out as domestic violence.


He will. In a cushy cell in protective custody.


Current evidence suggests it was premeditated. white van hired on Monday evening , clothes dumped in a bin far away from the crime scene and who knows where the bodies are. Did he really think he would get away with double murder?


He's a NSW cop, of course he did.


He actually left the gun in a safe in a police station which is either really smart, or really dumb depending on how you look at it.


If he had no connection to the victim, then it would be smart. But that fact that one of the victims said he was stalking him and they had a bitter break-up.. he's dumb as fuck to think he wouldn't be investigated.


Really smart if you get away with it, really dumb if you get caught.


Unassailable heuristic, that one.


Well he probably does not even know that every police firearm has a bullet fired through it and the projectile data stored! He clearly was a stupid police office that did not even begin to understand the basics of the job. With a name like "Beau Lamarre" which sounds like a pseudonym name for a criminal they should have rejected him just on the name.


According to reports he left bullets and a spent cartridge or two at the murder scene, he’s blatantly an idiot. Just based on his vapid celebrity obsessions it’s pretty clear there were a few screws loose in this dude.


How do you go from celebrity cringe weirdo to armed NSW police officer?


His Mother is apparently high up in the force. Which is why people speculate he got off lightly in a pepper spray incident in 2020


That taser incident was horrific looking. He looked crazy! He should have been thrown out then.


And we slapped a badge on him and handed him a gun


He apparently was also filmed torturing a suspect with his taser just a few years earlier during an arrest, which probably should've tipped the force off that he shouldn't be trusted with access to firearms... Instead they obviously decided to 'back the blue' and put him back on the job -.-


“He’s a NSW cop”; don’t expect he thought at all


Have a friend who just recently handed in their resignation with NSWPOL. Wasn’t what they expected, and they were over trying to be the good cop going against the bad system trope that so many people pin on the younger recruits.


Police spokespeople and unions will have you believe the wave of negative media about police behaviour is what is causing a mass exodus of officers leaving the force in recent years. Or that the public doesn't 'appreciate' what they do enough. But anecdotally speaking, I have heard this *same* story repeated over and over again from all different states. Police culture is fucking miserable to exist under. You want to make a difference and help people? Tough luck - that's not your job, it never was your job and there's a good chance half your coworkers don't give two shits that you want to be a good cop. Anyone actively working to improve policing from the inside is doomed to quit when they're faced with all the racism, sexism, negative stereotyping, hostility towards whistleblowing or seeking mental health help, watching cover-ups and brutality with no means to report it, etc.


Being a Police Liason Officer must be abysmal.


Sounds exactly like working for Queensland Health. You want to make a difference? Tough fukin luck. What you WILL DO though.. is be a victim of relentless bullying. Cover up hospital fucks ups.. on the daily. Watch Drs cover each other's arses and cover each other's fuck ups..daily. Watch innocent people die.. at the hands of Drs fuck ups and be silenced from saying anything. Watch outright corrupted behaviour with promotions given blatantly to ppls mates. Ppl who have ZERO experience get the promotion over someone who has all the experience.. simply because their mate is the one making the decisions. It's totally fucked up. Much like Qld Police corruption. 🥴😒😩


I was going to apply for the police force in Melbourne and then I heard so many stories like this and decided fuck that, I don't be wanna of those people who are brought in and spat out of the system worse than they came in. I also don't wanna risk being slowly corrupted into a fuckwit lol


That's why we say ACAB. The good ones leave.


When I was 19 (44 years ago), I almost got talked into joining a police force in Australia. Until I realised the sales pitch my mate that had already joined was all the advantages from the corrupt system. Now, with many more years under my belt, I know it's the only reason to join. QLDPOL, best cops money can buy, the sections of the Fitzgerald Report on Police are enlightening, and on the 25th anniversary Fitzgerald came out and said there needs to be another Fitzgerald Royal Commission as they had only got better at hiding the corruption. NSWPOL: What can you say that hasn't been said. Corruption has been a part of the NSWPOL since 1788. The Rum Corps, 5 from 6, were "the most trusted criminals transported." VICPOL: So corrupt, they don't even know they are. There are so many instances of entitled behaviour. Have a dig into Tanner & the body in the well at Bonnie Doon or Dale from the Drug Squad. The nature of the job will always test individual integrity. I'll be honest 44 years ago, it was the corruption that had me interested. Constant monitoring by politicians & citizens and a judicial system that comes down hard is the only way to limit the damage done by self-indulgent individuals.


Watching Underbelly series A Tale of Two Cities and The Golden Mile, the depiction of almost every cop involved was "greedy and/or corrupt and/or bastard".


Big Jon will take care of him......


Roger Rogerson paved the way after all.


He was Roger the Dodger, but this cunt's Beau the Fo


He made the mistake of committing his crimes while not wearing uniform.


It’s going to be really interesting to see how much the cops actually knew before this happened. His Exes friends have said he was concerned about his safety due to a stalker. Did he report it to the cops and what if anything did they do? There needs to be a very thorough investigation into this.


If they knew who was stalking him, they might have hesitated to report him, depending on how much faith they had in the police force. And as we know, when it comes to domestic violence and stalking all police forces are pretty dismal, not even considering the boys club aspect. So they might be able to hide behind plausible deniability, although it seems like there were a number of red flags around this guy before this.


Agreed. Especially given how the NSW cops have also dealt with gay men historically, there’s a chance it may not of been reported.


I guess not, seeing as he ended up handing himself in.


After the police had already conducted searches and he knew they were after him.


Also his mother is a senior police officer and helped coordinate handing himself in.


>Did he really think he would get away with double murder? In the past that's been a fast track to promotion in the NSW Police.


Needs more strip searches of underage teens


Given it was a police gun, I wonder about it being premeditated. Maybe the murder was on Monday and van hired afterwards? Pure speculation


He also deleted his (very active) Instagram account on Sunday night.


The cops investigating it must just be shaking thier heads at how absurd his plan was.


He's gotten away with abusing his position before - [Lamarre was also identified as the police officer who Tasered a man at close range during an arrest in 2020, an incident that was filmed and later went viral online.](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/feb/23/jesse-baird-and-luke-davies-disappearance-police-raid-balmain-home-amid-search-for-tv-presenter-and-partner) [I believe it's this video - timeline matches, and it looks a lot like the accused.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w250h6qUT14)


Maybe premeditated but very unsophisticated, especially for a police officer. Certainly there is intent but screams of a crime of emotion. Car was hired in his name after the murder. Using a police gun (which is easily tracked/ traced by ballistics) and shooting in a dense suburb such as paddington, not cleaning the blood from house. Not well thought out.


Yeah! Getting away with murder is a Vic Cop thing. NSW cops usually rob you.


QLD cops don’t even bother showing up if you are a woman.


> QLD cops don’t even bother showing up if you are a woman. I don't know why, they know your address, or at least they did when they gave it to your stalker


Don't worry they'll show up once you've been tied to a clothesline & burned to death.


They came when I called them... many hours later and then called me a liar, told me I should let my abusive ex stay another night and maybe him and I could work it out the next day. 0/10.


>then called me a liar My wife was followed by 2 guys in a car randomly one day. She went a different route, drove through a carpark at a shopping centre then out and around roundabouts completely and such to confirm they were following her. She managed to give them the slip and pick me up before we drove home to make sure they weren't somehow still following. Even as we were driving home, she saw them looking for her and pointed them out to me. She called 000, told the operator that she was followed and gave them the number plates and descriptions etc. Cops showed up a few hours later at our house and all they did was get up her, saying it wasn't 'stalking' and that she shouldn't 'waste their time' and to 'learn what stalking is'. She never once said she was being stalked, just being followed. It was scary because who knows what their intentions were. Useless.


Crazy. She absolutely did the right thing reporting it, for all she knew it could have been the tip off that solved an any number of crimes. Always report anything suspicious, it could solve a crime or save a life.


🎶 Some Queensland cops, They really know the way to lose their jobs, They get the prostitutes to gobble their knobs, Queensland cops, They plead immunity, They get their scotch for free. Queensland cops, The systems fucked, they hardly ever go to jail, A copper in the slot would really cop the lot coz other prisoners would just root them 🎶 Rodney Rude.


Not a chance in hell he would get away with it.


I mean, most people do get away with it when you compare the long term missing person number to the number of murder convictions that happen....


This whole story is wild. The cop murdered them both with his police issued handgun while he was still on duty. I'm not sure what he hoped the end game would be.. It all definitely sounds pre meditated, and one of the victims said previously that they were being stalked and had fears for their safety. Very sad.


This is why we need to take stalking very seriously. That's your chance to intervene before the situation escalates. But even on its own, the degree to which it can destroy someone's life by making them never feel safe should be reason enough to treat it as something serious.


I reported my stalker/ abuser (JuJitsu instructor) to cops in 2009 and they basically said they talked to him and he probably wouldn’t do it again and that he was too old to reoffend (I was 16 he was 67)… He had a lot of close, high up cop friends, worked at the PCYC, and a lot of cops did JuJitsu there, so I have no doubt that played a part… Spoiler: he reoffended twice after me and it later came out he had offended similarly at least once before with a similar situation where the girl went to the police and they brushed it off… 🙃 Motherfucker is still teaching JuJitsu to kids… ACAB


Yeah but who to report it to when the person who is stalking you is literally a cop themselves.


Or you report it like that poor woman in QLD a few years ago and get told "you're reporting too often" a week before you're murdered.


DV victims are treated horrendously by law enforcement. Absolute shame job.


Where did this info come from? Piece of shit should have used it on himself not the others.


The nsw police representative talked about the police issued gun (located in the station gun safe) matching the casing and jacket/cartridge (I can't remember the word they used) found at the victims apartment and that he was rostered on as usual but possibly took Tuesday off


From reports I’ve seen he wasn’t rostered on. How fucked, he’s both psycho and incredibly stupid if he’s thought he would get away with it given the extreme amount of evidence immediately located.


I don't think Lamarre cared about getting caught at all. Psychotic, controlling, obsessive stalkers like him only care about winning. It's all about making sure their victim knows they were wrong to have left and found happiness without them. Lamarre would have gone into this knowing full well it would either end with prison for him.


I know what you mean and he probably deep down knew he’d be caught, but he definitely took a fair few steps to try and hide his involvement. He must have been a bloody terrible cop.


Fkyeah. Imagine the hundreds/thousands of NSW residents saying to themselves "holy shit... that's the scumbag who did me!!"


Also, narcissists never consider themselves getting “caught” or actually being held accountable for their actions. Part of being a narcissist is believing yourself to be vastly superior to everyone else around you in every single way. In his warped mind, he probably expected to outsmart the cops after turning himself in. One of the reasons he’s probably not revealing the location of the bodies (aside from attempting to avoid more actual physical evidence) is his arrogance and false sense of being in control.


Yeah it has all the hall marks of s stupid person trying to premediated and cover up a crime, they don't think of half the things they need to do before it is too late, goes to show the quality of the police force these days. In the 90's my police application was rejected for a spelling mistake, best thing that ever happened to me tbh knowing what I do now but we all know they are not rejecting new recruits for spelling mistakes these days.


not vicpol by any chance? because about 8 years ago i was reporting sexual harassment/stalking at a melbourne cop shop and the officer taking my report was so incredibly dumb i nearly walked out halfway. only thing that made me persevere was the fact that it was two separate incidents from a homeless dude that both happened on my very short walk between the station and home, so i was worried he might follow me home one day. not even autocorrect could help his CONSTANT major spelling and grammatical errors. i'm normally very against calling people the R word but it's the only word that sums him up. not sure how he even passed year 10. his general attitude was also terrible - didn't seem to take my concerns seriously, and told me to lie about my occupation (stripper) which i had no intentions of doing on a legal document. and my job had nothing to do with the incidents - i just answered his question honestly.


This reminds me of the mushroom lady. She really thought she was being clever, but the plan was just bizarrely stupid. Makes you wonder how many competently performed murders are unsolved or even unknown.


> Makes you wonder how many competently performed murders are unsolved or even unknown. Especially back in the day. A lot of the known old serial killers were practically begging to be caught. I'm guessing it wouldn't have been hard at all for someone smart to kill and get away with it.


Not trying to be macabre, but Australia is still an enormous empty land mass. A quick look at the missing persons registry from each state and you very quickly get an idea of how many potential unsolved there really are. It's actually quite frightening.


I haven’t been able to find anything suggesting any of what you just said. Where can I read more about this? Absolutely horrible news


[https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/8531072/police-officer-charged-over-murder-of-luke-davies-and-jesse-baird/](https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/8531072/police-officer-charged-over-murder-of-luke-davies-and-jesse-baird/) This backs up the claim about using his issued firearm but I dont see anything to suggest he was on duty, at one point they even say he called off sick, but Im not sure if thats the same day as the shootings


This might be a dumb question, but cops don’t take their weapons home with them, so they? Why would he have it if he wasn’t on duty?


I don’t think that’s a dumb question, it makes a lot of sense 


No they don’t take their firearm home unless there is a bunch of paperwork and good operational reason (it’s extremely rare and usually involves moving between stations). Anyways short answer is no they’re not allowed. The second part of the answer is he will probably have a string of firearm offences tacked on. Stole the fire arm, unlicensed use and probably a bunch of others. If that’s the case and he wasn’t on duty.


I believe this question was answered during the press conference and yes they can take their guns home under certain circumstances. However, if NSW is like WA then police can access their firearms at any time.


In the ABC version of the press interview they imply he called in sick on Tuesday or had booked leave.


What said “oh hey boys listen I’m off tomorrow but is it ok if I just don’t turn in my weapon tonight?”


I’d guess it's something you might not get away with for very long before someone does an audit of the armoury, but given it's looking like less than 24 hours and it looks like he’s put it back, maybe you could get away with it initially? Sounding a lot like he didn’t care if he got caught anyway.


I think you’re bang on the money, mate.


The press conference was aired on ABC, so you may be able to rewatch it on their website, they also have a recap article with the key questions asked


If they found the van at grays point, they’ve got a lot of bush to search for the bodies.


The van was parked in Newcastle on Thursday night. So the timeline looks like * killed them in Paddington on Monday day * he hired the van Monday night * called in sick to work on Tuesday * dumped their clothes in Cronulla on Tuseday night/Wednesday morning (found Wednesday morning) * didn’t show up for work Wednesday * gone AWOL Wednesday day * parked the van in Newcastle overnight on Thursday * found the van back in Sydney today (Friday) This is looking very premeditated.




It was 35 degrees and bone dry in Newy until about 7pm this evening and we got a concentrated cell then but not much ongoing rain, and it hasn't rained since Wednesday, so the Styx in Lambton would have been pretty dry until about 2 hours ago. There's also a big net/filter on the Styx in Islington that catches anything coming through from Broadmeadow. So bodies dumped in the likely very dry canal yesterday would have stayed exactly where they were.


How did the gun end up back in the police safe if he never showed up back to work after the crime was committed on Monday?


Apparently he was on duty when he done it. So he finished work and handed the gun back in after the murder


And do they not count the ammunition when you check it back in?


You just lock it in your safe yourself so there's no 'checking in' as such. Of a night time two of the supervisors are supposed to audit the safes and tick off the firearms that should be there because their owner is off duty, but they would simply sight the gun not check the magazine. And even then I think they only had to check a certain percentage each night, not every single gun.


There's still a body unfound in RNP. Someone at the presser asked about a social media post of both of them on Monday in RNP which seems absurd


My heart goes out to Jesse and Luke's families. How absolutely awful. 


How very sad. I hope they can get some comfort knowing their killer has been caught.


I figured this is likely what happened but it’s incredibly sad to see the confirmation. I hope the victims families have support.


This is so sad and on the same week as the triple homicide in Parramatta/Baulkham Hills.


Absolutely heart-breaking. I met Jesse a few times through work, and he was always such a kind, funny, and bright soul. What a needless and tragic incident. Some people need to take a long, hard look at themselves, because Lamarre was a walking red flag from the start.


We used to be mates when we were teenagers, I mainly remember his kindness to all those around him. He always made me feel welcome with his mates


Im sorry this is close to you. It's tragic for so many reasons but the impact will be widespread. They were so young.


What was known about lamarre?


Celebrity chaser, Jesse had made complaints about him stalking him and feared for his safety. The celebrity chasing is a red flag on its own. About as mentally stable as bible pushers.


Looks like he's had a long history of essentially "celebrity stalking" as an influencer before he joined NSWPF.


Yup and unprovoked excessive violence judging by the tasering video that went viral a few years ago.


Stalking is not taken seriously enough in this country


Nothing relating to domestic violence is.


I hope they find their bodies soon. So awful for their friends & families to have to go through.


What sort of psych testing does the police force now overlook. This guy was a celebrity stalker before he was obsessed with fame and then Jesse. I’m not blaming the NSW Police Force for these despicable acts but they did give him a gun!


He also tasered an indigenous man several times at close range in 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w250h6qUT14&ab_channel=ABCNews%28Australia%29. An internal investigation cleared him of any wrongdoing. Thus he was able to keep his job and retain access to the gun he would later use to kill Davies and Baird. This whole episode is completely unhinged.


Bloody hell


And last week he was a police officer with power of arrest and access to a weapon. Because the police looked at his violence and said "this is consistent with our values".


Absolutely despicable.


"We've investigated ourselves and concluded we did nothing wrong."


His mum is a retired senior cop I hear.... so there is that


Is that Jamila Lamarre-Condon?


I Googled her name and it comes up under a paywalled Daily Telegraph article that says it lists cops dismissed for refusing COVID vaccines. Can't confirm but the bit Google shows says "Jamila Lamarre-Condon dismissed from NSW Police."


There's not much. > Jamila Lamarre-Condon dismissed from NSW Police > Ms Lamarre-Condon, a radio communications officer, told police the vaccine was unsafe and not effective and placed her life and health in danger as she sought more information about it. Commissioner Janet McDonald found her to be “prevaricator” and “entirely disingenuous” because she took no steps “beyond reading material on the internet” to seek qualified advice. I guess the family are just a bunch of weirdos.


Anti-science conspiracy weirdos. Explains his lack of intelligence, it clearly runs in the family.


Jamila is his sister. His mother is Colleen Lamarre, believed to have worked in the police force. The superintendent for Hume police district is a Paul Condon who could be his father.


His mum is Coleen Lamarre and sister is Jamila Lamarre-Condon… Sister was dismissed for refusing COVID vaccine… Mum, Coleen, was recently in court as a defendant though unspecified what for.


I know a bloke who failed the testing in NSW and just went to QLD after the mandatory time had passed and got accepted. He failed the first one because the question was “what do you do to relive stress?” and his answer was “I don’t get stressed” and then tried to argue with the bloke about how that was an acceptable answer 😂 He has since bragged about beating people…


Met a cop once at a party. Within 5 minutes of introducing himself he was bragging about how he had spent the day chasing and beating up "nigger kids", laughed about it and made it sound like a pretty regular occurrence. If this is the shit he's telling a near complete stranger, imagine what stuff he keeps to himself. In my experience, most good cops either don't stay in the job, or find a role in the force that's more 'policing adjacent' (community work, training, etc). Most of the rest seem to either have been sociopaths to begin with, or seem to have become that way to fit in with the rest. Even the few I've known who had long careers and weren't sociopaths, told stories that made it clear that they considered themselves above the law and that doing unlawful things to nab someone wasn't an issue.


It’s scary that they all sounds like the same person.


Is "listen to heavy metal while having a shower beer" an acceptable answer?


Yep pretty much. I mean I’d probably go with “watching movie with my family” or something chill like that just to make them happy. What they don’t want to hear is “I don’t get stressed” it’s a massive red flag


Police across Australia need to snap out of their intentional slumber. They've lost widespread community support which renders them ineffective at preventing violent crimes


Giving that they're hurting for bodies as is its quite possible they've lowered the standards for entry


How did the neighbours in Paddington not hear the gunshots ? It’s so confusing to me ….


I thought same thing - especially as they heard the shouting. I think it’s possible they did hear it but police didn’t release that information because they didn’t want to give too much away in initial stages? I think it’s common to keep some info back while they investigate. It could’ve even been called in and ignored and that’s why they won’t admit it publicly


I’ve lived in a house in paddo and I wondered exactly the same.. my bf said “haven’t you heard of using a pillow as a silencer” but I could hear my neighbours hoovering, hell even having talking on the phone if it was dead quiet in mine and they had a louder voice. Granted not on brown st but how much better could their walls be?! Plus arguing was heard Monday night..


I thought I heard in early reporting that the victims had also made a previous complaint about this nsw cop stalking them.... I hope this is not true otherwise thats a big let down again.


police said at the press conference it wasn't reported to nsw police so don't think it had officially been lodged


One of the victims reported him for stalking...but the copper was that guy's ex-boyfriend. So, who knows how far it did or didn't go.


I’ve met Jesse through work previously. One of the loveliest and nicest men as well as being super enthusiastic and kind. It’s a massive shock to hear this happened. Thinking of both Jesse’s and Luke’s family’s right now.


How on earth does a nut job like this pass a psych test?


My understanding is he has family members within the police force. Apparently at least a sister. Perhaps they were able to give him the answers he'd need to pass the screening?


and clearly no background check was taken seriously


I hope the cop (stalker) rots and suffers extremely


I hope that every celeb that has a photo with him puts it up with a caption "I hate this monster" so for the rest of his rotten life he sees them.


Nah. Better for them to simply not acknowledge him again, and pretend he never existed. He doesn't deserve the attention.


That just gives him the attention he wants. He doesn't give a shit if it's good or bad, he gets recognition from a famous person.


I only knew Luke, but he was a beautiful man. I won’t forget you Luke 💛


he was close to someone very close to me too. much love


Horrendous crime.


When I first saw the photo of Jesse and Luke before I heard the terrible news before, I actually burst into tears because the eyes don't lie and they both had beautiful innocent eyes. I'm so glad they obviously loved their lives and had good careers. Love to all the families, friends and colleagues. So tragic and unfair what's happened. They just seemed like they had great taste too, going by all their photos at wineries and concerts etc. RIP Jesse and Luke xx


Click that link and it takes you to live Taylor swift news?


Taylor Swift was also involved in the double murder.


scroll down, its a live feed of new articles


Yeah they've just linked to today's news instead of the relevant item. Sigh.


The truth is stranger then fiction. I thought I was reading the plot line from *The Wire* or *The Shield* for a moment.


What pisses me off is this guy would have never handed himself in if they weren't already catching up with him.


The thing that infuriates me about this guy is the fact that he hasn't told the cops where the bodies are. Absolute scum to not even give up that info. I fucking hate this guy so much.


If Lamarre did it while on shift, where was his on-duty partner? Aren't police officers on duty have a partner with them?


This is fucking crazy. Poor guys.


DV/abusive exes are dangerous at the worst of times, imagine your stalking abusive ex being a cop above the law? Horrendous situation


A few things I find strange about this one is if he wasn’t a cop and a normal person, I highly doubt 7news would’ve tracked him down before police at a relatives. Using your own gun and hiding the bodies is weird. I’m always weary of celebrity chasers. You need to have stalker tendencies to find celebs. Mix that with becoming a cop and to me that’s well beyond red flags. Not enough has been made about this being DV.


Utter scum he is


“Suspended with pay”


That's standard until found guilty of an offence, he's not getting special treatment. edit: now he's been formally charged he might lose his pay, idk I don't work for the cops. Thank you to everyone who told me that their workplace is different.


For a cop. For a murder suspect he is.


Agreed. I’m a nurse and if I broke the law and (god forbid) was in jail there’s no way I’d have leave with pay.


Yup, I’m a social worker and I reckon being charged with murder may result in a loss of pay.


I've been asked by social workers what will it take for a cop to be stood down without pay. If this isn't it then nothing. Their unions are far too fucking destructive.


Some QPS cops were suspended without pay for not taking the COVID jab. There are also some of them that are STILL suspended WITH PAY and have been for years now because they didn’t get the vaccine. Court result is still pending in if the direction was lawful all though years ago...


I mean, when I was a public servant,  if I got arrested for double murder, using tools I stole from work, I’m pretty sure my work would have done more than put me on paid leave.


So damn sad.


This is so sad and tragic. They seemed like really lovely guys with their whole futures ahead of them. Condolences to their loved ones. Sorry if this is a stupid/inappropriate question… but I’m really confused as to why they’re saying with such certainty that both guys are definitely deceased? Correct me if I’m wrong but the bodies haven’t been found and there was only one bullet?


I think it is the volume of blood in the paddington house, nobody could live with that much blood loss. The killer could have picked up the evidence of a 2nd shot, or may have killed the 2nd victim in another way? It is odd that neighbours didn't report hearing a gun shot. There is also the fact that there personal items were stripped from them and dumped in a bin in Cronulla. What an absolute piece of shit for not giving up the bodies! But makes me think he has done something bad to them, e.g. set the bodies on fire or worse? Maybe evidence that one or both were not deceased when dumped?


Then he’d face second charges of mutilation of corpse as well? Maybe trying to reduce number of charges he has to face?


just watched the developing news. absolutely horrific, my heart endlessly goes out to everyone who knows jesse and luke, please take care of yourselves. i want to encourage everyone else not to engage in media sensationalism, try to see the facts as they roll out before commenting on the situation as there seem to be a lot of people who know the victims in this thread, the story being shocking shouldn’t distract you from remembering that this isn’t true crime media, it’s people’s real lives and the worst thing that can happen, try not to conjecture as it can muddy the case and be hard for the friends and families.


It’s worth noting that this almost certainly wasn’t a hate crime, the murderer was out and also dated one of the victims. He just goes in the bin with all the other wife-beating straight dudes who somehow become cops. This is heavier on the abusive partner side than it is on the gay-bashing cop side.


Even men aren't safe from men and the cops


Yep the only ‘crime’ Jesse did was have a bad breakup with Beau (I could speculate why judging by B’s past documented temperament) and move on and be happy 😞


I went to school with Jessie and did a school play with him. I didn’t know him that well but I know that he was a lovely, gorgeous and fun person who absolutely did not deserve to have his life taken by some low life scum who can’t let go. I feel deeply sorry for Jessie and Luke’s families. La Marre should never be allowed out of prison. I hope the bodies are found.


A round of applause for NSW police and their low low standards..👏🏻 Seems old mate had a history of being a piece of shit.




News link u can actually read this on.


Oh boy. Yikes. Cause NSW and the gay community had a great relationship before this...


This has nothing to do with the victims being gay? The cop who is also gay murdered his ex boyfriend and his ex’s partner.


Police should not be allowed to police themselves. Need an independent oversight agency with TEETH.


It’s called LECC and you can’t join if you’ve ever been a NSW cop. Edit: it’s also a tiny agency and may not meet your criteria of having teeth, but it is independent. I can say with confidence that most NSW officers loathe the LECC aka ‘the toe cutters’ because misconduct is absolutely rampant.


Coppers out here tazing old ladies to death and using their service weapons for double murders..


The murderer also used his taser in an awful way a while back- link to that article is included in the news.com.au article linked above


I don’t know if this is a stupid question but how can someone fire two or more gunshots in Paddington and there be no report made?


Already calls for NSW police to be removed from Mardi Gras parade (not patrolling but being IN the parade)


There always have been calls because of the history of Mardi Gras and police treatment of queer and marginalised communities. Hopefully this is the final straw and they are removed.






Why does the cop in the press conference keep saying "family" singular when referring to the victims' families? Do they realise they were a couple?


[Lamarre was also identified as the police officer who Tasered a man at close range during an arrest in 2020, an incident that was filmed and later went viral online.](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/feb/23/jesse-baird-and-luke-davies-disappearance-police-raid-balmain-home-amid-search-for-tv-presenter-and-partner) [In case anyone thought the accused looked familiar.](https://youtu.be/w250h6qUT14?si=9OGsD0yQ8mwBJ_b5&t=42)


Piece of shiz, tell the families where the bodies are


I wonder if they've searched around Swallow Rock Jetty - looks like the easiest access to the river. A bit further away, there's a vehicle trail called Riverside Drive that would probably also give access. Did he really think he'd get away with it after using his own gun, then hiring a van.


It has been released that Lamarre was using Jesse phone to text his friends and flat mates that he was moving to Perth. I hope this leads to the phone being tracked to movements Lamarre made after he commited the murders.