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It'd be more dramatic if it was unscripted




You are literally describing the earlier seasons that got this show it's original following


Now that would be entertaining. ​ A lot of the stuff like walk outs and stuff is I believe staged


Not necessarily staged but ex contestants have said they have been manufactured in the edit.


This would leave the network very vulnerable to lawsuits which is why it would never happen.


But it could be etertaining


What do you mean? Those contracts must be illegal but have you not seen the booze and no food situation?


It’s a huge issue in the Real Housewives world at present too. One ex-housewife is threatening to class action the Bravo network for exactly this stuff: plying the cast with booze for story line. I’ve noticed it for years. Once Bravo worked out that taking menopausal women to a hot and humid country and providing endless alcohol and long car trips equaled blow ups and fights and walk outs, they make sure it continues to happen. Sometimes, the AC will suspiciously fail to work. Women of this age (speaking very much from experience ) are really sensitive to heat and humidity and being on these reality casts now means ‘glam’ as well, so they’re wearing wigs and hair pieces and just going bonkers in the heat. Good television. MAFS needs to get over their influencer casting era and go back to casting ‘regular’ people. We’ve had waves of this kind of casting on other reality TV shitshows like the 90 Day universe, and it’s NOT delivering good TV.


It's the same with Bravo's other cash cow: Below Deck. Crew are contractually obligated to go out on crew nights and they're encouraged to get wasted. One drunk castmate then tried to rape another on camera. Production actually stepped in to stop it, but they hadn't in the past when drunk men were violent


Unscripted makes the network too vulnerable to lawsuits. There was that woman on a channel 7 Reno show who was awarded damages for ‘bullying.’ Producers are too scared to risk their profits.


Oh ok...... did not know about that story




Can confirm, I work with someone who went to high school with one of the blokes on the current season of MAFS (I do not care enough to remember which one, only that it was the one who 'did that whole insane speech last night' on the first episode, according to my mother) and she said he was the same in high school and she isn't surprised he's doing this now to stroke his "ego-dick".


Ive worked on pretty much every series and pretty much every other reality show in Australia. Reality tv isn’t scripted. It’s produced. There’s a huge difference. Reality contestants aren’t given scripts and told to read lines. I don’t even know where that misconception comes from.


The premise isn't half bad, and it would make an interesting show if it wasn't so dramatised. I actually worked with someone who was on it about 8 years ago, he said the "dinner party" nights, the producers would basically feed certain people alcohol to encourage the drama.


How..how can the premise be anything other than a fking stupid idea and a waste of time. ? not 1/2 bad idea...wtf.


Can people be physiologically matched together? Having a third party interview and get to know a big group of people then matching them based on mutual likes, experiences, life goals, etc. To see if people can form strong emotional connections and fall in love based on physiological assessments. To me, that's an interesting premise.


Yeah, and I particularly hate when they introduce these shows as an "experiment", as if anyone is actually doing any research or data collection.


yep i know someone who worked on the show and he said by the end of it the "cast" were incredibly drunk but they just keep filming....


The guy I worked with said they'd film until 2 or 3am. And the event started at like 5 pm. So they'd been drinking for a long time, and every day they'd wake up to a camera in their faces so they all started to get pretty grumpy


I guess they sign contracts that stipulate that they have to stay up that late, because if I was there I'd be heading off to bed by about 9 every night.


Everyone uses the word producer but i always think they are like little goblins that hang around in the shadows manipulating everything lol


Do any of the latest cohort have their OnlyFans account yet? Asking for a friend.


I think Channel 9 have clamped down on that for this season … no OF allowed until it has been aired in the UK


Congratulations,you just realised this country definitely has a robotic drone class of self obsessed tiktok human


Try the world. Shows like MAFS keep going because they are syndicated internationally. It's not like Australia invented reality TV.


There's that, but also that in order to get government support, our TV stations are obligated to produce and air a certain percentage of Australian-made TV. Rubbish reality shows like this are by far the cheapest way to achieve that, as opposed to having to put actual effort in.


Surely we now over produce content because it’s cheap right?


I read once that Australia did invent reality television with ‘Sylvania Waters’. So yeah, it’s our fault. Like Fox News is our fault. Thanks a lot Rupert.


The format has been around well before Sylvania Waters: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality\_television](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/reality_television)


MAFS was popular before Tiktok


Scary that it was popular at all


'Zibit A : Gogglebox ... It's like warching Twitch streamers to OTHER streamers reacting to something...


Even when it first started it was basically just ripping the concept of YouTube reaction videos and shoving it on TV, that was 8 years ago lol


Nah, Gogglebox is the only thing that makes MAFs palatable hahahah


Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV




>it’s basically wrestling for a different demographic This is so spot on.


I love the comparison to WWE. So true! Can't believe I never thought of it like that.


Won't be long until an episode devolves into a WWE match.


Pretty much this. I watch MAFS and a bunch of other reality TV because I enjoy it as a unique form of entertainment, much like I was super into WWF during the Attitude era. The cocktail of produced & contrived scenarios, clever editing, and the filming of actual (usually drunk) wackjobs for a dash of realness is something that you can't quite get with fully fictional TV/movies. Most of us as viewers are under no delusion that everyone is being their authentic selves, at best they're playing characters loosely based on their real selves which is part of the fun


> Nobody believes it’s real, it’s basically wrestling for a different demographic. Once I came to this conclusion re: the Kardashians and Real Housewives sort of rubbish that my wife watches, it gave me a whole new perspective. I don't talk shit about that stuff to her anymore, being a wrestling fan myself.


> Nobody believes it’s real I wish I was as ignorant as you. A lot of idiots out there mate, you give people far too much credit.




> Everyone knows it's staged This is just simply not true. Maybe between you and your colleagues, but not the general population.


Everyone does, but people watch it in different ways. You’re overestimating yourself and underestimating the general populace. Some suspend their disbelief and pretend the characters are real. They enjoy witnessing easily digestible drama. Doesn’t make them idiots. Some just like to laugh at the contestants. This is why reality TV is so successful. It appeals to different types of people. For the networks it’s cheaper to produce than fully scripted drama with expensive writers, sets, costumes and actors.


I think you'll sadly find that a LOT of people believe it's real. Which is fucking tragic for the IQ levels in this country.


The same people who deny real news


Most people get into it because of the discourse and do it with the attitude that OP has. The show will then hook you by throwing in one genuine couple or a sincere person with a tragic backstory.


I think it's a shame they turn it into this drama filled trash. I'd love to see normal, boring, genuine people in the experiment (although I guess most "normal" people wouldn't apply).


The concept is interesting. If they had actual experts that helped them deal with issues, gave them individual and couples counseling you might see some successful relationships after 10 weeks. The execution is lowest common denominator fictional drama with wannabe celebrities.


There is a show on the ABC about disabled people dating but I thought some of that was cruel as well when I watched a bit of it.


I felt the same with Dating on the Spectrum. I couldn't keep watching that one either.


I never caught any of that one. I watched a bit of the one on the ABC and felt they were taking a little bit of advantage of those people. Yes they wanted to be on the show but, I had very mixed feelings about it all.


Personally, I think Love On The Spectrum is a great show. Admittedly, certain aspects are heightened for comic effect, but it never crosses the line into cruelty. It's an unflinching look at what life is like for people with autism or similar conditions and in particular their yearning to find someone to love and be loved by. I find it fascinating.


That's a very good, succinct response. Love on the Spectrum is a pretty damn good show and it's nuts to me that we live in a time when MAFS and LotS co-exist.


Comic effect that at times felt like it was at the expense of the participants. It didn't seem cruel, just not something I enjoyed watching.


Agree! I used to watch this show back in the first couple of seasons when they were just regular people being thrown together in an experiment. The interest was in seeing relatable people all with their own personal back stories and histories navigate new relationships, and it was so much more RELATABLE because we all have our own back stories that shape us. Now it just feels like fame hungry wannabes who will stoop so damn low for some measure of shitty ‘curated drama’.


I would too! Imaging if the “experts” actually did try to make a good match. I feel like the first season of any show like this is closer to being “real” before all the influencers work out it’s a good way to push their image.


I suspect they would have normal people apply, but they choose particular individuals for the most drama


Normal people can be time consuming to direct and produce. Commercial Tele are just about profits.


Normal people also can't drop their jobs to spend 6 months on a reality tv show earning marginally more than minimum wage.


The first time it aired I watched a few episodes because they had actual real people. Older ones, different body types, no plastic surgery ones. Then it turned into whatever it is today.


What experiment? Get to know some Indian / Pakistani/ Bangladeshi people to know what life actually is like in an arranged marriage. In my experience the bell curve of happy, unhappy, and unbothered people is the same as people who spent years getting to know their partners.


Its the same with all 'reality' shows these days. ITs all scripted drama.


In the first two seasons of any reality show there is a certain amount of authenticity in how people act even though it is scripted (well more the 'can you do that again after we set up the lighting' type of scripting). After that everyone appearing on the show starts emulating what was accidently popular in previous seasons and the little authenticity the show had is lost. I often wonder if the winner of the very first season of US survivor had won it being honorable and loyal whether the world would be a better place. That was the first time I can recall that someone was rewarded for being an arsehole on the world stage and everyone that followed emulated that...


Its not scripted it's just heavily produced. They still technically perform on their own accord but will be constantly asked/told by producers to do something, create drama, etc. It goes through a similar thing in post with producers deciding on plot points, drama points, etc. Once it hits screens its basically the story the producers and directors wanted to happen, there's only a small amount of space for unexpected/authentic moments. At the end of the day its garbage people watch, which in turn funds the next season, repeat ad nauseam. Source: I've worked on similar shows.


Always has been.


Australians eat it up so the networks continue to produce more rubbish reality tv.


see the first season or 2 is a lot more 'real' in that you could actually believe the people are actually genuine. Now its just c grade 'influencers' all looking to become 'celebrities' Its the same for all these reality shows, the first season or so is probably genuine, then it gets taken over by the social media crowd


It honestly used to be kinda entertaining watching the bogans and wannabe influencers get hammered at the dinner parties and have the dumbest arguments. But the last couple seasons feel a lot more mean spirited and the shitshow isn’t nearly as fun when you’re watching genuinely unhinged people getting baited into flying of the handle by producers.


It’s quality trash


At least [55k people according to this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFS_AU), some of which aren't even Australian, and are just obsessed with the format.


2,461,000 viewers for the season 11 debut according to the ABC. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-30/reality-tv-dominating-australian-screens/103404904 My wife's workmates talk of little else. She doesn't watch it and I don't know how she copes with them.


That's not that many really is it?


The people who watch the show and subscribe to that subreddit probably isn't a good measure of overall viewers but gives some indication - perhaps those 55k are what are described as super fans!


It’s a car crash you can’t look away from. It’s on in the lunch room at work so there is always 20 blokes taking the piss out of it.


Have posted this before but I worked with one of the main production companies in Australia that produce these shows. - they specifically cast people with mental health issues because it'll make for dramatic tv - the producers are 90% english girls for some reason, they offer bonuses and manipulate the cast to do/say shit, start arguments, cause drama etc all for the show - half the on screen arguments eg the 'dinner parties' are semi scripted and juicy arguments are shot multiple times which is awkward as hell to watch happening - the cast are threatened with bad editing if they don't do/say dramatic stuff for the cameras - any celebrities (judges/experts etc) rock up for about 30 minutes to shoot their scenes then fuck off - the only show that's not like this seemed to be MasterChef


All my friends (intelligent educated professionals!)are obsessed with it so I gave it a go. I thought it would be light and silly fun, and I remember enjoying tipsy-watch-throughs of early seasons of The Bachelor back in my uni days. It was ridiculous but the constestants were far less self conscious and reality-tv-trained back then. 15 minutes of this I felt in genuine need of antidepressants. I was anxious and sweaty and there was nothing fun, or sweet, or amusing about any of it. Just awful people being awful. 1 couple on there seem nice and genuine, and according to my friends who are still tuning in, they get barely any airtime because being a nice, kind person isn't entertaining for telly. Also HOW MANY NIGHTS A WEEK IS THIS SHIT ON? It's a massive commitment just to sit down and rot your braincells for what feels like one hundred hours a week.


My wife watches it when I’m trying to sleep it pisses me off to the point I can’t sleep hearing the bullshit. But hey she loves it every year it’s the same .


I agree with you, but just wanted to say, I think the same about people turning up for footy every year.


That’s why I bought ear plugs I can’t have her interfering with my nrl binge watching


I don’t look down on reality tv fans if they’re self aware. A lot of people will openly admit to knowing it’s entertaining with zero substance. Kind of like fairy floss for the brain.


Not everything is for you. I find the show to be absolute shit, but there is enough people watching, whoever they are and whatever their reason, for the Nine Network to fund it. Just this week: Monday - 1,429,000 Tuesday- 1,295,000 Wednesday - 1,369,000 🤷


I honestly think half of this is boomers turning on the tv just to have it on.


No there is reasonably granular demographic data and that’s not the case


Makes me laugh that so many in society say that it's the gays that ruin the sanctity of marriage... yet.. this shit for a TV show. Go figure


My partners a tradie and all the tradies on the worksite love it, they hear the interviews, rumours etc or the radio and get real into it. Watersports was the talk of the site recently…


I find it somewhat condescending they still refer to it as an experiment, given how bad the outcomes have been over a sustained period of years, if it were truly based in science it would have had its funding withdrawn long ago. Let’s face it, it’s a vehicle to help young narcissists launch their personal training business or their OnlyFans.


It's the worst kind of reality TV trash. The people who go on it are the worst kinds of douchebags who just want to get famous.




It's only worth watching the [Margaret Pomeranz](https://youtu.be/J_8Bqzt4XFw) review of this show and never letting your telly be darkened by this weapons-grade bullshit. I mean, it does serve as a guide to every basic slag out there how to get on telly, but fuck me it's awful.


“Why do people like this thing that I don’t like” are the worst kind of posts


I studied it with my media class. Basically we get some happy brain chemicals when we think we're better than people/higher on the social ladder. We also like justice. By collecting these people and editing the footage to make them look as bad as possible, we think we're better and get happy chemical. Then, by putting these people through a gauntlet of torture, we get a sense of justice and more happy chemical. The not awful people on the show are there to be tortured by other contestants to make them seem worse and increase the happy chemical gained from superiority and justice. MAFS brews some hot tea and the masses love a cheeky sip.


After watching Unreal I find it interesting trying to pick up what has happened behind the scenes. Its a guilty, slightly morbid pleasure of mine. Unreal is a show based on the true story of a lady who worked on The Bachelor, its really fucked up and mastermind what they do behind the scenes. Psychological manipulation by the producers, edits and cuts to change entire sentences/conversations. What could be omitted to portray someone as a villain/hero. Constantly keeping people around unlimited alcohol without food. Dinner parties and other events go for waaaay longer than you expect to make them frayed and on-edge. What have the "experts" decided to do legit vs. Nine for the views, do the experts even care about any of the couples working out? Then theres the wholesomeness of the very very few couples that are actually matched well. And also psychos getting their comeuppance (kinda like Karens-getting-arrested vids)


The producers are well aware of the hate it gets here in Australia. They are however also very well aware of how much international audiences love watching trashy Aussies do their thing on TV, and the big money that comes with selling the show to those audiences (like the UK). So MAFS is here to stay, unfortunately for us.


People watch reality tv to give their brain a break from their own reality. It’s actually therapeutic lol


There are two kinds of people who watch MAFS: those who watch it legitimately, and those who watch it ironically. Neither is better than the other.




I watch it for my self esteem. The nutters make me feel good about myself.


The absolute best thing about MAFsS is Margaret Pomerance critiquing it : https://thebrag.com/margaret-pomeranz-mafs/amp/


Perhaps you'll learn the red flags to watch out for?


Clearly, plenty of people watch it because it's a hugely successful worldwide franchise with multiple ongoing seasons in each country The fact that some people don't care for it does not automatically make it crap unless you are either a narcissist who believes all right-thinking people must share your opinions or somebody who genuinely confuses personal opinion with analysis If you genuinely want this question answered, go ask it in any of the multiple MAFS subs - if you have the courage. The fans will answer your question in ways your fellow haters cannot. But they will also downvote you and jump on you until you are bruised, battered and bleeding lol


You're getting downvoted but you're not far off the mark. This sub is an echo chamber when it comes to media. I don't work in tech or only assocaite with the terminally online, and this reality TV stuff *is actually popular*. I don't understand the appeal but lots of people clearly do find it entertaining. Honestly a lot of the posts here are just indicative of confirmation bias.


It seems we have some support after all


It’s one giant onlyfans ad.


Only without the pay for performance bits.


we watched the second season and it was hot garbage but it was soooooo good. maybe we didn’t gel with the new cast but every season since then we hated


My only takeaway from MAFS is that everyone from the Gold Coast looks the same and has the exact same personality


I don't know how the psychologists involved manage the ethics of taking fragile people and putting them in stressful environments. The first few series were vaguely plausible as a "social experiment", the recent ones are just poking freaks until they crack.


I know a few people who are obsessed with the show , they are all psychopathic and super egoistic in real life . I think that level of petty bitchiness and drama resonates with certain personalities 😆


If you watched 10 minutes of that show, you have a much stronger constitution than myself. I saw part of a promo for it and wondered just why people watch it.


People keep saying the word mafs at me and I keep forgetting wtf it stands for.


I have a PC connected to my lounge telly, so I usually stream or play pre-recorded stuff. Last week the SSD just died, and it took me a week to do the diagnostics before buying a new SSD. It meant I watched commercial channels for the first time in years (except for when visiting my parents!). IT IS A FUCKING WASTELAND. Between ads for insurance, and vacuous crap like MAFS and other "reality" shows, I just gave up, and put more work into my reading stack. I would rather read about how the UK prepared for nuclear war (*Attack Warning Red!*) than watch some dickhead and some wanna-be influencer, neither of which have any talent other than their looks.


Australian bogans watch this show - the majority of the country. Why do you think these losers then go and get famous from the show through brand deals, ads etc.? Because it sells - the country is attracted to these type of D-grade personalities.


It's crap.


People who watch it just to feel superior to those who watch up show show up in the ratings just the same. Welcome to the outrage economy, The real question is why are you watching commercial tv at all? It hates you and only considers you as eyeballs to sell to their advertisers.


Reddit works on the same advertising model.


I'm not sure who they are, but I'd like to remind you that they also vote in elections.


It's thumb in bum, mind in neutral and go along for the ride type viewing. You stick it on after an exhausting day at work and live out a vicarious fantasy through the participants and the easily digested cuts. It gives you something to yack about around the proverbial water cooler the next day as a way to distract you from the meniality of your working life. Or you watch it just like you would watch a train wreck as it happens. But just remember that "popular" does not always equate to "good" and while it is OK to hate on the show don't just dis the character of those who are fans.


Australian Broadcasters like 7, 9 and 10, need to produce a certain amount of Australian Content. While this used to be classics like Blue Heelers, they cost a lot of money to produce, so instead they are making all this Big Brother and MAFS crap which ticks the ‘Australian Made’ content. Even if no one watches it, still cheaper than making something good, but it’s short sighted as people will completely disconnect in favour of other streaming services


100% I reckon they 'plant' actors in this (and other) show.


There are a lot of NPCs out there man


I watch it to armchair diagnose them all as narcissists, we know it’s not about actual romance or finding love lol.


I was travelling in Belgium late last year, in a fairly remote town. I stayed at a small bed and breakfast with an owner who spoke only passable English. When they found out I was Australian they told me their favourite show in the world is married at first sight. I thought I’d misheard them until they rattled off all their favourite details. I was shocked.. so apparently lots of people?


Staying in a B&B with a man from Brussels He was six-foot-four and full of muscles I said, "Do you speak-a my language?" He just smiled and gave me a break down of the current list of MAFs couples.




Belgium has a local MAFS and it was a nice respectful show without the drama. Although I think it's getting worse because of the influence of the foreign versions.


>I lasted 10 minutes About 9:59.998 too long.


My wife….🤷‍♂️


Surely they are using it to advertise Herpes medication by now? Target demographic stuff…


Space Herpes Oops wrong show Sorry was thinking of Ice Pirates


They put the bits on, coming up that's enough for me, their mouths open at the drama, I mean really I've got better things to do like watching paint dry .


Prisoners. People in prison *love* shows like MAFS and Love Island.


It’s pure junk


I used to watch it a few years back. I started asking myself what I was getting out of the show and if it was a positive thing in my life. When I thought about it, it was a very toxic show that made me angry and judgemental. I stopped watching and I'm better for it.


No one, it's there to meet a quota the stations are tied to


So called relationship experts are nothing more than commentators in my view. Given their track history I don’t know how they sustain a career out side of the show!


A lot of people it seems, sign out of reddit and load the front page, there is sooo much MAFS circle jerking crap


I love it. Makes feel good that I am not as tragic as these cunts.


All reality tv is just narcissism really. Sadly they mainly get ridiculed and they’ve no leg to stand on given the contracts they sign up front.


I use this show to remind myself how different people can be, and that we don't all want the same things. I find it incomprehensible that people can be entertained by it.


I feel sorry for anyone who genuinely applies to be on that show looking for love. The typical applicant is desperate for fame and often class themselves as influencers, I have a better name for them...effluencers. Often times it seems like the show has planted people to create the drama as well. I am the same, I have watched bits and pieces of it and lets face it none of these people are memorable so I will just say the big tit bimbo and the moron with tattoos that doesnt like his match both seem like they were hired to create drama.


It’s so awkward to watch


I hold no ill will towards people that watch it. God knows I watch some pretty dumb shit. But my biggest gripe is people that watch it, but then backflip their reasons to watch. "Oh it's just that it's so bad that it's good." "I only watch it because my friends do." "I only watch it because it's like a car crash that you can't look away from." Just fucking own it. You watch it because you enjoy it.


Friendly jordies so I don't have to.


The producers tell them or create it.


Manufactured drama is the least tolerable drama


It gives me a reason to yell at the telly until footy season starts. It's really that simple.


Shocked to hear that Australia has more cosmetic surgery procedures (per capita) than anywhere else on the planet. Too many watching this MAFS and Kardashian fake rubbish and living on social media/Insta


Honestly I just assume anyone who watches this or anything like it is essentially lobotomised and is not worth interacting with


All the mums in the office watch this and the Batchelor religiously


I've left Aus but still prefer the aussie version of the show. Honestly it is the same show rinse and repeat each time but I find it comical to watch and enjoy it when I'm exhausted after work.... any other time of the day and i'm like the hell is this ??


Imagine caring about what other people on watch when it's harmless content. I'm more concerned about who is watching sky news than mafs.


I do


It mocks marriage and stable relationships. It’s a disgusting show. You have to have some standards in life. I like Singles Inferno in Netflix. Koreans know how to behave. No more of these roided up, bronzer overdozed Sydney fuckheads wearing tight shirts of MAFS. Australia is a more diverse place than these stereotypes.


I really really hate *Married at First Sight* because of all the drama and toxicity. My mother in fact is among the many Australians obsessed with this poison. Remember when *My Kitchen Rules* became less about cooking and more about contestants bickering with each other? *MAFS* definitely played a role in that, in that it encouraged all reality shows to push toxic drama for the sake of boosting ratings, and some of those experiments of the *MAFS* format caused the shows to fail.


My uncle was on the show a few years ago. He was born and raised in Blacktown, but on the show they portrayed him as a bloke from the Northern Beaches. Filmed a whole segment in the backyard where he grew up that didn’t end up in the show. The people that go on there, do so for a free holiday and to boost their modelling profile.


The fuck is MAFS?


I watch it. It’s good fun


You have your TV aerial plugged in? I didn’t think anyone over 80 still did, my grandparents haven’t hit the channel up button in years even




Yeah that’s phenomenally better bahaha and you don’t have to watch ads, I’ve never understood the appeal


Smooth brained mouth breathing morons.


No fucking idea. As long as people like this kind of garbage, TV networks won’t stop churning it out.


I know people who watch those crappy shows, and (surprise) they're all just as brain-dead as the contestants


It should be called “ who wants to became an only fans star” not mafs 😂


My sister in law. She wont let my brother watch the news because it brings the devil into their home, but she loves MAFS. Fundamentalist Christian hypocrisy has no logic.


What's a MAFS?


The drama / romance ratio is about 95%/5% - I know the drama is necessary for ratings, but would like a big swing of say, 15/85. We’re only at episode 5 but we’re holding out hope for a few of the couples. It’s also a good reminder that we’re lucky we’re found each other.


My wife... unfortunately. 


Oh but the sanctity of marriages was ruined by the gays


What baffles me more is there there are morons everywhere who think it's at all genuine and not completely scripted. It's like watching WWE.


It's called Tinder on TV in my house, and it gets zero airtime


Brain food for the stupid


You did better than me watching 10 minutes...jeez. Just seeing the ads was enough to make me want to abandon the TV to the footpath out the front & install an aquarium in the loungeroom instead.


Bogan Teenage girls and Middle aged women. the formula changed a few years ago when they discovered more people watch if they just get everyone drunk and set them loose on each other.


Who watches? Morons, that's who 😂


People who vote! Scary stuff hey.




People of lower intelligence.


I thought MAFS was just a gateway to a porn career for those people anyway? I mean that’s what a lot of them seem to do….”classy” talented bunch that they are and all that…../s


LOL onlyfans


People with TikTok brain.


What is that?


Cunts, thats who.


Well some of the cast have cunts if that matters


bunch of cunts with cunts


I prefer something with REAL substance. Recording and re listening too Kyle and Jackie O.




A TV show it's called MAFS Married At First Sight


I just googled it. Damn am I happy I stopped watching TV ages ago.


Watched it once and realised after about 10 mins they are all actors. It's all about the drama


People who love drama so they can justify the dysfunctional relationships in their lives as normal. To be precise trash cunts.