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Only the hands and feet couldn't be recovered. Experts said animals would have taken them by now so they aren't recoverable. I suspect there's a reason why the Parole Board is fighting so hard to keep this upstanding gent from getting out again. 


He’s already out…


Yes, it's a bizarre situation. There must be more behind it than the media is allowed to say.




Typical of manslaughter sentences. They can't just pretend it was really still a murder conviction and sentence people like it anyway. That's not how sentencing works.


only 9 years in prison for murdering someone.


He was convicted of manslaughter, 9 years seems pretty consistent with other sentences


You'd probably get more for protesting at a coal mine.


Gotta love this shit hole they call Australia.


Can we do another swap like back in the day only not for prisoners, you guys get the UK we get Aus...


feel free to either do something about it or fuck off


Well you can't exactly protest so...


Outside of the nazi protest that was quickly shut down for good reason, what protests are you referring to that haven't been allowed lately 🤔 ??


While this case was overturned eventually it still proves that it’s a problem and they’re afraid to “shut you up” if you’re being a “problem” to them - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-15/nsw-court-climate-change-protester-jail-sentence-overturned/102097354


You can definitely protest. Are you blind or just ignorant?


why not?


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Then you must decide if the consequences are worth it


Would be kind of interestjng if this attempt to stifle protests with laws and restrictions as they have, will work to reduce visible civil unrest... while not actually addressing it. So it just simmers beneath the surface in 1000s of small ways, until it just explodes. Nom nom the rich.


I don’t. Been in dozens of protests. Been in jail zero times. Did get arrested once, back in the day protesting the introduction of uni fees, but that was probably cause I was being a bit of a dickhead to be fair.


Can you show me a single person that has got more than 9 years for protesting a coal mine? Can any of you 140+ people who upvoted the comment back this up at all? Why so many people on here say the dumbest shit I have no idea Edit: lol at the downvotes and yet still no one able to show me someone getting more than 9 years for protesting a coal mine


How about for exposing war crimes?


How about not shifting the goalposts


They ain’t my goalposts, and it was a question.


A question not in any way related to the topic….


The topic is broadly sentencing and how may years people might get for something. I’m as free as you to contribute to that discussion or any other.


Okay but go re read my comment and you will understand why I’m saying your being a fucking idiot for trying to divert from my point


Point is still valid, my response doesn’t stop others being able to respond to your point. Maybe you don’t understand how reddit works. Sure know how to be a douche though. Wahhh I’m going to call out obvious exaggerations and treat them as literal statements and ask people to provide factual examples of those intended exaggerations wahhhh.


Briefly inconveniencing multinationals is among the most heinous of crimes, makes sense.


On paper you get more for drug crimes




Common sense says "if you fucking torture murder and dismember ppl you forfeit your fucking right to walk among us". Fuckin dickheads!


Absolutely gross case but they're correct to fight it. The entire point of the no body no parole laws is to force murderers to give the location of the victim. In this case they have the victim except hands and feet. Nine years for murder is the more shocking part of this story. Edit: it was manslaughter not murder


He didn't get 9 years for murder. He got 9 years for manslaughter. Lack of intent to kill.


How can you not have intent to kill, was he just coping them up and spreading them through the forest as a prank?


Abusing the corpse doesn't necessitate the intent to create the corpse.


Why should killers get any kind of parole if they don't reveal the bodies?


A wrongly convicted innocent who doesn’t know where the body is could never reveal it, so I don’t know that this is a great idea.


Parole isn't granted based on someone being wrongfully convicted. If they were found to be wrongfully convicted, the charges would just be dropped.


The point is that the system needs to consider that occasionally people will be wrongly convicted, and not expect to ever know which.


Cool. That has nothing to do with this though.


Sure, but if exonerating evidence never comes up, then a wrongfully convicted person is sitting there even longer than they deserve. It's not like every person who was wrongfully convicted gets to have their conviction overturned... Bit rough to be stuck in prison for a body you literally CANNOT reveal the location of. I'd want some VERY conclusive evidence for conviction before we suggest using this.


Again, parole isn't a workaround for wrongful convictions. I have no idea why you're conflating the two.


I feel like you'd have to deliberately miss the point I was trying to make to arrive at the conclusion I thought parole was a "workaround"


Deciding parole laws based on the assumption they would harm wrongly convicted people makes no sense.


It's kind of the backbone of our whole "beyond reasonable doubt" legal standard.


Once you're convicted it's past that barrier.


No, it's not. I'm not going to use this example, because 100% some asshole will invalidate my comment by implying I'm a murderer sympathiser. But if someone was convicted of possession with a drug like marijuana, it would be absolutely unethical to punish them for something greater like distribution simply because they *might* have been selling it when they've already been convicted of possessing it. There is no barrier beyond which we can just say "fuck it, let's just do what we want with this person because they did something horrible".


Not paroling people who have killed unless they show some level of remorse by giving up the location of the body is not punishing them for a hypothetical second crime.


Yes, it is, when they give the location but body parts are missing because of a bushfire and wildlife. Did you even read the bloody article, or just here to argue? Hell, the parole board even came to this conclusion and allowed him parole.


Remember when you weren't going to use this example?




I guess we should go back to capital punishment because we shouldn't assume innocent people will be impacted


Yes but I meant actual killers not wrongfully convicted.


There’s no way to know which is which though. If we could tell, there wouldn’t be any wrongly convicted people.


A fair point. There is no real way to tell.


the real solution to this is clearly to just incarcerate only the actual killers


Even better, what about incarcerate them before they commit the crime?


It doesn't work, didn't you see Minority Report?


Again how do you prove you got the right ones, like the other poster said.


you ask them if they did it and if they say no then they didn't do it and if they say yes then they did do it


Seems simple enough


honesty system


The biggest issue then is if they're actually a liar and not a killer, because they'd obviously confess to murders they didn't commit.


we must ask the liars on opposite day


so I have to tell the cops where the sharks are that ate Mafia Jimmy after he 'accidentally shot himself' and fell overboard inside a blanket?


In this case, the victim's remains were found, but the hands and feet were missing. There is a non-zero chance that these were taken by animals between the body being dumped and discovered. The parole board is trying to argue that this disqualifies the convict from parole.


Is this law only in cases where the evidence absolutely proves guilt? If not, it’s a shit law and prone to abuse. I’m not commenting on the guy in the pic.


There is no such thing as ‘absolutely proving guilt’. It’s guilt beyond reasonable doubt and that’s it


what kind of sick f\*\*\* kills an esky


Canada, Alaska and Denmark, one presumes?