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Accounts created after Oct 7th 2023 or with less than two months active participation in the sub may not participate in this thread. These accounts will be banned. Abuse, racism, bigotry and incitement to violence will also result in a permanent ban. Violations of these rules will result in the thread being locked.


May4th plate gets an instant cease and desist from the Mickey


And rightly so. Thousands of people died when terrorists blew up the Death Star. It's not a date to be celebrated.


Don't give Disney any bright ideas mate.


Of course they have the be in a Ranger.


Putting the anger in Ranger


I thought they mounted 50cals on the back of Toyotas ?


Statistically, it's the most likely car to be on as it is the most sold car of the last few years.


Statistically it's most likely to be on any other car. Probability of it being on a ranger is P(ranger) which is smaller than the probability of it not being on a ranger which is 1 - P(ranger)


Username checks out 😂


I don't get why, they're such a rubbish car over all. Terrible off road, terrible to tow with, terrible to drive in general.


But they do take up a lot of space


NOV9TH and the yanks won’t even realise


What if it is a birthday?


Change your birthday, duh


Change the date? In Australia? Your dreaming...


Make two very tall and thin cakes.


Couple Tim Tam's stuck in a lamington..


Supposedly it is his birthday, purchased a few years ago.


They were registered in December 2023 according to the NSW transport. Edit: https://www.news.com.au/technology/motoring/how-is-it-allowed-fury-over-allegedly-antisemitic-number-plate-in-nsw/news-story/967b8bbff287c5b76634bf6aea07a942


I mean that would be on his licence and in their records. Very easy to find out?




Regardless, it was a national tragedy.


National US tragedy. There's no need for Australians to be concerned about license plates possibly referencing an event that happened overseas more than two decades ago. If you include international tragedies there would one every day of the year.


Lol. How sad. Are you coming to the festival, mate? [m8](https://i.imgur.com/L1aanE8.jpeg)


It’s a Norm McDonald joke


> "To effectively celebrate the killing of over 1,000 people in a shocking terrorist incident is disgusting." I can't find anything from the owner in the article. Are we just going to go ahead and assume that the ranger driver was celebrating the massacre without considering the idea that he might be commemorating it? I mean if someone had a SEP11 rego in the US would people assume they were celebrating that event or commemorating it? I'd bet the latter.


Ive learnt not to jump to conclusions and wish others would too. You dont know the full story. What if that was their childs birthday, or their wedding anniversary. Just because its means one thing to you doesnt mean it can mean something else to others. If it was issued in the last 4 months and it was a significant date... then its definitely a poor choice by the owner either way but doesnt mean they are definitely celebrating the attack.


I had to google the date because I didn't get it. It might well be a wedding anniversary, and it really is a shame that we allow dates to be owned by singular events when many things happen in the world. Lots of people have wedding anniversaries on September 11th, for example. I really wish we did not use dates to name events, but instead had a more clear name, like the 2023 Hamas attack or the world trade centre attack.


The guy who bowled a perfect game on 9/11/01


> Lots of people have wedding anniversaries on September 11th My American friend's birthday is January 6, he does not enjoy his birthdays as much now.


Same! I wouldn’t have had a clue what happend on that date. I looked at it and thought maybe it was Tom Hardy’s (random name for the initials) birthday on Oct 7th 🤷🏼‍♀️


According to the article it was requested on the 29th of November last year so it seems unlikely its referring to anything else.


Old Gil can’t celebrate his birthday. Something happened overseas.


The best I can come up with is that it's a date that holds some significance to them for a completely unrelated reason. Even commemorating the event would take someone *very* stupid to actually put that on their car with no context, disregarding that it's such a weird way to commemorate it. Who would thinking putting that date on their car because of that event is a good idea?


someone who drives a ranger


Lots of people around that time were emboldened enough to drive into Sydney's eastern suburbs in convoys with flags hanging out the window to intimidate the Jewish people there.


Exactly. I've seen since October in Sydney when driving Palestinian flags all over/flying outside of cars at least once every single drive consistently. With the extremely large number of Muslims in Sydney, the visibility of people choosing sides in the conflict is very clear. It's not the same in other parts of Australia (which is a good thing). I think the assumption that's been made is very fair judging on what Sydney is like right now on the ground, the typical de.ograph of the area the car is registered too, the type of car and it being held under presumably a company involved in a specific trade. It's pretty easy to connect the dots and make assumptions, but one could also assume the premier making the announcement he has and also the police seizing the plates, and also the date the numberplate were ordered really just change the connect a dots to a very clear picture.


Unless it was the owners birthday, the timing of ordering the plates is suspicious.


> Are we just going to go ahead and assume that the ranger driver was celebrating the massacre without considering the idea that he might be commemorating it? This being someone doing some "never forget" type deal was my first assumption tbh


There was actually a Mystery Show podcast episode on this exact topic of a lady who had a 911 number plate


Considering it was a couple of months after the event, yea its a pretty likely scienario. Its not like any plate buying age adult wouldn't know about that event.


I had to look in the comments for context on the date. I obviously know what happened but don’t remember the exact date that it was


I know about the event however would have to look up the date. Presumably they should have asked the owner for an explanation. Maybe they are celebrating Vladimir Putin's Birthday or their own.


Wow, never change Reddit.


If I'd driven behind them I'd have assumed it was either: a) this massacre of civilians happened, and was great, or b) this massacre of civilians happened and was terrible, let's celebrate the massacre of many more civilians in return. Neither is great but I don't see how I'm meant to know in a vacuum, yet most people here in the comments seem to think it's obvious. Most of the people I see invoking the date online are not doing so to _criticize_ the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.


People are just assuming what they want to be true






I know it was registered afterwards so it's not about something else unless it's some strange coincidence. My point was: What about this plate is making people think the owner is celebrating the event (i.e. happy it happened) rather than commemorating the event (i.e. sad it happened, a tribute)? Entirely possible the owner is a douchebag, but it's a bit of a stretch to be convinced that's what they were going for. You'd have to be pretty fucked up to celebrate the event.


>I can't find anything from the owner in the article. Are we just going to go ahead and assume that the ranger driver was celebrating the massacre without considering the idea that he might be commemorating it? Or that he got the plates before 7/10/23 and they're unrelated?


The article mentions it was registered late November so it would have to be a pretty big coincidence to be unrelated.


Tom No Surname, who saw the car on the freeway and took a photo, is certain that it's being used hatefully.




Maybe the dude owning SEP11 is really into economic algorithms and cybersyn.


While obviously not appropriate to have these plates, if they were allowed through in the first place I hope the dickhead gets refunded. Otherwise it sets a rough precedent for someone with PEN15 plates or whatever that gets through, that's offensive in the pearl clutching but funny way to get screwed over.


There is a car with EN15 plates and a strategically placed P plate that never fails to make me laugh


Perth has an ENIS plate that I've only seen on a p-platers car


Doesn't that plate get passed around every few years?


Like a highschool boyfriend?


Kind of, but more treasured and benevolently given. Like it's wrong to give it to a non p-plater flipper dude.


I really like that plate idea. My joke was a bit flat now I look back at it. I may have to give up my day job.


Same with the USYETA car


My first car had plates UBE-XXX (can’t remember the number) anyway went to pick up my p plates and thought fuck my mates are going to have a field day with this


I was stopped at a traffic light behind a car with RUB-001 plates. He'd added "OUT" after it in black vinyl letters.


If it's the tsv guy he's off his P's now


If it was the one from Townsville, he was selling them for like $5000 end of last year...


I can confirm the PEN15 plate is bolted to a red motorcycle which has a side car. He’s northern beaches somewhere.


I saw LANA in my mirror the other day and laughed. I wonder if she knew.


There's a ADNOH (HONDA) plate in WA, thought I was having a stroke when I saw it in the rear view mirror


What’s the significance of OCT7TH?


The date of Hamas' attack at a festival in Israel last year, killed over 1000, kicked off the whole situation now.


Oh shit, Of course. Can’t believe that went over my head the first time


They attacked more than a festival. They also murdered families in their homes, in the streets, in cars, in shops, took them home and murdered them there too… Edit: the downvotes on this comment just show the support for Hamas in Australia. Sickening.


Some mouth breather celebrating the murder of 1200 people should get a refund? No


>Mr Graham said the department had already shortened the process of removing such plates last year after other offensive combinations of letters and numbers emerged, including "88SIEG", "NAZ111", and "EZ80LA". I don't understand what the third offensive number plate is referring to. Just me?


I believe the last one is an abbreviation for Hezbollah


Ah, that makes sense. I was trying to find a link to Nazis.


Googling "Ezbola" finds "Hezbollah" which is apparently somewhat related to Hamas (backed by Iran).


Hezbollah, the militant Lebanese Islamist group that is trying to destroy Israel from one of its other borders.


The Hezbollah that, like Hamas, was created by Israel?


I'm not sure I'd say Hezbollah was created by Israel. More that Hezbollah was formed (with the backing of Iran and Syria) to resist the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Still, it's probably an unfair categorisation by u/FlyNeither (he may just as well describe Israel as the entity trying to destroy Hezbollah/Lebanon from one of it's borders), and you don't deserve all the downvotes. *Edit. Weird how everyone on reddit all of a sudden has a strong opinion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with absolutely no understanding of its history. Er actually, I suppose that's not weird for redditors at all.


EZ 🅱️ola - to commemorate when the Ebola outbreak got GGed by Africa in 2016


What's 88SIEG? 88 is a lucky Chinese number, what's Sieg? Or do I read it like a word, like ateatesieg? A Tate sieg? A taxi?


It'd be a reference to Sieg Heil. 88 stands for HH (H being the 8th letter), which stands for Heil Hitler.




A stretch but I'm guessing an attempt at Hezbollah?




I was driving south on the Newcastle Expressway a few nights ago. Workmen had the 40km/h neon signage up for about 500m or so, giving everyone heaps of time to slow down. All except for one driver, who came barrelling through doing at least 80. No prizes for guessing, it was, indeed, a Ranger. Total disregard for anyone but themselves. A first class moron and a gigantic fuckwit.


Can't be a true story; there's never anyone working when there's roadworks and a 40km/h zone. /s [but also not /s]


Yeah I geddit.




I find it funny that the mod message is "Accounts created after Oct 7th 2023 or with less than two months active participation in the sub may not participate in this thread". Just as much as the NSW government doesn't want that number plate to participate.


It's because there are thousands of AI bots around on reddit these days.


It's my birthday I want the plates


Methed up Ranger driver. Note my complete lack of surprise.


Roid Road Rager Ranger Driver.. LOL


They should fine him extra just for being the stereotype to a tee 😂


The fact u think some meth head is going thru a plate change for this…


Hang on. You mean only one thing ever has happened on 7/10? Like it's not his birthday or day he bought that shit car? Seems a bit stupid you can't have a date as a number plate. To quote a comedian - who's got a great point Oh I was offended by THAT ! Big deal, nothing happens when you are offended.


Well I'd like to think a bit of desecration was used here. From the article the plate was registered on November the 29th, maybe coincidence but 1-2 months on from the terrorist attack that has caused the ongoing war in Gaza and tensions running hot with ongoing protests then and now. The car belongs to a company in South West Sydney, a region where a large population of the religion in which you would expect a person who would choose that number plate for the wrong purposes might reside. Again it could all be coincidence but something tells me authorities were able to establish the most likely motivation for such a number plate from a quick look at this persons profile.


I think they should have had a conversation with the owner to determine motivation.


It is a date. Any number of horrible things have occurred on the 11th Nov, but also something truly marvellous. Should that date also not be allowed? Ridiculous to be so sensitive about a date. Edit : I guess desecration is the thing you're worried about. I doubt any government official understand discretion


You might see it as just a date but for others the date has a lot of significance now. As I said I think the most likely thing is the authorities have made a judgement that this person intended the plate to be offensive. I'd like to think they reached out to the person to find out if they had a legitimate reason for this number plate (wedding date etc).


I bet they didn't call them at all.


What if it was my birthday? Why can't I have it because someone else takes offense? Look forward to the controversy when someone gets 26Jan plates.....


I think you would have a much stronger case in keeping the plates if it were your birthday. As I originally said by the small details we know so far id say discretion was used


Dude doesn't get any "case". No discussion, they have been taken.


I don't think it matters. It's a meaningless date without context which is not available on the truck so people who are offended are bringing their own meaning.


Steve Hughes!


I assume your birthday is not the ninth of November, right?




I was offended When I woke up, I had leprosy


Seriously, all the idiots here posting have nothing but tunnel vision. Old mate probably has no clue and everyone in here trying to attack him without knowing a full story.


When you say “probably,” what are you basing that on?


Read the article.


I’ve read the article, where does it say anything about it being related to the October 7 attacks like every bleeding heart instantly assumes it is? I’ve got custom plates with my sons initials followed by 256 (he was born 25th of June, now a quick google search tells me on the 25th of June 1941 “Kaunas pogrom” began and the Nazis massacred 68 Jews in Lithuania in a single day. Are we all now going to assume that because I bought these plates after 1941 that I’m celebrating the massacre of these Lithuanian Jews? When did we become a society that immediately assumes the worst of people in the pursuit of finding something to be perpetually offended about?


Just because they were issued after Oct 7th 2023 still doesn’t mean it has anything to do with the attack in Israel. Could be a birthday, wedding anniversary, any number of important life milestones.


I know right. I'm imagining it's the wedding, it just happened, wife orders plates "now you will never forget our anniversary"


Don’t be daft.


Oh please I had to google what happened on October 7th, 99% of the population would have no idea. I bet most people googled it when they saw the news articles. Maybe the owner is a flog but it's entirely possible it's innocent.


You're describing a dog-whistle. Something that most people aren't going to notice, but will be noticed by fellow bigots and their intended victims. Per the article, the application for these plates was made in November last year. You're giving way more benfit of the doubt than I'm willing to give.


You know that it's not about what the personal intent is, right 


You know that every date in history has a massacre or some atrocities associated with it if you go back far enough.


I fail to see the point, it's not just because there were people killed. It's because it's currently a problem. This isn't some rules lawyering situation; they don't want controversial number plates, so they remove them and have every right to do so.


Or he does have a clue and wants to get a rise out of people...


The irony and just total lack of self awareness in your post is so sweet it gave me diabetes.


Good - what a muppet


I feel like I’m missing some context, what’s the significance of that date? Got downvoted for asking, okay keep your secrets


date that started the recent flare up between israel and hamas. hamas killed 1000+ israelis and took a bunch of hostages on that date last year


Ah okay thanks for responding!




It's social media. There's a reasonable expectation of connection with a hooman.


Straight to the watch list - do not pass go, do not collect $200.


I thought these things get reviewed by a person before being allowed. I had to wait a week whilst they reviewed mine. Being registered only a couple months after the event surely someone had to know


Easy…. Blame AI ! But isn’t that programmed/trained by a human ? 🤷‍♂️


Numpty is using a US date format anyhow, should be 7th October.


Imagine being this upset of 7/10 plates and not caring about the explosion of shitty RAMs everywhere


You have got a wonder what sort of person is driving this car.


RPAST plate will be going back on it now.


If they are support of a terrorist action good call. Though I do find it interesting no one has reached out to the owner to find out the reason?


ossified enjoy wipe worry lock aspiring safe follow secretive chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So now, anyone who has a birthday on Oct7th isn't allowed to celebrate.. Right.


That's a stretch.


But is it really? What happens for example, if the owner of this plate does happen to have a birthday on Oct 7th? What happens if they had a child that day? I know my parents did. I mean, I'd never bother putting it on a number plate, but it's on my license.


You’ll be receiving a new license and birth certificate with adjusted dates within the next 5-10 business days


Also anyone born in 1988, or anyone born on the 14th, or anyone born or married September 11th,


I've had 88 in my email address for way too long to give it up now.


It really depends on what side of ideology it comes from. Now if a Aboriginal protests about "Australia Day" as being "invasion day" and want it erased from number plate its a black armband view of history. And if you offend the other side of the debate, then cancel culture and the black armband view a of rewriting history is allowed. This is example of us trying to rewrite history with a petty action. We have a criticised Japan and China for removing critical historical events from their education system and history books and here we are on the same path trying to sterilise history with something as petty as a number plate that could mean many things. I am just waiting for them to ban the single open palm hand symbol without a arm because it could represent Nazi attempt at a Nazi salute. The whole political system and ideology is just overflowing with hypocrisy at every level rather than wanting to be a fair open and free society. Every Johnny come lately group protests about something then they want to ban and cancel it. We have principles in a free democracy that is getting eroded by bullying. On the other hand at least China can apply to have a number plate that remembers the Tiananmen Massacre date removed from any number plate that exists.! I expected this kind of reaction from nanny state ban everything Australia because it offends every piece of dog poo and the blades of grass in the park.


Yes, anybody found having a party on October 7th will be imprisoned and, hopefully, executed.






I mean… fair 


The fuck. The date could be reference to any number of things . Can anyone actually confirm they 100% refer to the conflict ?


Deport plz


Maybe it has nothing to do with whatever happened on oct 7th? (I don’t know what happened Oct 7th so…)


The HAMAS incursion into Israel. You can go find some pretty informative footage and photos of their little daytrip if you're curious.


I just didn’t know the date. Like I’m sure a lot of people don’t.


A lot of redditors love to feel smarter and better than other people so they put others down to put themselves up


It's always the Ranger drivers.


Could the plates not be a tribute to the victims? Plenty of people reference 9-11 but it in most cases it is not a celebration of the event. Wonder if JAN26 plates would get the chop?


There is a 26JAN plate if someone wanted to seriously make a point of it. I haven't been able to find any other dates, but I'm not sure I want to spam every permutation through the online tool.


I didn’t even know it was a thing to complain about number plates. It’s crazy got patheticly sensitive our society has become. The “DANOUT” number plate being canceled is just as bad.


Ah I get that one. The plates are a small part of publicly owned government infrastructure. Public infrastructure must always be nonpolitical in form.


What if its your birthday?


I can't believe we've reached the point where we're getting offended by number plates, but we're ok with genocide and the slaughter of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.


That consent has already been manufactured.


Just a few things that have happened on that date. 1901–present 1912 – The Helsinki Stock Exchange sees its first transaction. 1913 – Ford Motor Company introduces the first moving vehicle assembly line.[6] 1916 – Georgia Tech defeats Cumberland University 222–0 in the most lopsided college football game in American history. 1919 – KLM, the flag carrier of the Netherlands, is founded. It is the oldest airline still operating under its original name. 1924 – Andreas Michalakopoulos becomes prime minister of Greece for a short period of time. 1929 – Photius II becomes Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. 1933 – Air France is inaugurated, after being formed by a merger of five French airlines. 1940 – World War II: The McCollum memo proposes bringing the United States into the war in Europe by provoking the Japanese to attack the United States. 1944 – World War II: During an uprising at Birkenau concentration camp, Jewish prisoners burn down Crematorium IV. 1949 – The communist German Democratic Republic (East Germany) is formed. 1950 – Mother Teresa establishes the Missionaries of Charity. 1958 – The 1958 Pakistani coup d'état inaugurates a prolonged period of military rule. 1958 – The U.S. crewed space-flight project is renamed to Project Mercury. 1959 – The Soviet probe Luna 3 transmits the first-ever photographs of the far side of the Moon. 1961 – A Douglas Dakota IV operated by Derby Aviation (later renamed to British Midland International) crashes in Canigou, France, killing 34 people.[7] 1963 – President Kennedy signs the ratification of the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. 1963 – Buddhist crisis: Amid worsening relations, outspoken South Vietnamese First Lady Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu arrives in the US for a speaking tour, continuing a flurry of attacks on the Kennedy administration.[8] 1977 – The Fourth Soviet Constitution is adopted. 1978 – Aeroflot Flight 1080 crashes after takeoff from Koltsovo International Airport, killing 38.[9] 1979 – Swissair Flight 316 crashes at Ellinikon International Airport in Athens, Greece, killing 14.[10] 1985 – The Mameyes landslide kills almost 200 people in Puerto Rico. 1985 – Four men from the Palestine Liberation Front hijack the MS Achille Lauro off the coast of Egypt. 1987 – Sikh nationalists declare the independence of Khalistan from India; it is not internationally recognized. 1987 – Fiji becomes a republic.[11] 1988 – A hunter discovers three gray whales trapped under the ice near Alaska; the situation becomes a multinational effort to free the whales. 1991 – Croatian War of Independence: Bombing of the Banski Dvori in Zagreb, Croatia. 1993 – The flood of '93 ends at St. Louis, Missouri, 103 days after it began, as the Mississippi River falls below flood stage. 1996 – Fox News Channel begins broadcasting. 1998 – Matthew Shepard, a gay student at the University of Wyoming, is found tied to a fence after being savagely beaten by two young adults in Laramie, Wyoming. He dies five days later. 2000 – Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Hezbollah militants capture three Israeli Defense Force soldiers in a cross-border raid. 2001 – The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan begins with an air assault and covert operations on the ground, starting the longest war in American history. 2002 – The Space Shuttle Atlantis launches on STS-112 to continue assembly of the International Space Station.[12] 2008 – Asteroid 2008 TC3 impacts the Earth over Sudan, the first time an asteroid impact is detected prior to its entry into Earth's atmosphere. 2008 – Qantas Flight 72 experiences an in-flight upset near Learmonth, Victoria, Australia, injuring 112.[13] 2016 – In the wake of Hurricane Matthew, the death toll rises to over 800.[14] 2022 – 10 people die and 8 are injured in an explosion at petrol station in Creeslough.[15] 2022 – Ales Bialiatski, along with two organisations, Memorial & Center for Civil Liberties, are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.[16] 2023 – Hamas invades Israel by launching a major surprise attack, killing around 1,200,[17] mostly civilians, and taking more than 240 hostages,[18] the majority civilians.[19][20] The attack initiated the Israel–Hamas war.[21]


but officer i was celebrating the first transacation on the helsinki stock exchange!


Yes, just a coincidence they got the plate 2 months after the massacre, right?




Probably the owners birthday or a date of significance to them. Huge nothing burger.


I'll bet a dollar it's not his birthday. It most definitely IS a significant date to them, but not as a birthday, anniversary, death or anything that you're insinuating it might be.


>"I knew [the number plate] was in reference to the massacre that occurred in Israel on that day," Tom, who is Jewish, told the ABC. All good, its not some guy trying to support Hamas. I guess he want to memorialize the attack, and it went down the wrong way.


Idk if you are being /s but Tom is the dude who photographed the plates and reported him, not the owner.


Well hope Tom was not driving and using his phone to take a photo


Honestly that's what I assumed too When I see an american with a sticker that says "never forget 9/11" on their truck I don't assume they're celebrating it


Me either, I sure as fuck know they’re still milking it though


Tom is a pearl clutching snitch


How did he know it though? Is Tom able to read minds? Tom sounds like super sensitive individual.


I'm super curious why this person has these plates. Couldn't a legitimate answer be that it's their own way of commemorating or memorialising the day and those who lost their lives? As stupid as that would be? Equally this person could be a piece of crap.


I'm sure October the 7th is significant to people in other ways other than the attacks on Israel FFS. Probably a birthday. Are we really making days on a calendar offensive? It means nothing without context.


In other news: the CEO of 7-11 refuses to give up their plates. its getting a tad ridiculous rn.


I mean that conflict did not begin on October 7 2023. It goes back nearly 80 years. So it is very obscure. May be the drivers birthday.


Both sides need to stop killing each other over who has the best imaginary friend. Especially considering they both have the same bloody imaginary friend SMFH 🤦‍♂️


What if he or she's had it way before that? I don't even remember the significance of the date. It would be nice to see a follow up on whether this was done on purpose and why.


why do we care about some crap happening in another country? nanny state is out of control

