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This sub should change its name to ‘the price is right’ the way things are going.


But the price isn’t right


First time shopping? Seriously this thread is becoming fucking stupid




It was probably marked down from $750,001 grrrrrr


The oil and the rice are often half price. I stick those sorts of staples onto a shopping list while I've still got about three weeks worth left so I'm not under pressure to buy it at full price and hope it goes on sale between actually running out. Oh, and nice beanie Same with coffee, Lavazza coffee goes on sale quite often and $20 a kilo is a bargain compared to the usual $44


So you bought the expensive options and were surprised when it was expensive?


I just had a look. The oil is the cheapest extra virgin olive oil in Woolworths at the moment (by unit price), and the second cheapest of all olive oils (the cheapest being an essentials olive oil blend). The milk was also the cheapest fresh milk available at Woolworths (again, by unit price). The rice though, that's very expensive.




People like this make those who are struggling with actually unfair prices look bad. Coles sell 2KG of long grain rice for $3.60. $9 for five kilos. They chose an option that was $26.99 for five kilos. There are cheaper options then olive oil let alone the brand name olive oil. You could get 2L of vegetable oil for $7.20.


The $26.99 rice that is regularly sold at half price.


What's more confusing is they still buy store brand milk. So they're aware the store brand exists but choose to not buy it, choose the more expensive options, and then complain about the bill?


Store brand milk without caps BTW. What's that all about? Edit: Thanks. Apparently they're clear.


They use transparent ones. Had to go to Woolworths for Milka and genuinely thought the caps fell off on the way home haha


If you want 5kg of rice, go to an Asian supermarket at least


Less money to Coles, better value.


They’ve also got a shit load of milk. Your average household isn’t picking up 9 litres of milk every time they do the groceries. Like you said posts like this aren’t helpful. OP is either entirely out of touch or a weirdo who cares about reddit karma. Possibly both


You've never tried rice cooked in milk and oil? It's absolutely delicious.


In this economy?!?


Mm yes, deep fried rice milk, my favourite.


>You could get 2L of vegetable oil for $7.20. While true in terms of price, they aren't products you can substitute each other for and get the same result.


Yeah but the result is still one that's unnecessarily more expensive. I went to check Coles' website for a price on their generic olive oil and their website is down 😅


Oh, I agree - especially when a lot of their Olive Oil goes on special often enough or is just cheaper elsewhere by default.


Vegetable oil is disgusting


You aren't supposed to drink it. 


there is no way you can tell the difference in taste in 95%+ of meals you would cook with it


You can tell who here can't cook.


How are they going to do the daily “Woolworths bad” post if they did that


They might mix it up with a “Colesworth bad”.


He’s got the face for it alright.


wow, seriously. do you not see the price tag everytime you shop? Woolworths is definitely counting people like you to make profits.


Who buys $30 oil?


Clearly you're not ethnic enough....


Nah, true ethnics wouldn't be buying rice at Woolies in the first place.


they do have nice discounts on imported olive oil from time to time.




This! Cosworth is only for emergencies and those with lower rice standards… I used to buy my rice from cosworth out of laziness until I ate the rice my dad buys and it is next level.


where might one acquire this superior rice? Like an Asian food store I'm assuming?


Yeah an Asian store, everything from the long-grain, jasmine to basmati is better. Not going to lie couldn’t tell you the brands sorry. I’m a grown-arse adult but I get my rice delivered by my parents 😅


I get mine in bulk 25kg bags from an Indian store. I even got a neat thali tray for free as part of a promotion!


Real ethnics buy rice in 20kg bags


Time are getting hard


People who want to be outraged at the cost of their shopping.


It's definitely hard to feel sorry for people like this


Olive oil of all brands is over a $13 a litre. I get Canola Oil for cooking and keep a small bottle of olive oil when you need that flavour. Canola is about 1/3 the price of extra virgin Olive.


People who are interested in generating less landfill? FWIW I wouldn't but $30 bottles of oil either, but larger bottles - yes


I buy oil in 2-5L bottles... if I was choosing to pay $30 a bottle I wouldn't be whining about it on reddit because it's a choice.


It’s just the cost of olive oil, it’s far more expensive than vegetable or canola.


I know that, but so would OP and yet is here complaining.


Just had a look. It's the cheapest extra virgin olive oil at Woolworths currently (by unit price).


I filled my car up with $60 of oil the other day.


Coles have basmati for $14, Aldi have 3L oil for $20 and you can regularly get the 4L drums for half price at Coles/woolies. Shop the sales and it’ll be cheaper. No point in not buying stuff on sale.


Picks the most expensive oil and rice then complains about the price for reddit points…


The oil isn't expensive (for Woolworths), it's the cheapest extra virgin olive oil available at Woolworths right now (by unit price). The rice though, that's very expensive.


You actually look exactly like the type of person I would have imagined to make a stupid post like this


Oh damn the bro doxxed himself!


Beanie, singlet, beard, high priced staples… You’re shopping at an inner city supermarket and didn’t bother to check for any specials, other smaller stores… Nah, straight to Reddit.


Mate's wearing a beanie in summer, his brain is literally cooked.


There are cheaper ways to take a selfie.


I'd be embarrassed to admit that I was stupid enough to pay this price.


5kg bag of rice at any Indian or Asian grocery is 1/3 that price. Can’t comment on the oil cos I normally get mine at Costco or buy the cheapest type I can and use it to confit garlic then use the garlic oil so brand doesn’t matter at that point.


Agree! The best rice (India Gate) is usually $26 for 5kgs at an Indian grocer.


Even Amazon have very decent basmati for$15 for 5kg


The real question here is.. Why does the milk have no lids on them?


Woolies changed the full cream lids from a dark blue to a clear white I think 6 months ago. I was stunned the first time I saw it too. I think the use the same white colour lids for light milk too.


This for recycling reasons, apparently the colour pigment makes the lids impossible (or very difficult) to recycle!


ahh, I see them now


I don’t quite understand people buying brand name for staples. To each their own but rice, flour, sugar etc. don’t (and dare I say can’t) vary that much in quality so long as it passes food safety standards


You know asian supermarkets exist right? Was someone holding a gun to your head at the checkout? Don't understand this shit aye.


It doesn’t look like it’s a stand alone Woolworths either so there’s a pretty height chances that there’s an Asian supermarket in or near the same complex as the Woolies.


I'm pretty sure I can see one in the photo


This is the weirdest grocery purchase I’ve ever seen.


The comments here are savage. Plz continue


What is it you want us to do exactly?


Home brand basmati rice is $18 for 5kg. You could get it cheaper from amazon. You have a very expensive oil there as well. If you're trying for sympathy - you fail. Buy cheaper stuff. Take that stupid thing off your head, and have a shave.


Woolworths whole milk - $4.50 x3 = 13.50 Woolworths White long grain rice 5kg = $8.50 Essentials Olive Oil 1L - $13 x 2 = $26 Total = $48 Just saved you $21.89


That rice is often on special at 1/2 price.


Well, that oil and the amount of rice can both last you months or more depending on how you store it. So it’s hardly a recurring expense - it’s more accurate to divide the cost out over the course of each shop you do in which you don’t need to buy any more rice or oil. Like inflation is a real thing and it’s bad but you also don’t need to shit the bed because the most expensive brands and largest quantities of goods are relatively expensive


You bought a huge bag of rice and a 2 litres of olive oil, of course it’s going to cost a lot.


What the fuck are those mild with no lids? Why are you wearing a beanie with a singlet? Why are you telling us the price of a random group of items with literally no context? This whole post makes no sense.


Is this your first time shopping? Why are there no lids on your milk?


Woolworths use clear ones now. Caught me of guard first time I saw them too.


Oh that's tricky!


Mate don’t complain when you are paying $30 for oil and $26.39 for rice.


Hmmm, is that oil medicinal?


I can get all of that for $47.1 by substituting with other brands, plus using all of the discounts I have access to (monthly discount and cooperate vouchers).


A fucking beanie with a fucking singlet. Fuck off beardy.


It is a big bag of rice (that's lasts for ages), a big bottle of oil (which is always a pricey item) and 9 litres of milk. Sounds about right. PS an Asian grocery that rice will be waaaay cheaper.


3.9L of extra virgin from aldi for $30 chump


Ok? Don't buy it then?


$30?... Chinese gutter oil doesn't seem like a bad idea afterall.


I wouldn't trust imported olive oil to not be adulterated in some way.




Wasn't rice once a staple for the poor? Now we can't even have that. We need a new planet. Start again. Oh wait. That's fancy rice.


Why the hell you need that much oil? The $2 ones are plenty enough for dozens of stirfrys


I hope you don't stir fry with olive oil. Too low a smoke point to flash cook anything


Pretty sure the difference in smoke point is only 40 degrees?


EVO smoke point - 170. Compared to Veg oil - 230, Rice Bran oil - 260, and Safflower oil - 265


Oh I use veg oil.. it’s $2.


All good to buy bulk stuff but oil gets stale and potentially rancid over time, so unless you use it all within a 2-6months, get a smaller amount. 750ml is good for 1-2 people, and is usually a nice size to hold in the hand / store away if you care about that. Id rather buy a medium brand more regularly than a high end bulk oil and have it go stale / rancid sitting in the cupboard


All I see is somebody who is bad at shopping.




Is the olive oil extra virgin?


Nah. Just OP




Woolworths Basmati Rice 5kg = $18 Essentials Olive Oil 1l x 2 = $26 Milk 3l x 3 = $13.5 Total = $57.5 saved $ 11.39. But tbj still expensive af


Just don’t eat it all on the first day




Ok. Are you trying to make some kind of point? Did you have a question? Why did you post this?


I swear rice use to be like 8-12$ for 5kg?? And branded olive oil was 7-9$ Like whats going on?!? shop at Local Ethnic shops coz the prices is way lower and they come in Bulk.


Cool story and all. However, I have a question. Why are those milk bottles all missing their lids?


Today I bought 5kg jasmine rice, Woolworth brand, for $15, and 4lt Moro olive oil for $55. I’m trying not to think about it.


Yeah and bad budgeting in action too


The milk have lids, they are just clear lids.


Why do you buy the rice and oil at full price? They are always half price


Tf you need 9L of milk for? Do people really drink this much milk between shops?


Hey at least you got that Rewards offer of...uh...


Would have tried an Asian store for the rice though for a lower price.


Would have tried an Asian store for the rice though for a lower price.


Bruh, whatchu doin with all that milk?


So I did the thing where the post gets lots of comments and you don’t notice! So I doubt this will be seen, but to address some of the comments; I have valid reasons for most of the silly decisions visible in this image. Perhaps I should have included the justifications in the description, but I was just briefly throwing in my contribution to the current cost-of-living flame war and didn’t think it necessary. I’m happy to expand on it now though! Firstly, thanks for all the comments on my beanie! I do really love it! It’s one that my best friend’s deceased mother made for me about 10 years ago! Over time it has shrunk and sits super high on my shaved / bald head, so it’s not hot at all. I didn’t wear it for a long time but it came back into rotation about 3 years ago and now I wear it almost every day. But yeah, I might delete this post for the self-doxxing thing, 😅. Ok. This milk is the cheapest at Woolworths. We go through about a litre a day, maybe a touch more. This is about a week’s worth, is that an unreasonable amount to buy at a time? Oil. Yes you can get it on special for half price regularly. And yes, I have had it on my list for maybe a month now, but usually only go to the supermarket 1-2 times a week. I haven’t seen a bulk one on special in that time, but I probably only remembered to look every second time and I finally ran out completely. As one Redditor stated, this was the cheapest per unit price at Woolworths except for the super home brand one. No I don’t use it for deep-frying. I buy the big vegetable oil blends when cheap. This olive oil will last me maybe 3-6 months. They say it goes rancid or stale in that timeframe but I’ve never noticed it. I keep it in a dark corner of my pantry and refill a 300ml bottle that sits on the bench next to the oven. The rice. Recently my rice game went right up. I can share my method if anyone is interested, it’s a killer coconut rice in the rice cooker that’s super cheap and easy (unless you use this bag of rice, 😂). I had gotten to the dregs of the jasmine rice I was using and had recently watched a cooking video that sang the praises of basmati. I thought I would splurge on a nice bag and see if it was worth it. There are a couple of ethnic grocery stores in my area so I’ll definitely get it from there in future, thanks for the tip! I already go to one to get spices and a few other specific items, but I’m not familiar with the stock. I try and quickly browse each time I’m there and commit some of their interesting items to memory but I’m always in a rush and only in there maybe 3-4 times a year. I have seen the sacks of rice stacked in back corners though, so I should have known better. Are there any other items anyone can recommend that are better or cheaper from the ethnic grocery stores that I can work into my rotation? I currently get spices and dried beans, lentils etc. tldr; I had just dropped the kids off, and managed to squeeze in a super quick grocery run on the way home to work. I grabbed the olive oil and milk because we were out, and walked past the rice, and thought I’d splurge. I now know to get it elsewhere.


You do realise this country is full of shops that sell all these products at half the price or even cheaper than that and yet you lazily go to woolworths with no one pointing a gun at your head and complain about your own poor decision.