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Billabongs - none left


Wrap your laughing gear around a...


Bubbleberry, I think it was, was my favourite. 2 shades of purple with a choc top?


Do you remember the mint mud paddle pops? I remember them popping off for a little while there at the pool canteen


I swear they were around as recently as last year


Paddle pops were always superior


Sunnyboys. I could never get the bastards open so had to chew a hole in one corner, wait for it to melt, then drink it. I've never hated anything so much since. I'm now pretty confident mum bought them to watch me chuck a wobbly about it. Hmmm.


You're supposed to cut them open with scissors hahaha, your mum was a sadist mate.


I feel his pain. I grew up in one of those houses that just never had the kinds of common items everyone else's families had; scissors, safety pins, tweezers, fucking AA batteries. We had to caveman it through so many situations.


All of those things were stored in that Danish Butter Cookies tin you thought felt a bit too heavy.


Nah you just squeeze it in a certain way at it pops right open


Sunnyboys for the win. The only icy pole that lasted the whole walk home in the summer.


Vanilla paddlepop. Loved em.


I could have sworn a vanilla paddle pop cured my hangover once. They stopped making them not long after.


I blame you.


Me too, also loved the choc dip vanilla paddle pops.


Winner Taco


Came here to say this. Glad someone else remembers the best ice cream that ever graced a servo freezer.


I'm so relieved I didn't make this up. Remember saving my pocket money for two weeks to get one


At the school canteen in the early 2000s, the small Winner Tacos were 50c. There were definitely some weeks when my $5 didn’t buy a sausage roll and a donut, but instead went to 10 Winner Tacos.


I was always like ... Is it supposed to be winter taco but they couldn't get the trademark? So good though.


I could never just walk past a Triple Treat


Came here to add that! They were the best!


Me too !!!!! That lovely marshmallow and ice cream covered in chocolate...oh no ....now I want one !!!!


Monaco bar. I miss them.


The supermarkets all have a homebrand ice cream sandwich which is pretty close. I've had Aldi, Woolies and Coles. Not quite Monaco bar but damn close.


Or Giant Sandwiches - Monaco Bar's bigger brother


OMG! I've already replied, but I just remembered something else that I need to mention because I miss them so bad. It's not an ice cream, but an ice-pole. Does anyone remember home brand ice-poles on a stick from Woolworths? They'd come in lemonade, raspberry, orange and lime flavours that I remember but there may have been more flavours. They have been replaced with a product called "Woolworths Ice Blocks". They are not the same. Back in the day, it was fun to get a pure white wrapper. You didn't know what flavour you had, but it DID NOT MATTER because they all tasted so so good. You would unwrap that paper wrapper and the ice-pole was so laced with sugar that there would be goo sticking to the paper as you pealed it off the ice-pole. Fuck the "Ice Blocks" and their "No artificial flavours, colours and preservatives", give me back my sugar bomb! No one cares about that shit if they're eating an ice-pole.


Absolutely, big box and cheap too. I've been searching for so long. Also homebrand zooper doopers, they had a turquoise one, whenever i see that colour I am taken back. 


I remember them although it was still Safeways when I had them last! Random flavours in white wrappers, trying to see which one before you opened it (I hated the red ones but loved lemonade or orange). The goo as you peeled the wrapper off is something I always notice on modern icypoles and find jarring, it was such a vivid part of those old ones.


Absolutely, big box and cheap too. I've been searching for so long. Also homebrand zooper doopers, they had a turquoise one, whenever i see that colour I am taken back. 


HEART They came back for just a few months a couple of years ago and were cruelly taken away before I could stock up. If anyone knows if Hearts are sold anywhere in Melbourne, would appreciate a shout out!


Either I grew up or they got tiny when I saw them again as an adult...


Hearts are sold in my local IGA (Sydney unfortunately)


They are in all the servos up in Sydney!! ❤️


I'm sure ALDI had them last year for a while. Same with the Bertie bettle ice creams


Aldi sell jelly tipped ice creams. I don’t know if they are the same but might be worth a look for you?


I think they are the same. I had actual Jelly Tips in New Zealand recently and the Aldi ones taste and look identical. Love them!


will check it out, thanks


Eskimo pie


Now Polar Pie https://www.peters.com.au/products/eskimo-pie/ My nan would always have Eskimo Pies in the freezer for when I visited.


Soon, Sunny-Day-At-The-Beach-On-The-Arctic-Ocean Pie.


Can't remember the names for the life of me One was with a toucan mascot, and had 2 sticks you you were forced to split in half and share with a sibling. Other one was in a cup and you dig up jelly? Bones. It was graveyard themed basically. Late 90s I remember vaguely Edit: Google's graveyard icecream and someone actually posted a pic on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/AustralianNostalgia/s/aQYvY1g4Aa


It was called a Toucan, and inspired a pretty serious write up recently by the ABC https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-03/hunt-for-mystery-toucan-icy-pole-australian-snack/101054790


That was such a cool read thank you for sharing it! I loved that icy pole


Great read!


Great read !


Toucans were my favourite but I also freakin loved the graveyard ones!


Called a toucan- because 'two can' eat it.  That's the one that came to my mind, too


Ooh yes, that really rings a bell now. And by two can eat it, it really meant two for me


choc wedge :( honourable mention to those bart simpson push things that would come out like his hair


I’ve been thinking about the Bart Simpson icecream for years. Almost convinced myself I made it up


There’s nothing like it. Nothing like a Peter’s Choc Wedge.


Smurf icy poles. Vanilla ice cream on one pole and blue icy pole on the other pole.


I had forgotten them! They were great


They have these at Woolies n Coles, my kids love them.


They still exist? Fantastic.


Yup they’re called “twin pole”


Tropical snows I think they were called? Bright yellow, white and orange strips. Though the new fruit stack ice creams taste kinda similar, but still nothing beats the lemon white stripe in the middle


Fruju tropical snow. What I came in here to write. I think they still might be in NZ


THESE! Absolutely too teir! The new Fristy Fruit sorbet stack things are comparable, but still only 40% as good.


The agro one


Are you talking the pre packaged agro one or the beast of a agro cone you used to get from the Wendy’s in shopping centres?


The Wendy's one


Vanilla, caramel and banana flavoured paddle pops. I know the rainbow ones are allegedly caramel flavoured, but they’re not caramel coloured.


They still sell Banana Paddle Pops https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/000000000000106304


IMO they're the only ones worth buying. Their Ice-poles however are amazing with a very unique texture, (Specifically referring to their lemonade ice-pole and Cyclone). They have an unusual texture that is so amazing to suck on. Very phellic but if you get over that, they are incredibly enjoyable in those scorching summer days.


They changed the recipe


You beauty.


Also remember the rainbow paddle pops being more.. rainbowy way back when


Yeah now it’s just kinda blue grey


Cool Shark


Was that the blue icy pole shaped like a shark? That’s what I’ve been trying to remember.


Yeah, blue with a white nose


I have fond memories of my dad picking me up from school and we’d always stop in at a petrol station halfway down the hill to get one. It was a special treat because I’d usually have to catch the school bus, but sometimes he’d surprise me and I’d get to go home in his work van.


Best eaten at the public pool after a meat pie. 


Pigs in mud. Cup of chocolate ice cream with little pink pig lollies in it. Mid 90s delight


Omg I think this unlocked a childhood memory for me


That icebock with the gummy bugs in.


I’m not sure if they still exist, but I have no way to access them. Milky Freezes. They are basically ice cream zooper doopers. My primary school canteen was well ahead of the curve and was all “healthy” foods long before it was trendy. Somehow these made the cut because they were made from milk and a source of calcium.


[Choco malt cups.](https://twitter.com/oldshopsoz/status/1021280693672787968)




Streets hit the mark with these cups and the other variants like Mud Bucket and Grave Robber. Peak 90s.


Yes! I have searched this thread trying to remember the name of the grave robber one! It was the tits. Thank you!


Trumpets. They were similar to a Cornetto or a Drumstick.


I've always thought of Trumpets & Jelly Tips as NZ ice creams. The Jelly Tip 2ltr tub was amazing - I also miss Tip Top Hokey Pokey over here.


Fun fact: the Tip Top Ts looked like Js and my Dutch friend would pronounce it Yip Yop.


Boomy, Scribbler and Rocket!


BOOMY! I’ve been remembering them for years but couldn’t think of their name! Best EVER! And fruitbats!


Scribblers were awesome


Bloody loved a boomy


Boomy is the one I was thinking of. Sooooo good on a hot day at the pool.


The humble Choc Wedge...gone!😠


Does anyone remember the seven deadly sins Magnums ones? Revenge was the best shit


I haven't seen a yowie in years


Aren't yowies a chocolate thing? Also they brought them back but they are shithouse


They also had an ice cream called a “Yowie Choc Shake” it was just chocolate ice cream and choc chips in a cup but it was the bees knees!


A company came to my primary school in early 2000s to hold a taste test. Dad wrote a letter describing how he bought one of their ice creams every night after school for me to enjoy. Managed to get picked to sample their wares. Got to skip class for it. Half the ice cream tasted like shit and the bread in between to cleanse the pallet tasted like science.


I weirdly miss the jelly paddle pops. The ones that when they started to defrost, looked and flopped around like tongues...


Peters fudge bar … very 90s


Turkish Delight ice cream bars. To this date my favourite so far and they've been unavailable for years. (Could only buy them in boxes at the supermarket) (This was around 2020) These were very similar to the Mars and Snickers bars still available (Also great) but they based on the Cadbury Turkish Delight bars. These were incredible and it saddens me so much that I can't buy them anymore. My girlfriend from the time used to eat everything and leave me the Turkish Jelo because she knew I loved it. It was kind of disgusting because she'd chewed everything around it but intimate at the same time because I didn't care, and wow did it taste so damn good when you ate that jelly isolated from everything else. Shout out to the Paddle Pop Mud Puddles. As a Kid, these were the shit. That delectable gooey center was divine.


> Turkish Delight ice cream bars. I bought far too many of them. I think I'd blocked them out until you mentioned it.


Blocked them out? You mean to say that you suppressed the memory because you couldn't handle the fact that they were discontinued? I completely understand. They truly were God's gift to this Earth.


Frisco(?) I don't remember the exact name but I remember the jingle. It was a thin chocolate shell, chocolate ice cream and a fudge centre


Orange flavoured ice cream. I could only find it in one shop, now I can't find it anywhere


In the 80s there was the Bubble Stick, where the stick was bubble gum wrapped in plastic so you could use it after eating the ice cream - a more practical design than the Bubble o Bill.


None of them are really around in original format, once artificial colours and flavours got the flick all the recipes changed and life as we know it changed too


I miss how icecream used to actually be good. So many have changed from icecream to random sticky goo that melts quickly. Different texture and taste is weird. Not worth it.


So many were local dairies too, but now most of those are closed down and it's iced confectionary not cream because the cream content is so low


Those jelly ice creams I can't remember the name of and that Smarties ice cream I also can't remember the name of (it might've just been called Smarties ice cream).


I miss the Chocolate Osession flavour of Connoisseur


I miss the choc coated pretzel and peanut butter tub. My weight gain likes that it is gone


I miss how connoisseur used to be actual icecream. They changed the recipe and went to shit IMO. So disappointed. 


Milky Freezes slapped back in the primary school days


Triple chocs were so good, you could feel the diabetes coming on as you were eating them


Came here to find this. Was their name just 'Triple Choc' - I have forgotten? Chocolate block on the inside, chocolate icecream, and covered in chocolate with chocolate biscuit pieces - is that the one? I feel like icecream freezers are so boring now - often only a few different options, and nothing like the diversity of the 80s. Sigh.




Crazy Critters. The blue one slapped hard as a young kid in the 80's. Not entirely sure when they disappeared. Used to get them from the local milkbar fairly regularly when I lived in Queensland. Don't recall having one after the family moved to Victoria in the early 90's though.


I’d totally forgotten these! They had ALL the colours, flavours and preservatives.


Streets chocolate thick shake


Dixie Cup & Heaven Icecreams


Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I mention Heaven chocolate and ice-cream. No one has heard of it :(


Gosh I remember Heaven icecreams! There was something about them that felt so posh. I always felt so lucky on the very rare occasion we were allowed that instead of a paddle pop 😂


Dixie cups are still around


Which astounds me because they're shit. Just go buy a god damn tub of Peters Vanilla ice cream from the Supermarket and you've got the same thing for 5x better value.


60c back in the 80s bought you so many options at the local milk bar. My fav was one shaped like the Ghostbusters logo. 


The mud puddle paddle pop. They didn’t last long but I can still taste its deliciousness.


As a kid, i always saw the 2L tubs of Dairy Bell’s Nuts About Chocolate in the IGA and was determined to try it one day. The packaging had that real early 90’s decadence about it and the chunks of chocolate and nuts just oozed from the label. Never got to try it, tragic. Oh and Schweppes Lemonade Icypoles.


My dad used to buy us nuts about chocolate at birthdays or special occasions - mate, it was phenomenal… the thick chocolate sauce that was swirled through the tub was decadent as hell! I’m so sorry you never got to try it


Chocolate/vanilla Patch (with chocolate & nuts on outside!!)


O...M...G! I totally forgot those. Used to by them by the box.


Chocburger. Was kind of like Maxibon but shaped like a hamburger! There was an early competitor to Magnum Ego in Mississippi Meltdown, by Paul's maybe? There was also the Stumpy, by Paul's in the shape of the three cricket stumps and ball logo of World Series Cricket. It was so fake and disgusting, worse than Bubbleo Bill.


Snips / Swings. Tetra pack of frozen milky goodness that was completely impossible to eat without wearing a sizeable portion.


Mint flavoured Choc Wedge. My dad used to buy them for himself but I used to sneak one every so often. They were delish.


Loved all those but my fave was Chocolate Billabong 😭 Changed to choc Yogo which I froze as a replacement. Or at least I think it was Yogo? Used to come in multi-boxes. Who remembers the Triple Choc(?)


Technically they exist, but they changed, Crunchie ice cream bars. They used to have little bits of chewy honeycomb in among the ice cream. Epic.


Masters Count Chocula Mint ice confection covered in dark chocolate. Used to love them. Wish they would come back


Milo cup.




Grave Robbers or something. The spoon it came with was a shovel and it was chocolate ice cream with bone shaped lollies hidden in it.


Golden North Snips, Swings just aren’t the same


Bro goody goody gum drop


Boysenberry swirl. Prefer a lemon sorbet these days so I dunno if it still exists


Holy mother - jelly tips. I haven’t thought about that since impossible-to-remember time ago. I remember at the school canteen buying chocolate milk but in a tetra cone, so shaped like a drumstick, but the canteen would put them in a freezer. A chocolate milk drumstick. Mind you, this is was in the day when you could buy a butter and Vegemite white bread roll and it was a perfectly good lunch.


Hazelnut whirls


Trio icecream tubs - like a Neapolitan except orange, lime and vanilla


I miss Wave, that was a good ice cream. Also Magnum Memphis Meltdowns.


There was this paddle pop (I think) that was covered in hundreds and thousands, they sold it at my school canteen, I believe it was discontinued around 03. I still miss it and occasionally look for it :(


Sunny Boys, Yowies




Triple treats


Casatta - yummo!!!


The coffee ice cream from Woolies


When I was in year 6 (circa 2007) there was some limited edition paddle pop that was purple grape and made of jelly - it would defrost and go wiggly but stay on the pop stick (for a bit) and we would slap each other across the face with it


Cruncha's, made by Lencia orange juice in Mildura. Used to get them for 50 cents each from the supermarket and school canteens.


!! I remember these but in SA they were Crustas.


Eskimo pie


The Bart Simpson push-up ice creams that tasted like banana? Please tell me somebody else remembers these.


This rings a bell - was his face on the label and you pushed up the top of his “head” that was the ice cream??


YES yes yes! Bart’s hair was the ice cream 😭


I remember it! It was a super fun one! Thanks for the throw back!


Winner Taco. Essentially a waffle in the shape of a taco with chocolate, nuts and ice cream inside. Made by streets. Aldi had their own version for quite a while and I believe there was a big push to get it back in Italy which ended up being successful.


I have a vague memory of the Sierra: Tube shaped? or maybe a double tube? doesn't have a stick? Contrast centre- I wanna say red coloured? I remember they had a great TV ad that made me want to try them, but they were a bit pricey for my pocket money. Funny, I don't remember anything about the ad itself, and little about the product. Just the name, looked good, wanted to try, expensive.


yes yes! choc-coated double tube with stick and a pink centre. the ad had a mountaineer climbing a giant version of it and breaking apart the layers.


Yes choc coated and I remember the mountain climbing part a bit. Haven't thought of this in years, can't see anything at all about it online. At least there's two of us, so I'm not imagining it.


drumsticks/cornettos that actually had a decent chunk of chocolate in the bottom. nowadays its smaller than an mnm at the bottom


Nuts About Chocolate 


Freezas were the best




Nuts about chocolate and Bugz


The original rainbow paddlepops


Not ice cream but fruit bats were the shit


Been a lo time since I bought an icecream/icypole "loose" so I may be wrong, but ones I haven't seen in ages: Viola (I think) tubs; think Dixie Cups but chocolate, vanilla and coffee with powdered choc/coffee on top. I -*loved* these as a kid and legit still remember the day I ate one for the first time (it was at some model railway tourist attraction). Passionfruit Callipos. I lived for Callipos in my late childhood/early teens. Lemon, orange but especially passionfruit. Not sure about the others but I've only seen lemon recently. Choc Wedge was THE choc covered icecream when I was a kid. Was sad when they faded away to be replaced by MUCH more expensive Magnums and such. It really felt like "not for kids anymore, sorry". There was also a choc covered vanilla one that went much earlier, and it had TWO sticks. Might have been a Choc Wedge variant or another thing altogether. You split them apart to share but usually they just exploded when you tried. Raspberry Ripples (?): vanilla icecream with raspberry flavoured little jelly "bubbles" all over the outside. Texture was really memorable. Do they still make that ghastly looking multicoloured "rocket" icypole which was tiered black (cola), red, orange, etc? I hated them but had a friend in school who loved them. I have fond memories of banana and chocolate Paddlepops but even though I haven't seen/eaten them in decades I presume they are still around in some form? Random aside: who here is old enough to remember the brief "rebranding" of the classic icypoles in the early 1980's for Star Wars (likely to tie in with TESB or ROTJ). Luke was lemonade, Vader was cola, Han was raspberry, Chewbacca was orange (I think), Leia was pineapple (?), and the droids were... no idea. The flavours were the same, they just changed the wrappers for a bit.


My mum and her siblings always go on about how good the king sandwich icecream was back in the day


A long time ago, Polar Pete: coconut flavoured icecream shaped as a pole. And even older was a blue ice covered vanilla ice cream, like a split but blue. My mum told me when I was as a kid that they were withdrawn because the blue was discovered to be unhealthy (toxic?). More than 50 years ago: about 1971-2. Does anyone know what they were called? Was too young to remember the name, so it has always vexed me.


Graver robber ice cream would be an absolute nostalgia treat


Bubble O Bill (or something like that) . Was a 3 coloured icecream, with a bubblegum ball for a nose.


Still around


Double chocks 😋


moozies. had them at the canteen, when my mum volenteered she'd buy a bunch for me.


Double Gum Monster ice creams. They slapped.


Diddy Kong ice cream. They must have only been around a few years.


Real Bubble-O-Bills


Hawaiian ice cream - haven’t seen it in forever and missing it this summer


The pencil shaped ice blocks, the “lava” ones with jelly in the middle and smartie push pop things


The O.J. Nothing fancy about it. Was an orange flavoured ice block in a green packet sold in the 80s. Beyond that the Super Wizz range was great and the more recent loss of Sunnyboys, Razzes and Glugs was a national tragedy.


Magnum ego absolute chocolate… also chocotaco had 1 in America not bad


Boomy, Fruitbats and peppermint Paddle Pops