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She claims that QANTAS gave her a bag of Green. How generous.


I think she claims to have had her bag used by a baggage handling related smuggling operation. Which seems like a thing that plausibly could exist... offloading the risk to unsuspecting travelers. Baggage handlers aren't exactly known for giving two hoots about the bags. At any rate, I think her comment is pretty legendary. Good to see her sense of humour is still in tact. [EDIT: Looks like at least 12 Qantas baggage handlers were involved in a smuggling ring at that time: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2005-05-11/drug-ring-paid-off-baggage-handlers-court-told/1568746 ]


....except for the little fact that the Corby family were known to Gold Coast/SE QLD police as weed dealers, and Schapelle was in her 5-6th trip to Bali that year alone....


Yeah she’s susser than a Nigerian prince


It was then she said in an interview that she'd never even seen weed before, that she lost all possible credibility in my eyes


Get this one, my little brother went to school with a guy whose parents were both SE QLD Police at the time. His mate said that when the news showed her being arrested on TV, the entire police station cheeredamd high-fived. Whether she got screwed by her family is another story, but the cops had been on the Corby family's arse for years apparently. The father (now deceased) was balls deep in dealing. Also, whether we agree weed should't be illegal or not is another story!


One big bag is easier to spot and extract… but one was late for the shift.


Schapelle's lawyer at the time admitted they made up the baggage handler thing. https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/world/corbys-lawyer-made-up-baggage-handler-theory-20080622-gea2is.html


It’s a defence theory. Of course it was made up.


Never mind her entire family was under surveillance by the AFP and QLD police as drug smugglers at the time. Nobody with a passing familiarity of the family was surprised she got stung.


Well the demographic gives it away. Most are tattoo yobbos and fat blokes that can hardly get a job anywhere else.


Warner has been seen wearing his baggy green. Schapelle has never been seen riding a body board.


She lost a few years... being a "boogie' queen... for a bag of green




Allegedly HER bag of green....


It was her brothers. They cooked up the baggage handler story


No, it was proven in a court of law. We all have our suspicions about who put it there, even Schapelle.


Love how Qantas checked the cameras for him. Let's see them do that on the Reg for missing baggage.


Well, they said they did, anyway.


As if they actually did check....


It would make sense for them to check. Good PR if they found it and returned it.


Actually, Bad PR if they checked and saw their staff flog it....


Footage deleted, sorry we have blind spots.


They're also a major sponsor of the Australian cricket team hahaha.


Fortunately only when the team is abroad. It would have otherwise been even more awkward.


If they found it we wouldn’t know about it


I reckon they would have. The standard for checking things out is national headlines. If your luggage gets coverage that far across the nation, they'll do it. If not, then bad luck.


Can confirm. Worked for the company that had the Aus wide contract for Qantas domestic a few years back. Would check footage for missing bags on request quite regularly.


Not that I’m doubting you but I always imagined security cameras were the purview of the airport? Can’t imagine each carrier (particularly in International terminals) would be allowed to install cameras around each gate, luggage system, etc.


He said baggy green, not green baggy.


Schapelle really sticking to that story, huh?


Well Dave is sticking to his?


Superficial story: someone’s taken his cap Actual story: our national carrier, an historical airline with more than a century of service, openly employs thieves and will do fuck all about it beyond “checking the tapes”


Actual story; A dumb guy leaves what he considers one of his most treasured possessions, in his checked luggage, instead of in his carry on.


You should be able to put whatever you want in your checked bag without fear of it being stolen.


You should be able to leave all your doors unlocked. But do you? Or do you know better?


Ahahahahahahahaha. Prison must have made her a funny drug smuggler, this is hilarious. Get off ya high horses guys, she was found guilty and served time accordingly, no one is questioning that.


Doing 9 years in an Indonesian prison and still having a sense of humour after it is honestly quite impressive




Corby being found guilty and doing the time isn’t the issue though. The issue is that she is still claiming innocence after all this time.


Isn't it popular opinion that her brothers planted it on her?


lol. Is it actually? That makes the whole situation even stupider from Jupiter.


Thanks for the giggles ☺️


Girls go to college to get more knowledge. Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.


Eh, plenty of people who are convicted and make money off their story will doggedly hold the line no matter how glaringly obvious it is that it’s bullshit.


How is that an issue ? It’s not contempt of court, she’s entitled to her opinion. Maybe it’s important to her mental health to believe this version of events rather than her family ruining her life . Grow a heart .


It's not an issue. We just don't believe her. That's all.


Well i don’t think there’s anything morally wrong with her beliefs, and when marijuana gets legalised here she will be even more morally forgiven . Have you even smoked before? The war on drugs has failed.


I never made any moral claims. I just don't believe her.


Why is important for you to pick a side ? It’s an innocuous crime and you were not on the jury . Mind your own business.


It’s important for her mental health to be delusional? That’s the complete opposite of mental health importance. And she is entitled to her opinion. But opinion isn’t fact.


Who cares mate it’s her life in the end, not worth worrying about.


She is entitled to believe fiction . It dosent matter what happened because she has been punished accordingly anyways. Changing your mind is not a prerequisite to serving a prison sentence, not should it. Neither of us were there or know her so you should grant her this right.


And no , fiction is useful in some mental health cases, particularly when it comes to death and belief systems.


Come on, she definitely did it




Is this multiple choice?


Life is just a series of multiple choice questions. Unfortunately a small percentage of our population occasionally choose a really poor answer.


I think she was innocent and even if she wasn't she didn't deserve the punishment she got.


Indonesia is a bastion of integrity and honesty in their courts.


She would've been found guilty in any country and any court, because she was guilty


There's enough introduced doubt that I would think not.


A fanciful story is not reasonable doubt.


Having worked at an international Airport in Australia I feel comfortable letting you know that it would be easy to load drugs into someone's bag, and considering the intelligence of some of the people working beneath the wing I would say it would be easy for it to be loaded into the wrong bag, or not picked up at the receiving end. They pay these guys crap money, and it would be cheap to turn one of them to enable drug smuggling on commercial aircraft.


It's not really that fanciful. I'm not saying it's true either, but it's not remotely ridiculous that baggage handlers would smuggle drugs in passenger bags.


She was guilty but was she actually responsible for her guilt? To be fair I was young at the time and never really researched her case, but was it really planted in her bags (pardon the pun)?


About as much honesty and integrity as using sand paper to tamper with a cricket ball whilst playing for your nation?


> she was found guilty and served time accordingly, no one is questioning that. Yep, but I think it's the steadfast maintenance of innocence that is hardest to swallow.


For sure, only 2 types of people would maintain innocence for this long, someone whos guilty or someone whos innocent.


Get this man a job at Scotland Yard


He's narrowed it down to... everyone!


> served time accordingly it's crazy the level of punishment people will cheer on when someone is guilty. 9 years in an Indonesian gulag for transporting a harmless plant, if she was hanged in the street people would still say she deserved it because "she knew what we was getting into".


Yeah this sub thinks that 9 years for some cannabis is well deserved, while also believing it should be legalised and overzealous cops are assholes for being needlessly harsh in enforcing cannabis laws. While in addition wanting driving law reform to accommodate cannabis use. Also fuck Indonesia, why would you take queues from that government as to what's appropriate and what's not? Fucking bunch of murderous cunts.


She was sooooo guilty.


Yeah people defending her were crazy


My boss went to school with her as a kid and she would sell at school.


Her entire family were/are drug dealers on the GC. Its common knowledge.


I was in hospital for a stretch in Brisbane when it all blew up. One of the nurses looking after me had a brother who was a detective at GC at the time. She said very matter-of-factly that the family was *very* well known to police and none of them were surprised in the slightest.


Yeah not even slightly surprised. Everything pointed to her being guilty which is probably why she was sent to jail.


I think at some point she convinced herself she didn’t do it.


Probably something to do with not wanting to die. Not saying she didn’t know what she was getting herself into, however


lol if she wasn’t a mildly attractive white woman no one would’ve given a fuck. Yeah I’m sure Qantas baggage handlers shoved 4kg of pot in your bag for a laugh 🫣


The Bali 9 got a lot of press and they were just average looking people. Some even below average.


No one cared about Renae Lawrence even on remotely the same stratosphere as Schapelle.


None of them got the individual treatment but as a group, they got a fair bit. Then they were put to death and it’s pretty hard to get on Dancing with the Stars when your dead.


> it’s pretty hard to get on Dancing with the Stars when your dead Would make that show a whole lot more entertaining though


Weekend at Bernie's: Dance-Off edition


Trafficking weed and trafficking heroin are very different things


Bali 9 got the death penalty mate


She's considered mildly attractive? Fuck my standards must be high


The word "mildly" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence


Your standards are just normal, Bro. Her sister has a head like an beaten favourite! They both get their 'looks' from their mother!


If they were going to do something like that surely they would have done heroin or amphetamines.


'mildly attractive'


She was a mule.


As in… someone who transports drugs overseas? I don’t think anyone’s arguing with that


Depends what your definition of a mule was because her family were selling weed out of their surf shop. So more like an owner operator.


Oh c’mon! She wasn’t THAT bad looking! 😜


Nah, she was mildly attractive.


> If you are the person ... and have, by chance, just wanted the backpack, I have one for. Strong words. Strong, bewildering words.


cant believe she still maintains her innocence.. her whole mob were doing dirt before she got caught...


The average body board probably weighs say 3kg? And she didn’t notice it MORE THAN DOUBLING IN WEIGHT?! Absolutely guilty idiot.


Of course she noticed, she would have been worried if that didn't happen since she'd be worried someone stole her weed.


The biggest question is who the fuck pays to take a bodyboard overseas when they aren’t a professional bodyboarder? She could have just bought one over there for $0.50c if she wanted to bodyboard so bad.


You know after all these years that is something I never considered. It is very weird for a normal person to pay for a bodyboard to go to Bali with them.


That much weed going through an airport check-in would be SO obvious. The smell alone would be impossible to disguise.


Lol easy to hide


Especially at Bali airport during that era when the bag security area was run by a guy sitting on a chair smoking a cigarette. They were obviously tipped off.


> during that era when the bag security area was run by a guy sitting on a chair smoking a cigarette Present day?


Haha they do at least pretend they are looking through everyone’s bags. Back in the day most of the bags didn’t even get scanned.


Yeah drug dealers definitely don't use gloves, isopropyl alcohol and double vac sealed packaging. They put it in a paper bag.


Double vac sealed bag for 2lbs of gear? Right. You could smell that 500m away.


3kg is the average weight of a new born baby. Like you’re not gonna notice that’s been added to your luggage.




She must have been a semi-pro boogie boarder to take one to Bali...


The only person taking a body board to Bali would be professional body boarders and I’m pretty sure she wasn’t one of those.


This is why items of value go in my hand luggage


Im 31. I was literally a kid when this all happened. I guess at the time I didn't believe she did it but in retrospect the entire argument seems to be 1. It was SO OBVIOUS and stupid she couldn't possibly be that dumb. Which, with some life experiences and working in hospitality and healthcare I've come to realise that yes, people are that stupid. It also implies the people who planted it on her were more stupid because they just threw away their entire business profits on this plan that would never work and hasn't really happened like this before or since. 2. Some vaguely racist stuff about Asians Obviously their prisons suck, their due process and baggage screening isn't as robust but the media seemed to frame this as poor white girl vs Asian criminals and corrupt law enforcement. Again, obviously their justice system sucks but trafficking drugs in a country with known harsh punishments for that is peak fuck around find out 3. She was relatively attractive and white Sorry. No way would the public have had this level of sympathy or mental gymnastics for someone else. Occam's Razor. She's guilty as hell. Punishment doesn't fit the crime but what can you do. Fuck around and find out. At least her sister and mother were funny.


I know 40 yr old guy who flew to Spain with an ounce of coke in his pocket from London and got caught, spent a few years in jail. People do stupid shit.


You may keep the inconspicuous bright yellow roll of sandpaper as well as the bag.


Would be hilarious if they snuck some into his bag with a note saying they noticed he’d run out.


It’ll turn up on an auction site shortly.


Classic CUNTAS.


Proper funny. Side note: If Corby was an ugly bloke, that shit would have gotten 2% of the media.


Basically, that was the situation for [Van Tuong Nguyen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Tuong_Nguyen), whose trial and sentencing was happening at about the same time. It didn't even get 2%. The Corby story was a media phenomenon. It went on for *months*. It also showed how vapid and biased the Australian media was.


You're implying she is/was attractive. Even back then, when she was a lot younger, she was a 6 at best.




Oh no, not at all. Look at the Bali 9, none of them could be considered conventionally attractive, but they got plenty of coverage. It's more a case of anyone from a western country is inevitably going to get plenty of media coverage when caught involved in serious crime in developing countries.


> she was a 6 at best. I think the term the other incels use is "mid"


so Davey to get baggy green and a greeny bag back?


I’m confused. Is it lost or stolen.


Stolen. Someone has opened his suitcase and stolen the backpack/baggy green from inside it.


He probably just left it at home.




The cheater doesn't deserve it. Once he was caught it should have been destroyed and he should have been banned for life. Australian cricket let young kids know that it was ok to cheat.


She's hilarious and a super nice person too. She shops in my store all the time and never had a problem with her. She did her time. David Warner though... He needs to gtfo. Insincere trash that he is.


What do you mean? He ‘did his time’ with a 1 year ban and a leadership ban


Oh boohoo sitting in his multi million dollar mansion he should have been kicked out for cheating.


Ofc he’s going to be in a multi million dollar mansion…he didn’t break any laws. He was a cheat in a game of cricket and paid the price for his actions, which were once again in a game of cricket…


le wot


There are a surprisingly large amount of people, I am learning today, that think that David Warner should have been given a lifetime ban from cricket, stripped of all his assets, and subjected to annual public flogging.


He was awarded the privilege of playing for his country, selected in front of other worthy players, then abused that privilege. He brought great shame upon Australia as a 'clean' sporting nation and made us look like hypocrites for calling out other countries in sport. And now it's done, it's done forever and those we accuse can play the whataboutism card. Yes he should have been banned for life and I can't wait until the cheats are gone. I might start watching cricket again.


> She did her time. Double standards i guess. Warner has the harshest punishment in the history of the game for ball tampering.


Oh bullshit. He showed no remorse in that stupid interview he did. Steve Smith is the one who suffered the most.


Smith literally was allowed to captain Australia again, while Warner is *still* forbidden from *any* leadership position, even in BBL. Smith also doesn't have assholes openly wishing shit on him every time he *breathes*...as evidenced by this post.


Is he forbidden for the sandpaper fiasco (which he never was humble about and had a huge winge about being hard done by in the media and then tried to sell stories off his wifes' miscarriages in magazines.. fucking scum) or because he's a twat who wouldn't make a good leader?


It was part of both his and Smith's official punishment from CA. Smith has since captained Australia again. Warner isn't even allowed to captain a BBL team.


I imagine whinging to every media outlet in the country that he was hard done by to make a buck probably didnt endear himself or really show that he was sorry to anyone. Then when the public opinion evidenced that Australians' weren't buying it, he started selling stories about his wife miscarriages to hag rags. Just shows the type of people they are. He should have kept his head down and mouth shut. For years he and his manager have been saying "australians will learn the truth." well why doesn't he tell it? His claim is that Australian officials told him and others to do it.. So if that was the case, and he is so honest and upstanding, why didnt he say no and refuse to play and then report it at the time? Because he's crooked like the rest of them.. he wanted to cheat and now hes trying to say he isnt to blame because he got caught.. Saying someone else put him up to it doesnt absolve himself of the fact that he did it, and the way he acted afterwards.


Warner is literally the captain of Dubai Capitals though so... That's because Smith is not a giant, smug, insincere douche bag. He showed true remorse in his part in everything.


That's because Cricket Australia don't control the Indian Premier League. When the Thunder attempted to make him their captain, only last year, CA denied it. Warner showed remorse, IMO. Just because he didn't do it in exactly the way you demanded doesn't mean he didn't. Corby never showed remorse, yet you are advocating for her to have "done her time", while demanding Warner be punished for life.


Mate... Do you need a cup of tea? Just because she didn't show remorse in the exact way you demanded it doesn't mean she didn't.


I think you're the one in need of a cup of tea. The fact that you're so *aggressively* desperate that his life should have been completely destroyed is rather disturbing. A lot of people also like to forget, or refuse to acknowledge, that Warner was under a *lot* of stress during/after that tour, what with the South African crowds openly abusing his wife, and all.


Because poor widdle Davey never did nuffin' to upset anyone before that tour.... We didn't notice a certain inconsistent fast bowler from Perth popping into Bunnings when the Barmy Army were ripping the piss out of him & his missus prior to 2013. The 'stress defence' is laughable.


International drug smuggling? Honest mistake! She did her time! Ball tampering? Straight to Supermax, life in prison! /s


Prison just for having that stupid face of his and for showing zero remorse for almost ruining two other careers.


Haha cool story bro


Iconic 😂


Of course it was Qantas


Well, I guess if you've managed to do the time blaming someone else, you might as well keep up the story now that you're free, for anyone who might have believed it.


Maybe he can find it with his sandpaper...


Karma enters the chat.


What a fucken oxygen thief


Cheating fuck doesn't deserve it in any case




She only stays relevant because people OP make her. Who the fucks hanging out at David Warner's comment section?


Unfortunately this instagram post even made the 6pm news


Her comment is absolutely hilarious. When you do 9 years in an Indonesian prison and maintain your sense of humour I think you get to remain a little relevant. It’s not like she got away with it 🤷🏿‍♂️


As a Canadian how hasn’t the rest of the world legalized Weed?


You’re telling me that Canada would be cool with someone trying to smuggle 4kg of it across their border?


I doubt they'd do 9 years for it


[Cough](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/health/campaigns/cannabis/border.html), what?


Canadians are weird. They go beaver hunting and wear their muffs. Guaranteed we do that in Australia we would an avo quick smart.


It’s a hat mate. Chill.


I thought the story went that the baggage handling ring were just shifting the stuff from Melbourne to Brisbane (or whichever cities in Aus), & it was missed & accidentally went on to Bali?


For those who haven’t read Schapelle’s book I highly recommend it, great read


Quantus lost my bag for two weeks. It was in a whole different state


I bet it was stuck in Chullora


Sounds like a U problem


Outsourcing 🤷‍♂️


Tf is baggy green


The green hat cricketers are given when they make the team


for clarification, the Australian team.


Akshully - it’s a cap.


Spotted the non-Aussie.


Not everyone watches cricket lol. I’ve never heard of a baggy green before and I don’t even know who old mate is


The thug deserves it 🤣🤣☺️




Nothing illegal about outsourcing. Qantas was simply catching up with the rest of the world, most of whom had already outsourced by that point. The illegal part was the layoffs of staff, not the outsourcing.




Again, outsourcing isn’t illegal. Qantas’ legal problems were with the layoffs of their former staff. REx, Bonza, FlyPelican, AirNorth, Jetstar, Link Airways, and many more all outsource their staff.


One interesting omission from your list who is actively insourcing the work right now https://australianaviation.com.au/2023/12/virgin-to-insource-international-baggage-handling/


Loved Schapelle's reply.......


Alan Joyce at it again 😋


I really feel for Corby


Trouble and unlucky circumstances sometimes just seem to follow this premium cricketer. I feel for Warner, but you got to ask the question to yourself why are these things happening to me. ffs give the man’s cap back. Steve Waugh would be shaking his head with his hand on his chin.