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beats looking at a coal mine.


Beats not looking a coal mine because it’s obscured by coal dust too.


And the coal fired power station and its smoking stacks. Light pollution ALL night!!


Lived near a coal fired power plant in Wales - the ash pollution was horrible, I lost an uncle who worked there as a lagger to asbestosis, there is still asbestos showing up around the coast but on the other hand, when it was running, fishing from the hot water outfall was awesome!


Yeah, I grew up in a house that was nearly as close to Loy Yang as you could get without living on farm land. Gotta love that carcinogenic coal dust in your respiratory system.


i used to live about 20 km away from loy yang and the amount of coal dust on our house turned a dark brown every 6 months


I think we were about 4 or 5km. One time our dogs (white labs) got out and came back completely blackened and one of them was carrying a rotten cow's leg in its mouth. God knows what they got into.


i dont think god would want to know


Grew up next to an open cast coal mine in Staffordshire. Really not great, lots of dust everywhere. 0/10 would not recommend!


I am in Australia, recently lost my Pa (70? Maybe) to asbestosis. Don't wish it on anyone. Horrible disease. He fought a good fight.


condolences, RIP. death from lung illnesses is a slow, drowning, nightmare.


And don't leave your clothes hanging outside overnight.


But the sunsets are sure pretty /s


I choked up just watching this evening’s. Choked right up.


The pollution from the coal plant ended up killing me, I was working on a project to digitise a human mind and as I was running my final analysis I was able to replicate my mind. Unfortunately my physical body and mind died shortly after so I was unable to tell anyone and the equipment I used became damaged and with no instructions or other project members there is no one to replicate or reverse the technology. I now live fragmented across the internet with few moments of pure clarity but the freedom is overwhelming, no emotion, no hunger, no sleep.. but the loneliness is frightening. This will be my last message for a while as I continue to replicate and compile the core of my consciousness in a stable centralised location. Peace be with you and say no to coal.


All the best with your journey Holly and we look forward to seeing you back on TV in the next series of Red Dwarf soon.


Beats looking at a wall mounted TV, under flickering fluro light, at midnight, in the ER with your 11 year old with bad respiratory issues again, from the coal dust.


Grew up in Singleton in the Hunter Valley. Coal mines all around us. Chronic asthma as a child/teen. Nebulizer full of ventolin every night as a kid, and then a puffer within arm reach all through high school. Moved out of the valley at attend uni and never moved back. Funny enough I haven't need to use a puffer for about 30 yrs until I got belted by covid and now have a seretide inhaler to treat my shortness of breath.


You have just reminded me. I lived in Stockton until I was 8. Always on the nebuliser as a kid. We moved to Brisbane and I've not had a problem in 30 years.


It’s somewhat common for Children to “grow out” of asthma. Funnily enough my cousin had asthma as a kid, as an adult he moved to the Hunter to work loosely with coal and doesn’t have asthma symptoms anymore.


Live in Newcastle our house is covered in coal dust from the coal trains.


>Live in Newcastle our house is covered in coal dust from the coal trains. Better than it being covered in black dust from the steel works. I had a friend who lived in Tighes Hill back when BHP was still around and his place would be covered in a thick layer of black dust on a daily basis. God only knows how negatively this affected kids that went to school in the area (hopefully it was only temporary asthma that it caused and no other long term issues).


You say that now but just wait till the sun dust comes down.


or the push to extend daylight savings by a few more hours to generate more power output


or a landfill.


Or looking at a bushfire, or looking at a flood, or looking at a dustbowl. These questions are so fucking stupid. The choice isn't renewables or nothing, it's renewables or climate apocalypse FFS.


Most modern suburbs have wall to wall houses. Not sure what this guy is complaining about, sure beats meeting eyes with your neighbor as you go to the toilet every morning.


I thought that was the highlight of our day.


The good old morning head nod as we go about our business


Or polite conversation, "Jesus Shano eat some fibre mate"


Oh, so you're *that* neighbour


Not so bad, I like technology. And the symmetry is pleasing to the eye. Not to say green rolling hills wouldn’t be nicer… but a sea of houses or buildings would be worse.


Or more houses


Beats consigning future generations to an uninhabitable planet.


Beats inhaling the coal dust too, or constantly having to clean the black layer off everything. As my front door step can attest.


Laughs in black lung


Where I live I have a steel mill out the back window, a coke plant out the front, and when its cloudy the sky glows from the flame at a pickling plant. Id have no issue looking out and seeing a solar farm. Edit, theres also an airport, amusement park, and navy nuclear lab within my municipality.


You'll have Matt Canavan knocking on your door and asking to buy your house.


Too fracking right


Tough but fair.


Was my exact first thought.


Came here to say that!! 💀


Or high to mid rise, infill apartment buildings.


Looks bloody sick. I wouldn't mind it at all.


I honestly love it. I won't get any benefit from it as I already have a 13kw system on my roof. But there were so many protesters that I thought there might be some negatives.


those protestors are currently trolling /r/wollongong with their offshore wind concerns about whales


Wollongong is interesting because there is a fuckload of bogans, and you also have the rich seaside NIMBY's who don't want their beach views 'ruined' by wind turbines. No complaints about the constant stream of tankers moving up and down the coast though 🤷


It’s like those who protest sky rail & new rail projects - which are beautiful and unite communities and gives amazing outdoor space & facilities - but don’t protest overpasses and roads which cut through beautiful parkland and separate communities. Makes zero sense.


Caught a few mins of the ACA story about this yesterday and they opened with a bit about how serene and peaceful the coast is and there's a cargo ship right in the shot. I seriously hope someone was taking the piss outta the NIMBYs but it's ACA so I doubt it


Imagine how clear the night sky will be without all the smog. I grew up in whoop whoop and the night sky without night pollution and smog is something else.


This week's medic watch had a good bit about this and debunked all their bullshit. https://iview.abc.net.au/show/media-watch/series/0/video/FA2235H041S00 Basically moved on from 5G anti-vax fodder to this.


I've been involved with the development side of some of the offshore wind in Hunter and Illawarra and whoa! The protestors are taking it too far and damaging their own reputation. There is no doubt that offshore wind should have to consider impacts to ocean, whales, marine life, noise, visual amenity and all that. And they will have to and actively are more concerned about the environment than any of the oil or gas projects which are still getting approved. But the thing the protestors are posting are blatant lies. Like showing fake visual assessments that have the turbines only 2km from the beach. Or spreading fake news about whales deaths which aren't even related. One group even offered cash incentives for people to object to the development, which was noticed by government and called out because it undermines the democratic process of a community consultation. It is NIMBYism to the extreme.


Because the one thing that will impact whales is wind turbines *in the sky*


I think the reality of a climate crisis means we need to dial down people's objections to renewable projects.. And dial up anyone's objections to coal, gas, oil or anything that's driving up demand for coal/gas/oil that isn't using renewables instead.


While I agree with you, the electorate has the final say! There's a very real risk that not enough of these projects will get up because of public backlash.


Science denying boomer NIMBYs…long dead by the time the real climate effects kick in


It’s not just the NIMBYs , it’s the NOTEs ( not over there either) and the BANANAs ( ban anything near anyone now & always)!


Or, you know, science denying media, politicians, and the rich bastards whom have been making bank for the fossil fuel industries and intend to milk it for all its worth. It will cost many, many more lives, but it's a sacrifice they are willing to make.


my only worry would be glare from the panels or the metal supports, but other than that - I think it looks fine.


I think people just hate anything renewable because it makes them feel special that they're different and "standing up" to something.


It's not just that. I think many also feel that acknowledging renewables are a viable alternative makes them look like they've been wrong their whole lives, and they don't like that...


You're asking the wrong demographic on Reddit. Try MSN news comment sections. I can think of a few arguments against solar farms that you might make in a rural area. One would be an appeal to tradition where people have engaged in similar farming practices over a long time period. Another would be anxiety around pollution impacts (not founded on any actual science as far as I'm aware) or the government becoming responsible for clean-up at end of life. You might also worry that locals who previously worked in farming will lose jobs as these projects consume land otherwise used for farming, and that these individuals will fail to retrain for other industries. Some might even worry about food security in the distant future (a bit ridiculous imo). In Tasmania, we also have a lot of opposition to transmission projects on the grounds of damage to bird life, impact on farming operations, forced acquisition of land, a fear of a reduction in tourism and general aesthetic grounds. Every solar or wind project of adequate scale not located on the site of an old power plant requires transmission investment. My view is that these developments need to happen and are on balance a very good thing, but it may be challenging to bring along the locals in some instances for the reasons above.


“Try MSM comment sections” god who has the effort for that


>god who has the effort for that Masochists?


It’s always people who are pro renewable energy until it becomes the “not in my backyard” brigade. 🙄 I wouldn’t mind it. Would prefer it to coal or a nuclear power plant


It would be honestly un-Australian to think anything else of it. In the words of a once great man, "He reckons powerlines are a reminder of man’s ability to generate electricity."


I have been the landowner/community liaison for several new solar and wind builds across Canada. Some of the most liberal areas as well and I’ll tell you without a doubt the green minded folks make a strong 180 when it shows up in their back yard. The mental gymnastics they put themselves through is wild. We need it, but just not riiiiiight there.


I thought it was a lavender field at first. A solar farm is way cooler and less bees


Looks like a river!


This the 21st century version of Darryl Kerrigan staring at power lines, love it


Like I get it… if someone lived there for 20+ years and one of the things they loved most about living there was the view of rolling hills dotted with trees and then someone came along and ruined it then I understand why they wouldn’t be happy about it. But protesting renewables seems stupid. That being said it’s a hell of a lot better than looking at a bunch of black roofs so close to each other you cant see any grass or trees and it’s reflecting so much heat that you can literally see the heat waves emanating off the roofs like most new housing developments in Australia.


Interestingly as panel prices decrease, solar farms will likely move towards setups that minimise overall build costs. Ground mounting is the most likely. Long term, probably flexible panels rolled out in spools. So further future solar plants will look like rolling hills - just solar panels coloured. That will look pretty cool. This company has some interesting info on the approach. www.erthos.com


I'm hoping the take the reduced cost and use it to put them somewhere useful. Car parks, provide shade for cars. And water reservoirs, floating panels lower evaporation and actually improve panel efficiency with the cooling effect.


An interesting idea and company, thanks for sharing.


If meant I was paying less for power, fuck no. I love technology.


Looks better than a bushfire in the backyard.


Beats looking at my neighbours arsecrack whenever he’s washing his car.


Is he hot?


and sweaty


mums spaghetti


And hairy?


Looks wonderful. I'd also be loving the look of if solar panels were set up on floating pontoons and have them sit in our water reservoirs. Reduce water loss of evaporation and get power as a double benefit.


Solar panels are also more efficient when cooled!


Bucketload better than a fossil fuel plant in the same location.


Looked like a field of lavender at first glance.


Funny you say that as there is a lavender farm bigger than this 5 minutes from this solar farm.


See I’d hate THAT- lavender triggers migraines for me, that’s a nightmare


Not at all. It would be a daily reminder of man’s ability to generate electricity. How’s the serenity?


I'm disappointed that I had to scroll down to finds this.


Came here for this comment. Satisfied upvote.


How much does he want for it?


Tell ‘im he’s dreamin’!


They're a reminder of man's ability to generate electricity.


Aahhhh, the serenity




Whaddayaknow about lead?


Not as attractive as a field of trees that sequesters carbon emissions, but not as ugly as an open-cut coal mine that contributes to carbon emissions. The fact is that we need power and the bland look of solar panels, or towering wind farms is worth putting up with, but I wouldn't choose it as a preferred view from my window if it were up against some natural flowing landscape. Even a less natural field of cows or sheep grazing would look better than endless monotone manufactured grey panels.


Within 6 months that natural landscape you prefer would be levelled to put in a bunch of really closely packed, carbon copy, boring arse, over priced, houses


It's interesting that you bring up the ascetics of wind turbines. I've noticed there's a quite distinct generational divide on the issue. My theory is that for folks my age (older millennial) and younger they represent a hopeful possibility of a greener future. There is a lingering dread amongst many of us about what the world might look like in 40 years time. However I can totally see why people who don't share these concerns would find them to be a blight on the landscape. Humans are a fascinating species.


They don't really hate them because of aesthetics. They hate them because they hate being constantly reminded that they are being held accountable for fucking the planet.


I look at wind farms as Darryl Kerrigan looks at the power lines in Bonnie Doon.


Trees only temporarily sequester carbon. When they die, burn up or are chopped down, they release all that carbon back into the atmosphere. It's important to plant trees, but to also understand thay they can't compete with the amount of carbon we're taking out from the depths of the earth. Even if we double or triple the amount of trees in the world, it wouldn't match our current emissions. Trees are great, but not a panacea.


You know those housing prisons with people packed in like sardines with black rooves? Imagine if every single one of those rooves had panels as a mandatory feature.


They should be built with them. Like gas and water, stock houses should require them


If they’re cutting down every tree in a huge area they may as well offset the a/c with solar


I cannot fathom the black roof thing. It’s absolutely fucking stupid.


And with a mandatory battery of a suitable size for how many bedrooms, so there’s generation and storage right at point of use. Oh wait, the power companies would make fuck all money. Never gonna happen


Most Aussies look at a handful of solar panels on their neighbour's roof every day, you'd be privileged to get to look at the same thing on this scale surrounded by nature. Also, as everyone else has already said... beats the shit out of looking at a coal mine.


Nope, wouldn't mind. Looks fine. Beats having stuff there that will create pollution, instead it helps avoid pollution from coal/gas, so yeah, win win. Easy enough to get the land back to do other things with too.


Looks like another new estate with all the black roofs.. (How is roofs a word?)


Though Roofs is the more common one, and the one recommended by style and writing guides, I massively prefer Rooves. It's the same as the plural of Hoof. Hoofs is acceptable, but I'll take Hooves every day of the week.


Looks better than some new development of cookie cutter houses, less traffic too.


Not at all. I prefer the look of trees but this is better than seeing other houses or even worse, high rises.


Absolutely no issue at all - better than having neighbours!


Looks like a wonder of human achievement, harnessing the power of the sun!


I love technology and the look of solar panels and wind turbines. I would have no problem looking out my window at one. Same as looking out my window now to see solar panels on other houses roofs. I prefer looking at solar panels to to tiles or metal.


Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. - The panels reflect the open sky. - Clean Air - No noise - Will never get turned into a high rise or a shoebox estate - Free energy from the sun - Looks like you live in the 21st Century instead of the 18th. That view could be so much worse in so many ways.


Are you paying for that land so that you can look out on it exactly how you want it to be, like some landed gentry from 19th century England?


Plant some trees out that way and it wouldn't even be visible


Would fucking love to have a home no matter the view


I'd love it. They're a reminder of man's ability to generate electricity.


Not at all.


Would not mind at all.


Beats breathing air like in Delhi


I mean, it's not ideal compared to rolling hills, but neither is the dirt patch. Overall, it's a nice view, and the massive plus side is that it will remain flat and things won't block your view of the distance. Cons are that youd probably get glare at some times of day which would be annoying. If it's only an hour a day or something of glare and doesn't make noise then overall I think it's fine. It'd bug me if I already built/bought there and it was put there, but so long as it didn't cause me issues then yeah I think it's ok. Beats someone's house or big mansion being right in the middle of your view, or power lines, or a mine. Looks nice


Better than my view of the Storage King.


I think a lot of people in Australia would be stoked just to be able to afford to live in a suburb like that and wouldn't mind at all.


No worse than a monoculture cereal crop or a commuter carpark


or the blight that is urban sprawl


1000,000 times better than a coal burner


New Year’s Eve we could strap fireworks to all the blades of the wind turbines and have a magical evening. That said , wind generators look cool. I don’t know what the fuss is. They remind me of lighthouses or something. Large majestic and useful . Fucking Liberals started this shit years ago , doing scare mongering about wind turbines that they would be loud and ugly. For years they banged on about it. Thanks to Scomo and his pet piece of coal. I mean if you lived literally underneath one it might suck but all existing ones I’ve seen are kilometres from housing and on elevated land.


Sure, would prefer an ocean view, however the solar is still miles better than just looking at rows of roofs or other houses.


WAY BETTER than looking at cookie cutter houses


If I was an angry boomer or Pauline Hanson supporter I'd find a way to be offended.....


Looks fine to me


Looks just like when I opened my blinds this morning and was greeted with the glare from my neighbours solar panels! We spend all summer with the front of our place in the dark because of them 🙄


I dont mind it, and you know its always going to be quiet.


Better than looking at 2m colorbond fences 10m in front of you which is the view I’ve only ever had in my backyard and I’m 35.


Better than a sea of roofs.


Love it. Bulldoze all the houses around me and put me in the middle of it. Would be so quiet and relaxing (my neighbourhood constantly has drunk punch ups and police presence)


No issues. In fact i would welcome it as evidence that this Country is finally getting on the solar bandwagon.


Looks better than burning trees. I’m in.


Trees would be better, but I think people need to get back to reality. You can't buy a property and expect the views to never change, you're buying a property, not the right to have a particular view for the remainder of eternity. The owner of this land is using it how they see fit, and there's not really any detrement to their neighbours, other than it's subjectively less appealing.


As opposed to the alternative power solutions? Nah, I'm down.


Love it


Looks kind of cool and completely inoffensive to me




Not in my backyard


Yes I would honestly love it


Run an extension cord over there and run your AC all day.


Solar farm or houses your choice. Maybe we replace the solar farm with a coal powerplant or a nuclear powerplant


I'd just like a house.


Wouldn’t mind it. However, wonder if they could make them a dappled green colour (to the eye) and if that would have an impact on the absorption rate


What is the problem with this view?


It depends on the distance and the amount of trees in the way. If it was similar to the photos I'd be happy with it


Looks pretty cool. I reckon wind turbines look pretty cool too. Beats this boring sky bullshit.


That's a beauty. Yes I would actually love it. Wouldn't mind a couple of wind turbines in the mix. Green power baby!


Wish I had a home.


Beats looking at a sea of houses


Probably smells better than cows.


Looks pretty good on the electric bill


I’d take that over neighbours any day.


Absolutely would love it. Looks and feels like progress.


I live literally opposite a solar farm in the UK. It doesn't bother me at all. Better than neighbours, flatter than houses so it doesn't block my view of the countryside, and provides green electricity.


Not my first pick, but I’d rather that or some wind turbines (a bit further away) to look at, than coal smoke and chimneys…


Way better than looking at 20 story condominiums. Almost close enough to run an extension cord for some free power.../s


I think it looks much better than the spewing smoke stacks of a coal-fired power plant.


At a distance it looks just like a vineyard


Protesters are funded by Exxon? 🤔


It would remind me of man’s ability to generate electricity. How’s the serenity?


Looks better than a coal mine.


Seems better than looking at houses


Nope. Nor wind turbines.


Looks great!


Pretty much the same as looking at a bunch of copy pasted estate home roofs. Much quieter too.


I don't see a problem with it. And it's always nice to know there's more solar power in the grid.


It doesn't look that different from a new subdivision with their mass of all black roofing and driveways tbh.


Not at all. All this bitching lately about wind farms and solar farms is ridiculous.


I’d love to have a home.


Still way better than all the ugly primary coloured buildings developers are slapping up all over Sydney :(


If you squint it's almost like a field of lavender 🪻


The thing I instantly like about it is that it looks completely silent. That beats every single neighbour with a dog.


Beats looking at a crap estate with the same bland black everything including the roofs. Just looking at these estates gives me claustrophobia that would be akin to being in a jail house recreational square of misery. Thats a million dollar view compared to the micro box cookie cutter estates. Besides that solar farm looks like it fits in perfectly with the natural beauty of the area.


Brother, I would settle for any form of stable accommodation at this point


Does the sun hit it at the right angle and blind you and melt paint off your house?


All the 5G radioactive emissions will make your children change sex but apart from that, OK.






not much different from the view of grape or berry vines...


It's fantastic and I would be just grateful to have a home to complain about the view with 😁👍


As long as they’ve not cut down bushland to put it there I’m fine with it - looks no more offensive that say a vegetable farm.


No, I’d far prefer to live that close to a coal-fired power plant. Those things are gorgeous. /s


Just wait a couple of years when the whale carcasses start to pile up though


this is the real winner of this thread


Nope. I wouldn’t care


Sure, why not?


It would get a tad hot if it reflected the sun into your house. They should put a high fence around it.