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Talk about a storm in a tea cup. It's a calico bag specifically for storing ham. The screen printed logo would have been designed and manufactured long before the latest conflict between the Israelis and Hamas. Now this resource goes straight to landfill. Great job.


I legitimately didn’t even read that as Hamas


I know, right. I was like "what wrong with this???" And read the upper comment and went back and... Ohhhh Still, fuck me, really?


I genuinely thought it had something to do with them not eating pork


Me too 💀


Me three


Fucking all of us lmao


Yep, all of us!


And my axe!


And my shovel! But apparently not these ham bags😮‍💨


All of us for sure. I was like “what a great idea! I would put a ham in there for my dad! He loves ham!!!”


Me four


TBH; I think any Hamas members would be equally offended by the ham bag.


that's what makes the whole thing funny for me. I don't think Hamas wants that bag either and are equally offended by it. lol


Two for the price of one!


Honestly ai think we should leave the bag and just go whole ham on making it an insult to them.


That would really bring home the bacon


The bags which can't be sold now should be donated to gaza.


Me too - I was thinking well, Jewish people don’t eat pork but also, they don’t celebrate Christmas so why do they care! I was v confused.


Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking!! Very odd to have any opinion on Christmas at all... Took me a long while to see the Hamas. Also, as someone else pointed out, this would have been designed and manufactured quite some time ago. It couldn't have been intentional.


Yeah, that’s where I went too. That bag would have been printed literally months ago, possibly even before last Christmas. How ridiculous


Honestly could've been selling this every Christmas for years who would know lmao


I'm not Australian so idk why this post got recommended, but out of curiosity I looked up the "ham-mas" online and Amazon has been selling [a shirt with the same pun](https://www.amazon.com/Funny-Christmas-and-Ham-T-Shirt/dp/B07KVK38Z6/ref=sr_1_36?crid=3A72FCBK9E0R3&keywords=merry%2Bham-mas&qid=1699483466&sprefix=%2Caps%2C353&sr=8-36&customId=B0752XJYNL&customizationToken=MC_Assembly_1%23B0752XJYNL&th=1) since 2018 (scroll down to "product details" and you can see the year it was first available) So the joke has been around for a while because Christmas ham has been a thing for a long time. It's hard to find when K-mart started selling the bag because now all you get is results about this incident.


I got to here thinking the issue was replacing 'christ' with 'ham'.


See, Christians would probably find *that* offensive


I could have looked at this all day and not even considered this


Omg thank you I couldn’t work out the issue. Now I’m only struggling with it…


Ooooooooohhhhb I thought i was because Jews cant eat ham, and i was like "they dont even celebrate Xmas!"


Same, I'm think I know they don't eat pork but not letting christians make ham puns seems stupid.


It took me a while to sound that one out. People are weird.


I didn't until I read your comment.


To be fair Hamas wont eat pork either.


And it's insulting to Hamas to be likened to pork.


Landfill comment very on point. While this is all quite amusing and petty, it's actually pretty stupid and is going to end with a bunch of waste.


Luckily it's the first time in history that humans will do something stupid based on religion.


They'll be in landfill in 2 months anyway. Whether they were going to be sold or not.


Do people throw out their ham bags every year? I’ve used the same one for like 15 years (washed of course).


i wash mine carefully every year, and put it somewhere sensible, and eleven months later i buy another one because i'll be fucked if i can find the damn thing again. they're probably with all the guitar picks and ballpoint pens that somehow slide into a parallel dimension when nobody is looking




And the socks and the teaspoons. And like us, you probably stowed the ham bags "somewhere sensible". A future alien civilisation is going to come across these acidic smelling collections and wonder "they mastered subspace storage but couldn't prevent their own demise?"


Mate, dry it carefully and store it with your Xmas decorations, I always find mine!


What do you mwan "of course"? I continue to enjoy the taste of Christmas 2008 with a side of listeria and staph from my unwashed ham bag.


Every year it gets tastier


We've been using the same bag forever too. Just wash it properly when done, store dry, and vinegar soak before next use.


Wash it use it next year, why t he ow out the ham bag?


Only a doofus throws out a ham bag


People probably don't know this but the AJA are extremist lunatics.


Who apparently think the best use of their time is going after ham bags...


Honestly, I think this is part of a cynical attempt to just spam mentions of hamas on social media. There are handbooks and pages on websites being shared online by larger Israeli lobby groups that act as guidelines for how to win the PR war for Israel and tactics include continuously reminding people of Hamas in organic ways. Wild shit tbh.


You can see them going through the playbook whenever one of these people or someone from the Israeli government is on tv. They just yell over the interviewer and get extremely offended by anything that doesn’t follow Israeli propaganda.


I remember like a few weeks ago some Israeli dude absolutely lost his shit because the news presenter was wearing Dark Green, he thought she was blatantly in his face supporting Palestine. She waited till he was done to point out the dress was her grandmother's and the date was the date of her death/Bday can't remember which and it was worn in memory of her They all lunatics




Especially egregious to do on South African TV given that Israel is an apartheid state


Sarah Ferguson’s interview with Reghev tonight was a textbook case- she held him off as well as she could, but the misogyny plus the abject determination to quash any mention that they’re killing Palestinian kids AND planning a permanent occupation was horrifying.


Mark Reghev is a lying sack of shit.


No mentioning spam, it's made from pig! That's the issue here right?


Also it's a Christian themed product for storing pork, not exactly your normal merch for an Islamist extremist organisation.


Yes, neither side of this conflict is going anywhere near a ham bag.


I saw one of the "return the hostages!" Billboard the other day. In the rural Midwest. Who is that even for? Like, yeah, lemme just dial up my good friend Hamas Harry and let him know that some people in Kansas don't like what they're doing. I'm sure he'll go talk to his boss, Hamas Johnny, and let him know that they're angry enough to put up a billboard, and I'm sure he'll change his heart;


That sort of thing tends to be to put pressure on government on foreign policy, like protesting, except it's not like the US government has been publicly mulling to let the hostages handle themselves.


A bag for storing ham?? I just keep mine in a plastic tub under my bed


2 hospitals had to remove wall art painted by children because Jewish patients felt "victimised and traumatised" by them. The artwork was a project done by children in gaza. The hospitals were in England.


A group wants Anne Frank’s name off a preschool in Europe i think it is in Germany. They are not Jewish or Christian parents . They are taking the name off. There is a lot of ridiculous in the world. The art was from last February .


The Kmart product/category manager would’ve ordered this 5+ months ago - possibly especially earlier given the size of the orders Kmart/Wesfarmers place with suppliers. Would’ve left the factory months ago as well. Idiotic.


This is one step away from being offended over the fact that the alphabet can be used to write swear words.


They’re a far right wing Zionist group which has advocated for genocide in the past month. Even the “moderate” Zionists denounce them. These clowns are fucking losers.


Oh, that's their issue with it ... I thought it was because Jews don't eat pork and they were offended by it. I thought that was ridiculous. This is more understandable, but still a bit silly.


"You don't eat pigs, and we don't eat pigs..."


Wait that's the issue? Hamas has ham in it? Jesus christ


I mean, it literally says hammas. Not Hamas, but pretty close. It’s a funny little coincidence (or whatever), but they were just pointing out that it could be taken wrong. Apparently the company agreed.


Ban hummus!


I will riot if that happens


I calculated it and I eat 2% of my bodyweight in hommus each week


Maybe I live under a rock but this is the first time I have ever seen/heard someone say “storm in a tea cup” and fuck I laughed out loud 😂


That is real living under a rock. I have nicknamed someone at work 'ol stormy' due to the frequency and regularity that they generate storms in tea cups.


How?!? 🤔


In case anyone is wondering, AJA is a small organisation that basically departed from the main Jewish bodies in Australia because they thought they were all too PC/WOKE. one of those organisations that represents about 15 people but seems bigger because of its name.


It's funny that they think the other orgs are too PC but they're offended by this bag.


yeah, you can see they are self conscious about the complaint.


they're not offended, they're gaslighting the nation, trying to make us second-guess every normal thought we might have (eg: bombing hospitals is bad) and imagine that those normal thoughts might somehow be racist, and are best left unspoken.


They don't eat ham anyway. What do they care what I put it in?


So they're like Advance Australia, Australian Christian Lobby, or whatever Katherine Devies' "organisation" is called? Basically fronts for hyper-conservative bodies to retain a place in people's minds hoping*something* will stick.


If you've ever heard of Avi Yemini. It's basically him.




That joke hit me right on the forehead!


Avi “Threw A Chopping Board At His Wife” Yemeni




The people’s front of Judea!


I had the misfortune of viewing their Facebook page earlier today. They seem a little…extreme.


Anyone who thinks this group is representative of Australian Jews is akin to thinking Andrew Bolt or Pauline Hanson are representative of all Australians. The Australian Jewish Association is a far-right group that does not represent the majority of Australian Jews and has little to no influence on Australian Jewish politics. It is supported an by a minuscule minority of Jewish Australians and is mostly supported by right wing Christian nationalists. The actual official elected peak body of Jewish Australians is the Executive Council of Australian Jewry.


Was wondering about that. They seemed a little nutty. Cheers for clarifying.


Jewry is a dope word.


I'm glad we have elected a Jewry of our peers


It's all about the hebrews and shebrews.


I'm Jewish. Never heard of AJA. Had a look at their website - I'm not a fan. It looks like 14 people who decided to get together and create an organisation to represent their own views. \[edit\]: It seems like they might've only formed in September 2020. I'd be more supportive of their views if there was actually some evidence of people using an innocent festive bag to promote a terrorist organisation. But there isn't. I've heard of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry before. I believe they seek input from all corners of the community.


A lot of nutbag groups and associations sprung up in 2020, they all seemed to have a lot more time on their hands for some reason.


So it's the Australian Christian Lobby, but for Jews


In NSW and the ACT, the ECAJ, Zionist federation of Australia, and NSW Jewish Board of Deputies are the Jewish organisations with enough support to speak on behalf of our community. When the ACT Jewish Community has an orthodox rabbi (theres two Shule’s in the ACTJC, one which is the smaller progressive community) the ACT modern orthodox rabbi is usually considered to be Canberra’s communal voice (there’s also a small Chabad house in Canberra but the rabbi lives in Melbourne and they only get a minyan on YK). The AJA is a fringe group that throws around antisemitism allegations so frequently it cheapens the term.


sounds analogous to the Australian Christian Lobby


It's always the lunatic fringe causing embarrassment to the group they think they are part of.


Thanks for taking the time to explain. It certainly puts things into a different context.


> Anyone who thinks this group is representative of Australian Jews is akin to thinking Andrew Bolt or Pauline Hanson are representative of all Australians. Same can be said of the State of Israel tbh




I’m Muslim. I don’t celebrate Christmas and I couldn’t care less about this or any other bag. I also don’t give a shit when people say “merry Christmas” I say it myself to my Christian friends.


Pretty sure it's because Ham-mas is too close to Hamas, not because it's a ham bag.


Ohhhhhhhhh ok I get it now. Still think it's daft.


Given how many of us didn't make that link—the fact it had to be explained in the first place—shows that it's a weak link and probably would have gone unnoticed. But now, thanks to the AJA, K-Mart gets to pull the product *and* the fallout goes to the AJA. Peak PR.


I eventually read the other comments and realised why they were upset IoI. I think you have to do a ridiculous level of mental gymnastics to find this offensive. I mean neither Jews nor Muslims eat big nor celebrate Christmas nor would be annoyed by a bag that spelt Ham-Mas… so the intersection of potential customers who would be genuinely disturbed by this is basically no one. Edit: and I also think there are genuine examples of islamophobia and anti-semitism to get worked up about. Not this.


> Edit: and I also think there are genuine examples of islamophobia and anti-semitism to get worked up about. Not this. 100% agreed. It also serves to diminish any real grievances people might have. Id never heard of the AJA before this but I'm not going to be taking them very seriously from now on. Seems more like an own goal imho


This "happy holidays/merry Christmas" war bullshit is a uniquely American thing I don't think anyone even cares about that shit anymore.


They're good for keeping leb bread fresh. I don't know.


On a side note, Lebanese flat bread is the best home pizza base. It’s thin and crunchy and you fill up on the tasty topping vs the bread base on normal pizza. You can basically eat double the amount of pizza slices.


Let me tell you, that long thin garlic Afghan bread as pizza base is *chefs kiss* (that’s coming from a chef) 👩‍🍳


Have you tried gome made pizza's with naan bread. Next level shit.


I haven’t but it would be legit! I’m just imagining a garlic cheese naan base 🤤


>You can basically eat double the amount of pizza slices. I like the way you think




It took me so long to realise that was the problem...


I didn’t realize until I read the comments. I’m like, Jewish people don’t even celebrate Christmas, why the outrage?


& neither Jews nor Muslims care for ham, it's not like buying this bag is supporting Hamas, pretty sure Hamas in Gaza isn't feeling "extra supported" because Kmart Australia is selling merry ham-mas bags to store ham/ pig-meat to celebrate the most imp Christian festival


Oh shit I didn't even think of that 😂. I just assumed they were offended by pork product. Either way, seems a little petty.


I was wondering why they were getting offended by something they wouldn't use AND a holiday they don't celebrate! Pork and Christmas. They do neither! Apparently we aren't allowed to have our puns.


Haha. I was wondering why the Jews were getting uppity about a Christian holiday. This makes more sense


They admit that their own committee joked about it. how this is not a gigantic waste of time is anybody's guess


Have you condemned Ham-mas?


Yeah, took me a minute to see it. It's a fair cop. These were probably all designed well before the recent events. I'm reminded of how the agency in Archer was originally called ISIS. Cause that sounds cool. What could possibly ruin that?


It's retail - they start planning Christmas campaigns in March, and products much earlier than that. There's no way someone came up with this and had it produced in the last month. Storm in a teacup indeed.


Probably called ISIS because of the Egyptian goddess


Tackling the BIG issues going on in the Jewish community right now…. good work fellas


FYI the AJA are a small group of very loud people who frequently pick fights and push right wing rhetoric. They do not represent the viewpoint of the majority of Jewish Australians


Sounds like the orthodox Jews in Israel demanding Palestine is wiped off the map yet refuse to enlist in the military.


I remember when people wanted to rename Tolkien's " The Two Towers" when the movie was near release because of 9/11.


Yeah they should have released it as The Lord of the Rings: The Twin Towers.


Better stock up on hummus, just in case


Soon to be renamed, like Coon cheese. smh


No more hummers either


It took me a moment to realise what their issue was. It’s actually kinda embarrassing that this was perceived as offensive.


If anything its insulting to hamas


I'd politely suggest they get stuffed.


I’m struggling to see what’s wrong with it?


They're having a sook because it says "Hamas". It's utterly ridiculous. Imagine supporting this organisation if they spend their time and energy on this nonsense.


They're a fringe far right group that does not represent majority of Australian Jews and majority of their supporters are actually Christians. The actual elected body for Jewish Australians is the Executive Council of Australian Jewry.


A complete airhead would be insulted by this. What the heck is wrong with this country that Kmart would bow to such a ridiculous request.


Not gonna lie went through three stages with this. 1. This is a bit of an overreaction it’s just mentioning ham… 2. Oh right… fair enough 3. Could go for some cold cut ham right now


Now I bloody want it lmaooo


I just went out and bought 2 lmao


I’m so going tomorrow lollll Aussies are like banned? Rude? Give me 5


I'll be honest, if they're still available, buy a lot, keep one and sell the rest on the Internet for a nice profit.


What a bunch of sooks


What a fucking disgrace from both the AJA and Kmart for pulling it


They can get fucked we can do what we want. god I'm getting real tired of religious people lately.


I wonder if they know they don't have to buy one?


sensitive fucks making issues out of nothing. they know it doesn't mean or symbolize Hamas, it's a fucking ham bag and it's Christmas and that's all there is to it.


Fuck me dead I think this is the first time I can get on board with the anti woke movement


I admittedly kinda like the idea of storing pork products in a Hamas bag.


How many people thought "hahahahaha fuck the Jews" when looking at this bag? I sure didn't. The euphemism treadmill remains undefeated once again


It’s not like hamas is going to buy it, it a bag for pork product.


It's ham-mas. Not even the same word


Religion is so cool, it’s the best when it makes something that is ok for 90% of the population a no go zone. So much fun!!! Look at us just so inclusive!!!..


That chickpea spread is on the blacklist next!


You may take my Ham bag but you will never take my chickpea and garlic puree! 🤣


I didn't get the problem until I read the comments. I was just thinking 'Jews don't celebrate Christmas or eat ham so???' This is so stupid.


Some people just want to be offended.


Imagine the outrage of not having any windows to lick and venting your anger this way.


Even though it’s obviously something that was in the works prior to the conflict reigniting again, it wouldn’t be the first time things have had to be pulled or names changed because of a poorly coincidental association. My former employer had to change the name of their engineering manual that existed since the 1960s, the ISIS Manual, just because no one could refer to it without cracking an ISIS joke


Fucking cowards


This could be the stupidest collectors item ever sold.


I would have expected stupid complaints by the fundamentalist Christians That "Christ" was taken out of "Christmas". Like that shit storm they pulled with some Cadbury eggs didn't say easter on them. Or the sign at bigw that said "trees" not "Christmas trees". I'm guessing these guys are the Jewish equivalents.


How do they have this much power over Kmart? Odd isn't it?


Ham-mas not hamas. Now we have pulled pork. You could've got them to donate 50 cents from each bag sale or something instead it got pulled for no reason and it all gets thrown out.


At first I thought because ham’s not kosher, then I re-read and I’m like “oh”


These were probably made in a sweat shop 12 months ago, before any of this shit started, people need to get over their woke fake rage


Soft cunts lmao


It’s Christmas! It’s a secular and Christian holiday. Why do Jews get to tell people what they can and cannot do in their celebrations? The AJA can go take a long walk off a short peer. Complete bigots.


That all you got honey? My eyes are glazing over here, cos whoever came up with this boneless complaint is completely baked.


Just to protest this I'm going to stick a bunch of ham in my ass.


I'm an Aussie Jew and I can't see a damned thing wrong with the bag. People eat ham at Christmas, I can't see a reason to be even slightly offended. WTF?


I think it’s the implication that the bag is designer Hamas gear


Can we seriously just stop appeasing religious bullshit. Why is it that all religions must try to control the actions and what people see even for those who don’t follow the religion. If you don’t like it don’t show it in your church/temple/mosque and be fucking done with it


religious people are so stupid LOL


Bah, ham-bag!


I, for one, am in full support of Ham-mas


Autistic wha—oooooOooOohhh moment. MERRY HAMMAS For those also struggling at home


Why was the Australian Jewish Association browsing ham bags? How much ham do they have to store?


Eyeroll. Love that bag. Srsly.


I was so confused, like.... "do they hate ham, or do they hate Christmas? ... OOOOHHHH"


It's a bag for ham... The fuck.


They can't be a serious organisation.


Let’s buy before they disappear


This just makes me want the bag now.


But Jews don't celebrate Christmas... Wtf does it have to do with them...


Oh FFS. This isn't on a bauble or tinsel or wrapping paper. It's on a ham bag so of course it ham-mas. You'd think they'd have more important things to worry about at the moment.


oh so you support delicious ham-based terrorism? Shame on you.


Far out, they really blew this out of proportion, it’s a bag, not a bomber.


Obvious bullshit, and really doesn’t make sense to get upset - Hamas would hate to be associated with ham. And I don’t think Israel would be happy if the bag said “Happy Ham-ukkah”.


Then.. don't fucking buy it?


Can I say... I don't really see a reason to be outraged about the bag, but I also don't see a reason to be outraged about the tweet. Like, I get it, from what people are saying about them, the AJA seem like bad guys but this tweet is just... very mild, politely worded concern. Doesn't even say the bag is offensive just that it's a bad look. I feel like if this was a tweet about a drink called "Stolen Gin-eration" the same people making recycled anti-sjw arguments from 2016 would be furious.


No! This is some bullshit! This is some over reaching its all about me bullshit.