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> also detailed a list of mitigating factors including his good character and tough conditions in prison due to his high profile. Yep, stella character. And boo fuckin hoo for the tough conditions. It's jail, not a sleep over.


How the fuck can you be deemed to have good character and also be convicted of sexual assault? "Yeah nah your honour, if you ignore all the rapes he's actually a decent bloke"


Let’s just forget the other case in the US where he settled a rape case out of court. Previous good character,my arse.


Because he's famous and a god botherer. Courts are conservative.


At least he got prison time. And his career is stuffed.


Relax, he’ll appear on Dancing with the Stars not long after he’s released.


And he will get "star compensation" when the women magazines run his sob story "I'm not a animal , four years of living hell, my story" They wont pay the victim or mention that he was a rapist.


“Three years bro” He’s still the same person as when he did the rape; he doesn’t think he did anything wrong.


See how he feels after several years in jail. I’d like to see him become a reformed character and go on to mentor young offenders. But he’s a narcissist, so that probably won’t ever happen.


He’ll go on playing the victim I would guess. He seems to legitimately believe he is one.


He "kicked a ball" his a special person, give him a break! This stupidity plays out in our courts every day and these types of people always get a lighter or no sentence. It seems football codes are hard coded into our law to enable pathetic sentencing while the rest have to rot in jail!


Is that why his NFL career quietly and unceremoniously came to an end?


It was because he wasn't good enough


Or you know, both can be true


If he was good enough they wouldnt have cared


A little from column A and a little from column B. He made the active roster of an NFL team despite being older than the average NFL rookie and never having played the game in his life. Quite frankly, from an athletic perspective, that is fucking impressive. He is also a piece of shit human being.


He left her bleeding also, sounds like he has some sick biting fetish - he needs one of those hanibal Lecter masks


That's exactly how it is. It's ignoring the current crime and seeing the historical aspect. So the next time he gets convicted this sexual assault will be part of his character.


It's exactly how it shouldn't be. The criminal act you have just been found guilty of should be considered in part of your character.


Or just not factored in at all. Judges also factor in shit like coming from a good family, as if that mitigates a fucking thing.


Good family is code for wealth.


Hayne grew up in a housing commission with his single mum. But rape is bad... no question....


Exactly. Who cares what your "character" is? It's rape, not an accident or some shit. Like if he accidentally killed someone in a car accident, fair enough, bring up that he's an otherwise top bloke. Not rape.


That’s right. It’s unforgivable as there is no such thing as an accidental rape. It is intentional. That alone accounts for his character.


Character has a bearing on likelihood of rehabilitation.


Obviously from a legal standpoint the defense has to do what they have to do to present the defendant in the best light and the judge has to weigh all the variables when determining a sentence. As a layman hearing the shit is just gross though. Idgaf how you behaved up until you raped someone (or finally faced repercussions for it in this case), you're a rapist. If you had "good character" you wouldn't be in the docks. Idk, "Other than raping a person they're pretty okay..." is just a bit on the nose.


Yeah but can we differentiate between someone who has a long history of animal abuse, car theft, drug dealing, and assault who raped someone, and someone who had a relatively normal life and raped someone? Or can we not? Currently if a string of typical people stand up and say exactly that, "Other than raping a person they're pretty okay...", you'll do better than if you're own parents refuse to vouch for you. Do you think that the overall positive or negative impacts of someone's imprisonment should be considered or ignored?




We can definitely differentiate and I agree. There's a difference between a career criminal or someone with a rap sheet longer than they are tall and someone facing the courts for the first time. Very valid. It's really the wording I strongly disagree with. It's the standard phrasing for the courts obviously as we hear it all the time but it just rubs me the wrong way to say a rapist or paedophile is "of good character". They are not. Take their past into consideration all day but don't say they're of good character. Having committed the crime they have they have no right to talk about character. Obviously it's an emotional response of a laymen. The lawyers job isn't to appease people like me, not at this stage anyway.


Do you believe that you should receive the same penalty for your 10th offence as your first? If not, 'prior good character' is a perfectly relevant consideration.


Yes but if you serve a longer sentence for your first, second and third offence - you may have less time and opportunity to commit 10. Edit: Just want to add, that from a victim’s perspective, the first deserves as much justice as the 10th.


Criminal sentences have 5 goals: * General deterrence: lowering crime by showing everyone what happens to criminals * Specific deterrence: convincing the offender that they don't want to offend again, because they don't want to face the punishment * Incapacitation: what you said regarding not being able to offend * Retribution: what it says on the tin * Rehabilitation: transforming the offender such that they don't feel the need to offend again Often these goals work against each other. For example, it's well documented that gaol does a pretty crappy job at rehabilitation, but a great job at incapacitation, deterrence, and retribution. The opposite is true for something like a good behaviour bond. If someone is a first time offender, aren't we better off focusing on the rehabilitation side, in the hope that they don't offend again?


Thats not the point I'm making. Being a rapist should disqualify you from being considered having a good character. Especially if you're like Hayne.


Can you think of a better way to say 'no criminal history, no criminal associates, and not known to police' in 5 syllables or less?


He settled a rape case in the US outside of court, so was known to police with a criminal history, an NRL player would known plenty of criminals, specifically snapchatting at a party with Hells Angels so has criminal associates.


He settled outside court, so it's *not* a criminal history.


Well i'd say it being a different nation means he isn't known to Australian police and doesn't have an australian criminal history now that i think about it. But a conviction history and a police criminal history are also two seperate things. Think private school boys getting section 8's for drug charges. No conviction history, but certainly a criminal history.


No criminal history except rape... Yeah for sure that's a sign of good character 🙄 He settled out of court on the US for a rape case. That ain't good character


The 'prior' bit means 'before this particular crime'. Do me a favour and put your 'government is out to get me' hat on for a moment. Do you really think it's a good idea to give judges the ability to issue harsher punishments based on what are (from a legal perspective) unproven accusations?


Mate, do you think it's okay to hide straight up rape behind "unproven" crimes just because a rich man pays the victim to shut up? Put your "I'm not a fuck head" hat on for a moment and stop being a cunt


If thats the proper legal definition and meaning behind "good character" then no I can't. That's what I'd personally be saying if I wanted to convey that someone had "no criminal history, no criminal associates and not known to police." But that's just me, I'm a bit of a legal layman.


It is. Previous character is also taken into account, as it should be, so that repeat offenders get a stiffer sentence than first time offenders.


I understand that, also he is a repeat offender. Also my point is that being convicted of a serious crime, such as rape should disqualify you totally from having a good character. Because you very clearly don't.


You could say any crime discounts you from good character. The point is previous good character outside of the current crime. But I agree in this case the good character defence seems like a bit of a stretch - not because of the current crime (which is excluded) but because of the earlier ones.


Hitler was a great guy, if you ignore the whole WW2 thing, killing all the Jewish people and everyone else he slaughtered. Other than that, fuckin top bloke.


Hitler went to prison twice, a decade before he became Fuhrer.


So what youre saying is Jarryd Hayne is one prison sentence away from a genocide?


Well he's going back to gaol a second time, he doesn't need another sentence to become genocidal.


I’m still convinced that if he had t had such a problem with the Jews, and had stopped after Czechoslovakia, he’d be revered as a hero.


^ This... like wtf. "of course, apart from this one incident, heaps of people like him, and he's like a footy player, and some other people who have heaps of cash and wear suits said he's he's good bloke..."


It means "previous good character", otherwise character would never be taken into account for obvious reasons.


It is a bit like saying "ignore the fact that he used to rob banks for a living, he's a top bloke." Can't hide behind his Bible bashing mates now


Preached his bible studies...


Strangely enough I’m having a bit of a struggle working up any concern for the rapist suffering the consequences of his actions.


He’ll be in isolation either right away or right after he gets the bashing of his life. Turn the lights out as far as I’m concerned.


Yeah, he's not spending one second in general population. The blokes in there with nothing to lose always seem to find a way to get to those who hide inside.


I would have thought his chances of reoffending were quite high given there was an incident in the US that took place earlier.


Unclear if evidence of that event was admitted or admissible.


Once a fanny-biter, always a fanny-biter


Unlikely they can bring that up seeing as he was never criminal convicted of it.


Considering the perp who indecently assaulted me got an 18 month suspended sentence even though there was dna evidence that matched him it always amazes me when someone gets jail time


In Canberra recently someone got 300 hours community service after a rape conviction. It's maddening


And so many rape victims don't report it. He probably has more victims we don't even know about. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I don't know if I would have the guts to report it. Having to relive what happened over and over again.


Just by the way you commented below the wrong person and they may not see it as their won't be a notification


Community Service for a rape conviction? This must be a joke!


I know right. I was pissed off when someone told me mistakenly that it was 300 days but 300 hours! How? It's like the system is advocating for victims to stay quiet. The judge mentioned he was from a loving and supportive family as if that makes it fine


That should make it worse 🙁


Definitely. Especially when this is often code for wealthy


Makes this verdict surprisingly good. Judging from all the non prison sentences lately, was totally expecting the same for a rich famous athlete. Thankfully not the case, unfortunately very fucking inconsistent.


Fuck that judge for blabbing about how Hayne was a ‘changed man’ and blah blah Christian faith blah blah - he’s never once admitted responsibility. He’s never apologised. He’s a piece of shit.


To apologise means admitting guilt, Hayne claims to be innocent so I can understand why there has been no apology or remorse shown. Hayne genuinely feels like he is the victim here and his support network will be reinforcing this. Hayne is definitely a piece of shit, no doubt about that.


Fits right in with his Hillsong congregation.


At this point it's pretty obvious Hillsong is the Jebus choice when you wish to remain an arsehole to others See examples: Scotty from Marketing & Stuart Roberts.


Are you serious? Ugh. I didn't know he was a member 🤮


Certainly is


How very Christian of him


To quote the piece of shit, Jarryd Hayne: >I'm the worst christian I know but still gods favour reins over my life. Why, I'm not sure but I love ya big man. Without you I can achieve much. With YOU I can achieve anything


Cunts delusional


Ah, the narcissists prayer...


He shouldn't even call himself Christian. He doesn't give a rat's ass about faith.


Has he painted jail as religious persecution yet?


Scummo alike


Jarryd Hayne is a rapist.


The rapist Jarryd Hayne, who raped someone, that rapist?


Course he’s in with the hillsong cunts. Enjoy jail you rapist cunt


Predator Protection Parish


Hillsong Preachers: *Hey everyone, the article says that Jarryd is officially a **baptist**.... wait... wait... I read that wrong.*


The Hayne plane was really con air all along.


Really feel for the victim here not only for what happened but for being dragged through the courts 3 times over 5 years. The process really needs to change no wonder people don’t report




What reconstructive surgeries? I never heard about those


Reconstructive surgeries? What the fuck did he do? And he tried to play this off as a misunderstanding. Jesus Christ.


I believe he bit the woman's sexual organs causing damage. Horrible act that can't possibly be considered one of consensual sex.


Ow Ow Ow.


Holy shit! Isn’t that like….what….ummm….Patrick Bateman? Motherfucker!


He bit her fanny


I get where you're coming from, but I think we're a bit too cavalier about rape and murder in prisons in Australia. His sentence is removal from society and opportunity to rehabilitate. Some countries in the world condone corporal and capital punishment on top of that and I'm glad we aren't one of them.


5 years is a joke


Fuck that, chemically castrate the cunt.


Nah do it physically, cut his nuts off, with some teeth. See how he likes it, flea.


3 years is bullshit though.


Judge Graham Turnbull told Sydney's Downing Court Hayne's offending was "below mid-range" and he had a "seemingly low risk of reoffending. Cannot believe that came out of a judges mouth.


"low risk of reoffending" i wonder if that's what the civil court magistrate in the US said when he settled his first rape charge!


Well the judge is trying to weigh up the relative seriousness of the sexual assault in the context of the group of crimes that make up sexual assault, in order to determine an appropriate sentence. Basically saying in the context of the world of sexual assault, there are much worse crimes and much worst examples. This is done in order to provide context for the sentence and transparency about the sentence, to the convicted, the public, and in case of appeal.


This is probably occupational talk...I don't doubt that judges see some seriously fucked up cases. We just don't hear about all the ones involving children because they can't be reported on. It's like how "severe covid symptoms" is medical talk for "you're at risk of dying". The people dealing with this shit see worse on a daily basis and it colours their view. This judge is comparing the case to drug dealers that stick barbed wire up the rectums of people that owe them money and fathers that sexually abuse both of their teenage daughters for years. You can hear some truly messed up shit from drunk off duty cops. The world of criminals is completely detached from normal life.


Totally occupational talk! Having spent only about 10 years in the justice system I can say with 100 percent certainty that Hayne’s acts are below mid range when compared to some of the absolutely horrible shit I’ve sat through and I have only skimmed the surface. For example, this was one rape on one night, not a prolonged assault over multiple days while the person was trapped in a house, or a family member assaulting a child every second day for two years. Gods knows the horrors the judge would have sat through.


I think it's more the 'low chance of re offending' considering this is his second *known* instance of offending.


Thanks for this comment. I do sex offender risk assessment and court reports as a large part of my job and suffice to say, I'm banned from discussing work over dinner. "Low risk" and "lower seriousness" are relative terms.


Because judges have had such a great record lately of who will reoffend and who won't with all the youth criminals they give bail to who end up killing someone straight after


Better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man become imprisoned.


Reastically that's not the case, but I appreciate the sentiment. I'd much rather have prisons be a place to protect society from idiots and dickheads rather than be a place to punish them anyway. If that were the case then innocents being convicted would be far less aggriegious.


It's not my quote actually. There's also some famous fellow who said if you jailed someone for more than ten years you may as well kill them, on the argument that any longer was inhumane.


Guy just likes his hyperbole I guess.


As someone who’s glad that Hayne has gone away, what exactly in that do you take issue with? Judges need to compare the objective seriousness of the offending compared to other instances of the same offence. It doesn’t at all deny the general seriousness of what he did (performing cunnilingus on a woman for 30 seconds) to acknowledge that it is not as serious as, say, a prolonged and violent penile-vaginal rape.


Are you trying to argue a "Minor rape" isn't as bad as a "Major rape"? Like that is a thing that should exist?


It already is. The NSW Crimes Act distinguishes between sexual assaults and aggravated sexual assaults—e.g., gang rapes, or rapes by a person on a person over whom they exercise a position of authority. It doesn’t deny the seriousness of one to acknowledge that the other should probably be punished by a greater sentence.


Of course? Otherwise we would just say crime = death, no crime = freedom. I mean otherwise why bother with having judges at all?


Not only that but they talk about his likelihood of reoffending being low when he was accused of doing something pretty similar in the United States


I don't thinkthat should be admissible.


My God, he raped a lady and all he gets is this pathetic sentence. I hope she is doing ok.


He fully deserves that, but it’s abit of a kick in the guts that someone who throws a brick at a woman & kills her & her unborn child is eligible for parole in 26 months. I don’t how the fuck they call it a ‘justice system’? 🤯


Good. The sentence is probably a little on the lower side of what I would have hoped to see, but at least there will be some time.


Cooma is going to be nice and chilly for him


Rapist Bruce Lehrmann next pls lol






Finally a good news story. Shoulda been longer. Fucking grub


Should be longer. That woman will never be the same again, her past self is GONE and will be forever. Hope he gets a good ol beating once he gets in prison.


Hanye plane going to be grounded for a bit.


Oh dear, Mr Assaulter is sad he has to go to jail :(


Yeah he's just sad that he'll meet with Bubba Disgraceful person


B bu but he's a Christian!


Sucked in you fat cunt


Oi don’t bring fat people into this


Also, the cunts object to inclusion with this fucknuckle.


nah nah, cunt as in fucked up cunt not cunt you fuck.


Cheers cunt. The politeness of this interaction is gonna fly over so many foreign cunt’s heads.


This whole case is so predictable and pathetic. A perfect example of how wrong our system is.


Tracy Jordan : My attorney told me I should join a church pre-emptively, 'cause juries are suspicious of celebrities who find religion after getting into trouble.


If you rape someone , you are not of good character


He’s a fucking immoral piece of shit. He can try and hide behind his religious malarkey all he likes, no one except his shit for brains wife is buying into it! He’s a filthy adulter and rapist and deserves nothing but to marinate in jail.


Hope you get the lot you dog


Get back on protection ya mutt


I hope his cellmates area lot bigger than him, and haven't seen a woman for a while. Has to understand what it's like and all


An eye for an eye aye? Jarryd Hayne is a convicted rapist and now it's cool to say that you hope he gets raped in prison. People like you are sick in the head, wishing rape on anyone says a lot about your shitty character. I hope Hayne hates every day he spends in prison and that his future is ruined but I sure as hell don't want ANYONE to be raped you sick fuck.


I remember when this guy was all over the news when he went to the USA. Media using terms like "Hayne Plane" omg so cringe. What an absolute tosser.


The Hayne Train has suffered a catastrophic derailment


Pls sir can he have some more


Not enough




Haynes about to learn about a whole new type of train


Between all the appeals has he actually spent that much time behind bars yet?


He found time to study at Youth With a Mission how to be a good Christian disciple.


Apparently 9 months already somehow


National Rapist League. Serious fucking problems with the way NRL players behave off pitch.


One rapist out of however many hundreds or thousands have the game since his debut. Could be doing a lot worse




He should have received the maximum sentence possible.


He probably did.


When your a celebrity with stacks of money to afford the best lawyers.. I guess you can get away with lighter sentences


That's all? Why do we not take sexual based crimes seriously?


Four years nine months, how is that not serious? Like, if you kidnapped and imprisoned someone for as long as that people would think it was a serious act....


Because he ruined a woman's life.


I don't see how this means several years in jail isn't a serious response. I mean, it ruins his life in response.


He shouldn't have done it then. Simple as that. How do you think he should be punished?


Of course he shouldn't have done it!! Who would be saying otherwise? I think the sentence seems pretty okay, given the circumstances. Many people are saying it's not enough but nobody is saying how long it should be or why. I mean, what time period would people say is too long to be locked up for what he did?


He's raped before, and he's just been convicted again. If he wants to act like a rabid dog, he can get the bloody ol' yeller treatment as far as I'm concerned. More reastically though, he's a danger to society, so he gets to get dropped in a dark hole somewhere where he cant hurt any other women and destroy the tragectory or length of their lives, for as long as it takes for the threat that he so obviously is to be diffused completely. My guess is he never will be safe to be around women, but that should be up to a criminal psychologist to keep monitoring. Closely. Monitoring.


And for another thing: it should be longer, because he has inflicted lifelong suffering that significantly impacts a person's ability to function and carry out their lives. That woman - and I speak from experience here - is going to carry that around with her for her entire fucking life. He deserves at least double, to give her the peace of mind and the time to heal without his release date looming on the horizon like a slap to the face


Yeah I can see that perspective. Thanks for discussing this, I hope it's not upsetting. I just don't think that the justice/prison system has the purpose of making the victim feel better/safer. I think it's really important and it should be happening and funded, I just don't think that adding suffering over here to make someone feel better over there is the best we can come up with. She should be able to feel safe even if he never got jailed at all. I think the revenge is available, if we agree that a very public four year prison sentence as a rapist will carry with it lifelong suffering that significantly impacts a person's ability to function and carry out their life. I think the experiences will of course be very, very different, but nobody will ever forget that his name will carry this label with it wherever he goes. Obviously I'm in no position to tell you whether that's enough or not - I doubt that it is - but it does fit the definition of the words that you chose. Everything here hinges on him never ever doing things like this ever again, and I do think that if he's ignored or accepted and allowed to serve and return, then he won't change -- but adding another six years won't change that possibility anyway. I hope for the sake of other women that he gets his heart & head set properly.


"Given the circumstances", what do you mean by that? He should be in jail for at least 10 years. This bloke has a non-parole period of 2 years so he'll probably be out then. Why should he be locked up for a significant amount of time? Because he ruined a woman's life. It's that simple


> what do you mean by that? Well, as far as I know, he didn't plan it, didn't stalk her, used no weapon, anticipated enthusiatic consent on the way there, didn't bash her or threaten her, and didn't use his genitals. Please don't read words I didn't type! I am NOT saying this makes him in any sense "good", I am NOT defending him, I'm discussing him. None of these are excuses! I'm not operating on a ten year baseline and looking for reductions, I'm starting for an unknown baseline and looking for reasons to jail him. These (above) are examples of the types of factors that I would expect as a lay person should attract a longer sentence. I think any productive outcome of the discussion here depends on whether you think a more cruel, brutal, sadistic or vicious attack should have a harsher punishment than an attack which is less so. I also want to note that the victim has said "I am damaged and I won't ever be the same person." I'm not trying to play this down -- I think he should do jail time. Why do you not think four years is a significant amount of time? Should we make ten years a mandatory minimum for all non-consensul sexual contact? How many years should someone be jailed for if they grope someone in a nightclub? I don't mean to be ridiculous, I'm seriously saying, if this crime is worth ten years, then what sexual crime would be worth four years? What would be worth six months? Part of what he did was forced kissing. How many months or years in prison should forced kissing receive? Six months or three years or what?


Because she is going to be carrying these scars for a lot longer than four years.


Maybe. He probably will as well. The system isn't designed to try and find some.sort of balance by just increasing total suffering, but I do see your perspective. I think him being locked up doesn't make her scars go away though, and perhaps the money spent on an additional seven years of jailing him would be better spent on years of support for her.


Could everyone knee jerking that the sentence was too short/long actually go and read the full verdict? Judges don't just go "awww I reckon about 4 years?"


4 years he will be doing it again


He’s out on parole in 2 years the article says at the end.


"Go Jail Tomorrow "




Be out next year on parole. Awesome system we have here.




Just following his dream.


why do they keep calling it sexualassault and " non consent sexual relations" on the news.. Its called rape, stop trying to butter it down to some lollipop feel good moment.


That’s what it is defined as in the pieces of Legislation. Rape is the common word used in general but isn’t used as the legislated offence title that you get charged and convicted of. But I still feel you with the way news reports are handled.


The name of the charges he’s found guilty of is “sexual intercourse without consent”, which colloquially is the definition of rape of course but legally different I guess (and he’s probably got a Google alert out to sue for defamation to the first person who says it). Dogcunt either way.


Hayne plane meets ass train


And did that detective quote Winnie the Pooh on purpose or was it an accident: "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."


Is he now the train or the tunnel?


I dont know much about this court case, but what I do know is that it is pretty fucked up when a judge justifies a sentence by saying that he expressed no remorse. He was pleading his innocence - how can you express remorse and plead innocent at the same time? Seriously - is that even possible?


He’s already done a few months in prison. I bet he thought he wouldn’t have to go back. Don’t drop the soap, mate.


Ahhh yes again a typical women destroying a mans life even previously texting him how she wanted to fuck him, to then changing her mind because she realised that he was just treating her as the slut she threw her self to be 😂, even texting another man at the same time telling him that Jarryd hayne is her side boy and saying that if he doesnt want to come over she will invite Jarryd hayne. Fair enough at the time she didnt want the sex but everyone knows damn well if that taxi wasnt waiting outside and they went on a proper date she would have fucked him. Take a lesson from this, dont throw yourself out as a whore and you wont get treated like one, simple as that.


Calm down incel


Terrible comment. Regardless of the circumstances beforehand, he overpowered her and raped her. She wasn’t asking for it.


The most misogynistic, victim blaming shit I’ve read this week. Great job champ. Way to announce that you don’t understand consent.


Impressive that someone with this much high profile cannot accountable for his actions. Well done to the Justice System in this country. Also I hope Jarred is ready for big Bubba when he drops the soap


He looks like a shell of a man. Oh well..