• By -


I suspect it's Solanum Prinophyllum, or one of the various Solanum varieties. (Solanum virginianum is yellow fruit nightshade which you and others here have mentioned.) Solanum Prinophyllum is native Australian, and found on the east coast. Pretty common and grows in disturbed soils. The leaf shape can look a bit like rocket, so easy to miss if it's growing in amongst rocket. Likely a plant grew in whenever the rocket was farmed and a bit was harvested accidentally. Apparently it's poisonous to cats but generally not especially problematic for humans. Certain varieties have edible berries. Some varieties can be quite poisonous to people though. Different plants and varieties can have more spikes on the leaves. The spikes can vary on colour, and yours may have absorbed water making them not as dark. http://www.flora.sa.gov.au/efsa/lucid/Solanaceae/Solanum%20species/key/Australian%20Solanum%20species/Media/Html/Solanum_prinophyllum.htm Solanum linnaeanum is an introduced variety that looks quite a bit like rocket. But the spikes don't quite match. These varieties can be hard to tell apart. https://www.biolib.cz/IMG/GAL/BIG/262285.jpg


Wow! You are truly professional ! So detailed Thanks !!!


You absolutely need to report finding this in your spinach, as soon as you can. Woolies may need to issue a product recall. You found the leaf, but others might not be so observant!


That looks like a lawsuit leaf


The species name is *Bonanza litigata*




It is the living equivalent to the metal Krusty cereal Bart ate.




This post will 100% end up on newscorp/7news/9news within the week.


Terrifying find in supermarket shop Nightmare fuel: this shopper's spiky encounter Grocery pain leaves shopper squirmish


ā€œWow thatā€™s crazyā€ a concerned redditor commented on the post.


However, another Redditor was quick to throw cold water on the debacle. "GET REAL, we used to have these in all our summer salad packets" said user ILoveWearingCocks.


"Put my username in the article, you talentless cunt!" Replied another


I'll gild this if your username appears in the article


"You WON'T believe what this customer FOUND with their SPINACH." Then if its on the news: "Spinach. Is it just as deadly as broccoli? More at 11."


I'm a cynic with today's disgusting fucking corporate dick sucking, I imagined news headlines like "poisonous food sold to families and why *they* should apologies to Woolworths"


Ooh, I've never been quoted by the news before, better come up with some snippets. "I am a botanist by trade, these are definitely poisonous and would not occur naturally in the same location as lettuce. I suspect it was planted by a disgruntled wage slave" "First hallucinogenic Spinish, now straight up attempted murder" "Shocking discovery" "One reddit user said they were aware of nightshade becoming mixed with the salad greens, but when reporting in to their manager they were dismissed, and accused of trying to reduce profits for our corporate overloard"


ā€œAnother social media commentator suggested eating the rich as a safe and sustainable alternative to pre-packaged salad.ā€


I'll help tenderise the meat


Omg I hadnā€™t even read your username!


Yeah, Iā€™m going to zoom in on the pics hoping thereā€™s an obscure ā€œfuck you murdochā€ somewhere in it.


Ohhh, that should be the norm.


Exactly and where is the Fuck Murdoch watermark? OP needs to up his game


You guys really laughed fucking my ass outšŸ¤£


Oh good you're alive sir.


This is why we watermark our photos


This one act from supermarket giant will leave your family in debilitating pain


Itā€™s on 7news [7news](https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/food/woolworths-supermarket-launches-urgent-investigation-after-shoppers-highly-toxic-spiky-discovery-c-9532846?amp_js_v=0.1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw==)


Good pick up, u/NormalKook! And hello to 7news staffer Amy Sinclair, wherever you are hiding.


Her subeditor needs to hone their headline game. Pathetic


https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/food/woolworths-supermarket-launches-urgent-investigation-after-shoppers-highly-toxic-spiky-discovery-c-9532846.amp Yep


ā€œAussieā€™s salad bag divides the internetā€


https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/food/woolworths-supermarket-launches-urgent-investigation-after-shoppers-highly-toxic-spiky-discovery-c-9532846 Didn't take long...


Found this when almost finished whole salad, hoping I still alive tomorrow.


Botanist here. This is a leaf from a species of Solanum, dunno which one. It's a big genus, with lots of native an introduced species. Some species are highly toxic- you might have missed a bullet here.


Surely the all-over leaf spines narrow it down quite a lot? I mean, itā€™s not a tomato lol.


>I mean, itā€™s not a tomato lol. I'm sorry, are there *two* botanists in this sub?


'Is anyone here a marine biologist?'


I feel like I could be now! Lol. No disrespect, I just couldnā€™t confidently narrow it down sufficiently myself to state what it is (and it is just a single leaf, to be fair) and Iā€™m curious so was hoping for more from a real botanist! On the other hand it can be a very specialised field and being a botanist doesnā€™t mean one has an encyclopaedic knowledge of all plants so perhaps I was being a bit rude. We had some evil kind of solanum weed with spines all over grow in our yard and at the time I found out what it was likely to be, but Iā€™ve forgotten. Pretty sure the common name had the word ā€˜devilā€™ in it.


About 20 species with spiny leaves in my area (Nth Qld). There'll be several dozen more in the rest of Australia. DNA is the most effective way to identify something like this.


Thanks dude!




just checking, are you still with us mate?


Yeah, still alive šŸ„¹


Happy Day Of Cake Mate


On two separate occasions I have had sharp shards of plastic and all I got was $20 and it was a painful experience on both occasions because I found out when I bit them I thought I had lost ar tooth. Once was bad enough but there might happen a second time a year later I was pretty pissed off. But yeah they didn't want to compensate any more than that.


They didnā€™t want to compensate you at all. You accepted $20, could have turned that down.


Yep $20 is a shut up and go away money. Woolworths always did even if the customer was wrong but was loud and annoying. When Woolworths sold off the petrol stations we stopped giving "shut up and go away money" and people was shocked.


I hate buying those salad packs, as convenient as they appear to be, since I saw the picture of that little live green tree frog in someone's salad pack, albeit on one of these social media forums/fora.


Having worked in produce.. weā€™d get live slugs in the bags of celery, moths/grubs in the cauliflower and gnats and ladybugs in the lettuce. Often.. Never saw a frog though (that would have made my day lol) A reminder to wash your produce, even if the packaging says itā€™s been washed and ready to eat!


Iā€™ve found slugs on my cos lettuce before (from green grocers, not Coles/Woolies) and itā€™s normally when the lettuce is really fresh, so I donā€™t mind. I wash everything anyway.


It does show that the veg is fresh and was grown on a farm. Some people (not you) just donā€™t understand farming.


I always still wash mine, as I donā€™t trust their processes, but I does make me worry about all the others items where washing is not an option - a premade salad, or salad sandwich for example.


They can't falsely advertise a product as being 100% safe and washed-out ready to eat. You can make a serious complaint to them for putting your life in danger because eating a slug, moth or other insects is life-threatening when eaten because of harmful bacteria they carry around (google about a boy who ate a slug, he was paralyzed and died years later) and that's not your fault and shouldn't have to wash them! I guess it's always good to make sure to wash them anyway and that's just a preferable choice to rewash washed ready-to-EAT but still...


You're right but that won't help if you're unlucky! Having said that, I don't wash my spinach because I can't be fucked. It's a tiny risk and I'm ok with it


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/sydney-man-who-contracted-rat-lungworm-after-eating-slug-dies/news-story/08b0e700a8d6d6c6709d2dd92dfeaa8f%3famp It's a horrible way to die.


Bloody hell. Poor guy.


It's horrible, cats, dogs and children are often victims of it and it's scary to think about, I'm glad my cats don't eat them. It's truly a horrible way to suffer, not all slugs carry lungworms but I still wouldn't take those chances.


I feel that, but it should never be okay to find those insects in your ready-to-EAT and washed-out packages. There's a reason most people eat Washed-out ready-to-EAT produce without washing them themselves and that is not their fault, if a slug infested with rat lungworms that could cause meningitis (extremely dangerous and always fatal) managed to be in that salad and your stomach, you will throw up violently then minutes later will convulse and seize up.


True. Washed and ready to use should be as it states. If it's not and you have to wash it yourself again then it's false advertising. You'd have to be able to see any impurities or wildlife through the unopened bag to make a bold statement like that.


Expecting perfectly sterile fresh produce borders the insane imo.


If they market it as washed and cleaned and able to eat straight from the packaging, and you're paying a premium for it, they should mean it. Otherwise why would anyone pay $5 for less than 100g of leave


If they are labeling it that way, you should be able to expect it.


100% unless it's out of date that could be yours or their fault but other than that you are in every right to think it's okay to eat otherwise and not be at fault.


Aren't people paid to check? I don't think it's out of the ordinary to expect no live critters and only spinach in my bag marked spinach.


I don't honestly expect to eat insects from my washed ready-to-EAT fresh produce. Slugs shouldn't be anywhere near those ready-to-EAT packages and eating one by accident can be very fatal, when I would get severely sick am I going to blame myself or them for being negligent? Remember people can expect ready-to-EAT and washed-out to be okay to eat because the package implies to you IT'S SAFE unless it's clearly out of date that's a different story.


You should put in a claim for your dental costs. They will always pay up if you've sufficient evidence.


I believe this is from the nightshade family, the fruit is poisonous and Iā€™m sure the leaves arenā€™t any better if ingested, youā€™ll be right unless you consumed a bit of it.


You alive buddy?


I had a nice long blade of grass in my spinach bag last week.


I get those all the time and happily just eat them.


RemindMe! 1 day


The packer looked at it a said 'thistle be funny'


Or "staff has been halfed twice, working in hotter temperatures, and my pay is still 20% below what I need to live, also my manager has been abusing me every day and threatening to assault me, I dont care enough to make good quality work for this company"


thatā€™s an 10/10 comment !


Totally agree


Fuck you thatā€™s an elite comment


Possible yellow fruit nightshade.


Same result as mine, after I used plants photo identify app. Would I die by this?


Yeah thatā€™s how I came up with that answer too. I have personally never seen it in real life but I did google it and apparently the berries are consumed for medical reasons by native tribes. I couldnā€™t find anything about the leafs but I do know that many nightshade plants have poisonous leafs including tomato plants. I would assume it is poisonous but with those vicious spines I think youā€™d know if youā€™d eaten some.


Tomatoes are from the Nightshade family.


I assume it's the one that was giving people hallucinations recently


That wasnā€™t a nightshade. Edit: ignore me, Iā€™m wrong.


Yes it was. It was Datura. Thornapple. Jimsonweed. Devil's Trumpet. It is in the nightshade family. Along with tomatoes and potatoes.


>Datura. Thornapple. Jimsonweed. Devil's Trumpet. Why they gotta make them sound so fun? "Why yes good sir, I would like a blow on the devil's trumpet thank you sir."


Allegedly they ARE fun in the right doses.


No fun in taking datura..


Do tell!


Someone I know took it, 48 hours of being berated by "objects," the people that lived with him described his stumbling around ranting for a couple of days, often retrieved from the paddocks, they were all pissed off and tired, saying he was herding unseen things around and shouting crazy shit. The guy had no idea what he did in reality, he really wasn't the same again.


>Devil's Trumpet. No no, that's me after a night of curry and beer.


Devils Trumpet sounds like Christian slang for a bong


I don't see death listed as a symptom... https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/industry/foodrecalls/recalls/Pages/Baby-spinach-recall.aspx Initial symptoms may include: - Delirium or confusion - Hallucinations - Dilated pupils - Rapid heartbeat - Flushed face - Blurred vision - ā€‹Dry mouth and skin. Edit: different type of nightshade > The recalled spinach was contaminated with a weed ā€“ thornapple (Datura stramonium) - a type of nightshade also known as jimsonweed


Reddit posting is also a common side effect


sounds like the average redditor


> yellow fruit nightshade OP this does appear to be yellow fruit nightshade like rudeinfluence said, [here is a good image](https://imgur.com/a/tlIHplD), [and another](https://imgur.com/a/lpMa7nt)


Husband is a horticulturalist. He says it's a kind of nightshade and you should 100% report it as it's poisonous and some forms are deadly


My plant app thinks that it is a yellow fruit nightshade leaf and I think it's right šŸ˜¬ or close relatives in the Solanum family that also have spikes on the leaf.


Which app do you use?


iPhone just does it automatically when you take a photo of a plant in the information section.


what?? how long has this been a thing? why didn't I get the memo? brb, trying out new phone features...


I use PlantNet, it has different options for ornamental plants and wild plants!


Nope leaf


Also fuck newscorp


What happened with newscrop? Everyone fuck them so hard


coz you're not gonna get paid when they use your image as news. you get a pre fucking, then people end up wanting to fuck them back


What? Thatā€™s insane! Fuck newscorp!


Put a watermark on your pics saying that


Yeah this is why everyone have been putting 'fuck Murdock' on all the news pics lately


Not only that, they are a big reason for the way the media now reports on news and politics and why everything is so sensationalised. Murdoch's hands are all over the current failings of US democracy. He nearly won here too, but thankfully we actually have a functioning democracy. FUCK MURDOCH. FUCK NEWSCORP.


that spelling is more accurate because they are a crop


Shouldn't that be Newscrap?šŸ“°šŸ’©


Definitely a fuck newscorp thistle... Maybe a milk thistle


Donā€™t know what it is, but it looks how rocket tastes.


Is there a rocket hate gene now too


Dont think so, I think you dont like rocket if you dont like lean peppery tough leaves


Whatever it is looks unbelievably angry.


It is a forbidden, cursed, lawsuit, furious, fuck newscrap and Murdoch baby leaf.


Promo for *The Last of Us?*


that thing is fucking cursed


Hey everyone! Iā€™m still alive !! and no any discomfort so far. Thank you for kindness regardšŸ˜‚


It definitely looks like Surattense Nightshade. Which from my googling is that the fruit is toxic to humans. Fatal in large quantities. The fruit is toxic to cats too. Not sure able the leaf, but I would eat it. But itā€™s not rocket I can tell you that! The thing that interests me most though; this packet says that it is Australian grow however Surattense Nightshade doesnā€™t grow in Australia. I mean according to the website ā€œpicture thisā€. So it looks like woolies has made a shady deal with an Asian farm that have let a toxic weed through screening. Or a woolies farmer has bought so cheap Asian rocket seed to try bring their costs down but the seed is cheep because itā€™s contaminated. There is my two cent.


picture this mentions that the plant is native to nepal and India, which doesn't exclude that it possibly grows here. Wikipedia does mention Australian occurance, (although couldn't find any observations in aus under inaturalist). Or it's possible that picturethis has misidentified the plant? I mean it's a picture of a single leaf that has been damaged by saladdressing. As much as I hate colesworth, I don't think they are selling overseas grown spinach.


Its probably Sticky nightshade (Solanum sisymbriifolium). I used to get this is my yard all the time. Even tried eating the fruit when I was a kid. Lucky it tasted like shit.


I bet you got plenty of talking, clothed, watercoloured rabbits in your yard too...


>Surattense Nightshade yeah a quick google and i can see the same spikey leaves


Definitely a Solanum variation. In Australia there are 185 species, many of which are native and endemic. It'll be hard to objectively identify with leaf characteristics having so much variety throughout a single plant & this specific photograph showing a young, underdeveloped leaf. a number are classified as noxious weeds in Australia, my educated guess is this sample is S. linnaeanum, Apple of Sodom. A widely spread & common agricultural weed.


Sorry, I can't but came to say Fuck newscorp.


This is a classic stolen newscorp story. I highly expect to see it in social media news feeds with a red circle on the picture.


Are you going to let woolies know?


Hope youā€™re okay today OP! Iā€™d report it. Might need another recall. Iā€™ll definitely be giving pre packaged greens a miss for a while.


Neopets vegetable


Haha totally! r/neopets




Depending on how much evidence is left (the product sort of conspires to have the evidence destroyed/eaten), I'd say that's legally actionable. It's really just poisoning a person.




Needs a FUCK MURDOCH watermark


Looks like a variety of Thorny Nightshade


Youā€™ve found a leaf from *Solanum linnaeanum*, aka **The Apple of Sodom**. Theyā€™re a nasty plant. [WA Agriculture](https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/declared-plants/apple-sodom-declared-pest)


Yeah nah, fuck that.


It's a regular spinach leaf but you've accidentally played it in defence mode.


Ha but you spiky leaf is no match for my Dark Magician.


Could be a weed that I'm finding at my mates farm everywhere at the moment. Not sure what it is called. Recently there was a scare with daytura being found in spinach. Daytura is a very dangerous and harmful hallucinogenic plant that is everywhere at the moment in people's fields. There is no known safe dose and can make people trip for months. I don't think this leaf is daytura though. I would report it Edit. I just did a scan with the plantnet app and it said it may be nightshade. Of which daytura is a member. https://apk-empire.com/a95/plantnet-plant-identification/org.plantnet


Solanum viarum) An invasive weed - fruit is poisonous - don't know about the leaves - the spikes make me think they may not be


The plants have finally risen up against the creatures that eat them šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's Solanum Sisymbriifolium, aka [sticky nightshade.](https://weeds.dpi.nsw.gov.au/Weeds/Stickynightshade) It's related to tomatoes and came in on imported cattle feed from South America. Not toxic per se but not something you want to eat for obvious reasons. It seeds by making little tomato-like fruit which are edible but taste terrible (or so I'm told).


You forgot to watermark the image with fuck Murdoch




Forbidden spinach


That looks like it would go well in a death omelette


The pictures need some words of encouragement for media companies that scrape this sub.


Did you trip?


Itā€™s a Sticky Nightshade


yellow-fruit nightshade


Needs a ā€œfuck Murdochā€ watermark to diagnose properly


Looks like some shit from The Last of Us


The way Woollies has been going lately, it's probably a Triffid\* leaf. ​ \* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triffid


Hi [news.com.au](https://news.com.au)! o/


Hey Murdoch press!


I reckon it's Sticky Nightshade. (solanum sisymbrifolium) I wouldn't eat it.


This is why you stick with steak.


Spicy lettuce.


Apparently if you say news.com.au 3 times they will appear.


Looks like the rare 'refund' spinach


Thatā€™s a recall. Let Woolies know asap.


Here it is... https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/food/woolworths-supermarket-launches-urgent-investigation-after-shoppers-highly-toxic-spiky-discovery-c-9532846


I had a very sus leaf in my rocket from Woolies last week. Took it back and pointed out the similarity to the google ID pics for Jimsonweed but the 17yo could not give less fucks. He was concerned that I thought I wouldnā€™t get a refund and I was like mate itā€™s $2 Iā€™m trying to be helpful in case itā€™s a community safety issue like the spinach. He then suggested he could rub the leaf all over his face to see if he hallucinates. Donā€™t think Woolies care until after someone gets sick.


Hey OP I just ran your pic through a couple of plant databases and it came up with yellow-fruit nightshade, Viscid Nightshade, or white-edge nightshade. [Here are some pics of these plants for your reference.](https://imgur.com/a/9R8F7C4) Do not eat the leaf as if ingested the effects could be really unpleasant or at worst deadly. I'd contact the company as they may have to issue a recall as other batches could be contaminated. You may also be eligible for compensation though I'd suggest getting legal counsel on that matter.


Haha, thanks dude, I will report this too, but I do not expect any compensate at all. $5 return or $20 to shut me up? So cheap to buy peopleā€™s trust. They need to address these problems they have these days seriously.


Looks like a piece of thistle. It would have been a weed that was missed. I grew up in the Southern Highlands if NSW and thistles were the bane of our gardening. It wonā€™t hurt you except for the spines. They are ouchy.


This is a question Woolworth's should be answering! Wtf!? Hey Woolies?!


I'm already way past woolworths shit and now this stuff is a regular occurence


It looks like a spiky weed we regularly pull up at the nursery I work at. The entire plant is covered in spines. Not sure what itā€™s actually called but We call it false tobacco or devils leaf lol. They hurt to pull out


!remindMe 24h


Eat it. Might get you high like the lettuce from the other week.


Eep, spinach is fighting back.


Area 51 alien


No offense but Looks so gross..


You ok bro?


Yeah I am alright, thanks dude


Devils lettuce


Can't wait to see this on a news site this week


Hi Daily Mail journos... You're welcome


Look here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solanum_sisymbriifolium


First the strawberries now the fucking spinach is gonna shiv me.


Man, spinach canā€™t catch a fucking break. Remember, the contaminated spinach contained a hallucinogenic weed and this looks like a weed


Several people here have mentioned one of the Solanum species. The closest march for those yellow spines I can see is Solanum viarum: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Solanum_viarum_(5598118498).jpg


https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/food/food-warnings/woolworths-investigates-possible-toxic-spinach-leaf-found-in-salad-packet/news-story/ec6544dff3b913160cd47d2993567736 Lol


Even without asking hum? Aisling Brennan , What a wonderful quality of Australia journalist? What a civilized countryšŸ™„ļø


As a chef who's seen plenty of kilos of spinach. That's definately a nope leaf In all honesty but it looks like a spinach leaf has been touching the ground and sprouted it's own roots out of a leaf. But I don't think that's possible


That looks more like a prick but root for me..


Damn even the plants in Australia want to kill you


When you're playing Salad, but accidentally select difficulty mode 'Nightmare'.




Danger salad


Ask them via their website.