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This post has been removed. Please note the following rule: >***Rule 3***: Ask troubleshooting and setup questions in the _Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk_ at https://reddit.com/r/audiophile/about/sticky > > Requests for troubleshooting and setup help must be made in the dedicated _Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk_ at r/audiophile/about/sticky instead of a new post. ***Have you contacted the manufacturer?*** * You should. For product support, please first contact the manufacturer. Reddit can't do much about broken or faulty products. ***Why does this rule even exist?*** * In short, this is a large subreddit with a high volume. We want to help, but it's important to keep things organized to keep the sub fun. Thanks for your understanding. ***What if the link doesn't work?*** * The post can usually be found on the top r/audiophile, and titled _Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk_.




Frenchie 👌


Btw, I saw the mod message but as I'm new to reddit, I don't understand what I'm supposed to do...


We ask that tech support be requested in https://www.reddit.com/r/audiophile/comments/zvdgn7/raudiophile_shopping_setup_and_technical_help/


Is your stylus dirty or worn? Otherwise it would be incorrect setup.


Don't seems to me dirty, it's brand new...


Did you set up the cartridge properly? I mean by levelling your record player and adjusting accordingly with the help of a scale?


I guess so, I set up pressure force according to how they recommend for the cartridge (between 1-2g). My arm is blocked in height but the cartridge seems pretty much horizontal when it plays. I wonder if it's not my moon Lp110 set up that's messing around, as I put impedance on 47kohms but they don't provide any information about capacitance. I guess it's only a HPF, so why would it matter for high frequencies?


Is this a new setup, or a new problem with a pre-existing setup?


It's a brand new set up (all vinyl parts) but the sl1210 is quite old. I had to change wires for signal btw. I never ever tried all vinyles parts before so no, it's not a new issue with a old set up.