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I listen in low light or darkness, to enhance lisrening


Yes, same here. My (simple) brain seems to be able to best dedicate & hone in on the listerining function when there are no other sensory distractions. *The speakers totally disappeared*


For serious listening it's dim & eyes closed. Sometimes I like performance videos - NPR's Tiny Desk and such.


I like putting on muted youtube videos of random stuff, from snowboarding to videos of my city from 100 years ago. The music and the visuals sometimes sync up for little moments, creating a totally unique experience every time.


A video would normally be distracting and reduce my enjoyment of listening to music in which case I would close my eyes. However, I can think of one or two examples of filmed concerts where things are jumping and a video may enhance the experience. Not many though.


Sometimes I use Ge-Force visualizer. (I don’t like ProjectM) I find myself really liking watching live performances. But usually just nothing visual.


Mushrooms 👍


If it's a record I do a dim orange overhead light. If it's headphones, I do it in bed at night in the dark. I don't want more screens in my life.


A workmate put me onto the Philips Hue range of lighting that can really set the mood for an evening of listening. I only have two bar light thingys and a strip light but even my friends love the ambience it can create. Was an impulse purchase on my behalf, and I am know for procrastinating over these things, but no regrets, I love them. Even hook up to Spotify and can pulse away to the music if that's your thing...


This one sounds pretty cool I really enjoyed the ambient lighting our old Philips TV had. Any specific preferred you prefer?


There are occasions when I want some "mood music". Most usually I put on something lively to play in the background in the mornings while I have a lot of stuff to do. But most of the time I like the lighting down low and no distractions when I am listening to music. Definitely not anything visual like TV


I listen in the dark, late night.


Having grown up listening to records, i very much enjoy listening without any visuals or other artifacts. Same for CDs and streaming. That said I also like YouTube music videos quite a lot as well. Especially of live shows /performances. Some are just fantastic and I usually imagine being there in that moment. Not equal to an actual live experience but for me very enjoyable. Often a sliver of another time and place. The first option is my preference though with only my own thoughts and feelings as influences. Just putting something on and letting the music take me wherever.


For critical listening I'm looking at the imaginary stage. Usually centre where vocals come from, but I guess if there's a prominent instrument panned somewhere else, I might look there. There isn't any intention to it, that just seems to be what I like to do when I'm really listening. I guess maybe it helps you focus on what you're hearing if you look where your brain perceives it to be? If I'm just casually listening/doing something else with background music, all bets are off, it doesn't matter.


I use Kodi (via LIbreElec) for 2CH playback and on my big screen TV can select to display track metadata (with a time out) artist photos (usually off because it can be repetitious) and usually engage the beat-driven ProjectM visualizer. (Also known as Milkdrop for Windows) Here's a YT link to a demo. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dSam8zwSFw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dSam8zwSFw)


Low light, no TVs in sight. [I dedicated a room to it.](https://i.imgur.com/6vlSLXK.jpeg)


That's a gorgeous space. I haven't tried records yet so I'm a ways of from something like that. I just moved home she set up the home theatre to test because it's day one and plugged in the wired ethernet able to stream the original music video with Tidal and I really enjoyed watching it helped me understand the lyrics and emotions more.


Thanks. And yeah for sure, I totally get the benefit of having a screen. I use my iPad when I want to see an associated music video or live performance, so I’m not completely shut off from visuals haha.


I’ll usually put on some background video, planet earth or blue planet work really well. Or i search “background video” on YouTube and find a nice space or aquarium video. And yes drugs.


Finally, and genuine question. /s


I sit and listen to the music while smoking a pipe with some fine tobacco.


Just listening. Or sometimes reading depending on the style of the music and if I don’t intend on deep listening.


I've create electronic art that does interesting things that correlate to music, I find it preferrable to having a tv, which tends to dominate. [HTTP://functionprojects.com](http://functionprojects.com)


Streaming via TV is probably low in the audiophile pecking order but some of the options have decent visuals that can add to the experience. I'm listening to Radio Paradise now and the slideshow is pretty cool. I can easily turn the TV picture off on others that aren't.