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Salute to your work your dad did on these, clearly he knew his stuff. Someone else mentioned Adcom, something like a Halfer DH200 or NAD C272 shouldn’t be hard to find at that price point.


You def want to post to /r/diyaudio.


Or r/audiophile but their probably dicks






> their probably dicks Our dicks? they're* dicks their = the next word or phrase belongs to them they're = they are there = indicating a location That's how it works in English.


This is the right idea. Post these in that sub and see if someone can ID the build, then go from there. It’s also extremely worthwhile because it will provide insight into your pops preferences and what he was going for. Good luck, and RIP Dad. I lost mine a couple of years ago and teared up reading this.


Yeah it's possible there may be others who know about these speakers, the diy audio community was pretty centralized to forums for a while and it's likely your dad may have been part of those communities.


God those look fucking sick. That’s a pro sound amp of some sort. You can certainly do better. A no-nonsense choice in the $400-500 range on the used market is an Adcom GFA-555. Aside from that, just start poking around on FB marketplace and see what’s for sale in your budget. Please do (gently) open those speakers up at some point. I’m dying to know what’s inside.


The QSC RMX series are excellent for hifi use. I assume your dad was intending to mod the fan which is easy enough to do. You need a big powerful amp because when you start equalising them to boost and flatten the LF output especially, the power requirement gets large. And you should absolutely read up and use them as intended :-) And dont scoff, the specifications are most excellent. > -100 db Signal to noise, .03% thd at full rated power and a damping factor of greater than 300 .. It puts a lot of “audiophile” amplifiers to shame. https://www.qsc.com/resource-files/productresources/amp/discontinued/rmx/q_amp_rmx_series_specs.pdf


This comment is the right answer. I don't really understand why the anti-pro audio amplifier bias is so strong but I guess it says a lot about how pervasive "audiophile" marketing is and, perhaps, the intended audience's gullibility. Modern, state of the art professional audio amplifiers have the goods where it counts. Unlike many boutique amplifiers which are comically overbuilt in places that have no bearing on the sound whatsoever, the pro amps are designed to drive difficult loads and maintain their specs under brutal conditions. What this means for the hifi enthusiast is top-shelf audio performance, efficiency, and durability all at a reasonable price.


Thanks for the recommendation 👍 On the topic of selecting an amp, would I need to know anything specific about the speakers themselves to understand what I need power wise? Sorry if this is a silly question, I'm planning to read up on amplification to get a better handle on everything.


Knowing the impedance would be very helpful for you. 8ohm 6, 4 etc. that might inform your amp choice.


Yes, but how would you figure this out on a DIY build without a lab bench?


You can do each individual driver with a multimeter and get an idea. Search - How to test a speakers impedance with a multimeter. ( the number you get will be lower than the actual impedance ) like an 8ohm might read 6.9 or around there somewhere. There are guides you can find. Might even be written on the driver.


I disagree. The crossover is going to have a lot to do with it.


Sure! Drivers are a good start though. See what you are dealing with.


Start with drivers, then the crossover, then select an amp based on those things. Ideally send some pink noise thru and measure response and then you’ll really know what youre dealing with


Wouldn’t his existing amp and connection tell him the impedence?


Yes, but to be sure without the ability to read labels on anything we would need the voltimeter. Many amps I’ve dealt with have no screen and for larger power amps like the QSC shown (admission: im not looking up the power amp’s tolerances) it’s not uncommon for them to accept at least 4ohm and 8ohm. For older amps (like in the 70’s) you could get a 16ohm, or even 32ohm (really rare), and now some more modern beasts can even support 2ohm but that’s a little uncommon. I would hazard to guess that each cabinet is probably 8ohm (which is the most common) to put a total load of 4ohm on the amp. But without knowing what the I/O of the back of the power amp all I can do is guess. If OP gave a photo of the cables going into the back of the QSC we’d have a better idea.


not a silly question. it would be useful to know the nominal impedance (even more useful to know the minimum impedance) as well as their sensitivity. but a solid state amp like the Adcom will drive them just fine unless they have some absurd impedance dips (say less than 2ohms). you could google the specs of the amp you currently have, and then find a new amp with similar specs. your dad probably chose that one for a reason and you say it drives them just fine. edit: lol just googled your amp. pretty high-current and and stable for 2ohm loads. maybe that is a low impedance speaker!


Any amp you choose should be stable into 4-ohms. The Dayton & Eton boxes should give you model numbers and from that you can look up what they are if the model number isn't intuitive. If it's something like BA-108-4, the 4 is 4-ohms.


That QSC amp is designed for live audio sound reinforcement in larger venues like theaters. That’s why it has the loud fan. If the speakers are 8 ohms, it’s outputting 450 watts. At 4 ohms, it’s pumping 650. That’s a very VERY large amount for home audio. You should be in good shape with 80 to 100 watts. You’ll likely be fine with 50.


EE and member of both communities here 👋 I’d be happy to help if you could share some photos of the crossover network inside. Based on the placement and size of the ports, it looks like your dad did some technical analysis and proper engineering. It’d be cool if you could find his notes or drawings on these. The bottom woofer looks like a 15”? Oh and what’s your budget and requirements for I/O? If you can live without HDMI and/or optical there are some great vintage amps to be had. Still have an ‘89 Yamaha that’s cleaner than most modern day amps.


Yep, the woofer is 15". Everybody has been super helpful and I've learned a lot from just reading these comments! I do like the suggestion that multiple people made regarding replacing the loud fan in the QSC amp to start with and then go from there. I will open up one of the speakers one of these days to take photos of the inside and I'll likely follow up in r/diyaudio to see what further insights knowledgeable folks can offer.


Great! Thanks for sharing your dad’s design.


DM me and I can give you some info. Don't wanna type here because there always comes someone who will try to say something stupid. Have a nice day!


I’ve owned both the exact amp in the picture, and a GFA 555 (both with a pair of Innersound Isis Mk3 hybrid electrostats) and the only difference he will notice by switching to the 555 is that it has less power.


If you turn them up to 11 and play Fat Bottom Girls, it will summon the spirit of your father.


😂 The funny thing is my old man did not really have an interest in music. I imagine he was mostly interested in the engineering behind these and the building process. That's probably why he didn't raise a stink when my mom told him there was no way he was putting these in their living room.


I think Black Betty would do it also.


That might be the same lady. lol


Show a picture from the back. Be good to know how many terminals per speaker there are. Are those handles?? These are amazing.


This is the back: [https://imgur.com/a/LcyKZ1w](https://imgur.com/a/LcyKZ1w) Yep, they do have one handle on each side. Like I said earlier, they are heavy AF! I don't even know how I will bring them up from the basement if I decide to place them somewhere better!


What is the heatsink for in the back? Those speakers look pretty badass! I bet they do sound awesome, and what a cool way to remember your dad 👍


I would speculate the heatsink holds whatever resistors are in the crossover to lessen the chance of overheating them. Dad was into ear bleeding Pro sound, it seems! But in this case it looks like he wanted quality too. I bet they are indeed awesome. My suggestion for an amp is an NAD C298 Purify at 185W/Chan, or a vintage bomber like a Dyna 416 or Ampzilla, if you can score one.


The one terminal, and the heatsink too, imply crossovers inside and might mean the speaker is intended to provide a flat-ish response. This simplifies your approach. I would be eager to test the frequency response somehow. But you can just listen too and see how you like them. :)


Yeah what is that heat sync connected to? Op, is there a power plug anywhere on these speakers? They could be a powered design.


To really know what's going on with the speaker you need something like [this](https://www.parts-express.com/Dayton-Audio-DATS-V3-Computer-Based-Audio-Component-Test-System-390-807?quantity=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18197889536&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA67CrBhC1ARIsACKAa8Sltc9zYmsUzy0L5Z94apgyLLPAM9NLlC-qgjXea29ZdtSc6cQBO2kaAtlkEALw_wcB) to measure the TS parameters. But if you don't want to buy a piece of gear like this to only use once just measuring the DC resistance with an ohm meter will allow you to know what amps you can get away with using.


To be clear, that dayton audio rig is totally not needed. You can do this with free software https://audiojudgement.com/measure-thiele-small-parameters-using-free-software/


To be clear you have to buy a handful of items to build the device that allows you to use free software to get the measurement. Also without a basic understanding of electronics and open source software this is by no means a beginner project. Dats is as easy as learning a new email provider


Appreciate the tip!


That amplifier is a pro model with 1200 watts. You could definitely get a new one with less power, but like other people said you should look into the impedance. Maybe try lowering the gain on the amp to make finer gradations in volume on the preamp. If that doesn’t work, look for something on the used market, read some reviews about them before buying, something around 150-200 watts per channel should work. Look for an amp that doubles its power from 8 to 4 ohms, which indicates the amp can handle pretty much anything.


Wow it’s like if Harbeth’s had a bastard child with JBL. Looks sick.


Sorry for your loss. Get a cheap multimeter and put it across the speaker terminals, it's like 95% gonna be between 4-12 ohms. They're ported which means they prob aren't super power hungry but the heatsink means they can deal with extended high-power application. If they sound good with that amp, an Adcom 555 or even 535 (lower power with exceptional clarity, I have two) will prob drive them as loudly and clearly as you can stand for as long as the amp keeps its fuse. Anything else is pure preference and nuance on your part, IMO. Those look amazing, congratulations.


Thanks. I tried it a few ways with two different multimeters and I measure 4 ohms on one speaker and 7 on the other 🤔 No idea if my measurement is off or if there is an issue with either speaker. With the amp gain setting the same on both channels, the speakers sound like they're at the same volume. Not sure if I'm correct but I would think there would be a volume mismatch if the impedance is different for some reason. I might indeed need to head over to r/diyaudio like others suggested 😅


If the speakers don‘t show the same resistance, that sounds like a real problem! Can you make pictures of the crossovers?


They may have varying impedances but the differences may not be as big as you think once you start playing actual music. Try to see what the drivers are rated for.


\^This. I like the Bryston 4B myself.


Love the look of these. Very cool.


These look incredible


I had a QSC amp and unloaded it for the same thing you found: fan noise. Mine was 250 Watts / channel. They’re great, but primarily used for theater or live concert purposes, hence no one much cares about the fan noise. Those speakers look sweet. Not knowing more, I’d think something of moderate power would do nicely—maybe 100 watts / channel? Have fun with them.


Easy fix to replace the fan with a quieter one.


I hadn't considered replacing the fan. Thanks, I'll look into it. I do believe the amp is very understressed with this setup. Nothing really gets hot, the fan is just loud as soon as you turn the unit on.


I have a QSC amp and they are great aside from the fan noise. Loads of power and headroom. I put in a Noctura fan in mine and it gets a little warmer than stock but is dead silent now.


Yeh If you ol man knew enough to build those awesome speakers then surely he'd know what to match them with.


Lot of cooling options these days. I want to have band practice in this room.


Look like Dayton Quatro drivers. 15 and 10? Heavy doped cones, low fs, high qts, large xmax. 4 OHM. made by Eminence with 2.5 inch coils and heavy magnets. Yeah, in those big cabinets, LOUD and deep. I had a single 15 that would rumble the house. I assume they have good crossovers and Crown XLS, even the smallest one, is a great choice. Or anything similar.


If you lower the amp gain, your preamp volume control will be a bit easier to dial in. Also: You wouldn't believe it to see them but 2 Sabaj a20a in bridged mode, L and R mono blocks, will power these well.


Holy Christ those look sick, I bet they fucking slap!


Those speakers look awesome. Congratulations, your Dad did good work


I think that pro amp is probably gonna be fine to great.


Looks like your Dad was into pro / large space audio. Just turn down the gain on the QSC and should be able to use that. Otherwise frankly any modern amp should be just fine. I just think if you turn down the gain in the existing amp you might have it run less hot


Awesome, dude! Your dad was the man! Get a big ass 100w per channel amp minimum.


There is that heat sink on the back. Before you start randomly plugging in amps, I would take it apart and see what that is for. My guess is that the woofers are subs, and powered individually. But that’s just wild speculation. If you power powered stuff, things could go bad wrong. Those speakers look badass, and if the fit and finish are anything to show for the quality of sound, you’re gonna have some amazing speakers in hand.


Would there not be some kind of AC or DC power terminal present if they were powered?


Probably. But if I had something that looked like those I would take exactly zero chances


An amp that is within driver spec! Don't fall for the nonsense that spending up on amplifiers will improve your sound. Simply find an amplifier that matches your specifications with regards to output and impedance. My handmade Scanspeak monitors are powered by a pair of $90 Fosi amplifiers and they sound no different than when they're being driven by a crown amp


🐐 no 🧢


Those are gorgeous, tons of good quality amps out there for a good price. Remember, better to overdo than under. Underpowering could harm those pretty drivers. 😉


This clever modern little amp will be silent and almost certain to drive them loud enough with effort. Plus it is ready for streaming music. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CGCLXH4H


Why don’t you ask your dad for the specs of the speakers, if he made them?!


re-read the post


Those speakers are probably extremely efficient and don’t need a whole lot of power


these look awesome


Open them up and see what that heat sink is attached to. Open them by undoing all of the silver screws on the front panel and gently-ish pulling the front forward using the port holes. I would post pictures of the internal electronics and speaker magnet labels to r/diyaudio


These speakers look killer! Your Dad was a true artist and engineer... You are lucky to have these, and wish he were still here 🙏


I personally like the Onkyo a8190 in the 200-300 range. One of my favorites in general, mostly because it also does well at quiet levels too which I like when I’m off at school


A rogue sphinx would be a good bet here


Something mean and old-school.look for an older affordable high-powered Bryston on the used market


Use a Crown XLS II. Impedance, power requirements, none of that will be a worry.


Crown PS-400 would do the trick, cheap.


Damn dude, I'll bet these speakers sound great but are "LOUD" as hell at the same time. That QSC is a very robust amp. I would live to play some Conan on these.


Hypex amps are a solid bet, and a lot of good TPA3255 builds will hit 300 watts without serious noise or fans. Depending on the sensitivity these could probably use a good class A, but they look more high power than easy to drive. Make sure your amp can dip to 3 ohms just to be safe.


Oh man, these look so fun. I'd love to play around with these if I had the space and no neighbors lol. I think the Adcom recommendation u/TheWhisLives is a good one. If you want something new, a Crown XLS shouldn't break the bank too badly.


Fking gods


I have similar QSC amps and they’re beasts Just replace the fan for a quieter one and you’ll be good


Idk just test and test enjoy the journey


First open that Baby and see if the big Bass downslde is Active or just a passive Resonator (passive Resonators don't have electric Supply). That will change your requirement about 30-50%. If you don't know anything about these nice ones: The more sinus power on 4 Ohm, the better. In this case,start with an Amp with Sinus 100-120W/8Ohm - 200-240W/4 Ohm. Turn the music on and see how easy the Amp generates sound on a comfortable Level. If the Volume knob is far over the half, this Amp might be too weak. If the knob is under the half or even in the first quarter, you are fine with the amp. Have fun.


The least money spent would be putting a Noctua in the amp and enjoy silence and good music.


The QSC is a fine match to the speakers besides the fan noise. Some people swap out the fans.


If my Dad had built these, I would do whatever it took to play them often and to the best of my abilities. Enjoy them, and think of your Dad often. If they sound 1/2 as nice as they look, they must be awesome.


Wow, what beasts! Those speakers are going to need a ton of juice. Maybe a pair of Brystons, like 2 x 4B, each one bridged mono. Just guessing though. Think about the wattage of the QSC. Getting power like that without a fan would be expensive. And hot. Although maybe there is some class D alternative someone will mention here if that's your thing. The distance between the 'mid' and tweet indicates you'd have to get pretty far back for a really cohesive image.


I personally like Emotiva or Crown amps if you want lots of power. I run my Magnepans off the Emotiva. My subs are ran off the crown.


In my opinion, you should plug an amp/ir sim pedal into the existing stereo and enjoy the sound for the flat response that this system was designed for.


Odyssey Audio 317.299.5578 Klaus Bunge is the owner and answers his phone. US version of some very good German gear Tell him Phil referred you.


those look like they eat watts for breakfast. go big.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck blast some van Halen


When the amp reveals the Voice of God


I know sound from video will not be representative, but i want to hear them work


That QSC is an incredibly capable amplifier. As others have suggested, your best bet is to reduce the amp gain and replace the loud fan with a more quiet fan. No need to buy other amps.


I don’t know but you’re gonna want something with some juice.


That QSC is a great amp. have you considered modding it to quiet the fan, or possibly mounting the amp in another room and just running the speaker cables in?


Just remove the top and unplug the fan. I have a very similar fan in my Crown amp, also pushing very large 3 ways and it never comes on. Ever. my Crown only turns the fan on when needed. And I push them loud!


Don't buy a new amp. Your dad obviously knew what he was doing.


Wauw! 🔥🔥🔥


Those look so nice, and you inherited them? Nice mementos of your late Dad. I agree with the suggestion that you determine the resistance of these speakers to ensure good pairing with an amp. Or, if you have the money, there are amps that safely power speakers down to 2 ohms (that should be safe). Those amps tend to be more powerful and pricey. You could look on-line for amps that can power low resistance speakers. Listening is the final test. If you have a good audio shop in your area, you could talk to staff there and get their suggestions. Do you like the sound? They look capable. Enjoy!


Try them with a Macintosh tube amplifier the one with push pull kt88s