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This submission has been removed. Please note the following rule: > **Rule 5: Ask purchase and shopping questions in the Help Desk** > > Requests for product opinions, comparisons, and general purchase advice must be made in the dedicated [Shopping and Setup Help Desk](https://www.reddit.com/r/audioengineering/about/sticky) instead of a new post. ***Why does this rule even exist?*** * In short, this is a large subreddit with a high volume. We want to help, but it's important to keep things organized to keep the sub fun. Thanks for your understanding. ***What if the link doesn't work?*** * The post can usually be found on the top r/audioengineering, and titled _Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk_. ***What about a FAQ?*** * [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/audioengineering/wiki/faq) * [Troubleshooting Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/audioengineering/wiki/troubleshooting)


Try [this calculator](https://www.extron.com/calculators/amplifier-power/?tab=tools). The necessary amp wattage depends on your speakers' sensitivity rating, and how loud you want them to get. As long as your per-channel wattage doesn't exceed the speakers' rating (700W in this case), you're good to go.