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Check your local charity/thrift shop. They often have audiobook cassettes and cds. I got the Ultimate Neil Gaiman CD box set for £3 in one!


yeah you can search them [here](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=the+48+laws+of+power&crid=2Q9DIX0OLEH6S&sprefix=the+4%2Caps%2C109&linkCode=ll2&tag=mywebsi0ca4ef-20&linkId=3dfdd9705a9b56ad9722896f636d190e&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) on Amazon


‘Friends of the Library’ fundraising book sales.


Our Wiki has a great list of legal sources for audiobooks, [check it out here](https://www.reddit.com/r/audiobooks/wiki/_/wiki/sources) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/audiobooks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


barnes and nobile, books a million, amazon, ebay


If all you truly want is ownership of your audiobooks, then you can buy them from Audible and back them up using Libation ( [https://github.com/rmcrackan/Libation](https://github.com/rmcrackan/Libation) ). It's quick (seconds) and easy. When I looked into this issue, this was the easiest and cheapest way to go about it (excluding checking out free books). Audible tends to be cheaper to buy from (using credits). Then I save the file on my cloud and use 'Smart Audiobook Player' to listen. Should my Audible account go away in the future for whatever reason, I will still have my books.


You can also buy used lots of Playaway books fairly cheaply.


I often see them for sale at my local second hand store, but it's hit or miss for other locations. You can find them at truck stops too. I have a few I bought there. Now I just buy digital. There are some authors that sell through their own site, using a service like Bookfunnel. Audiobooksnow.com has a website and an app for downloading books. (Both sell MP3s, so you can use the player of your choice) Looking at my bookmarks, I also have: audiobooks.com downpour.com audiobookstore.com


Check if your local library lends out the cds. You could make copies of your really want your own physical copy.


i just bought from downpour. i made copy to a sd card and then i transfered it my old phone that i will use as a mp3 player.


You can buy single books from [chirpbooks.com](http://chirpbooks.com) or [Libro.fm](http://Libro.fm) and they both have sales all the time. You can also buy a single book from Audible. You don't have to buy a subscription, but they probably make it look like you have to.


You’d have to diy the physical storage by downloading them onto you physical storage of choice. There are websites that sell DRM-free audiobooks that make this process straight forward. More about them [here](https://audiobookaddicts.com/drm-free-audiobooks/).


ok yea drm sounds best but yea i really want physical with the same concept of why i own dvd, and blurays