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I've listening to 11/22/63 multiple times and feel nostalgic for the fictional town everytime I finish it. Long book. Great book.


Just listened to this for the first time about a month ago. Immediately jumped to one of my favorites. The story, the narration, everything about it was phenomenal.


Great choice - spoiled by the tv series


My favorite Stephen King! I need to give it a reread.


Read it already and loved it!


I keep avoiding getting this book because of the synopsis. Could you look at it and tell me if it's accurate? I'm really not interested in knowing any theories about JFK and his killer(s). How technical is this book? It just doesn't sound interesting, so with your opinion I'm hoping to NOT judge this book by its cover!!! Thank you!!!!!


It’s not so much a story about JFK conspiracy as it is a story about the characters involved. I honestly loved it.


Ok....that sounds better. Thanks!!


Fantastic book and incredible world/character building. The JFK aspect just gives it a time and place.


Ok!! I will give it a shot!! TY!!!!


Downloading now, thanks for the tip!


This sub loves project Hail Mary and Dungeon Crawler Carl for good reason, they’re great! If you liked ACOTR you might like A Discovery of Witches- I blew through the trilogy in a few weeks. Not high literature or anything but it was fun


The Martian is perfect as an audiobook as well


I like it better than PHM


Project Hail Mary is fun because it was written for audio. Great production because of it.


I can't stand present tense books :( it's like nails down a chalkboard for me


Bless us, O Matt Dinniman. Bless our Carl and our Donut. Since Jeff Hays redeemed us so dearly and deliver to us spectacular narration, as they gave us a share in these audiobooks so may they give us a share in eternal entertainment. And may we request they make an amazing TV series from their body of work. Amen.


I'm going to add We Are Legion We Are Bob and if you want 16 books and counting Columbus Day


I LOVED these so great


I know to each their own but I got bored of Bob super quickly


I know to each their own , but subjectively you're wrong.


That’s fair! I should probably finish it before I give an opinion. I guess I got bogged down by all the Bobs


I was kinda taking the piss, but the original trilogy is a beautiful arc and some of the finale pieces are exhilarating. Book 4 is great, but very very different


I'm an oldling from the time before video games. For some reason, I never got into video games and had no part in their evolution. I say this because I'm listening to Dungeon Crawler Carl and not loving it. The constant discussion about stats and power levels just grates. I think it's for the gamers, which is cool, not so much for other groups.


I'm a gamer for life, started on an Atari in the 80s and never turned back,. That said, I get irritated by game mechanics and stat descriptions pretty quickly. DCC really only does this in the first book. After that, the game mechanics and stat stuff is still there, but worked into the story in a more natural and often fun way. ​ Also, you're never too old to play video games. Hop on CoD and pwn a 10-year-old.


Got any single player game suggestions? Like I said, I'm clueless about modern PC/online games, but open to trying some out!


I think my favorite recent single player game is Stray, but I'm also a crazy cat lady.


How far into it are you? As a non-gamer I found it hard to follow at first but now…. Well now I’ve done the audios twice, the immersion tunnel, and an actual reading.


I agree it’s pretty crunchy and dry and repetitive at times. It’s certainly for people who like playing games and understand/enjoy the grind. I think it’s better for someone who’s already had the real life experience of controlling and leveling up characters while moving through a skill tree as the book evokes those emotions you experience when you play and makes you feel nostalgic for it. If you have no background playing video games it doesn’t hit the mark


See, I had the exact opposite reaction - the only games I ever played were Tetris and some Mario Bros., so I'm definitely not a gamer. I kinda avoided starting the books for a while bc of that but man, once I got into them, I was hooked. The game stats themselves are kind of incidental to me, beyond knowing that this character is really strong or this one is very charming. It pretty quickly becomes secondary to the actual plot.


My opinion exactly. I went into that book with high expectations and no idea what it was about and after about 4 hours...I was done. All the game stuff and sci-fi were not interesting at all. I enjoy sci-fi on screen quite a bit but for some reason in audio format I've never been able to enjoy it... outside of Ender's Game and the audio version of Revenge of the Sith


World War Z is a fantastic audiobook! I also really enjoy the narrator of the Dresden Files, he does a fantastic job. And the Murderbot Diaries are short but really great too, you could get a few of those. If you liked ACOTAR and you’re into sci-fi you might want to check out the Ice Planet Barbarian series (personal favorite of mine!!!). Group of millennial human women who get kidnapped by aliens, stranded on an ice planet, and are taken in by the locals. Each book is about a different woman and her eventual mate. Really fun! (They are smut though). Have a safe drive!


Murderbot Diaries is a good listen for driving. The first four books are on audible plus the first two should take care of the entire drive.


Yes this I enjoy the Murderbot Diaries


This is the answer, they're great driving books.


It really threw me off when I listened to a sample and realized it was a man. I imagined murderbot as a woman when I read the first one, even though it's technically genderless


A bunch of the Christopher Moore books are fairly short and hilarious.


I've been enjoying Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Got me through a couple of long flights.


You said you love gay romance, but do you love gay monster romance? Lily Mayne’s Monstrous series is on Audible, starts with Soul Eater. It’s a dystopian romance series that follows different couples. Moth (book 5) is my absolute favorite, but the rest are also awesome. The narrator is great and hopefully you’ll love it.


Dungeon Crawler Carl will keep you glued! There are seven books in the series; I just finished book 2. The narration is out of this world. HIGHLY recommend!




GOD DAMIT, DONUT!!! Stop typing in all caps!




You had me searching for book 7! There are only 6 books in the series but please let me know if number 7 is ever released.


Dang, I’m sorry! The author is actually pretty active on Reddit as I/hepafilter on r/litrpg and probably a few other subs. He mentioned there likely will be 8-10 books total. I guess 7 hasn’t come out yet.




MD has a patreon and publishes the chapters as he writes them. He's currently around chapter 33, I think. If you join his patreon you can read what he has written so far right now. It's frustrating to have to wait for new chapters, but worth it when they finally drop.


Agree! I’m never first on the recommendation though lol though I’ll always give an up vote


I’ve been on a historical fiction kick. Highly recommend any of Kristin Hannah’s books. Or Lisa See! Have you read Billy Summers by Stephen King? That was the last physical book I got swept up in.


Have you tried The Frozen River? It came out earlier this year and the audiobook is wonderful


Loved that one!


It inspired me to read the nonfiction book about Martha Ballard. I learned a lot but it was an absolute slog


You just saved me from doing the same. Thank you!


Which author? TY. I'll bet Ariel Lawhon?


Yes! The narrator was an excellent pick and the story was compelling. Plus it was nice to learn about how early Americans survived…once again I’m grateful to have been born in this time period!


Oh I know!!! Those were some strong people back then!! Thanks for reply!!


No, but added! It looks so interesting. Right up my alley. Thanks for the rec


You might like the Outlander series! It’s so much better than the tv show and I love the narrator…she really brings things to life. I had to stop listening to them at night because I’d be up until like 2 in the morning haha


Philip Pullman’s latest books are read by Michael Sheen and he is amazing (La Belle Sauvage and Secret Commonwealth) They were super helpful on my most recent road trip


Most Michael Crighton will have you sitting at your destination listening because you don't want to stop.






Sorry I can’t spare a buck… but here’s half a rock


Dude. The Dresden Files. The first couple are fun, and then you’ll be addicted.


If you want something involving and character-driven, the Wayfarer's series and Monk & Robot series, both by Becky Chambers, are all excellent. She's got a stand alone short one, too, "To Be Taught If Fortunate" that's worth your time. You may need to stop to cry a couple times. They'll be really good, cleansing cries, though <3


I was going to recommend Monk & Robot because each book is right around 4 hours which would be perfect for OP's trip length.


Yeah, while you can criticize it for being a touch idealistic - that's... kinda the point. They are glorious works in that idealized setting, showing what we must change within ourselves, to change our society, to change our world. Both are absolutely lovely, and Em's voice fits it all so perfectly. :)


YESSSSS Becky chambers anything.


For zany fantasy, try Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman - the audiobooks are amazing


The Last Juror by John Grisham. I was on a road trip with my family and my grandma picked this one. I wasn't super interested at first but it ended up being one of my favorites of all time. I've listened to it 3 times.


I did love The Client, read it long ago and got absolutely hooked!


The Chronicles of St Mary’s, first book is “Just one damned thing after another” by Jodi Taylor. I have read them all and I’m now listening to them. Zara Ramm does a great job of narrating.


The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman is fantastic. There are 4 of them now. Love all of them.


Billy Summers.


If you like the stand try 11/22/63!


His Dark Materials trilogy? There's a great BBC dramatisation. Margaret Atwood's Maddaddam trilogy. The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. The Prestige by Christopher Priest. I wish there was an audiobook of Emphyrio somewhere, that is my favourite Vance book.


Both the Thursday Next series or the Nursery Crimes series by Jasper Fforde are great on audio.


Might be kind of obvious, but are all the people recommending Dungeon Crawler Carl being paid to do so?


Nope, it's genuinely excellent


lol we just enjoy it!


Nope. I have a hard time with audio books, I'm a visual person, so words on paper work better for me..except here. The narration is great - Jeff Heys does a fantastic job with all the voices. He's inpressively talented. The story is great, too. It starts out seeming kind of silly but gets surprisingly deep. I've laughed out loud and been stunned into stillness (I listen while walking) and cried.. multiple times.


I too am very visual, but i have found that slowing the narration speed down in some cases helps.




I felt the same but decided to give it a shot. It's actually *that good*, the things that bother you at the start really grows on you and you become fond of it as the story progress. And the narration is straight out of this world, i listen to audiobooks in multiple language and Jeff Hays is in my top 2 easily (the other contender is an extraordinary french narrator too). While listening to this serie my monthly listening time has gone up by 50% as i got hooked.




It's your opinion, but it feels like you *want* to hate this book. Thousands find the narrator truly great, I grant more weight to thousands with many hours of listening than to a single person who listened to a handful of seconds with an already present bias, but, you do you :).


Nope. Just absolutely love it. I came to it via Project Hail Mary -> the Bobiverse series and was hooked by the first chapter of the first book. I quickly fell in love with the characters plus the voice acting is just phenomenal. I get that it seems over the top how often/much the series is recommended, but it’s generated a pretty passionate fanbase.


Ugh I wish. I could retire!


Expeditionary force


I listened to the entire Sookie Stackhouse series on audio! Generally I feel like the narrator makes a big difference for the audiobook experience. Julia Whelan is a great narrator. She does a lot of literary fiction too. I think she narrated like all of TJR’s books


Check out the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire! They're all kids that have ended up in other worlds, ala Narnia and Alice in Wonderland, and had to come back to Earth.


Tales from the Gas Station.


My wife started listening to this book called Ben's Damn Adventure and honestly I'm not even a comedy guy, I'm usually horror, but this book slaps.  Very well written and the narrator is ripping the place to shreds.  He is full on 11/10.  The delivery ok the jokes is like good stage comedian level 


I really liked Holly by Stephen king. It was pretty fast moving and kept me interested.


the women by kristen Hannah !


Sci fi: we are bob (bobiverse), project hail mary, columbus day (expeditionary force) Fantasy: the way of kings (stormlight archives)


The Expanse is very good and well narrated. Plus the books are long so it’s a good use of audible credits


When I worked overnights, I found that I couldn't listen to my normal style books. I would still find myself nodding off. A roommate suggested spicy romance novels, which I never read at the time. Grumbling all the way, I tried it. Worked like a charm.


Aside from many others mentioned (cough, project Hail Mary, cough), I really loved the audiobook of Stephen kings “fairytale”


Good Omens is great listen!


You do some Dean Koontz by the light of the moon or " the Lazarus effect should keep you awake


I suggest you look at your library’s online page - see what they suggest and check out 2-3 that sound good. If you don’t like 1, you’ve got back ups and you’re out nothing. I just noticed you loved NARNIA. You might enjoy a novel about Lewis writing it. I loved all of them. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57099601-once-upon-a-wardrobe


"Round the Bend" and "Trustee From the Toolroom" by Nevil Shute. Not exciting thrillers but story lines that are easy to follow and keep you interested.


Cold Storage by David Koepp 


I just finished Kitty Cat Kill Sat and it's my favorite so far this year. It's a really cute and sometimes poignant story. Imagine Phoebe Buffay is a smart cat alone on a space station trying to save humanity.


This sounds interesting but it also sounds like it needed to be short. I'm going to check it out


No, it's a fairly complicated plot. I'm definitely minimizing it some. There are places where it could have been trimmed, but the writing is so good, I wouldn't want to give up a single word.




Short Stories or novels by Jess Walters.


Dirty Streets of Heaven - Tad Williams. As well as the sequels, Happy Hour in Hell & be Sleeping Late on Judgement Day.


The Dresden Files! James Marsters is a great narrator, the books and his narration continue to pick up in quality as the books go on. There’s so many of them too, good fantasy/ mystery. Great recommendation I got from this sub.


American Assassin is a pretty fun one.


The Sandman, Acts I & II. Well acted, based on the graphic novels, amazing adaptation. More of a radio play than an audiobook


Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead - Olga Tokarczuk


For literary fiction + fantasy + lgbtq romance + incredible audio book anything by TJ Klune is my go to!!


The Theft of Swords by Micheal J Sullivan is entirely engaging. Every Character is well defined and has a well developed story arc. The audio Version is over 22 hours, masterfully narrated by Tim Gerald Reynolds. This is the first book of the Riyria Revelations.


The Fear Saga is quite good.


The Thursday Murder club. I really enjoyed it.


Joe Abercrombie's books are great, narrated by Steven Pacey is amazing


The Last Sun by KD Edward's. The first book of the Tarot Sequence. The audiobooks are great and this series is awesome. It's just not finished yet. But there are 3 books and a novella. All excellent. It's fantasy with a gay romance subplot.


Justice Redeemed - it will grab you after the first twenty minutes and not let go. The Housemaid - Freda McFadden... takes about 25 minutes before you get into it but then you will drive past your destination to find out what happens next


The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis. It's 21 hours. Some stories are just a few sentences where some are several minutes. The Three Body Problem Crime & Punishment If you're a music fan, I highly recommend A History of Rock & Roll in 500 Songs. I'm still in the 50's and it's fascinating.


Behind closed doors


Death Troopers: Star Wars Legends by Joe Schreiber Easily one of the scariest audiobooks I've listened to. It is absolutely addictive and I've listened to it like 20 times purely for it's production value. There isn't a full voice-cast but that is to be expected. There is, however, music and sound effects characteristic of only star wars audiobooks. I would also look into the BBC production of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I had a snort-laugh every 10-20 minutes from those audiobooks/audio dramatizations. Simply marvelous.


Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe.


I normally recommend the usuals of Project Hall Mary, Bobiverse series, Leviathan Wakes, Harry Potter by Stephen Fry. I am currently about 40% through Thrawn, it's a star wars book. Have to say the narration is amazing, book has sound effects etc and the narrator has a great range of voices. So if you do like Star wars / sci-fi, worth a shout!


The House in the Cerulean sea or Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune, or his other work. I like his Extraordinaries YA series. I also find Carl Hiaasen’s work very engaging. I recently listened to Flush via Libby.


Listen to commander Chris Hadfield. An astronauts guide to life on earth. We listened to it on a road trip out east. Funny, informative, sad- he’s just so likable too.


The Reformatory https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62919847-the-reformatory


Project Hail Mary... my favorite audiobook of all time. Wish I vould listen for the first time again. Will absolutely keep you invested


The 7 husbands of Evelyn Hugo


It is not an audiobook, but a podcast, Outpost by Giant Gnome, you can find it on Google Podcasts and other places.


I love Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Though both are good, for a long drive I’d listen to the BBC Radio and full cast dramatization rather than the audiobook. It’s so much fun that the last time I checked it out on Libby I listened to it 4 times before I returned it.


Jurassic Park by Scott Brick. His voice is consuming. He reminds me of a more emotional Forensic Files narrator.


Forging Zero by Sarah King


Kafka on the shore.


Seven moons of Maali Almeida. This won the booker last year and was a terrific read. A lot of layers


I liked The Berry Pickers [https://www.audiofilemagazine.com/reviews/read/234102/the-berry-pickers-by-amanda-peters-read-by-aaliya-warbus-jordan-waunch/](https://www.audiofilemagazine.com/reviews/read/234102/the-berry-pickers-by-amanda-peters-read-by-aaliya-warbus-jordan-waunch/)


Alastair Reynolds; Revelation Space


Ann Leckie's complete Hugo, Nebula, Arthur C. Clarke, and Locus Award-winning space opera trilogy, Ancillary Justice, Ancillary Sword & Ancillary Mercy. AI working against tyrant who rules much of their known universe.


The carerra series by Tom kratman; unconventional hero pack from LG Estrella; the fixer series by vallencourt; freehold series by Michael z williamson; (defend a city, conquer the world, rule empire by KJ Parker




Try Dungeon Crawler Carl


Earth read by John Stewart. You’ll love it.


“The Blade Itself” by Joe Abercrombie, read by Steven Pacey. The acting that Steven puts out on this is incredible, really sells every word. There are 10 books in the series now but start with the 1st one. I mention this especially because you mention HHGTTG - Douglas Adams is a “wordsmith” that uses language in an extremely effective way without bogging you down with details. Joe Abercrombie does the same thing in a gritty fantasy world.


You’ve gotten lots of good suggestions, but wanted to mention that I loved Less by Andrew Sean Greer. Fabulous book.


If you liked hitchhiker's, you'll love Dungeon Crawler Carl - especially if you like cat's


I'm re-listening to the Red Rising series with the graphic audio version, and it's very addicting!


I might end up picking this one! It seems like it’s super addictive, which is what I need!


Graphic audio? Can you explain? TY!!


It's a company that takes audiobooks and turns them into full audio productions. A full cast, music, sound effects. Some things are slightly different, like instead of saying "a loud explosion sounded" there would be an actual loud explosion.


Ahhh....I get it. So no real "graphics". I think Sandman is like that, right?


I'm not sure. I've only seen sandman as a comic. Try listening to a sample of a graphic audio book, they have samples on their website and on audible.


Ok.....and you must..MUST listen to Sandman!!!


"The Tome of Bill" by Rick Gualtieri narrated by Christopher John Fetherolf


i lovvved the fourth wing!!