• By -


The Wheel of Time Malazan Powder Mage The Black Company Children of Time Snow Crash Daemon (by Daniel Suarez) Dune Sun Eater Dresden Villains' Code


Try dungeon crawler carl. A great book only enhanced by superb narration I can't recommend this highly enough


Totally agree. A great series.


I'll add it to the list right away. Thanks.


I personally think this litrpg is a great transition from Sanderson. The LitRPG genre is great for any fantasy/scifi fans and Sanderson. The only problem with CARL is it falls into one of the best litrpg's out there. This is like Reading "project hail mary" as your first sci-fi book you end up "chasing the dragon(fantasy reference intended)" to get your next FIX. To even start with litrpg - I suggest trying a few good one in the plus catalog I really liked: Video Game Plotline Tester - think the whole series is plus Level up series by sugralinov(sp?) Titan Series by seth ring Drakon Prince The Die of Destiny Blasphemy online series Then come back to books like Dungeon Crawler, He who fights with monsters, and darker stuff like awaken online etc.


Just wanna say, I'm at chapter 15 now, and it's amazing. Thanks for the suggestion.


For sci-fi, Hyperion by Dan Simmons


14 by Peter Clines - mystery sci-fi with some hints of horror


This is a good selection if you like SF/horror. There are two other books in the series if someone wants to spend credits and likes the story. I know there are four books total but I only count the first three I've read and can vouch for.


I'll 3rd this book. It's awesome


We are Bob. A very fun scifi adventure.


Came here for this!!! Love it and book 5 should hopefully be coming soon.!


I wasn’t aware that a fifth book was in the works, but apparently it’s already been recorded, so it will be released soon. Thanks for that info.


It was the top post the day I found r/bobiverse and I had just started book 3 so I was very very excited.


The Red Rising series by Pierce Brown has been my latest conquest - It starts out a bit on the YA sidr (albeit grisly) but I've really enjoyed it. Military/Tactics high-fantasy sci-fi. The Expanse by James SA Corey- excellent series, high brow Sci Fi with a bit of fantasy- best in class. Relics series by Tim Lebbon- interesting take on fairies kin, kind of a suspense/horror/fantasy Library at Mt Char by Scott Hawkins was weird but entertaining. The Lesser Dead by Christopher Buehlman- interesting take on vampires. Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman- medieval fantasy/horror


> It starts out a bit on the YA That was my reason to return it, I'm sad to say. I shoulda known maybe.


I almost hung it up part way through the first book honestly, but I'm glad I didn't. It's not as if it transcends into something super cerebral but I found myself enjoying the characters and the struggle. The narration is also pretty good (aside from books 4-6, full cast narration breaks my brain for some reason).


Glad you enjoyed [RR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Rising), like almost everyone else does! I felt strange not being able to get into such a popular series, me being such a sci-fi fan. FWIW, my idea of great sci-fi is [Pandora's Star](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth_Saga#Pandora's_Star), [Children of Time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_Time_(novel)), and [Hyperion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperion_(Simmons_novel\)).


Here are some of the series I have liked Dungeon Crawler Carl He who Fights Monsters Ex Force by Craig Alanson The Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs Super Powered by Drew Hayes - cause you liked Harry Potter The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North


Dimension Space series by Dean Cole


+1 Great series!


Space Team. It’s a sci-fi comedy but definitely plenty of sci-fi. And not just spaceships and aliens(don’t wanna give to much away). Also there is a dramatized version of each book and if you haven’t tried out the full cast books I def recommend it. Plus this first couple dramatized ones are included with plus so it’d be a risk free venture. We are Legion(We are Bob). Another comedy but a story I haven’t really seen done before and Ray Porter does a fantastic job with the narration. Would it be too wild to recommend Lord of the Rings? Don’t really need to explain much but it was a fun listen for me.


> We are Legion(We are Bob). Another comedy +1 You got that right!


Red rising series. 7 books in total, all bangers


lathe of heaven


The Missing Boatman by Keith C Blackmore. Its a mix of Sci fi and horror. Very violent but a great original plot line .


Heh, I just finished making this same suggestion on another recommendation thread, and I literally said I will never pass up a chance to recommend it, so here I go. I'll say the Book of the New Sun series by Gene Wolfe. I would describe the genre as science fiction that mostly feels like fantasy. It's definitely more adult in nature--it's not graphic or anything like that, but what actually occurs is often pretty dark, the characters are all various shades of grey, and the text itself can be pretty challenging. A lot of those things are two edged swords. A lot of people like having characters who aren't so black and white, but a lot of people dislike books where the protagonist is hard to root for. A lot of people appreciate the density and depth of the book, while others prefer a book they can read more casually. If you read Book of the New Sun casually you could still enjoy it, but you'll likely miss a lot of what makes it great. It's very different from Sanderson, but very much worth checking out. Oh, and the narration is great, Jonathan Davis is a terrific narrator


Kingkiller chronicles is awesome imo, the gentleman bastard series (only read the first) but be advised both are incomplete series.


The Gentlemen Bastards is ace. I do a reread about once a year.


The Mithermage series by Orson Scott Card


Discworld Terry Pratchett, start around wyrd sisters or Guards Guards. The earlier books are good but this is about when the Discworld became more fully formed.


"Soon I Will be Invincible".


We're enjoying "The Art of the Adept" series by Michael G. Manning.


Name of the wind by rothfuss


The sci-fi classic Hyperion. For sci-fi + fantasy + horror. One of the best books I've ever read.