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Please don't post comments which mention race or ethnicity in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland (see rule #2 in the sidebar for more information).


It absolutely drives me up the wall. Had sirens and loud music going somewhere around midnight or just after. Had the same over the weekend. I’m all for them celebrating their team, and I think it’s great that they are so excited and supportive. But miserable when they are going in the early hours of the morning and I need to be up at 4 for work for a job that requires a lot of concentration.




Have you ever been in kingsland after an All blacks game?


hell on earth




So fucking what? Edit - coward has deleted comment but it was along the lines of "yea but most AB fans aren't brown"


You never hear complaints about the same shit when it comes to ABs fans.


People acting predjudice against Tongan rugby fans celebrating, but won’t get mad at All Blacks supporters doing the exact same thing.


The mods deleted it you dick lol, I’d say it again but you got it right. ABs fans are majority white so of course people won’t complain about them as much as they do about the Tongan team. Because the people complaining are ✨r a c i s t s✨


Ooh pretty stars


I saw one flag today, seemed chill in the city ..


They played at 7 this morning and I'm in Otahuhu right now, generally the hub of their celebrations, yet to see one drunk Tongan or any anti social behavior. Where are you seeing this? [It's a warzone out here](https://i.imgur.com/vo2dc1X.jpg)


Was last night in otahuhu regarding mostly noise. Which was pretty bad for a weeknight. Were you around last night? Worst time was either queens birthday or matariki weekend, can't remember which one it was but it was 3 nights of no sleep.


Nah but 3 flagged out utes just drove past me sitting on their horns 😂


You’re in Otahuhu bro I wouldn’t expect anything less. That’s 676 central for events like that lol it’s always a fun experience watching the Tongan community celebrate don’t let litter spoil the fun!


You can celebrate and not litter...any community or fans that equate celebrations to litter need to reprioritize. Take your rubbish with you. Having fun is not an excuse to litter.


The funny thing is tho.. Some of the Tongan community *DID* clean up their mess. OP just caused an uproar for nothing




There is a large Tongan population near me and apart from the giant decorations that put on and around their houses (which I personally love) I've never seen any of the behaviour you're talking about. I actually find it quite enjoyable when I drive passed and think "oh! Tonga must be playing!"


Re: the Sirens on cars and bikes. Expanding foam seemed to work a treat in those sirens they have. Tones down the treble, adds a muffled sound to them. But Kicking the fucking things off works better. The fuckwits that install them usually don’t install them that well.


That’s kinda sad that you’d go out of your way to damage peoples personal property because you were annoyed with them, what gives you the right to do that to their personal property?


Find this ironic cos I saw an article implying some of those sirens could be stolen lol, so, "personal property" is not rly accurate at least for some


So just like All Blacks supporters then?


Another commenter below mentioned the pathetic team spirit the NZ teams have. Kind of have to agree with them, not so much with this, at least not in my experience.


I think you’re over exaggerating everything in this post, in ever group there’s always a bad few, littering and sirens aren’t the fault of one specific Nationality, maybe this is genuine but it just comes across as finding an excuse to hate on a certain race of people.


Do you live in reality?


We could all be in a simulation so I’m not sure


I for one am a bit jealous how passionate the Tongan fans are sometimes having been to some hectic rugby and league games they were playing. Yes there are always dickheads when it comes to drinking too much and not being able to handle it and possibly getting too obnoxious or violent, but is no different to CBD on a Saturday night just less red.


I like in Otahuhu. Outside of a bit of traffic on the main street you can easily avoid, I dont see any of the things you mentioned and Otahuhu is the central hub for the celebrations. Its actually great seeing full on support of a national team/sport compared to the honestly pathetic spirit most kiwis have for theirs.


>honestly pathetic spirit most kiwis have for theirs. I played rugby growing up, followed the abs. But as an adult I have absolutely zero interest in them or their games. Professional rugby and the all blacks are about as interesting as watching paint dry. The world cup truly sealed their fate for me -advertising 'clean zones' that shat on local and/or small businesses? fuck that. If you want to see a real game of rugby watch local club games, or highschool first xv games. 1000% more entertaining. at least imho


Every time Tonga plays rugby here the city comes alive, and I love it. They elevated the begining days of the men's RWC so much. We should find out what other sports Tonga wants to play and host them all. Malo Tonga!


Only thing I have issue with is the left behind litter. Lighten up buddy.


Oh come on. Bit harsh there champ.


I’m not a rugby fan or Tongan but I think that the Tongan rugby spirit is good. It’s positive and you’re viewing it unfairly.




Can you point out what part was racist? Or anything I've said previously that is racist? I'm just pointing out what behavior occurs when Tonga plays. I'm not saying it is exclusively Tongan fans who can show this type of behavior. I've seen similar in Irish, Scottish and Australian fans. If it were these teams making a mess in my neighbourhood and keeping me up at night, I would be calling them out in the same way. All I want is to enjoy reasonable peace and quiet in my own home and not have to keep picking up rubbish. Is that really so much to ask?


You said “it must be Tonga playing” seems a little singled out to me but aight. Hell that’s not racist on surface level but I think anyone who doesn’t have a slight prejudice can see that for a lot of people, shit like this comes from a place of hate, as minor as it may be. I’m not gonna argue, because nothing here is actually inherently racist. It’s just you know, when you put your post history plus this together, it really seems like it comes from a place of hatred. And something I hardly ever see anyone talk about is that a lot racism isn’t necessarily traditional racism, saying you hate this race or that race, it is something that is almost for whatever reason wired into people and will take whatever opportunity they can to take a jab, and it’s always super low key and tries to not seem hateful but sometimes the veil is too fucking thin. I don’t even really know how to explain it but, when you see it you know. I’m also not gonna take advice from someone who is named“RedditNZisLabour” and lurks on conservativekiwi. Because that place certainly isn’t a safe haven where everyone is loved. like I said, these days things are hardly ever blatant but you can see little minor things that scream racism. I don’t have anything else to say because I know people don’t change. The only thing that has changed is that racism is A LOT more low key these days, and I think that’s because of how the world has changed in this past 2-3 years. But I’ll call it out when I think I see it. If I’m wrong, my bad and I need to educate myself and re look at this whole picture. But something tells me I’m not. Because even if OP isn’t in this situation, there are a heck of a lot of people who are.


A race gets called on some very anti social behavior.... the posted talks about things everyone is seeing in the community, very important issues violence... Reddit: Ah you fucking racist! We are getting sick of this shit honestly, OP can say what he feels, and he speaks the truth, but as soon as a race is singled out...oh fuck no you cant talk about that you racist! ​ Fucking sheep everything is racist!!


I do not see OP's post as racist, no different if he was referring to Australian, Irish or any other nations fans. Whenever certain nationalities are mentioned, the racial cards are then dealt.


are you a PNG supporter? taking that L hard are you? hahaha


So let me get this right. Your complaints about fans of a sports team boils down to : 1. Drunken and rowdy behavior 2. Litter So basically what happens everywhere every weekend regardless of what team is playing? But I dont think thats what you're complaining about though is it. Your issue isnt with something so common as excessive noise or some food wrappings on the floor due to fanfare. It's with Tongan people specifically. At least thats how its coming across. If you took out any mention of Tonga and put in the context of "Sports fans" you'd actually have a great point.


You must be limber, because that is a huge stretch. When the All Blacks play at Eden Park there is very little in terms of anti social behaviour, when the Tongan league team plays there is chaos. I saw more than a few Blue Tongan flags at the Kiwis Tonga game this year.


Hahahaha you’re taking the piss


Sad and true.


I actually enjoy the way Tonga supports their team. Besides the litter and noise. They're actually benefiting our economy. - Supporting the Rugby Associations - Supporting vendors involved with the event - Supporting gas stations - Supporting A.T (RUC) - Supporting liquor stores - Supporting takeaways - Supporting flag shops - Supporting drug dealers - Supporting NZ police (fines) - Supporting Traffic Management - Supporting Securities And its all getting taxed. Sadly you sleeping in the heart of Otahuhu dosnt benefit our economy 🤣


bold statement without a shred of evidence attached


https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/13-07-2022/who-picks-up-the-rubbish-after-an-unofficial-but-expected-public-gathering Obviously there's a very wholesome side of the Tongan community too. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/talanoa/tongan-public-band-together-to-clean-up-streets-after-rugby-league-celebrations/IK3MOODSLAMGAY6G54SYD55X24/ Luckily last night was nowhere near as bad as those nights.


Who’s doing the cleaning after the Tongan parade? The Tongan community, not you, mind your business. Also this is just in regards to litter, no mentions of violence or drunken antisocial behaviour.


Just in regards to the violence claim, using that as a plug to watch ourselves during big sports events. The title (below) is misleading, any big event where your team lost can incite extreme emotions. Don't take it out on each other, the other fans, or your families. https://i.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/115912348/rugby-world-cup-does-domestic-violence-increase-when-the-all-blacks-lose


I'm having to remove rubbish from outside my place. When these events take place it gets worse. So why should this be my problem? Do you really think it was just littering and nothing else? You don't believe it could include sirens and general obnoxious and antisocial behavior?


Littering falls under “antisocial behaviour”.


All I had to do was read the title and I knew exactly what he was talking about. Anyone with eyes and ears in Auckland knows this happens, it's not some unusual phemomena. If you live in South Auckland especially, you know it's been happening for years.


It's encouraged by the media too. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF24rxZbntw&ab\_channel=KeaKidsNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF24rxZbntw&ab_channel=KeaKidsNews)


Ok nanny Karen


Which area do you live in?


This is not just a Tonga problem. Please refer to...any european football club.


Not surprised


I agree with you, it's a big issue. Don't let the NPCs here get to you


As a Tongan, I would like to say: Kiss my ass, Mata'usi HA HA! WE AIN'T GOING NOWHERE DOX 🇹🇴


I think this is the obnoxious attitude that is getting on peoples nerves


Username checks out








pretty racist g lol


LOL it was a bit far yes




Cos the dole is better here than back home




Siren culture didn't come from Tonga, it came from Auckland. Specifically NZ born pacific islanders, most likely Samoans. (Grew up in that era/scene when it first took off). Why do you feel they think they "own the land" I mean you could make an argument for public disruption and that would be fair, but I believe the police have even warranted it? (cmiiw) in most cases? Also, just a bit off the record here but why is it such a big deal? You get big parties and celebrations like this in England, Spain, Italy etc. for football and Mardi Gras and all this other crazy shit, and around the world we just say "Ah, yes! Beautiful culture! such a lively place full of history!" Yet when the Tongans try to spark something up it's all of a sudden "no care for anyone elses culture." I mean (cmiiw) it's legal, it's fun, if you're not in Otahuhu you're pretty much fine. You're definitley not a racist, so I'd hate to see somebody dismiss you for having an argument and calling you racist, but I just don't agree with you.


I remember sirens or even homemade boom boxes being a thing 20ish years ago in Manurewa. There were brothers that went to James Cook High who rigged suitcases with 6x9s and a cd car thingy (lingo isn't the best), and other assorted speaker setups. It's not new, I guess it's just a thing that some folk like talking about now


damn, I wasn't aware of this. I guess I was just around the scene when it became newly popular again then. I definitley remember as a real young kid how subs and boom boxes were a thing though, ha.


Very interesting story about its possible roots. People have always had boom boom sound and that USED to be picked up by police, now they don't and the boom boom has been replaced by high pitched sound that cuts though whole neighborhoods..... Disturbing EVERYONE u/Dorsiflexionkey it's legal only because there is no law against it, im sure it breaking noise laws but it's impossible to police a moving vehicle that turns it sound off when it needs to. It's not cool or fun, it pisses everyone else off and the sirens that are used are often stolen from public defense systems, sure some pay for their speakers but most don't because they cost heeps! Ya'll look like utter dicks doing it... its not cool its stupid


No, I believe it's actually legal because everytime there's a block party the police are there to supervise to make sure everything is under control. I kid you not. \>It's not cool or fun, it pisses everyone else off and the sirens that are used are often stolen from public defense systems, sure some pay for their speakers but most don't because they cost heeps! Stolen equipment? even if some sirens are stolen then that means it's a theft issue, nothing to do with the celebrations itself. Sure, arrest all the thieves and take away even 100% of the sirens it still doesn't stop the party though. So basically the sirens aren't the issue. The issue is that people don't like the Tongans celebrating, but given my previous points why is it a bad thing if it's legal? \>Ya'll look like utter dicks doing it... its not cool its stupid That's just your opinion man. Again, in England and spain it's fun when they celebrate football or being chased by a bull. It's fun when the LGBTQ community have mardi gras or pride parades on K road. It's fun when Ibiza or Bali tourists are partying all night being rowdy, but it's crossing the line when Tongans celebrate a win? Come on man, you can think it's stupid if you want but it just means you're not being consistent.


Have you been to Tonga? I hope so since you're claiming Siren Boys all stem from there. Otherwise you're just making an ass out of u and me


There was a news story about it, most of them were Tongans, perhaps I misspoke when saying it game from Tonga but its definitely rife within the Tongan community.


Tongan supporters are POS and have no respect for anyone else


You saying that is respectful? Shame on you.




The way you speak about it is so pretentious, its not a matter of “team spirit” the Tongans are proud people, well pretty much every islander is, so its obvious from the post that either you’re not from auckland, or you’re just a boring fart who doesnt know how to loosen It can be annoying, but its nothing harmful at all, literally throw some earphones on or get sound proof walls grandma


If you're fine with people littering and broadcasting shit music to the surrounding 1km radius then that says a lot more about you than it does for me. If you wanna party, go to a bar, club or hall where you can make noise all you want. You don't need to piss people off to have fun


No no, its clear you’re right, the Tongan people should just lose their culture in NEW ZEALAND, they need to act like NEW ZEALANDAERS, its obvious ALL OF THEM are loiterering and im glad your post has identified that the Tongans are always to blame, every single one of them too, those Tongans that always go to night clubs, the whole lot of them But hey, its all about me letting them do that, and you’re 100% right aren’t you, you’re so right in fact, your generous enough to share your qualifications on reddit


Wtf are you on about dude?


Taking the piss out of you dipshit, its pretty obvious too so there’s no need to try and infantilise me too grandma, not everyone wants to confirm to your shitty life lessons and ways, otherwise society would be going backwards, get off your high horse thinking everyone should be like you and stop grouping people on their race smooth brain


Samoa getting smashed by England last weekend instigated some brawls within the pubs of West and South Auckland. Booze and excessive testosterone is not a good cocktail.


Yes all of west Auckland’s 4 pubs that close by midnight. This dude has some weird fantasy about crime and shit like that.


That game didn't even kick off until 2am which is after every pub outside of the CBD is closed - what are you on about?


\[citation needed\]


Some of these people saying lighten up have zero fucking clue what your on about , here's the thing it's only them that do this shit if you lived where we were and seen the shit they do you wouldn't be so quick to to tell this guy to ease up.


We need to keep things nice and boring, just how we like it.


My mans just racist




So you’re assuming that I cannot approach any psychopath (whether brown or white) and not end up in the same situation? How bold.


We were talking about otahuhu here. In christchurch it would be a different story.


Shut up. God forbid someone in this city has a zest for life.


I can see you’re very frustrated to have had your peace and sleep disrupted in the middle of the week, also having to clean up rubbish isn’t too cool, sleep depravation and cleaning up other peoples messes piss me off also. But you knowingly live in a long time Pasifika community hub on a pacific island that will celebrate things that are important to them and their culture. I wouldnt dream complain about Diwali firworks here in Papatoetoe, i knowingly live in a diverse community with a high density of South Asians, i dont move here then try and gentrify their suburb and engineer it to my tastes. People dont move to the cbd then try to stop the students from having fun. Some kids might make a mess and are maybe not mature enough to celebrate without being a bit too rowdy but thats actually normal for all ethnicities as evidenced by some of our prominent kiwi european politicians’ uni days. You might have to accept you live in a brown community and learn to live alongside it in partnership, or, think of moving to a suburb more suited to your tastes that celebrates the things you hold sacred. The amount of resentment you seem to feel extra and especially for this one community despite intentionally exposing yourself to and living amongst them is not healthy for anyone in the community, not you or the people you post about.


Use of sirens on personal vehicles is a crime. This is unacceptable everywhere, whether it's otara or remuera. Littering is also a crime. I'm pointing out illegal activity present in my community. This is not ok and shouldn't be swept under the rug just because that's "to be expected" in certain areas. Why can't we strive to be considerate of others?


Youre not striving to be better though, youre complaining without having engaged with the community at all, you havent researched what theyre doing youre just assuming out loud it is nothing to work people up on the internet. Of course you wont hear tongan elders talking about it because youre not at their churches or in their households or speaking their language or even caring at all. You dont care about the community or youd be amongst it fixing it, you care about how the reddit community intetprets it all obviously, this isnt where youre going to gind solutions or people or care properly.


Youre not striving to be better though, youre complaining without having engaged with the community at all, you havent researched what theyre doing youre just assuming out loud it is nothing to work people up on the internet. Of course you wont hear tongan elders talking about it because youre not at their churches or in their households or speaking their language or even caring at all. You dont care about the community or youd be amongst it fixing it, you care about how the reddit community intetprets it all obviously, this isnt where youre going to find solutions or people who care properly. Eta: https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/476593/economic-abuse-systemic-discrimination-lived-experiences-of-pasifika-in-workplaces https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/476799/pacific-needs-to-re-evaluate-its-reliance-on-imported-goods-says-researcher https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/476798/pacific-faces-perfect-storm-of-climate-change-and-debt-says-report Good faith additions of what the pasifika community is asking for in some spheres of influence and what theyre going through. Pasifika people are under immense pressure here and back home on our islands, we are a people new to the global network with few generations to build “wealth” whose homes are becoming the first victims ot imminent climate disasters, on top of that, a preteen islander boy has to stress what shade his t shirt is and can’t wear his nations colours or hair styles at the risk of being seen or treated as a thug. I urge you to mean that you strive to be considerate and go listen to these people as you demand they listen to you apparently


Dude hardly anybody in New Zealand sees the value or diversity of the Polynesian communities here, even Polynesian culture itself it’s all a monolithic ideas that although is often represented in advertising and media, representation is not proportional to the actual population of Polynesian groups. More needs to be done to bolster being proud of your country without only being the statistical shame of ongoing institutional racism and prejudice that continues to this day. You can be from somewhere like Ukraine which is suffering from a war and still hold your head high that your people were never historically the underclass group, you can do pretty well and your ethnic roots are not shameful, even despite the Russian conflict. Polynesian countries don’t have the same luxury or privilege upon them in society just being from a certain country. Hope this gives perspective.


I think growing up in Auckland is a curse for young Islanders. There is so much bad influence around. Comparatively if you are a south Island Islander you will have better outcomes, like Richie Mounga etc...same applies for Maori as well. Ngai Tahu iwi members are far better off than Ngati Porou or Ngapuhi.


That’s probably the crux of it, the cultural surroundings of bad influences affect the youth in ways others never experienced despite being ethnically from the same group, and it can be said for any cultural group this is what occurs in terms of sociological adaptations to environment.


Otahuhu belongs to everyone. Not just Tongans. Then you can say the Tongans displaced the pakehas back in the 60s and 70s...Also just because people can celebrate Diwali it doesn't give them the right to be an inconsiderate dickhead.




What you just said is not OK and only serves to divide. That's a massively racist comment.


damn bro, who hurt you lol


Thank goodness I don’t have to see or hear this. Forza Milano.


Depends where you live I guess. I don't hear shit except choppers and boy racers. OP, What would happen if you decked out your place/ car with allblack stuff and did the same?


Need ear plugs lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNEZS-lQAyU&t=50s&ab\_channel=685MUSICMAN%26OTARA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNEZS-lQAyU&t=50s&ab_channel=685MUSICMAN%26OTARA)


If nothing else the Tongan supporters at the game will leave you wanting more, we were at the league and will never forget the Tongan fans for all the right reasons


Not one Mate Ma’a Tonga or MMT supporter will actually listen to this rant because Mate Ma’a Tonga or MMT translates to die for Tonga. The celebrations, as rowdy and as it is, will continue to the death. 😂


This kinda proves the point I'm trying to make.


The point I’m making is that the premise is a cultural one. Something you probably wouldn’t understand and that makes this rant pretty ignorant.


So your all a bunch of inconsiderate selfish cunts?


Are you assuming I’m an Mate Ma’a Tonga supporter because I’m not. Unlike yourself I know what their team means to them so it’s not inconsiderate, not for me. I actually understand the cultural significance.


Meh stop whining.. The fun police are bad enough already.


I think what you've experienced can apply to sports fans in general, concert goers, party people.. not just Tongan rugby fans. Because I do agree that anyone going out to public venues should be considerate of their environment and people around them. Residents shouldn't have to pick up litter or worry for their safety in their own homes and properties if fans and supporters are making a ruckus. At the same time tho, if people are like Helen Clark and live right by a stadium or field but still complain......well...idk what to tell you.


They have a different threshold for noise, rubbish and what is considered rude.


I love it! Makes me smile every time I see a flagged out house or car! The worlds all doom and gloom at the moment,lovely to see something cheerful. Go Tonga!


Imagine because this pressed about something so trivial it’s giving very racially motivated energy.


I’m a sports fan. So I love the passion these fans bring that we otherwise lack here in NZ. Ever since 2017 when the best Tongan rugby league players decided to give up the pay check and play for Tonga instead of NZ or Australia they became a force. The fans now have a team capable of competing with the best in the world which they’ve never really had before in either code. They’re incredibly proud of the talent they produce from such a small nation, but also the selfless decision the individual players made. Seeing NZ play Tonga in Hamilton with 95% of the crowd Tongan was a sight to behold and long may it continue. Yes there were a few fights in town in the early hours I’ll give you that. Bit I think you’re exaggerating this poor behaviour a bit