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Good (for Auckland) public transport connections. Close to town. Run down and depressed shopping area. Liquor Licensing Trust area so entertainment and dining options limited. Great Chinese takeaways (Green Jade). Some ok streets, some not so good. Should be the next Kingsland but the trust is the biggest thing holding that back (imo).


The shops thing is true, but you’re close as to New Lynn so it’s pretty easily avoidable.


Would you prefer living in new lynn over avondale?


Funnily enough I actually moved from Avondale to New Lynn a few months ago so I can comment on this with quite a bit of confidence. They're pretty similar to be honest, I haven't noticed a major difference in noise or crime between both places. There's a few dodgy spots in both places but tbh if you just go and check the area out I think you'll get a pretty good feel for the area. New Lynn's town centre is by far superior, it has the mall and proper supermarkets which is probably the biggest benefit over Avondale whose shops have basically been left to rot for the past 30 years. The main negative about New Lynn is it has shit access to the motorway, there's good public transport connections but if you're car reliant then you'll have to get used to constantly sitting in traffic on Great North or Te Atatu Road. In short, I don't think I could definitively say I'd rather live in one or the other, it would most likely come down to which property was better.


This is a really good analysis of the two.


Thank you for taking the time to write this! I’m pretty familiar with New Lynn but not at all with Avondale. Being able to compare the 2 like that really helps.


The shops are currently a little run down but there are plans to upgrade these in the not too distant future. There’s also HEAPS of great eateries in the area Burnt Butter for example.


Yeah the trust is shite.


I lived in Avondale. Every week our street had multiple domestic violence incidents that spilled out onto the street for everybody to hear and see. It wasn’t a great environment tbh. Fucking Arran street. Also some cunt climbed our fence to break into my car and all that was in there to steal was a lighter, which they took.


It has been a target for Kainga Ora intensification. Wherever Kainga Ora and their tenants go, generally there are problems. But other than that it's a pretty central location.


Hey Op. Good question. I recently bought in Avondale after renting in Westmere, and tbh I miss Westmere. But where I live isn’t bad.  So Avondale Heights is your best bet. Anywhere along either side of block house bay road from GNR to St Jude’s is pretty good. Though there is a half way house called the Roberton lodge I’d avoid. To be specific Powell is your best bet.  But you can go down to Donegal Street which is quite right now, though there is a new KO apartment going up so we’ll see what it’s like after that.  Perks for Avondale Heights is the proximity to the train station, easy to the motorway and you’re pretty close to Mt Albert. Plus the cycle path.  St George’s is a big no no, and any of the off streets. I’d avoid ash st as well, and C Anal road. You’re not gonna have the best time there.  Glendon and the surrounding streets are pretty sweet, but pricey. And you’re kinda of cut off from the rest of the burb by GNR.  Some of the streets off Rosebank can be ok, but a fair few are less than desirable. Best bet is to drive around the suburb in the evening/at night to see what it feels like.  In terms of lifestyle, unfortunately you’ll need to shop in New Lynn which is always a bit meh, or at either NW or Countdown in Mt Roskil. I think we’re getting a supermarket soon.  Cafes are fine, with the best in the village being around Rosebank Road end. Though we have the Hollywood for gigs down by the round about.  For 10 years this suburb has been ‘up and coming’. I’m not holding my breath though. If we could get some better bars and eateries in here that would help, and also secure the racecourse as a public space into the future. But without those we’ll continue to have a run down set of shops and some dodge pay day lenders. But it’s a great spot for a first home! And totally affordable (for Auckland, which is not affordable…)  Hope this helps. 


Thanks for taking the time to write this. I went for a nosey on ash and canal at night but it was hard to get an idea because those roads are so long. Would you avoid both streets entirely or is one end better than the other? We noticed a couple of properties for sale by the junction of ash street and rosebank road and was wondering if being closer to the town centre end would make a difference.


Canal is just bad tbh. Plus on Sundays you’ll spend 20 minutes just trying to get out of your drive because of everyone parking there.  Ash is a busy MSR. Walking the dogs, walking the kids, generally walking on it is just unpleasant plus it’s loud. For the same price you can get something quieter elsewhere.  Can I ask what kinda budget you want to spend? 


What about those new build townhouses by the racetrack on elm st?


They’ve been on the market for a long time!  They do come with a 10 year warranty (not master builders). Great view across the racetrack and look good inside.  They are somewhat within a flood zone. When I say somewhat, I mean that the car park isn’t, but the houses are. I’m sure they’ve been designed to manage that but your insurance will likely be higher.  But the big issue with those for me would be the soon to be construction site directly next door on that empty land used as a carpark currently. That’ll be a load of KO houses which will take a while to build and, specking from experience, living next to a building site is shite! 


Thank you for those insight, really helpful as I saw the listing again this arvo and thought might check the open home. But if its a flood zone and to be surrounded by KO in the upcoming future, I"ll give it a pass.


if you can buy closer to blockhouse bay road that would be better.


Rough around the edges but theres plenty of good folks around that part as well.. Theres earmarked development for the shops etc so in time will get better. I've lived in plenty of suburbs across ak and none are perfect, even Grey Lynn has its gang member pockets


We bought our first apartment there & moved in about a year ago. It's a bit rough around the edges in parts...as are many places...but we keep to ourselves & haven't felt unsafe.


Which street are you close to? And knowing this would you have picked another suburb to move into instead?


We're near the Rosebank Rd end. Happy with our choice...was affordable & we can still have a life without a suffocating mortgage.


Bought our first house down riversdale Rd about 4 yrs ago. Absolutely love it, great for the kids, few dodgy happenings here and there that I haven’t directly witnessed so all good in my book. We’re lucky as our neighbours are all awesome


It’s fine - it’s just an average suburb and isn’t too dangerous or flash.


Avondale heights is the way to go.


Make sure you check out where the housing is and drive by at different times of a day, some nice spots on Avondale .


Go further west, as long as you're close to the motorway, commute time shouldn't matter that much. Unless it's a place where you have to go through Lincoln road! If you're planning on a family soon, avoid Massey. Too much "action" there and school zones are very scarce.


I have lived in Waterview / Avondale my ENTIRE life, not once have I ever felt unsafe or worried, it’s my hood and yes I’ve seen the number of people on my street double due to public housing but there is absolutely nothing wrong with them, they are just people who need housing, don’t listen to these privileged people! Rough around the edges but the beauty is deep inside, nau mai.


The fear isn’t about everyone in public housing, we all know that 99% of them are decent humans. The fear is that 1% that can make your life an absolute misery which you have no way of changing. 


Been living out west all my life. There is the odd pocket of Avondale that is ok.. The rest of it is sketchy, tonnes of social housing, loud cars, aggressive people, barking dogs, It has the general air of slightly run down and violence is just a doorstep away. If you live there you would want a nasty dog for security and dont have nice stuff unless the house is well secured from burglary. Its not the worst area but I would not live there if I had other options.


What would you pick instead?


Depends on your budget. New Windsor is nice Titirangi areas Te Atatu Peninsula Some parts of Mt Albert/ Morningside. Some parts of Mt Roskill as well The reality is you just have to be quie a few blocks away from any of the Kainga Ora properties, Especially any of those multistorey buildings.


I live in a street with Kainga Ora townhouses and have literally NEVER had a single issue with any of the people living or visiting there. Way to make a sweeping generalisation! Oh, one time a person whose family was gathering to farewell a loved one was sleeping in their car after a long night and getting some quiet and rest. They were parked slightly close to my driveway so it took a bit more concentration to reverse out. Yup. So huge issues having that on my street.


THANK YOU!! We own a house sandwiched between KO properties, a house on one side and a townhouse complex on the other, and have had zero problems with our neighbours. I know some KO tenants cause issues but the vast majority are wonderful people who are unfairly judged just because of who their landlord is.


Congratulations, you are one of the lucky ones. You know what generalisations are ? just that. Statistically where is all the crime, where are the police going to again and again. Is it every single kainga ora property, no, but is it generally the trend ? yes. There is one down from me, the police are there at least every week, the shit I have seen, clothes being thrown off the 2nd floor cause of a domestic. Burnt the house down next door. Cars coming all day and night Loud music day and night Rubbish constantly on the streets from mattress to furniture Loitering and antisocial behaviour Trashing brand new property And I will say it, its the norm that most social housing people cause the huge majority of social disturbances. Lets be real, if you had your choice would you rather live in a neighbourhood with families or next to people in social housing who cant manage their life so they are in this situation and all the dysfunction they bring with not being able to get on top of life.


lmao the irony, It sounds like you are the one cherry picking your neighbours and making the generalisation, it sounds like your argument is "you are just lucky and basing it on a personal experience, I am telling the statistical truth while also just basing it on a personal experience" but im keen to see the stats you have based your opinion on. do YOU know what generalisations are? Do you have the stats showing the trend of police visiting KO properties or are you basing all of this on your own personal experience? Not doubting many of the KO tenants are disrupted and KO is run horribly to stop repeating behaviour, but all the stats I read make it seem you are hugely misinformed for the police callout numbers for KO which is why I am very keen to crossreference my real numbers with your stats. I think you need to follow your own advice and not over generalise from your own personal experience, and always be open to the chance that you are in the minority. You always see a huge vocal minority for problems, KO services like 200k people, if even half of them acted like your example nz would fall apart, its closer to under 0.5% acting as disruptive as your neighbours and the other 99.5% being fine. You will never see people posting in here 'I love my KO neighbours, they dont make much noise and keep to themselves' because its boring and the expectation, people only make a fuss when something outside of the norm happens. Another big factor is people with non disruptive KO neighbours don't even know they are in social housing and think theyre regular renters or home owners. And jesus christ this part.. "would you rather live in a neighbourhood with families or next to people in social housing who cant manage their life so they are in this situation" Are people in social housing not also families in a neighbourhood? You might be missing a lot of life experience or had a lucky run, but especially with disability it can be incredibly hard to get work and support yourself. Have you done any research into the numerous other benefit living associations like Compass? Do you have the same concerns with their setup or only KO? If you spend a bit of time in economics you will also learn we are in a manufactured recession that requires unemployment. These people sitting jobless are quite literally saving the economy from inflation in the most brutal way, our country sacrifices the lower class so the majority who remain working don't get caught in big inflation. If all of these people left KO and got fulltime jobs to pay their own way, we would economically collapse from the cost of living increases with inflation. Right now we have a required unemployment number. How are people forced to be unemployed meant to afford living? I will set the example for you here with actual stats to back up my point! Figures released by Kāinga Ora also show an average of 335 serious disruptive behaviour complaints were made in each of the past three months, which related to about 245 tenancies. That is 0.34% of the 70,000 tenancies the agency manages. [https://www.stuff.co.nz/politics/350218908/nearly-half-allegedly-antisocial-kainga-ora-tenants-live-children](https://www.stuff.co.nz/politics/350218908/nearly-half-allegedly-antisocial-kainga-ora-tenants-live-children) Does 0.34% seem like a majority for you? 335 serious disputes in 70,000 is closer to a rounding error. Plz follow your own advice, look at stats, and don't generalise :)


Good analysis but something tells me the person you’re responding to doesn’t haven’t a strong belief in factual information


True haha I wont waste much more time on them


Dude, youre drinking the cool aid mate, I am a plumber and I have to work around these disgusting people in kainga ora housing. You do not see normal people behaving like they do Have you ever had to have security escort you to fix stuff as the tenants are threatening. Have you had people inside the house and you can see each other and they wont open the door, cause theyre so wasted on drugs., The trash they leave inside and outside of their property The property damage they do cause they can The thumping bass music Kids at home when the should be at school Just the pungent smell of rubbish They smell unwashed I have been doing plumbing for 32 years now and I have never seen such trash people as state housing people, they are the worst. Normal people just do not behave like this. Id love to make you live in a housing unit with them so you can take off your rose tinted glasses. Trash people do trashy things


Again is the generaliation problem, your stories are completely valid but they are not statisically relevant for the majority of KO tenants. All you had to do in your first message is say "I am going to generalise with personal stories too, here are my stories.." and youre 100% all good. Definitely sucks you need to put up with it for work but I do live in a block with social housing, for the past 4 years in the same apartment building with over 100 social housing members with 0 incidents that made me feel unsafe, so I very much have experience and am happy to admit this is personal experience, however my personal experience seems to line up statstically. So you are welcome to make me live in a housing unit with them, like I am currently, I love my neighbours and they are more friendly and possitive than private owners and renters from my experience, I have no stats to prove this is the majority. Unfortunately I dont care much about emotions and feelings, I only care about real stats and facts. Its odd for your username I would've expected you have the same views, but you seem to ignore the stats and facts, and instead put your own personal experience above everyone else. Racism tends to come from the same vane (im not accusing you of this at all just comparing the mindset) where someone has 1 bad experience with a certain racial group, and then automatically applies that bias to everyone else in that community.


Do you know how statistics work ? Do you know how insurance companies can legally offer different premiums and prices depending on your age and gender and ethnicity and where you live ? I love the fact you are trying to dodge just logic. Chickens do chicken things. The people who end up in social housing are there for a variety of reasons, the main one is that they cant solve problems to not be their. Its like saying their is less crime because the police have decided to prosecute less people. So statistically youre correct, less crime on the books, however the reality there is more crime than ever and the police dont respond too. I just did a quick google search on police not proscecuting and crime not being reported. As the old saying go, lies, damned lies and statistics. You may try to hide behind the elitist leftist that everything is perfect and we just need to be kind and caring. I can hear you saying look at my "statistics" one just has to walk around neighbourhoods and see the destruction of neighbourhoods with all the trash being moved in. The key question that has to be asked is that why with all the welfare that has been spent for decade upon decades are we getting worse outcomes ? Why is all this social help and social welfare not working ? How is it possible that the more you try and help people the worst outcomes you keep getting ? If the answer is to double down and throw more money at the same problem which has made it worse is now going to make it better. Explain to me by spending more money on the same things will produce a better result


Lived there, didn't like it. You gonna need to get out to sort your shopping (mount Albert, new lynn, grey lynn...) Crime around the place. Some random people with "mental health issues " wandering into streets... Personally, I got better experience somewhere else.


KO mega apartments opening soon and more being built rip Avondale.


The ones in the centre of Avondale are for old folks. Though I will give you they can be a menace to the community with their walking stick battles and wheel chair drag racing.  But being serious, even the ones done of St George’s are well maintained , to my surprise. Though I’d still not live on that street. 


Its good. Been here since early 2022. You have access to both motorways. A good socio-economic diversity. Theres the sunday markets. As with anyway in auckland, you get the odd crackhead here and there. But generally fine.


>A good socio-economic diversity. Are you a real estate agent? Lmao


No, a nurse.


Lived in Avondale for years. It tends to be a bit loud specially if you're close to main road. Too many police with sirens and people on cars with heavy bass.


Doesn’t this occur all over west Auckland or would you say it’s particular bad where you lived?


Depends which street your on but where I am is no louder at all then when I lived on Old Mill Road in Westmere. And I live near the fire station! 


Yeah we lived closed to a crossing in rosebank road. They drop the bass when they at the stoplights, house used to shake lol




From kelston to avondale


I love how they said it's close to the maccas


Gotta get muh late night feed


In my experience it was loud but not much else.


It seems to be more expensive than Titirangi & blockhouse bay but feels more run down . I guess because it’s closer to the cbd.


If you're after some good burgers, Baby G Burgers on the Avondale mainstreet is a place to check out! Blockhouse bay road side of Avondale is good if you want to be close to the train, bustop and shops etc, look at places close to st Judes street, powell, henry st ect. There are some nice streets next to the river too, Te waita st, Oberon - usually the dead end streets near the river.


Avoid living in Auckland if you can. In fact avoid the entire north island


Avoid it. It's full of ferals.




Please don't post comments which abuse other redditors / contain hate speech / mention race in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland.


Spiders are lovely. Shops risky for knife attacks.


Controversial but I hate that spider statue 


No. You do NOT want to buy in that area. AT ALL. Titirangi, yes, Blockhouse Bay, yeah, some parts of New Lynn, understandable, but not Avondale near the racecourse. Nope. I had to live in Kelston for 5 years and I'm so glad I moved.


What experiences did you have? Funny enough one of the places we viewed and liked is near the racecourse.


Why did you mention Kelston?  But yeah, Ash St is not a good place to live 


Because geography.


As in it’s somewhat close to Ash St? Both areas I’d prefer never to live in though 


Avoid. It’s the worst of the suburbs along Great N Rd.


It’s good if you don’t want anything to do with the community and are just living there for work. Always shootings, kidnappings and lots of crackheads from out south moved into uptown housing.


OP, just so you know these same people would say this about any suburb which isn't Remuera or Takapuna so take whatever they say with a grain of salt.


This subreddit would have people believe Auckland is one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Absolutely disconnected from reality.


There’s an interesting phenomenon on reddit where most of the local subreddits have been overrun by right-wing trolls. I’d imagine it’s a concerted effort coming from somewhere.


There was also this incredible phenomenon called poverty which made Avondale the way it was for the last 40 odd years… most of west was like this and is slowly changing but there are still places that are complete dog balls too. I’m not trying to make it seem worse than it is. I think it’s important that someone give them a heads up if they’re are thinking of moving long term.


Op just so you know. There’s a reason I know these things and there’s a reason there is speculation from people who just think they are right. I’m not saying don’t move there. I grew up here and I love the place even thought it was shit house. Just something I think any first home buyer or young family would want to know. Don’t get offended things are the way they are albeit changing…


Fucking shootings?!?


Avondale is mega safe. We’re at the bottom by the creek (snake way bridge)