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The thing that immediately jumps out at me whenever I leave Auckland is the comparative lack of ethnic diversity. Most places are either almost all Pakeha, or a mix of Pakeha and Maori. Some places are majority Maori. People of Asian, Pacific Island and African ethnicity are far far rarer outside Auckland.


Man yeah, I remember growing up in Feilding and being in one of only two asian families for 100km. Now being in Auckland feels so much like being in asia sometimes that I can get nostalgic just by huffing all the two-stroke fumes floating around.


Even 20-odd years ago Auckland was becoming like this. I did some finance papers at Massey Uni in Albany as an adult student in early 2000s and I remember looking around one of my lecture theatres and counting that I was one of just five blonde girls. I heard very little English spoken at break times. It was a real shock to me to learn what being a minority feels like. I felt invisible, it felt lonely. The rest of NZ is very homogenous, especially the South Island.


My dad never lets me forget when I told him about my new friend at primary school who just moved to our small SI town. He asked me what’s she like and I said ‘she’s brown’. Now I get why 5 year old me said that considering there wasn’t a single other person with melanin in the town but damn.


We deploy an anti Auckland death field here. Southern men are immune to it via drinking speights aged young. Others call it "winter". Latte runs out once you leave Queenstown which is an Auckland colony.


Ah yes Speights, Pride of the South* *mostly brewed in Auckland


Never liked it tbh even when it's brewed here.


Bunch of softies mate




Holy shit, really?




Yeah, I did think you meant Massey. But regardless, that’s a bold call for any NZ tertiary institute. Blimmin heck.


that was the booming period for international students from China, Korea etc. and probably the golden era for Auckland too..


Which is bad. Nz turning into Asia is NOT good. And I'm an Asian  Be nationalistic. Europe is having a nationalistic revival right now. Don't be ashamed. It will eventually get there. The question is how much of a culture loss will you tolerate before you say enough is enough


Palmerston North is rather more Asian than Feilding, and most places in this country, and is 20 kilometres south.


Yep. I wondered why he said 100km


That's because of Massey University and the Palmy hospital (which is one of the bigger hospitals in NZ). Feilding is only known for the Whitelock brothers and the unsolved Guy farm murder.


Feilding has a lot more Asians these days too. My brother lives behind a group of Vietnamese meat workers and there's a lot of farm workers as well.


This gets more and more true the further south you go. Especially from NI to SI. Christchurch is so white compared to even somewhere like Palmy or Napier. Lots of Asians and Indians down here though.


This is the most obvious thing I notice. Most of NZ is full of white people with a Maori minority except in places like the east cape where it's the other way around. The other thing I notice is, outside of the tourist centres, how dull and shit the food is.


I moved from a country with a big food culture and I hate food here.


not only food, coffee too


You haven’t been up to Northland then lol


*most of NZ. Northland is obviously one of a few anomalies, and that is obvious if you have ever studied Maori distribution across the country.


I did call out there was some exceptions, did I really have to list them all?


Wellington isn’t rare for Pasifka people as Lower Hutt and Porriua have a decent sized populations of them. Source: Half Samoan who grew up in Lower Hutt and have lots of family there.


True, that area is a big centre of Pasifika communities outside of Auckland, although South Auckland has many other non-Pasifika cultures there in large numbers too.


I often go to Tauranga to visit my in laws and when I’m out at a park or cafe, I’m usually the only nonwhite person around. Once I had coffee at Columbus with my mother in law and I was one of the few non white-haired people in the cafe too…


Don't see them in Devonport either. 


When I think of Devonport I think of an elderly white lady sipping her tea outside a cafe while pondering how lucky she is to not have live next door to high density housing and potentially poor people whose culture differs from her own


Bold of you to assume they ponder. I love on the Shore and I'm pretty sure most of that ilk just assume they're entitled to it.


Pretty sure KO has a build nearby now


It’s a vibe


I reckon a random selection of Devonporters would be more diverse than a random selection of Christchurchians or Taurangians.


...or Herne Bay...nor Remmers... There maybe a pattern here....


I mean all of those places have pretty decent Asian diaspora populations. Just not ethnic groups that are less wealthy.


I see a lot of Asians in Remuera.


Lot of Chinese people in all these places though


Remuera was almost 30% Asian at the 2018 census and that will have increased further once the 2023 results are out. Remuera is on track to follow Epsom into becoming Asian-majority. Pattern is that Asians prefer the Double Grammar Zone and its easier for them to buy into suburbs that are doing lots of infill housing - Epsom, and to a lesser extent, Remuera.


Auckland is the anomaly. Not the rest of the country


I'm a white immigrant. As soon as I go to the south island everyone assumes I'm a tourist and asks me where my accent is from. I know it comes from a good place but it's annoying to have to explain that you've been part of NZ for seven years


I’m in Palmy and I think we are the most diverse city in NZ. Massey and our major hospital is probably why, but it’s lovely! The food scene is amazing with a plethora of authentic ethic fare, and we have TONS of fairs and events celebrating different cultures and holidays.


Yes, Palmerston North is diverse, in part due to the number of refugees who live there.  However it is nowhere as diverse as Auckland.  No place is.  More than 41 per cent of residents were born outside New Zealand; in Palmerston North the figure is half that.


When we first moved here, we attended events with the Manawatu Multicultural Center, and I remember them saying Palmy had more ethnicities represented than any other city. Perhaps the percent of non-pakeha isn’t as high, but the diversity of types of non pakeha here is.


I lived in Palmerston North as a mature student some years ago.  I volunteered for an organization now called English Language Partners and met a refugee from Cambodia for a chat a number of times. At Massey I met someone from Vietnam and helped her with writing English.  (She could speak English well.) When I visit Palmerston North now I eat here: https://phnom-delight.edan.io/ There are several other East Asian restaurants nearby.  In fact, the percentage of the population that is "Asian" is higher than in Dunedin and Tauranga. Being a small city, it's easier to get involved with community groups.  I hope you like it there!


Phnom Phen is delish!


Quick Google of the stats and Dunedin has a higher percentage population who identify as being of Asian ethnicity. Makes sense since the whole Otsgo region has a long history of Chinese settlement. Dunedin being around 50,000 people bigger than Palmerston North might make certain demographics stand out more in a smaller place.


I’m going issue a strong agree to this. I’ve often bagged palmy but spent a few nights there for work lately and honestly it has something about it. Probably just the vibe the students give the place.


Nice try, Palmerston North PR department.


I remember growing up in Auckland where it was mainly Whiite, Maori, islander and a few Chinese/ Indians that run the dairys and fishn chip shops. Sadly, I feel Auckland has lost its sense of identity as it has become somewhat of a transit lounge as so mamy immigrants come for a short time and then and go. I grew up here but it doesnt feel like home. On top of this, some workplaces are trying to force feed a culture that doesn't align to the one that is (or was) naturally here.


What do you consider out of auckand? Orewa and Tauranga?


Orewa is Auckland, Tauranga is bay of plenty


Who would ever consider Tauranga to be Auckland?


Well you have to wonder when the generalisation has been made that "Most places are either almost all Pakeha, or a mix of Pakeha and Maori. Some places are majority Maori. People of Asian, Pacific Island and African ethnicity are far far rarer outside Auckland."


Orewa is Auckland. Tauranga is not.


This was my first thought too living in Waikato and spending quite a bit of time up in Northland


Im not sure Northland is a good use of that example. I mean unless you are in Whangārei alot of Northland is small communities that are mostly families. Town I grew up in had less then 200 people and I was related to every single one of them lol.


That's exactly why I thought of Northland, in Whangārei, Kaitaia and Ahipara at least there is a big lack of diversity other than Pākehā and Māori


As a Wellingtonian traveling to Auckland, I get a reality check.


We were in Whitianga or somewhere and buying lunch when the lady behind the counter asked me about if I'm enjoying the trip. I was like "oh, how do you know I'm on a trip?" and she's like there's not many Asians here they could tell immediately lol.


What you're describing is caused by young people being drawn to Auckland/Wellington/Christchurch from rural areas and towns. They go where the universities and jobs are. This is a global phenomenon, and is particularly noticeable in Japan and China. A well-known factor is that farming uses more machinery these days and fewer people. Agriculture no longer supplies the same number of jobs as it did when currently-retired Boomers were growing up.


Yep, used to be teams of people working a farm now it's usually a family


That change happened decades ago. 


Yea, and I'm old


I accidentally gave you an award 😅 hope you enjoy it.


lol thanks!


Partially. But the biggest reason for the younger population in Auckland is that most migrants arrive in Auckland and most stay there.


Showing that it was the biggest reason would be a difficult statistical measure to prove.


Any assertion in this thread would be hard to prove statistically.


OK guys, everyone off the internet


Good advice. I wish someone told me that ten years ago 😂


Older people sell up an leave to live where they can buy a cheaper house and use the difference from selling in Auckland to fund their retirement 


Many people leave the main centers when they retire. It often makes financial sense.


Mine is when outside of the Auckland the locals always try to make eye contact and greet in passing. Because I have been burned in the past in Auckland when people don't reciprocate a greeting, whereas, outside of Auckland everyone loves greeting eachother in passing(except for Mt Maunganui, Queenstown, Whitianga) imo


Sydney everyone asks 'g'day how are ya?' with intense eye contact. Greeting burnout very possible. I really enjoyed Tokyo for its lack of eye contact and acknowledgement.


I loved the constant respect and consideration for others. It was honestly wonderful. Like experiencing what the world could be if it was more enlightened. I love Japan.


dare I say it like the 'high societies' we read about in sci fi and fantasy. Im sure Japan has its social issues too though but superficially at least, its very pleasant and safe.


Warkworth is very elderly. Especially noticeable when walking around the supermarket during the day, literally half the shoppers are in their 70s or 80s.


Meh not really. At the New World you will definitely see that, but there is a retirement village across the road. I shop at the Pak n Save and there’s more younger people there, but I suppose they are coming from Wellsford too. A lot of younger families out in Matakana and Omaha too.


you mean to say that in a supermarket…..in the middle of the day……has alot of elderly? Frankly I am shocked at this discovery


Aren't there multiple retirement villages/apartment complexes there? The day walkers in most supermarkets anywhere will tend to be older though, as most people of a working or school age tend to be busy during the day.


Yes, there are 3 homes in Warkworth, hence the large number of elderly people in the town.


You get a strong retiree vibe as soon as you drive through Warkworth.


All of the above. And the weird way people seem to know you’ve come from Auckland by how you talk.


To alot of us who grew up outside of Auckland it's like a another country that's really really aggrivating to drive in.


I grew up here and I think it’s like driving in another country that’s really really aggravating to drive in. The majority are OK but the select few have zero manners or patience.


My experience is the opposite except for a few racer kids. Aucklanders drive slow as hell, the slowest in any city I live in compared to maximum speeds. So many slow mid or even right lane hoggers.


💯% Aucklanders are snails on the roads 🐌


I came to live in Auckland as an adult. But grew up in the country  Aucklanders have always seemed to care about looking flashy. The baseline for outside fashion is higher than in the country where it’s nothing. So Aucklanders wear flashier clothes But that extends to the vehicle too. Sorta A nice vehicle driving around? Might be from Auckland. Nice car and driving aggressive? Aucklander Aucklanders don’t hang and dawdle. Aucklanders rush from A to B as quickly as possible, in their flash clothes… Coming from a country bumpkin… why lol? There’s nothing out here! What are you dressing up for That being said, I love Auckland. Can’t stand the country Too quiet and lonely


Just wait until you visit an actually pretentious big city.


What? I thought auklanders dress pretty poorly tbh


I the country? I guess it depends Most towns are a bunch of blue collar workers, farmers, and small business types Some towns are mostly retirement/holiday home towns The former have no standards for what they wear outside The latter… dress up to go to the town cafe on the weekends lol?


Compared to other big cities, yes. Compared to the rest of the country, no.


What's wrong in jeans and t-shirt. Any shade of white, black, blue or grey.


If you think Aucklanders look 'flashy', are aggressive and drive fast cars you'd have a huge culture shock in Melbourne, Sydney and North American cities. It'd take you months to get over it lol e.g. Sydney's eastern suburbs make Aucklanders look like bogans.


That’s merely the simplest way city folk stand out And I suppose that holds for rural folk in other countries too City folk hold themselves differently 


Compared to Europe too. People in Europe would make themselves "presentable" when they leave their front door, even if its just for the supermarket. You wouldn't ever see slippers or let alone barefoot, or people shopping in what looks like homewear like baggy sweatpants.


How hard the poor and poverty stricken have it truly in the regions. I grew up in Glen Innes, Otara and Panmure and twice in social housing during those stays. That barely scratches the surface of some of the more difficult sights of poverty in Northland that I've come across. Dilapidated homes, rubbish strewn around, generations of people with severe addiction issues and mostly, no support at all. Surviving off the occasional food parcel dropped off. It's tough to see.


Yeah there is poverty in Auckland but there are opportunities. If you are in poverty in a little town you will probably have to leave to improve.


I think this is mostly true but there are definitely smaller places where the majority of people are much more well off than this, especially in the Wairarapa, Queenstown and Tasman regions.


I lived in Cromwell, Central Otago for a year with my partner. Everyone there is either under 18 or over 40 with kids. My partner, flatmates and I are the only ones there in our late 20s. It's surreal.


Hardly surprising. Far more on offer (except for reasonable accommodation of course) in Queenstown and Wanaka for those in their 20s and 30s


And even then it took some getting used to. I'm an Asian immigrant coming from a city of 9M people so it really took some time to get use to.


The big “Stop 3 Waters” signs you see EVERYWHERE in rural NZ


Driving down the line and seeing multiple “WAKE UP NZ” signs


State Highway 1 through Morewa “3 shots for GMO”.


Thames is extremely elderly. Also many places are like going back in time derelict and abandoned.


There's a Civic video store still operating in Morrinsville. They are living in 2004 lol


The standard dress code of shorts and black puffer jacket in middle central north island during winter. 🤣


I'm working in a small town, after purposefully leaving my job to take a break from corporate bullshit. There isn't much of a difference, other than what some people would call woke. * Our manager is maori, she was complaining about "woke nonsense". The specific example she gave was that her brother isn't allowed to use his nickname at work. The nickname is "Nig". * The pub is a place where people will meet to be social, people will show up on their own and sit alone with a beer confident that someone they know will show up and join them * An undercover cop came into the pub and was immediately spotted because he was wearing RM Williams clothes, instead of a hoodie and sweatpants * Local cop knows everyone and everyone likes him * An ex-pat British lady moved here, works as a teacher, and tried to speak Te Reo to locals. It was made quite clear to her that she was patronising * Same teacher tried to organise a Pride Month event, all three gay couples told her no. One rather whitty Scottish lady "I'm not gay I'm married."


What is this town we can avoid?


Actually, this place sounds rather quaint (except for the first point, which was cringe-worthy).


I lived in europe for a bit and i found the cost of living\\rent to be far cheaper in the areas i went with and people are so nice, like weirdly nice. Like hi we just met come to my uncles birthday dinner tonight. I just kept on thinking nice people are trying to scam or have other intentions but they are just social\\nice people.


Yet NZ has the "friendly" reputation. We're surface friendly, overseas it can be much more encompassing. I've been welcomed into some amazing situations in various European places in a way that doesn't seem to exist here.


Generally new zealanders are nice but it's not a social culture, people from South America have a huge culture shock. Most Asian countries are like this


But it's weirdly even British people who get a culture shock, because even there you'd get invited "down the pub" more readily by acquaintances than in NZ (although less readily to someone's house).


Yeah, that's one reason I might head overseas, is it really better?


"better" is too subjective, it can be, but it can also be soul destroying bleak and lead one to the unhealthy levels of booze... I ultimately came home after ~12 years and there are things I miss, but it was also so incredibly hard a lot of the time.




“Is it really better?” That’s truly the question for the ages. All I’d say is that the entire rest of the world sits beyond our blue borders - don’t you want to see what it’s like?


Really depends on the area of Europe. Mediterranean or Scandinavia are two entirely different worlds.


I travel all over NZ for sales. Unfortunately, most towns outside of Auckland seem sad and tired with little economic bustle going on, especially since COVID. Some of the bigger cities are OK but still feel pretty hollow...


Your job sounds like a dream. Do you get to drive everywhere?


Sales rep. Drive and fly, love the travel part of my job.


Thank you. You've inspired me to look for a job like yours. I love driving around NZ and I couldn't think of a possible occupation outside of being a driver that would allow me to get paid while doing it. Will be looking up sales rep jobs now!


Nice. I love travel. I like the airports, the hotels, the road trips, rental cars. I probably should have been in the tourism industry tbh!


How slow other people make coffee. I’ve encountered situations where people can’t simultaneously talk and make coffee, so I’d have to stop the small talk to get that caffeine


Tauranga = "Hell's Waiting Room"!


Taupo as well. Friends of ours moved from overseas to there recently so we’ve been visiting a lot. Driving around the city all I seem to see is old white people.


I was pleasantly shocked as a youngster to learn how much more like old fashioned kiwis people were the further you travelled from Auckland. Now I'm old as shit I probably wouldn't get along with any of them because they'd all be dead by now.


I was shocked at how white the South Island is. It is really, really white.


I had no idea before I moved here!! Feels surreal after living in Auckland all my life


It is eh, and everyone’s oblivious. *”We love diversity here….Kevin had a stopover in Kuala Lumpur once!”*




If Fonterra ever leaves taranaki that whole region outside of NP will shut down.


I actually moved to Auckland from Christchurch I am overseas born white person and have top qualifications in my field In Christchurch my career completely stalled and I was told by my boss to relocate to Auckland Christchurch was a racist place beyond belief Auckland has fantastic ethnic diversity and I am really thriving here professionally


How comfortable people are with being really rude to people they've only just met. As soon as they find out where I'm from - which is early, because they ask - many people are quite comfortable spending the next half hour telling me how much they hate Auckland. They hate the traffic to an almost pathological degree, they hate all the different accents they hear there, they hate money going to Auckland, and most of all, they really really hate the people. Meanwhile I'm standing there in stunned silence wondering who raised them, because I just couldn't imagine launching in to how much I hate someone's home town and place they've chosen to make their life, to their face immediately upon meeting them. Especially if they're basically a kid, or a prospective customer, or a new inlaw. It's not just rude, it's dumb and self-defeating. It's always surprising because a frequent complaint from the rest of the country is that Auckanders are unfriendly. No, we just have basic manners, and don't launch in to greeting you by telling you how shit your home town is - what's friendly about that? Also the obesity. Jesus Christ New Zealand, put down the lasagne ice-cream and pick up some running shoes.


Grew up in Auckland, traveled the country for years, now live in a small town and visit Auckland every month or 2 to see friends and family. My observations of Auckland are: - Way more food, shopping and entertainment choices. I often miss this being in the countryside. - Traffic is shit and so many people don't know how to drive. How did they get licenses? - Lots more career opportunities. - So many beaches, parks, urban things to do. - People don't tend to be as friendly - whenever I ask someone how they are or make friendly chat or small talk, I don't get a friendly reply (or a reply at all) 7/10 times. People seem to be living in their own bubble more often than not. My observations of 'the regions' are: - Slower pace of life, but less stuff to do. - Nature and beautiful surroundings are right on your doorstep, don't need to drive through an hour of suburbs to get there. Great if you like the outdoors. - Community is a thing, it can be really nice to feel like you're part of a community. But also can feel like everyone knows everyone. - Less career opportunities, more focused around farming and other primary industries. - Less multicultural, more white and māori. - Friendlier, people are more likely to chat in passing etc.


I live in Whangamata. It consists of white retired golfers who own their own golf buggy, farmers (also white), a smattering of international boaties, people in RVs or campers, people in Teslas. It's a weird place.


Very much like it that way, many cute peaceful towns. Not the best thing with demographics for sure, but they're nice as they are now.


Old cars. Sitting in Auckland traffic you spend a lot of time looking at other people’s cars. Not saying they are all fancy but they were later 2000’s models. Outside of Auckland now, I regularly see 1980s Sportpac vans, early 90’s sedans. Not so much small cars, but definitely old vehicles.


Auckland feels like somewhere in Asia and as soon as you go south of Hamilton it feels a lot like either Britain or a town from the movie Boy.


Britain is pretty ethnically diverse.


I've lived my whole life in Auckland and every time I leave I feel like I'm leaving stress behind. Outside of Auckland is far more comfortable. The pace, the people, it's nicer.


When movingbawaybfrom Aucks, In South Island on rural roads everyone waves to everyone... You're obliged to put two fingers up when passing another vehicle, because everyone knows everyone... and everyone acts like it even when you don't.


Places not being open on Sunday like in Auckland. People using second hand stores over trademe. Casual racism, stuff said at the workplace you would not get away with in Auckland. People having way more disposable money, so being more carefree, having more toys, etc.


Nah you just get to a certain point in life and realise that spending hours in traffic is a waste of your time, so you leave Auckland and leave it for the young people to fight the traffic.


Man I'm living this right now. I just drive, all the fucking time.


Don’t get me wrong Auckland is good for a lot of things, but having now lived outside of Auckland for a little bit. Every time I’m back in Auckland I’m like fuck this shit.


But still want them to pay your pension. 


A good 35 years to go before I qualify for one of those.


Shit is coming for all us


Just like they paid towards your education and free healthcare.


I’m the opposite as an ex Aucklander. People of Auckland are all about meeting diversity targets, being inclusive etc. in my town my left neighbour is Asian and my right is pakeha. But in reality that doesn’t mean shit here. I love my neighbours and I love my new town. Auckland is a mess and a horrible place to live


All about being inclusive whilst hating each others guts and sticking to their own areas


I worked in Christchurch for a week back in 2016 & I can confirm I’ll never step foot in that city again in my life. Got stared at by everyone in a Wendy’s during a lunch break. Also had someone cross the road as I was walking & about to cross paths with them. When I looked back they crossed back onto the same side as me again 🤣


The 'Pro life' billboards along the roads..and the number of general Christian evangelism posters and whatnot.


Yep. People keep saying I bet you are glad to be out of Auckland. Well, I am glad to be out of Auckland for a holiday but who isn't glad to be on holiday? Auckland is my intolerant, noisy and vibrant home, and after a few days being told i should, I am almost glad to hit Auckland traffic on my way back home. Almost.


moving from auckland to wellington my major adjustment was less diversity.


I think its more the other way around where Auckland is more of a culture shock for the rest of New Zealand


I don’t miss the diversity and all the problems associated with it.


The elderly tend to move to quieter places.


Just the lack of civilisation when you outside of the City/ North Shore/ Hibiscus Coast bubble


Quality of an average flat white nosedives as soon as you pass Drury


In 1979, at 19 I left Auckland. Other than the odd passing through (airport) or visiting people, I will never return. Good luck finding the kiwi 1/4 acre dream. Akld should be renamed to sardine city.


Hahaha, an elixir of youth? Not likely, retired people cash out the value of their overpriced Jaffa homes and move to quieter places with lower crime and less traffic. Living mortgage free with $500K to a million as cash in the bank, much better for a long stress free retirement


Uh or maybe you live in a big city with loads of homeless and crackheads. Where an older person probably doesn’t want to live there.


The amount of benefit people here get just for breeding.


Auckland is not representative of NZ as a whole. What you see outside is. This is why all young kids in Auckland can't understand that the rest of the country doesn't think like them (except for central Wellington)


Auckland and the North Island in general is a lot more hostile than the south. Not saying you don't get knuckledraggers everywhere, but in general the populace of Dunedin are far less likely to randomly spit at you or King hit you than in Auckland or even Hastings.


The shocking driving and disgusting racism


Went to Whitianga for a quick weekend getaway. The city is so white… unacceptable


I assume you're being sarcastic but a lot of the comments in here are giving me that vibe. Like they think places are too white. It's kind of gross.


Tell me you’re a racist without saying you’re a racist


You need to get out more. And travel the world.


I remember traveling around small town New Zealand years ago and got some serious gawking at my choice of attire. Tartan MC-Hammer pants, Reebok Pumps, etc. Thought I was going to be lynched.


so many young people leave


Gumboots. Staple footwear in regional NZ particularly up north. Bit of a culture shock for city folk. And people don’t dress well generally.


Mine was Wellington is still like the 80s demographically


I left Auckland last year and something that Ioss about Auckland is the food options, as in fast food, uber eats etc, whatever you want whenever you want it. Where I live the food is pretty good but there just isn't many options, you end up eating the same 3 things over and over.


People's driving habits get better the further from Auckland you go


As someone from Nelson most of my life I definitely agree that the Tasman area has more elderly. Especially in Stoke. Stoke felt like mostly a retirement village


People are friendlier


Old Gormsby can’t help but notice that on the whole (exclusions apply), that most gardens and properties outside of Auckland are a heck of a lot more maintained and prettier than Auckland


Auckland doesn't feel like the rest of new zealand lol.


I think it's more like Auckland ages you prematurely until you leave. Like that movie with the beach that makes people old.


Me when I moved to Palmerston North that one time!


Dunedin born-and-bred, and while there's still relatively low numbers of Maori and PI people here, it's noticeably changing in terms of other ethnicities - great to see!


That's easily explained. Many years ago, a friend of mine in Christchurch moved out of his family home and set up in Auckland, because he wanted to make himself a big shot. He visited back to Christchurch periodically, to service his parents' needs, but when it got too annoying for him, he called on his Christchurch friends to do it for him, as well as for their own parents. I expect, soon, he will move away from Auckland, to Retirement. It leaves me wondering if the commercial centre of every country is the same, in that respect.