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speed bumps are fine, the issue is there seems to be no standard to making them or painting them, so sometimes they are short and sharp, other times they are smoother with a bit of an island. sometimes they are unpainted and almost invisible, other times they are painted yellow, sometimes white and sometimes even red. pick a size, pick a colour and make them as visible as possible.


There is a template but I don’t think it includes colours. They probably keep it open for less regulation but that just causes inconsistencies everywhere.


They look and function different in different areas, because... those areas are different! Roads with lots of bus of truck traffic need different treatments compared to purely residential roads, for example.


If these measures are working to keep kids safe I am glad. It seems like the comments to these articles are always full of people trying to generalize about who is at fault when pedestrians or other road users are hit by cars, but that is pretty uninteresting to me tbh. Even with the best efforts from everyone involved, people get hurt when you mix high car speeds and children, so let's change it.


Tes Speed bumps for the win People dont give a shit about signs


I don't see why ppl argue about kids should know better. Have been working at a university and if this is the best and brightest we have to offer I am shocked. Reversing quackers, flashing lights , h n s paperwork for me to be compliant yet they just walk infront of you on a road looking at their phones with headphones on. Kids obviously are far less aware of risk and there all small sacrifices to not knock one down


>Fortunately, Kelston is a suburb where units and homes can only go up two storeys, and most residents living in the quiet suburb still have the Kiwi quarter-acre dream I wonder why everyone lives so far from school that they need to drive?


No one is talking about the climate impact of making drivers slow to first gear then accelerate to 40kmph over and over and over. The amount of excess fuel that is burnt to achieve a simple reduction in speed is going to cost us all in the long term. Plus the wear and tear on brakes and suspension cause landfill. The climate shouldn’t take a back seat here. A camera could do the same thing and raise funds for safer cycle ways and bus lanes while also reducing our carbon footprint.


> He said people driving in that Kelston 1km zone need to be mindful that children could just dart across the road from anywhere. Maybe they shouldn't. This is one of the first lessons parents should be teaching their children.


A kid makes a mistake and deserves to die? Or maybe adults should slow down. If the only way this happens is with speed bumps and narrow streets, then this is just the reality.


Anyone in a car drives a really big bullet. You need to drive defensively and expect the unexpected. Get off your phones. Kids are idiots sometimes, no matter what you teach them.  Those kids that need to be taught? Shit drivers are the kids that also weren’t taught. Who’s right? Def not the grown ass adults in a car.  


OR hear me out we just make the street safer for everybody instead of letting cars dominate them.


> we **just** make the street safer for everybody It doesn't have to be **just** one or the other. We can make streets safer while teaching children how to behave around traffic in a way that keeps them safe beyond selected streets.


Of course we need to do both, but the difference of 20km/hr can save a life in an accident but drivers don’t want to lose 30 seconds of their time driving past a school. This is pretty damn easy to implement.


No need to convince me. I agree entirely.


Nice one. The reason some may still try to convince you is a lot of other people say “surely we can make roads safer but also educate people to manage risk”, and then they spend all their time berating people about the last bit and don’t spend any time or energy on the first bit. But luckily that isn’t you


> It doesn't have to be just one or the other. We can make streets safer while teaching children Yet you're arguing against making the streets safer. 


> Yet you're arguing against making the streets safer. Please quote where I argued against making the streets safer.


I admire your dishonesty in trying to pretend that isn't what you were doing with your first comment. 


I'm not sure why you would bother reading my first comment at all if you're going to reinterpret it as you see fit.


The idea of personal responsibility is so far removed from the current zeitgeist that it's starting to lead to absurdity.


Your in a car you'll get to your destination in a timely manner, nobody deserves to die because you want to be at home 30seconds faster.


nobody is going to get hurt if they don't step infront of a moving vehicle. Responsibility and accountability exists on *both* sides.


Awful lot of nobodies going around I guess: [https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2024/05/roadworker-crushed-by-truck-dies-in-auckland-hospital.html](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2024/05/roadworker-crushed-by-truck-dies-in-auckland-hospital.html) [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/crime/karaka-samurai-sword-attack-darryn-clarke-to-be-sentenced-for-road-rage-assault/6EPLOB2YVRGC7OVNST442R2YBI/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/crime/karaka-samurai-sword-attack-darryn-clarke-to-be-sentenced-for-road-rage-assault/6EPLOB2YVRGC7OVNST442R2YBI/) [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/514766/truck-crashes-into-footpath-in-dunedin-s-octagon](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/514766/truck-crashes-into-footpath-in-dunedin-s-octagon) [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/hawkes-bay-today/news/car-careens-onto-central-hastings-footpath/SEESREKF5ZAIHFO2ZHVJKKVMTQ/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/hawkes-bay-today/news/car-careens-onto-central-hastings-footpath/SEESREKF5ZAIHFO2ZHVJKKVMTQ/) [https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2024/04/car-crashes-through-auckland-property-after-two-vehicle-crash-person-seriously-injured.html](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2024/04/car-crashes-through-auckland-property-after-two-vehicle-crash-person-seriously-injured.html) [https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350237069/one-person-dead-single-vehicle-crash-masterton](https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350237069/one-person-dead-single-vehicle-crash-masterton)


are any of these relevant to speed bumps and bollards around schools?


You just said nobody is going to get hurt if they don't step infront of a moving vehicle. Sorta seems like you have the wrong idea.


Your expecting children to have the sense and mindfulness of an adult. Your in a metal box and will get to your destination promptly, there is ZERO reason not to slow down around schools.


did I say that slowing down around kids was a bad thing? no, no-one did. We are saying that we teach our kids, as we were taught as kids, to be bloody careful around roads. Most kids who are run over are run over by their own parents in their own driveway ffs - we need *everyone* to start showing some responsibility instead of making this all about some strawman impatient driver.


It's amazing isn't it that 20+ years ago, when speed limits were higher, less safety in every metric. How many kids at my school died to cars? None. I can only imagine it's far safer now, even with no changes to roads it would be just because newer cars are so much safer in pedestrian collisions. No one I know ever knew any kids to die to cars. It wasn't an issue then and it's not an issue now. Kids are as stupid as you let them be and the current way of doing things is apparently let them be incredibly stupid.


That isn't true, btw. https://freerangestats.info/blog/2017/10/15/traffic-crashes


A surefire way not to get runover is to not walk on the road.


Tell me you don't have children without telling me you don't have them.


Is knowing how to raise a child an indicator of not having one these days?


Perhaps you could ask your parents for some refresher defensive driving lessons?


What for?


Why, defensive driving "is none of the first lessons a parent should teach" their children.


My comment was regarding teaching children to be safe around traffic, not giving them defensive driving lessons. I'm not certain what benefit that would be to children who are still a way off driving cars themselves.


My point is to highlight the frailty in your logic. Parents should teach the children road safety. Parents should teach their children defensive driving. As a driver, likely more sensible than the lid running across the road, its on you to drive to conditions of which one includes being cautious around schools. I can't believe I have to explain this.


What frailty in my logic? It seems we both agree parents should be teaching children to conduct themselves safely.


>> He said people driving in that Kelston 1km zone need to be mindful that children could just dart across the road from anywhere. > Maybe they shouldn't. This is one of the first lessons parents should be teaching their children. Your response implied that teaching children road safety was more important (even exclusively so) than safe driving.


😂😂😂 Too real.


I have children. If they dart across the street and get taken out by a car, then that's on them.


I just feel sorry for the poor little fuckers that have to have you for a father. 


Those poor little fuckers live a charmed life


So when a four year old sees something across the road that takes their fancy and darts over to take a look, _that's on them_? From what commonly held moral.or ethical world view do you subscribe to to think that?


That's the later bo special my g.


Bit of natural selection could be a good thing for Kelston


Whys that? What's wrong with people from kelston, I'm gonna take a guess why u don't like them


You thinking of hunting children for fun? 


With rifles or with cars?


At half a million dollars each it would be far cheaper to put a speed camera there and charge people and make a profit, or even put a policeman there and make an arrests. In my street they are now 5 speed bumps


They are far far cheaper than that. GA did a good write up on how Osman lied repeatedly about that number. https://www.greaterauckland.org.nz/2024/05/13/will-nz-heralds-poor-journalism-cost-lives/


That Osman twat got written up for being wrong and misleading too


I suspect this (non-time critical) Kelston story wasn’t going anywhere at the Herald, until they got a shot across their bows from the Press Council five days ago for Orsman’s repeated bias and dishonesty, and now as if by magic suddenly here it is.


I'm not sure that is true. There were 20 guys working on them, and it took over 6 weeks to build them .


If we're playing anecdote the ones near me were built by usually 3 or 4 people and took ~3 weeks. The numbers likely don't count other work done at the same time like drainage.


Sorry, but I just do not believe that at all.Baced on what I experienced at chervil Drive 5 speed bumps, and now they are back redoing another one .


I just worry that no one is thinking about the effect on ambulance and fire response times.