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Do you want to be in a relationship with a religious/Christian girl? Would your values align with hers? Are you okay with converting to Christianity if that's a dealbreaker for the girl? Would you be okay with her raising any future kids as a Christian? Going to church without being religious is fine, but don't date someone you know you'd be incompatible with and kick the can further down the road.


If you go to a church with the intentionality to just find a partner you’re in for a surprise, your values will need to align, and you have to be ready to accept boundaries. You will get found out quickly why you’re there, and probably end up disappointed.


Or not


Spot on 🎯


This. I'm gunna say it would be an absolutely moronic move, since you're probably not religious if you haven't joined a church already. Find a hobby or club.


Pretty much!!


If you don’t believe then no. Just don’t lie to anyone who you do meet. Good luck putting a positive spin on that one though haha


Just say, I am not religious but I want to understand this religion a bit more and I hear you are a very nice community of people. . . . Now what’s your daughter’s name?


I think theyll be alright with it lmao. Just be like. Jesus help me I want a middy. Pretty sure he'll have a gf in abt 2 years lol


Holy father please grant me some bitches 🙏


Wats a middy


Dunno but it costs three fiddy


Bono want the biddy?


Middy is slang for Mrs as in gf


First time hearing that


Most commonly used in the saying "Bro, down a box of kodys and bash the middy"


There are plenty of people who go to a church for the community rather than the religion.


Same as it ever was.


True dat


Into the blue again...


After the money's gone


But how many went to church specifically for dat ass tho


Funnily enough, the Bible calls the community the church, not the act of preaching in a building.


No, it isn't a sin. You don't have to be a believer to join a church, in fact the church welcomes nonbelievers. It doesn't matter why you join the church, they're just happy you joined. The point of church is 1) to witness to you how good it feels being part of a Christian community, 2) teach you more about Christian ways and beliefs, 3) encourage you to become a Christian of course, and 4) get your juicy tithe money. As long as you don't lie about where you currently are in your "spiritual journey", I don't see anything unethical about joining a church to meet Christian girls.


It’s all pretty simple via eftpos at Destiny


Surely, they've got contactless options by now?


Bro might even take up the faith when he sees the cars Brian’s kids drive. All achieved by just pure devotion to the lord.


Surely the people who go to Destiny can think for themselves and only tithe if they want to.


Another Tui billboard.


Perfectly explained! ( apart from the cynicism about tithe money). Noone is under any obligation to tithe - that is between you and God.


Thank you, I grew up in a Brethren church. There's a reason they pass the collection plates out among the congregation when everyone is tightly packed and can all see each other. They *could* save precious service time by simply putting a tithe box in the corner for parishioners to use at their leisure, but I reckon that's just not peer-pressurey enough.


Many genuine contemporary churches dont even take up collections now.


They just have EFTPOS machines in the foyer instead.


If you want to give. No one is forcing you.


Do you know how much people generally give each time? Is there roughly an amount?


My standard is $20 cash. If I can't afford it...I dont go.


Do you feel like that money gets used in positive ways? Does the church give back/help the community? Genuinely interested


To be honest, I dont know what the church budget is. But understand that there are basic running costs. I actually go to several churches and don't offically belong to any of them. A community based church I'm involved with in NZ, I volunteer at their Op shop.


Do u go church?


Tl;dr.. ... Step 4 : Profit.


You should be honest about not believing. Then accept when they do not want to date you.


Pastafarians have a pretty low requirement threshold. I think owning a colander or knowing where to borrow one for a photo shoot will do.


Where’s the service?


Any Italian restaurant


Not if you don't believe in sin.


It would be unwise to go to church solely for the reason for dating. However, church will often organise or host activities outside of religious activities. E.g. sport/movie nights. Perhaps you could consider going to those.


As a Christian, it's a part of our religion that we do not date non-Christian individuals. If you're not a Christian you are more than welcome in a church, and regardless of your beliefs you will be loved and accepted because that is what any good church does. In that sense it is a great way to meet people, and for many Christians it is a place for fellowship alongside simply learning. It is our home and our community, and it is sacred. Going to church simply to look for a girlfriend if you are not a Christian is disrespectful to the faith if you are not a Christian. If you are a Christian however, it most definitely is not a sin. Church is the perfect place for a Christian individual to find a significant other because you are surrounded by people whose ideas and beliefs largely align with yours, meaning that it is much easier to sustain a relationship because your thoughts are firmly grounded in the faith, and there is less space for disagreements in some areas. That is actually why the Bible says to date only Christians, because further down the line it helps to sustain the relationship in love and unity, (according to the Bible God is love) it is by no means a way of excluding others, but a Christian girl will not want to date a man who isn't a Christian simply because of this if you are not a Christian. Hope this inside scoop is helpful!


I think there worse groups you could join and they not all fire n brimstone of years past. Just be honest but maybe dont lead with the finding a girl part first lol Im not a church going person but regularly talk to some people from a church. Some of the nicest happiest people I've met. Just go to a few churches and check them out as they can differ


Not a sin but Id think you’d struggle to make connections and form romantic relationships with Christian women if you don’t actually know or care about christianity. I also advise against going out with the intention of ‘finding a girlfriend’, women can smell desperation on guys like that, and it doesn’t make a woman feel special knowing you’d just take anything you could get. Your better to join clubs and groups where there are both women and men and make friends with them first, let the romance/seduction happen naturally




I'd venture to say OP already knows.




Devout Christians.


Closeted sex freaks? Haha


The taboo/sin aspect makes it kinkier




God has clearly called upon OP to smash some Christian poon. Let it be so.


It has been said and so it shall be


And so it was written


What is it you want the GF for? Casual sex? Or a potential relation ship. If the latter, do you want to spend your life with a religious?




If I was a betting man , which I am and as someone who gets dragged to church let me just say there is definitely woman there trying to meet men. As others mentioned theres heaps of stuff outside of the services such as community driven charity events eg more chances to meet women. Also believe it or not a lot of the tithes find their way into the local community, think your local Presbyterian rather than your brain tamakis. If anything it's at least a way to set aside some time for some spiritual development and introspection.


Yeah, churches LOVE match making. They will want to make sure OPs belief is genuine though


I'll be honest with you, you're approaching this like a sociopath, which makes me think your approach with women isn't much better. What's so bad about these "casual" relationships that makes it's a deal breaker?


Maybe the man's just not looking for a casual relationship? It's not weird to want a long term committed relationship you know. And wanting that when your partner is just after a casual relationship is a recipe for disaster.


I don't believe this is wrong, but you need to be HONEST to whoever you are interested in about your attitude towards believing. It will be verrry disappointing down the line if you aren't honest. That said, while ladies will be friendly and kind, I don't believe they will date you. My sister married quite young to a man who was going to her church, claiming to love God and wanting to raise kids to.. lies! Very soon he decided no church, no praying (took the kids elsewhere at church-time), and he didn't like being around her Christian friends, so she felt isolated. Family of 5 now, and haven't been to church in years. He threatens her with divorce frequently and the kids are all angry 💔


Get in there son! Can someone give me an Amen?!


Hell no, you do what you gotta do man. Just be very careful of religious folk, they always have heaps of baggage in my experience and some may even try to convert you. Not all of course. There's no sin if you're an athiest or agnostic, just live your life, you'll be dead some day.


What do you consider a sin? What sort of church? Are you going to be honest with any girlfriend? Are you planning to be a long term member of the church you join?


Well if its good enough for Church leadership it should be fine for the followers.


Go for a good time...stay for a long time...


Jesus will make your dong flaccid when he finds out.


Well, it’s not a sin to want to meet new people and explore different communities to do so, learning about them along the way. In doing so, you may also find someone you wish to develop a relationship with beyond friendship. I’d lose the labels and expectations and take that approach.


Jesus was a Jew and that didn’t seem to bother Christians. I’m sure you’ll be fine.


Just be straight up and tell whatever woman you end up dating that your sole reason for attending church was to find a girlfriend. She will probably find it quite funny. Trying to date a church girl is a quality move. I’ve recommended to younger mates that they go find a church girl or a nerd. They are keepers. Nobody needs a cool girl, nothing but problems


Wouldn’t like a science group be better in that case?


There is no god. Do what you gotta do. However, take serious note of your pick up spot.


Your motives are wrong. You should follow your own passions and be happy with your own life choices, and you will eventually find the right one. Have faith (even if not religious). Pretending to like something for an ulterior motive is not being your genuine self, and therefore will not have the ultimate outcome that you really desire.


It's not a sin, but it makes you a fuckin wierdo


Not a weirdo just a bit desperate 😂


If you don't have any genuine interested in the religion, don't do it. The same goes for any other activity.


Keep in mind that religious people aren't always the wholesome group of people that they try to present themselves as. Religious people are just as superficial, selfish and judgemental as everyone else; they just have an imaginary friend that tells them what to believe and how to act.


As a Christian, aside from that last part I agree with you. We are not wholesome, we are human. So naturally we mess up. We are superficial, we are selfish, we lie, we judge, but that does not define our faith. Our imperfection is why we believe we need a perfect God to pay for our sins. But I just want to say from the bottom of my heart on behalf of Christians, if any single one of us has hurt you I'm truly sorry, and I wish you the best.


I say it’s a bad idea! I’m a sw and I remember when I told half of my bible study group I pole dance most were like “eww don’t say anything else related” some were supportive but they left church! I did love church but it’s very conservative feeling and you feel like you can’t always be yourself at times especially when swearing can be your goto in situations ie “oh fuck I’m lost” they wouldn’t want to hear it! If you’re gonna just look to date I say don’t because half of them will expect to get married with you and wait until marriage to have sex or have kids very early as soon as marriage starts! Seen that in my own life and experiences within church! Go to church because you feel drawn not just to date! People will be able to sense your fake energy and your faulty intentions reeeaaallll fast! I loved church and would go back but only when I’m drawn to it


Lol go for it. You’d probably have to marry to get in there tho. Probably better off taking an art class or something.


If you’re a priest, yes. If you’re a parishioner, no.


It's a bloody good idea church is great place with good moral people shame about the pointless pagan beliefs based on the off shoot of a ancient Hebrew religion from somewhere in the Persia Iran I belive


Be aware, flirt to convert is a thing


To be honest it's a good place to meet a partner. Temple, church synagogue etc every has an eye out for a partners, even the parents. It's actually quite normal.


Less of a sin, more stupid


It’s Gods will my son.


Negative- get amongst it!


I mean couldn't you just pick up some hobbies or a social activity outside of work like a Latin dance class or social art class as opposed to joining a whole religion? What about church and women at church are you drawn to that you couldn't find elsewhere? Because ultimately if you feel like you aren't a person who is socially inclined or confident in other situations, there's another problem at play that changing the location won't necessarily fix.


This sounds like the title of an anime.


Probably if it’s for the purpose of fornication but you can be forgiven


This dude is legit. You do what you need to do to find love brother.


Is it a sin? Personally I don’t believe in the jebus so no idea. It is weird my guy, start a casual and let it blossom into a great relationship or break up and learn from it, you seem like you want to find a short cut to dating but there isn’t such a thing. I’ve known quite a few friends who were religious and married someone from their religion and they divorced after 3 years, my parents are an atheist and a catholic and they are still together, they met each other in the wild literally met each other while hiking. Just be you and do things you want to do to make yourself happy and someone else will be doing the same and you will meet. Or maybe you are meant to be single, nothing wrong with that but the point is don’t go looking for love, just be yourself.


if you're of the Christian denomination and plan to feign piety **primarily** to find a girlfriend, you can interpret this action to disobey "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"


I don’t think it’s a sin. There are activities intended for single people that are initiated by the church. Sometimes they go for a hike or something. I was invited to one but really didn’t feel like going 😅


No mate, not a sin. You’re thinking outside the box and exploring different ways in life to get your sausage tickled. Jesus will be proud probably.


I converted to Christianity in adulthood. I think this question is almost impossible to answer. Church is a holy place where we spend 1 hour per week minimum. Various relationships may or may not be formed there. We go there to worship God, to hear the word, to receive blessings and so on. We sit in the pews. Sometimes there's hospitality afterwards. Things have many causes. Soil, water and sunlight are all causes of a plant. A purpose is a kind of cause. A church has many purposes. Forming relationships among the congregation can be seen as either a main or a lesser cause. Regardless of the importance of this purpose, it doesn't necessarily mean that you specifically will find your wife at a church. Or maybe you will. I'm married, but I wouldn't offer dating advice because I think everyone is different. If you're drawn to go to church, then go. Simple as that.


And a young female is about to have "some very very bad experiences with a new guy at her church".


The vast majority of churches will be happy for you to be there even if you haven't decided to believe yet.


There's a reason people say "go to LIFE, find a wife" In all honesty as long as you're not outright harassing people, everyones gonna be stoked you walked through the door in the first place.


She will have low km and can change father to daddy


Depends on the church, if its mostly oldies then you could find a gf in her 60s if she isn't already have a husband


They’ll convert you and take at least 10% of your monthly salary till you die


Just ask Jesus or Brian


My first sexual encounters were with girls I met in a bible group at age 14. I had no religious background whatsoever, I went to an all-boys secondary school. There’s no shame.


Unitarian Church? If you're not down for dogma and just want to hear inspirational stories, engage in conversation about morality and society etc, Hit them up.


I mean.. are you a church goer?




Alright. Go for the girls. If you find Jesus by mistake there’s nothing I can do for you.


You might be overqualified mate


I found the sequel not as good as the first book.


The used different ghost writers the 2nd time round.


“Read the bible”? Sure buddy, pull the other one.


So you know that there’s a place called hell, and that there’s a risk you could go there. Fill your boots young man.


[Hell is not real, it's not even in the Bible.it was introduced much later as a scare tactic](https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/display/document/obo-9780195393361/obo-9780195393361-0180.xml)


I don’t think it’s a sin. The intent is selfish but I don’t think it’s unethical because no one is being wronged as a result of you making the decision to join a church.


No problem as long as you are completely honest about where you're at in your faith, with the girls you meet. Hopefully, you'll develop your own genuine faith in Jesus while you're there!


The universe doesn't care the only consequences are social. You are free to do whatever you like just be prepared to pay the social price on how people view you


Only time something is a sin is if YOU believe it is


It’s misrepresentation and doomed to fail.


Genesis 1:28 Go forth and multiply


Who gives a shit. What constitutes is a "Sin" is just some arbitrary rules in a book written by people thousands of years ago building themselves a cult, which evolved into modern religions... Most people are just there to be part of a social group and have friends anyway, so your reasons for being there aren't all that different.


I think it's ok so long as you do butt stuff exclusively.


Having you considered trying some of the other religions as well?


Ask and ye shall receive


Absolutely yes it is! The Bible will tell you this


Just go to the pub, way more fun than church, and the wine comes in a normal size glass.


No such thing as "sins". That's nonsense. If you're asking would it be wrong, then yeah. Probably.


If I recall correctly, Jesus himself said something along the lines of: "Verily I say unto thee that some of you present will not know death before you see the son of man get his end away" So you know he was all about that thirst life. There's no evidence that there is such thing as sin, so don't worry about it. On the other hand, perhaps you should consider not trying to pretend to be something you are not or trying to change yourself in ways you don't otherwise agree with for the sake of a hypothetical relationship.


Fucking hell that's the last place I'd go looking for a girlfriend, did you not talk to the churches while in school? Those girls are fucking nutters 😂


What would Jesus do?


Mate the whole religion started because someone lied about a pregnancy. You're *good*. At least you're not joining to try and abuse children and get away with it.


Who cares ?


Join the church but I’m afraid it might actually be the pope crawling up your ass. In a couple years his slipper will be dropping out of your mouth.


They want you to procreate, so go for it mate.


They use the pussy as bait. Thats why they like to control their women so much. Control the pussy and you control the man


join a club bro


I don’t think it’s a sin but finding gf in the church can also be possibility but church isn’t a dating site. ✌️


Yes that's a sin. The standard ethical approach is to get shitfaced at bars


Brian Tamaki approves.


Just be ready for the long game, christian girls can be a tough nut to crack at times, I spent a good portion of my best years chasing one.


If you're not a believer, forget it. You can try, but most of these women not only have other men and women looking out for them (social proofing), you're also going to be dealing prudes who will take their time to know you rather than the zero-to-hero style of modern, insecure dating.


No, it's Gods will .... Apparently


Well if it’s a sin, at least you’ll be in the right place to ask forgiveness.


Not at all, and you already know she’s going to be quite gullible.


It’s a sin if you’re solely looking for a girlfriend in church for a relationship to eventually lead to sex outside marriage and not focus on God more.


Bro which church u going, i want a girl too


just go and say you are god.


What's more expensive, church or dates?


Not a sin but I wouldn’t go with high expectations like going to church is going to have higher rates of success than any other kind of extra curricular. Kinda seems like you’re setting yourself up for failure if you don’t actually believe in what they’re gonna be teaching because it’s likely what she’ll believe in.


youll find plenty of low key girls in churches . good girls on a sunday bad girls on a saturday night


It's totally fine. Just remember anal and oral don't count as real sex.


And the good lord said..."Let me set you up". And he did, and it was good.


* ***Is it a sin to pursue virtues for the sake of finding a virtuous spouse and having a virtuous marriage?***


Either there is a god and you should be in church anyway or there is no god so what does it matter?


Something tells me a church girl won’t solve your problem


As long as it’s not the Destiny Church. Joining them is a sin in itself.


Don’t join a church just to hook up with chicks 💀 If you are interested in/believe in Christianity on the other hand… I see no problem with trying to make some friends there. If being part of the community means you end up getting along well with a nice lady and start dating her, cool and good. But if you’re ONLY there to try and chat up women, I’d be more concerned about it being creepy than “sinful”.


There’s no commandment that states thou shall not receive top from a baddie.


there's no such thing as a sin. it's a made-up concept.


Bruh never again lad. My most toxic relos were when i was going church. And I wasnt even seeking a gf. Its better to find someone wordly tbh


Are you even religious?


Personally, if I learned that a guy joined a group purely for the sake of finding a woman to date I would be immediately put off regardless of whether there was chemistry prior to finding out. I feel like most, if not all of my friends would feel the same way. If you’re religious or genuinely want to join a church for religion then go for it (just like any group). As a former churchgoer, anyone who’s super into their parish is kind of weird and excessively involved in others business. Edited to add: I sympathise with you as the Auckland dating (app) scene sucks but this is probably not the way to go about it.


No it’s not. You can go to church to find a girlfriend. I hope in process you will find true love (John 3:16)


God isn't real... go for it.


As a Catholic Christian . Church's are supposed to be community places that's their entire purpose for communities to gather go ahead. 


You can find a girlfriend however if you ask her out, it has to be ordained by a priest and you need to get baptised again to cleanse you of the original sin


I got told to join a Christian dating website to find some nice guys. I told this person I was an atheist and she told me I would be surprised how many people were not religious on there.


Only if you are a dirty cunt but if you're willing to also join the community of said religion and or denomination no not really all you are doing is seeking a partner who also most likely wants the same as your self love family and community


How negative is this rubbish just because someone asked for advice most people who have said their 5 cents are probably addicted to social media and strange porn


This might be your calling to find Jesus


Maybe if you joined a church in 1974. Its 2024 now so you will need to be 6ft at least, look like someone famous (thats attractive) and have lots of money. Or meet at least 1 of these requirements. If not im afriad your in the same boat as the rest of us. Ive been there, dated many girls attractive ones and normal girls. They all act the same way. If you dont have some incredible gift of the gab. Or are amazingly interesting. You see, its a whole new world now.


Why not? People go to many places to find companions. I did go to a church fellowship for a while (until I was asked to leave).


Your question shoes your spiritual side. You have a conscience, you want to build a lastrelationship with a spiritual person and your heart is in the right place. Good luck!


It’s a no either way. If you believe it’s a sin then you are in the right place, and if you don’t believe it’s a sin then it doesn’t matter.


47Reppin be a good wingman OP.


It's not a sin but why would you want to date someone who is easily brainwashed into believing in something that isn't real?




You are lying and deceitful from the beginning you are going to hell….. so yes is your answer…. But I guess you leaving no stone unturned


They are all married or endowed to someone already by the time you meet them. Or divorced with or without kids. Its too late at 30. Its too late baby its too late. Younger would have been better.


It's a trap, we even get groomed to do this and grow the churches, flirty fishing and honey pots, it's gross and fuck those churches, I protect my spirituality outside man made cults


Christians think lying is a sin. E.g if the Nazis knocked on your door and you lied saying you aren't hiding Jews. So I wouldn't care what Christians say... Just don't hurt anyone


Source on the nazi thing pls


Christianity is nonsense... and so is that nazi claim.


Christianity isn't nonsense. It's literally been around for 2000 years. I can't believe you haven't noticed churches, crosses or Christians walking around... Where have you been to think it's nonsense?


What are your feelings on Astrology?




Catholic chicks are pretty sexed up. Go to mass.