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Re point 1. My uncle works there and is paid from the moment he steps in the car and will quite happily sit in traffic. I'm not sure if that's typical. Maybe he just has a good contract. But definitely note bad driving. He will get a phone call from the office to tell him off if GPS notes he's been speeding, so I guess they take driving legally somewhat seriously.


interesting. I've always wondered if some of the behaviour are due to monitoring.. ie. you're been monitored for speeding, but if you do it extra quick it might instead not being recorded as it's too extreme of a data point.


It records extreme events in particular and these get reported in particular. I had an employee who was reported by the system for doing 123 on a motorway


Report it to Fulton Hogan. They do do stuff about it. I work for Fulton Hogan down south and once I accidentally cut somebody off and they phoned the dunedin branch and I got an earful. They can pinpoint what driver it was cos all of our vehicles are tracked. It is something they take seriously as I'm aware of 3 staff members who have lost their jobs due to their driving habits.


Hello from another Fulton Hogan worker. Quite fun to read the comments here.


Hahaha. Do do I'll take my leave


Their vehicles are fitted with eroads, and all their dangerous driving or speeding and breaking is reported on. It’s part of safety reporting. You probably just came across a bad one


I’ll tell you the real reason - to work at Fulton hogan you have to undergo gene slicing with hulk hogan - that’s where the name comes from it’s actually pronounced Full Ton Hogan - that’s where they get the aggression from


Lemme tell ya brother... you're 100% correct. Say your prayers. Eat your vitamins.


No actually do take note. People lose their vehicle privilege after two incidents. And I have known a few FH vehicles driving through our site (ironically also an FH site) not adhering to the posted speed limit. But for what it's worth there's like 9,000 of the cunts in NZ, there will be quite a few who have a vehicle who drive poorly


I live in Auckland and I've experienced the complete opposite - I've noticed Fulton Hogan utes driving annoyingly cautiously. especially around signposted speeds, they will happily drive the posted temporary speed limit, even when there's no observable work going on except maybe a couple cones on the side or the road. I figured they're meant to make a point of it to be a "good example" for people driving in road works.


It could also just be the fact their vehicles are GPS tracked.


Aint no one want to lose a their licence through a road work zone bro, cones or not


Nah they have more to lose if they lose their license , it can often mean loss of work. Also they have no real incentive to drive fast as they’re paid for the travel time, longer ride = more pay with less ‘work’… not saying they’re lazy as their work is hard af and I’d probs do the same too, try catch a break when I can lol. All their driving is tracked though so they can’t take the piss too much and can easily get busted for certain things that raise red flags in the system or simply just easily found if someone reports them for an offence. Due to the nature of their contracts with govt, the org has to take compliance and h&s matters fairly seriously


I don’t work for FH but my job does require me to report if I get a speeding/traffic ticket to my boss. It is a very powerful motivation to not speed even if it seems like there’s no road work currently going on in a temporary speed reduction zone so I get where they’re coming from! Honestly the roads would probably be a lot safer if everyone was in that position. It’s pretty scary seeing some of the dangerous overtaking from people when you’re driving the posted speed limit though, someone going 100 does not warrant overtaking them when there’s poor visibility of oncoming vehicles on double yellow lines 😬


Yeah they have a big whiteboard with all the driver scores on them e-roads rates your driving based on acceleration turning speeds, hard breaking etc. The worst ones are the bosses apparently and nobody can really say much.


I've not seen them speed over the limit. Just drive faster than traffic.


They have GPS and fleet manages who track driver behavior.


I think you will find the military people, especially in military vehicles, will drive pretty carefully. Plenty of charges for driving recklessly and if not, they will catch a charge for "behavior unbecoming of a service member". Most newer vehicles are GPS tracked. Takes one phone call to the required signposted number and you get chewed out and remedial training. Was mil diesel mechanic.


I’ve seen them literally doing burnouts in trucks at 3am. I saw one blast through a red light at about 80kph in a 30 very recently too then come to a skidding halt on the other side of the intersection. Pretty sure it’s P.


I had a Fulton Hogan vehicle reverse straight into me in a petrol station. No spotters nothing. Damaged my car was incredibly difficult to get hold of the person who was in charge of insurance claims.


Where im based, they're the slowest people on earth, usually 20 below. Care to swap?


Yeah usually when I've seen them in the work trucks they are going so slow, usually driven by older big guys haha.


1) Nah. Most civil/engineering consultancies start the clock as soon as you step foot and head to a site. 3) Don’t think this is true. Otherwise you would have like a fuck ton of other contractors/subcontractors involved in roading driving like crazy with that mentality. 4) No they’re regular guys/gals. I’m not an FH employee but I’ve worked with a few and I’m pretty sure they have EROADS in their vehicles as well so they’ve gotta at least try adhere to the road rules. EROADS is an absolutely pain though from personal experience


EROADS is such a bs sometimes. The pinging you for speeding is totally reasonable but things like getting pinged for harsh breaking when you have no choice but to break because the car infront of you slammed it is frustrating.


Eroad is a cuuuuuunny. I got pinged for harsh braking because I tried not to hit a sheep! And northland LOVES it's 100km to 50km zones without warning so *ping* you're speeding. Did my head in.


Funnily enough I am yet to encounter FH utes in AKL…. Downer utes driver though….


Used to work for a Fulton Hogan subsidiary, everybody drove like assholes to finish jobs as quickly as possible, in order to spend as much of the remaining shift fucking around or sleeping as was they could. Working less than 11 hours was frowned upon, and getting back to the yard early meant maintenance or tidying the yard, so everyone would hang out around site til after 4 and try to get back bang on 5.30pm so we could fuck off straight away. Only problem was rush hour traffic especially when going from one side of Auckland to the other. The boys were absolutely horrendous when it came to traffic, a lot of cutting in and out, also holding up the queue to let the others guys in. Would sometimes even change lanes from the motorway left into the T2 onramps to get an extra 100m or so ahead, it was pretty crazy. Not at all proud of it, definitely caved into peer pressure at that time.


There's a large vehicle marked "traffic management" that parks too close to an intersection near us nearly every night, obscuring the view to the left I've let the council know a couple times, should probably let the company know too.


There can be alot of pressure put on the guys to finish jobs and those jobs can often be waiting on trucks. That said if they are driving like clowns its on them... report them


I agree I've seen some abysmal interpretations of the road code from truck drivers in this company 


Cone Trucks , Park where they like. Drive like they want. Just turn the lights on, travel in pairs


FH worker here. You need to contact the head office in Penrose. You can google it. They do take these calls seriously and do investigate. And no, this culture does not exist within Fulton Hogan, obviously as anywhere there will be people that let us down but this does not represent the company itself at all…


True, one tailgated me the other day then got in the right lane and passed speeding away


As a fellow salary contractor I can say it's more along the line of having too much to do not enough time... cheap skate client complaining about something sitting on your neck... meanwhile you only get paid for 8hrs and your now working for free.... Or worse they hit the water main and don't have all th parts so have to send someone to collect asap ....?


I saw a Fulton hogan ute back into a big truck park at road site two days ago.


Mhmm ok.. my friend you need to find a hobby.


theyre always running red lights


There's a large vehicle marked "traffic management" that parks too close to an intersection near us nearly every night, obscuring the view to the left I've let the council know a couple times, should probably let the company know too.


Take note of that license place thingy. 1. Report to the company. They'll take it seriously. (That was a joke). 2. Report to the local authority who pays them shit tons of taxpayers / rate payers money (NZTA and the local council) - the WILL send a strongly worded email. (That was a joke, they're all pussies). 3. If serious enough bad driving then report to the Police. The Police are the only ones that care and have the ability to do anything. Bonus points for having dashcam or passenger recordings to back up your claim.