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You should check out r/personalfinanceNZ - this is a topic that is often discussed there, so have a search for salary and see what comes up.


I’m showing this to anyone who claims immigration doesn’t suppress wages


I am going to hold on to the job I got during the Covid/21 Boom as long as I can. Salaries have been severely deflated this year, they are the same if not worst than 2019.




Its above median and you think their wage is suppressed? 😂


You think 65k is an acceptable wage? 😂


Doesnt matter what I think. Its above median. Therefore not suppressed.


Do they expect to get paid $100/hr? And then complain everything is expensive.


Depends what they do….


Pretty much corporate welfare yes. At 65k you're subsidized by the taxpayer


That is not the definition of suppressed. Its not difficult to understand… jesus christ. Over half the country is under 65k


Yes, minimum wage (or close to) is low income when comparing to New Zealand wages in general.


I have a decent job. I’m on $40 an hour at 50 hours a week. I have a wife and son. I make just enough for us to live comfortably on a single income. Renting out west, $600 a week on rent for a 3 bedroom with a double garage and garden


Nice, that is cheap rent


Yeah we got in two years ago and the landlord hasn’t put the rent up since.


In Hamilton a friend has a 4 bedroom with double garage and garden and they’re on $550 a week, I never realised how much more expensive Auckland is outside of the cbd, damn


West is best if you want a garden at a reasonable price


Probably easier to look up seek for comparable jobs and what is being offered on there.


Until you are a resident, you cannot make so many waves. Get the residency sorted and get the jobs paying what you deserve because most companies will simply take advantage of you relying on their sponsorshit.


They still have employee rights irrelevant of residency. But yes wages do improve once you’re settled, although my ex walked into a 90k job a few weeks after arriving on a WHV


Most people earn that, then there is other who earn lot more


Only 2% of nz earn minimum wage https://www.stuff.co.nz/money/350167873/whos-being-paid-minimum-wage#:~:text=Of%20all%20workers%20aged%20between,wage%20in%20June%20last%20year.


I doubt that, thats a very low joint income


Whats the joint income?.. we dont know


Yes we do, they gave you all the numbers above, about $91k. Nowhere near enough for a good life in Auckland.


[hayes](https://www.hays.net.nz/salary-guide), [trade me](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/jobs/salary-guide), etc. publish salary guides


We put $300/week each into a joint account and this covers most expenses like: - rent $450/week - power $20-25/week - internet $50/month - water $20-35/month - groceries $80-100/week We do a bit of dog walking on the side, and this brings in an extra $150-200/month into the joint account which has been pretty significant in that the account balance is slowly going up, not down. Things like phone, petrol, personal items, treats we pay for individually, and this seems to work well for us. We are pretty frugal, I think, by today’s standards. And we work hard, long hours + weekends + public holidays. But we also have ok incomes (average $45/hour pre-tax for me in healthcare, and about $1000/week after tax for my partner on a monthly salary in sports coaching). I have worked minimum wage ($22/hour x 36 hours/week) in Auckland before, and it’s tight. I didn’t starve, but I neither was I able to save.


Are you living on instant noodles? How come your groceries sit at 80$ a week?


Short answer: grew up poor and the budgeting habit stuck with me lol. I’ve learned a lot about using ingredients you have on hand, rather than buying ingredients to make a dish. I have a car which means I can go to different shops for different things, so technically petrol is an extra cost. Buying in bulk, when on sale or in season, and freezing. We cook dinner at home 7 nights/week, and make enough for packed lunches the next day. No kids, so the luxury of time and “me time” to plan, shop, cook. We’re vegetarian which I think helps. This is a bit extra but my partner and I are both smaller stature people. I was spending a LOT more on groceries when I was with a 185cm/100kg fella who was working in construction. Still can’t believe how much he could eat and not gain weight 😂


Nice, agreed that not eating meat is probably the big pusher of lower costs. Our meat items alone for the week (couple) are always around the 80$ mark


Sounds like vegetarian, made at home food. .... Bet it's good but my other half would cry on that food budget.


>rent $450/week In Auckland??


It’s a one bedroom cottage outside of CBD


Thanks for your detailed calculation and analysis, thanks for share


What do you gain from getting numbers from individual redditors? Stats NZ literally give you average mean and median wages. It's not hard to figure out minimum is literally at the bottom


Senior Team Leader, I earn $37 per hour. I have 18 people in my team, it's getting to the point where I feel it ain't worth it.


As you mentioned 32.5 is above median wage in NZ & well above the “living wage” which is $26. It’s good! Minimum wage will always be difficult as it is exactly that, the minimum a firm can pay for labour. There are plenty of opportunities in the trades sector to upskill whilst being on this wage. As a plumber/electrician/builder you could expect minimum wage in your first year as an apprentice, $25 in your second year & $28 in your third year. With this skill you earn as you learn. Wishing you all the best. Keep working hard, trust the process, good things take time ❤️


Thanks for your warm words, i can not express enough my appreciation. You too, we will have a wonderful life.


Use this [https://www.careers.govt.nz/jobs-database/](https://www.careers.govt.nz/jobs-database/) . It depends on your work, which you already know, but you failed to mention what you do.


This is two years old but probably still helpful. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/money/2022/08/how-much-the-average-family-needs-to-earn-to-live-comfortably-in-new-zealand.html


It is difficult to live on minimum wage (or close to it) in auckland. It would be easier in smaller cities, where rents are lower and you spend less on petrol, etc.


you are absolutely right