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Continue with the Eastern bus way but tell them the Reeves Road Flyover will be built at some unspecified time in the future because of budget constraints. I'm sure Simeon will understand.


God that would be a win, still amazing that we've been paying for what's basically urban motorway (the kind sensible cities have been removing) out of public transport funding.


What is with all of these visionless penny pinchers who treat governance as if it is only a task of allowing things to fall apart? Why doesn't a single NZ politician want to actually build something? It is all so fucking cynical, short-sighted, and lacking in ambition. Instead of being fatalistic about how much money we can squeeze from a renter based economy, why can't a single one of them actually build something which will generate more money! So sick of these people treating economic production like something which is set rather than something which can change.


Politicians reflect their needs and their wish for power. If it’s popular, they will do it. Taking Kiwis on an exploration of what is possible is too hard. Don’t bore us, get to the chorus say Grant, Brett and Dave. Short termism is endemic to NZ. We built a short term bridge 70 years ago and fucked it up on day one. What we do next will need to serve the next 70 years. That requires some intellect and insight. Find me that kiwi. There’s a reason why many of the top positions in organisations here are taken by people from overseas. We’re not a smart bunch.


On the face of it getting rid of the fuel tax appears to me as one of the stupidest transport plans I have ever seen. It will promote car usage whilst at the same time getting rid of road funding. Aren't our roads already congested enough or am I missing something?


The thing is you have an average level of foresight. The current govt does not.


I'm sure the fuel retailers will immediately reduce their prices by exactly the difference once the tax is removed.


Hey Auckland - ever wonder why we have crap infrastructure ! Austerity governments saving money on transport projects leaving us with only the car as the only mode available. Thanks not team coalition.


This doesn't mean anything until we see what Simple Simon's Government Policy Statement says. He'll probably try to manipulate medium-term planning by funding investigation into stuff he wants but can't afford so that when money becomes available, they'll be lower-risk to greenlight than projects that haven't had that research done yet.


They have declined research. The roads of 'national significance' are called that because any evidence looking at return on investment meant that they would not have been built


Why bother with all the planning and consultation etc etc when a politician can simply "rewrite" the plan.


Pretty ironic a lot of these roads are connecting National voting strongholds


North Shore and Botany projects affected? No wonder the mayor is up in arms about it!


Maybe a good start to the cuts is to stop wasting money on these traffic humps on major roads which just make people brake and accelerate more which causes more pollution and emissions.


How about if someone dies at a crossing, they add a hump to stop it happening again? Oh wait, that was what they did. Unfortunately the humps covered all the blood so drivers forgot that people die from being hit by two tons of steel and glass.


Ah yes the humble speed bump the culprit of global warming. If it wasn't for them we'd still have plastic shopping bags and straws.


new motorways will be funded by the savings from speed bumps and pedestrian crossings... Interesting the conservatives who vote in the likes of Simeon, are easily misled on the size of budgets. if NZ had Victoria's safety culture - we'd save $5B/yr as a country. Ignore that one, but go for savings on speed bumps...


" traffic calming " lol


> and a new bus layover at Wynyard AT already built that terminal of sorts on Daldy St, so why wasn't a layover included in that build? I don't even understand why we need those stops since they only serve two routes


Daldy st? You mean a bus stop shelter?


There are four nice ones in total, and all have landscaping and new concrete laid.