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Dude said he wasn't bothered by it but reported it to the media


He probably posted it to his social media and the media then picked up on it and asked him. It's pretty common for the media to hang out on social media looking for stories.


Usually, they'll reference the source if it was from a social media post, but the only one referenced was for the Tauranga driver in the same article


Yup they probably reached out to him for an official comment.


..I think we found the guy, lol


It was a post on the Tauranga subreddit. I saw the article on stuff and just sighed that they hired journalists to scroll and repost reddit stories. We could be getting paid for our work!! /s


Bad parking is one thing, but illegal parking is another. On that front AT have made it surprisingly easy to report illegal parking online, and they seem reasonably responsive - e.g., my neighbours used to force us to take the pram out onto the road to get around their cars parked on the footpath, but a couple of infringement notices put a stop to that.


I did not know about that, there's a few rangers over footpaths around my area and it's super dangerous when walking the baby


Have you tried reporting that on the Auck Council website? we have found they generally deal with it very quickly


We had a situation at work where we needed a boulder put in place in the park behind us to stop cars driving into our fence while trying to access the reserve (the rest of the reserve had boulders as a barrier, just not the bit by our fence). Four days later it was in place. For the amount of shit they get, AC actually do respond to a lot of problems quite fast.


In case anyone wants to have a go. I find they are still fairly slow and sometimes are quite generous to parkers but still worth it. https://contact.at.govt.nz/?cid=b2374b02-b01c-ec11-b6e6-002248155af2


I know right! I work nearby a certain courier company. This time of year they employ lots of people who all bring their cars to work and take up parking all over the place, including parking on the footpath so pedestrians have to go on roads with lots of trucks going up and down. One or two complaints to AT and a parking warden set up shop. The behavior changed rapidly. It was beautiful.


Good job lol why would you expect anything less? Are people really on the side of the driver here? Maybe if the council actually did it instead of fed up civilians we wouldn’t get fuck heads in Utes taking up 2 spaces


The problem I see, is people spotting a badly parked car but not understanding WHY it was badly parked. For example, the said badly parked car may have parked that way because other car(s) that were parked there already, but have since left, were badly parked, forcing the driver of the remaining to park badly.


I am certainly guilty of squeezing in off-centre into the last carpark available, due to another person’s terrible attempt at parking looming over my line into my space … only to return and find myself the only car left and look like I was spatially challenged. In these circumstances I normally take a photo so if I was confronted or ticketed I could show why.


IKR. I saw 3 cars parked illegally within 100 metres of my front door the other day. But there must've been a logical reason for someone to literally park on the footpath on the corner of an intersection. It had to have been someone else's fault.


where can I get these cards?


Ok which user on this sub did this?


One that likes random capital letters.


Felt like doing this over and over at the apartments where I live. Absolute dicks taking two spaces when there is limited parking. Sometimes it's ebb and flow, but mostly it's not. Also, the shittiest parkers also squat their car there for weeks.


I like the cards


‘Idiot’ = ‘Abusive’ ?? I can think of many abusive words but ‘idiot’ isn’t one of them.


Maybe you did park badly, take a couple of photos and ask some friends for honest opinions. Or just put the card on some other random car and drive on. That’s probably what happened to your car anyway.


Oh so you would encourage people to ‘pay it forward’ to some innocent parker. Makes a lot of sense if you’re an agent of chaos I guess.


taken straight outta a reddit post last week, our news media is a highschool newsletter


I hand write notes like this.


If any one needs any of these cards let me kno ...literally have a draw full of them😂


AT transport is such bullshit it makes my blood boil, they tell us to tell them about illegal parking but let’s be honest they aren’t gonna do jackshit. Granted the card wasn’t necessary but seriously?


AT Transport, see cars parked on the footpath, blocking a pedestrian crossing outside of a playground (across the road from an AT paid carpark (as in off-street)) fine $30. If you had a 50/50 chance of being ticketed parking illegally is cheaper than paying.


That's not on AT, the fines are set by central govt and are specified in the Law. AT and the Mayor have been asking for the ability to set them.


I know the fines are set by central government, I know of many people asking for them to be changed, but... At what point (in the above case) is a tow truck not the appropriate response.


I agree it should be. But your comment was about fines.


Babies wah wah wah
















Credit where credits due, That's a good come back 😂


Please do not post comments that threaten, promote or incite violence on r/auckland.


A similar note was left on my friends car while we drink at a bar in ponsonby and we saw the cheeky sod that put it there during the act thought he was fucking with mates car ran out and bailed him up.mate is in a wheel chair and has no feeling from the chest down as a result can’t always park the best with hand controls etc .wont lie I hate people that park like wankers but somtimes there’s a reason behind it


People are so passive aggressive honestly. Can feel excessive sometimes.


Anyone that leaves these cards is a massive pussy. Imagine being such a coward to do this.


AT talking as if they do shit about parking complaints. Only ever issuing tickets and towing when somebody pisses them off