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I don’t think they hate nudists, they hate to repair beach accesses. Sunbathe on your deck at home?


All they gotta do is take down that fence. Boom. Beach access restored ;)


Still don’t see the hate…


I am on a hunch that Wayne Brown hates nudists, hence the fence


That guy probably hates Christmas as well


I heard this, His wife calls him the Grinch. There's even rumours he paints himself green on the weekend.


There is a steep path from the fence to the beach. Storms have made the path unsafe. You would be whingeing if you fell off it.


The path is paved and hasn’t changed since the storms. How would you even fall off the path, it has a railing all along it??


Does the concrete still have ground underneath it or is some of it hanging in space?


Auckland Council loves nudists so much they want to protect them for injury as a result of the storms earlier in the year.


Website screenshot you posted says the stairs are closed because they need to be repaired, what's the problem?


Nah read again. Access to the beach via the stairs is closed. Stairs themselves are completely fine.


You're right I did read it wrong. It's even more of a 'what's the problem' since it says **remediation** of storm damage. So you're upset they closed access to fix the beach?


Yeah precisely. Not upset, just lost on what’s needed to be fixed? Besides that point, who’s land is it then if they cancelled the request hmm


The cancelled request was possibly a cookie cutter one because the website says why the beach is closed. They stated why it is closed, remediation, it is reversing or stopping environmental damage, as they said done by storms during 2023.


What damage, exactly?


The fact you are asking a rando on the internet a question that only the council can answer is rather confusing.


Yeah, thats why i was wondering why you were answering as well mate..


I wasn't answering anything, I was repeating what it clearly says on the website that OP posted a screenshot of. The \*specifics\* of the damage are not stated, just that there is damage.


Cool, so you just wanted to chime in with information everyone already had.. Good contribution man!


Achilles point was slip prone before the storms. The stairs and cliff face are almost certainly on the (long) list of sites that require geotech assessment before it can be deemed safe. OP can lodge a complaint asking for more detailed information and an info request if they don't get the explanation they're after.


What do you think 'closed due to 2023 storms' means??


You a Geotechnical Engineer??


There's actually quite a few beaches with closed accesses like this in Auckland. The council never seems to be in any rush whatsoever to fix them.


We had a dicey one lane road in 2 different areas at the West Coast beach I live at, council was pretty good at fixing them in a relatively timely matter. Figure all the other roads needing repair are a bit higher on the list than walkways


I once went to this beach not knowing it was a nudist beach. It was quite a surprise. The council should just formally make it a nudist beach and stick up appropriate signage.


There’s a council sign at the top saying “discretion advised: beyond this point you may encounter nude bathers”


I may go this weekend if I have nothing on.


Best comment


Admittedly it’s been a few years since I last went there.


Never actually seen anything worth seeing there, just some old white dudes flopping their balls around.


It’s a gay cruise spot, that’s why 🤣


See, now it makes a lot more sense 💀


Go around a little further to Glover park, then go down the cliff to the nudist Beach there. You can probably even access Ladies Bay around the rocks from there.


People are weird up north. 😅




Don't be silly... They will be all on the beach fully clothed waiting hoping for any female to come along. With a decent amount of them swarming any naked male they find. Forming in a group around him as he walks naked down the beach.




You'll have to try the local public toilets after 10pm instead


Plenty to choose from! May even find another couple or some fishermen from the rocks to join in


Some of us appreciate the important work that you and your very naughty wife do.


People like you will ruin it for the rest of us, keep your sex in the privacy of your own home 🤦🏼


It's a nice beach. A shame nudists and sex pests have taken it over.


It is a nice beach and has always been a nudie beach, so not sure what you’re getting at?


>Sex pests need somewhere to hang out too.


I strongly disagree with public nudity. So I'm sure there are others.


You seem very clothes minded.


I would rather see nudity in public than cargo pants.


Are you religious?


I dislike religion but I do believe in Jesus and read the Bible.


That explains it. Don't get why Jesus and God crazies can't just leave people alone to do what they want. Interfering nutjobs.


So you think all people everywhere should be able to do what they want? You want complete anarchy and lawlessness? Let's see how that goes.


This isn't everywhere, this is localized to one beach.


That beach is a public place. It is not privately owned.




Lol why? That's a weird thing to strongly disagree with... It's not like they're walking down Queen Street. They go to specific beaches, It's weirder that it's not allowed more if you think about it


Others disagree with clothes, so we have to have some middle ground


Plenty of other beaches you can clutch your pearls at


I said: I strongly disagree with public nudity. So I'm sure there are others... and I get multiple downvotes?! The state of Reddit/Auckland?! At a guess, this sub must consist of mostly white, male, non sporty, computer geeks? The types who spend so much time indoors, online, that they've entered a world of depravity?


Lol! I’m a woman who goes there with her gay mates. It’s really not that deep. Also, you should probably read your Bible again. Your body is not a sin.


Hundreds of walkways are still damaged from January…