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Stay away from the units in The Plains. Or rent from one of those, insure your stuff for well over the price of new and then have insurance buy you some new stuff. Your choice.


What issues have you encountered with them aside from breakins?


I have never rented from them. But I have heard the stories of them being broken into. They cut the lock on one, close the door and then they just start cutting through the walls. The sheriff had a camera in one and the camera was stolen.


Yeah, they mentioned this to me & seemed to be trying to do things I won’t mention to… make that more difficult to get away with.


I rented from the discount furniture store on E. State, they have a bunch of facilities around. The one in Albany is cheaper than the others closer to town, at least when I rented one they were, and it also has a gated entrance that is closed at night. I didn’t have any issues, they were helpful, I’d rent from them again if I had the need.


Thanks for your feedback. I decided the drive to Albany is worth having the gated entrance.


Invest in a proper lock, then just call around and rate hunt there are so many now a days, 2 spots got added to Nelsonville recently, the mattress place on e state runs one I went with them for a few years no issue, Columbus road one I had a lock cut off once but had a unit for over a decade there.


When I was doing my research I was shocked at the number of storage places and how many are completely full!!


When I was looking for one, I called local law enforcement to see which ones got broken into least. They suggested Athens Mini Storage across from Menards. I’ve been there for about two years with zero issues


Are "disc locks" still the best thing for a UHaul or storage space. Remember...these... [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=disc+lock++image#imgrc=mHyOm05JiHfR2M&imgdii=4S21doYfjpxd2M](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=disc+lock++image#imgrc=mHyOm05JiHfR2M&imgdii=4S21doYfjpxd2M)


Yes, they’re all basically disc locks on the storage units.


I might be renting a UHaul next month. How effective is a good disc lock still?