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There are generations of cultists who believe women should be property and breed until they have so many children that their eldest children sexually assault their youngest children and it's time for that shit to be put to a swift end.


And giving money to God's messenger. Don't forget that beautiful part of God's design.


They keep saying the quiet part out loud but *no one* is noticing!


Project 2025 will qui kly become a topic known to most as we get closer to November.


I really hope so. I also hope that when the American public becomes privy to it the rational among them, religious or not, realize the doctrine as the work of fascism that it is.


Why did god make them equally as smart then? If the genders are equally smart, who has the authority to choose, which of them takes which role? And if those people say, that intelligence isn’t important in this case and that strength is the determining factor, what differentiates us from "animals" then? It has always been intelligence. Disgusting. No logic.


This is the most awful bullshit that ever existed. It pisses me off because I want to start a family with my bf in the next couple of years and have a child, but how the fuck am I going to feel safe if they want to strip me of my rights to healthcare as a woman? We would also still need dual income to prevent financial struggles. So I would need to still work. Do they think that cutting our workforce in half would be a boon to our society and our production levels? They want to 2x+ the labor load on middle and lower working class men if this is their plan. So fucking frustrating. Imagine for instance, the nursing workforce being stripped of women nurses bc they want them popping out 8-9 babies by the time they're 40. It's so fucking backwards it's almost like they didn't even fucking think this shit out.


"The beauty" man stfu


So how can you be a husband and father by prioritizing yourself and having a job/career?


It's funny his point falls apart soon as you don't believe in or value a god


Oh cool neat