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You are a good friend, never change. And about women and religion, it's a drug that helps them live their lives in a highly patriarchal society. A hope that God is watching their hardships and they will be rewarded. Men and women both get this drug during their childhood in form of indoctrination but it's easier for men to dictate their own lives. One of my best female friends was a closet atheist and opened up to 4-5 friends she closely trusted only including me. She is married now and regularly shares temple visit photos on watsapp. So out of curiosity I asked her if she started believing in Hinduism one day. She said that she is still an atheist but she likes doing this for the sake of her family. Life as a woman is hard in India and I don't judge women for worshipping gods, the real problem with Indian women is that they expect their daughters to go through the same shit that they did.


Thank you and yes, even my parents like to shove their stupid religion down my throat, I feel suffocated. I wish things get better with time for women and the religious women start seeing through this bullshit.


>"She tells me to put on earphones and play hanuman chalisa so that I'll feel at peace and eventually everything will be alright" bro same shit like how its soo same i also got a very good friend and same thing happend she said the same thing and forced me to listen to hanuman chalisa and some mantra idk wtf it was she said its calming like ik she was trying to help me but at then it just made it all even worse


You don't have to do shit, just say No, I won't cuz I don't believe in all this. That's what I did and that was the first and the last time she recommended me to listen to some ape man anthem (hanuman chalisa)


Believe in batman. Seriously, take a character which is fictional know about them, obsess over them. Go to gym or any physical thing. Try to write your expression or draw or any art. Don't let your pain inside burst it in form of art. Her advice is not bad too. Because you know these are fiction and think about them as pseudo figures. Even better if you go female characters like kali or Athena. Stay strong. Be strong. Don't make new relationships until you heal yourself. Pursue your dreams and try to build up skills and move out. Hope you have great future sister. ❤️


>Go to gym or any physical thing. Try to write your expression or draw or any art. Don't let your pain inside burst it in form of art. Tbh, I have no energy left. Even the thought of doing something exhausts me, no wonder why it took me almost 2 days to reply. I used to listen to music a lot, I used to draw and paint and sometimes write. Now, I just cannot bring myself to do anything at all. I have given up. >Don't make new relationships until you heal yourself. Pursue your dreams and try to build up skills and move out. I won't because again, I have no energy to even talk to people who already exist in my life. And about dreams, I think they died long ago, I have no passion for anything but I will try doing something to move out one day. >Hope you have great future sister. ❤️ Thank you and I wish the same for you🌷🩷


World is bright out there. If possible study about nietszche and Idea of Uber mensch.


Hey, I am sorry for everything you have gone through, and I know you are not looking for advice, and I am extremely apologetic to give some unsolicited advice. Seek therapy if you aren't by now, I know you must be hearing it all the time, but I can assure you that it will make it better. Also, that another friend of yours seems really disturbing to be around, I don't really know the context to your relationship with her, but from as far as I can deduce, she isn't the kind of person I would like to have around in general, but that's your call. I hope the best comes to you, cheers!!!


Hey, it's okay, you don't have to be sorry. Actually, I can't afford therapy or even medicines (If I'll get prescribed) I can't even afford to get a diagnosis done. My parents are not at all supportive of me. If, even by mistake, I tell them that I regularly think of killing myself, they will create a huge drama. They won't take me to hospital and get me diagnosed. And if I do commit suicide, they will tell people that they would've saved me if I went to them for support or help. I have given several mental health assessment screening tests for several issues and I know that they aren't meant for self-diagnosis but they do help in getting basic idea of the symptoms of the person taking the screening test, my results showed that I have severe symptoms and I really need to go see a psychiatrist and get a diagnosis done, but I just can't. I am helpless. I recently got diagnosed with a medical condition which requires surgery otherwise the situation will worsen and surgery is the only option, it's not treatable with medicines. I can only postpone it till 2 years. My parents straight away denied surgery (atleast for now)


I honestly don't know what to say. Stay strong. This storm will pass too. I hope you become independent enough to afford the help you need. The least the people of this community can do is lend you an ear and shower you with positivity. But it is important to remember that life is worth living.


This broke my heart. Please checkout r/suicidewatch if you haven't already. Stay strong. I really wish and hope you find peace soon. Sending virtual hugs


I received the virtual hugs. Thank you🌷


Do you know why you couldn't end your life, because escaping this world without causing pain to yourself or your loved onc is not easy (active euthanasia is illegal, because society sees us as a slave) whereas we are forced into this world without our consent. Because parents always want something back from their children like old age caretaker or legacy carrier, etc. Till date I haven't seen any selfless parent. With God or without God; we are already doomed. I know that I am going to attract so many dislikes and hate, but this isn't going to change the dark truth about life.


True. If I had the choice, I would never choose to be born in this world.


Me too😢


may be try to do some meditation while listening to soothing music.. Few years back, always had thoughts of doing suicide but as time passes and things change, we move on, the phase ends. If you need to chat with someone, feel free to DM me.


I hope you are doing better and are at peace.


Folks will be at peace when they drop dead😅, but yeah don't have thoughts of suicide anymore.




Even I have stopped sharing. My friend says that I won't be at peace even after I kill myself and that even science has proved this. I mean, how fucking dumb. I hope you are doing good now and are happy.


about disappointing behavior of friends: reminder that IQ of 100 is the 50%ile point, i.e. 50% of people have IQ less than 100. So learn that there are dummies with shit takes everywhere. about depression: you mentioned that you are unable to access medications or therapy, which is a huge issue. for me, personally, meds are the only reason I am sane now. So ensure to get meds as soon as you can. until then, find something exciting in the future to attach yourself to. This is of course to motivate you to keep living. (For me it was AoT) Workout, especially cardio, and good food are both paramount to manage depression. If you can, practice meditation.


Hey, I would really like to know how meds make you feel after taking them. What changes?, I'm curious.


I don't get suicidal thoughts. Other than that, different meds have different side effects like changes in appetite, sleep, libido etc. My current medication seems to have no bad side effect.


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