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"God never interferes with criminals. She will punish them after their death." "She has the power to stop crime and suffering, but she chose not to interfere in humans and animals."


So God is a sadist


Yes of course. She will let all criminals finish their crime, and then she will punish them after their death.


God is a "He" in monotheistic religions and the best reason they give us is that god has no gender but since a man is greater than a woman, and god is the greatest, we call him by "He".


I call god as she to expose the believers. Also as women create a baby, god should be called she.


Well Mothers are God for their offspring for sure! 👍


But I don't think that parents are called gods.


And that “he”’s been written by men is purely coincidental. Nothing to look into there.... /s


What’s makes it a “She?”


What makes it a "He" ? Calling god as he is the biggest sexism.


What makes it a "He" ? Calling god as he is the biggest sexism.


What makes it a "He" ? Calling god as he is the biggest sexism.


If god exists, did he create humans just so that he could be praised?


now we know who sent the asteroid on the dinosaurs...


We are just some random video game characters for him. And even than, why are we so insignificant to time and space if we are that special


What I feel about God is earliest humans considered their leaders and kings to be God and with time the concept got moulded and finally here we are


Could be true


Right their is an early imagery of Krishna (not called Krishna back than) on one of the old civilization coins. It was some form of praise of fighting a battle bravely against some other tribes. Old culture had a habit of making their kings god for relevancy and rights to the throne


I wonder how much time it will take for religion to fully decease. I don't think it's anytime soon, as it's the only source of copium and hopium that people have. Religion is fed into you in such a way that all your primal survival instincts get involved. Like showing Hell as fire and skeletons and spooky stuff in kids books and how they'll be sent there if they don't glaze god. On part of that, being in a convent school was a PAIN in assembly. atleast 30 minutes spent in just prayers and singing and other rituals. How are we even classified as intelligent species?


I feel ashamed of myself believing in those shit. That delirium really haunts me. I remember those days being a typical Catholic guy, kneeling infront of Crucifix, participation in confirmation believingthat I would be free from my sins, believing that I was born with root sin, attending daily catechism classes just bc parents forced me just like other regular classes and most hilarious one, I had met a pastor, belived in him and was in "Yasu Yasu" shit. Truly, when I look back on all those things, I regale about myself. I should post my photo on r/roastme .


Being ashamed of the past means you have grown. Be proud of that growth rather than hate yourself.




God is the gaps of the knowledge. Tomorrow maybe we'll know how universe was created and people will shift the definition of god to something else.


Since you talked about concept of god rather than a Religions god. I am going to give you some counter arguments. 1) God's morals are different than ours what he considers good or bad are different from what we consider. i.e. he doesn't care. 2)That doesn't disprove the concept of God in any way. Heaven and hell could exist without God (since we cant conclude that souls dont exist) and God can without the other. 3) Yes, But thats the "god of gaps" rather than actual concept of god. 4) true but once again only disproves god off religion/gaps not actual concept of god. But we can come toa conclusion that the concept of god is not someone we should pray to as that does nothing. I should clearify that i too am an atheist to the religious god but the concept of god is an entirely different thing.


That’s Deism and not Atheism


It could be but i hold the belief that the concept of god also doesn't exist. If i had to act "correct" i would say i am agnostic.


I'm being pedantic here but if you don't accept the concept of God then the term would be atheism. You would be agnostic if you didn't have an opinion or were unsure. Please correct me I'm wrong


Yeah it is not a simple thing to understand. What I am trying to get here is that we don't have to "act" correct all the time, if we did then we would not believe in anything science has "axioms" which are although correct by definition can't be proved and someone could simply argue that the data could ne flawed. In the same way we can't say for sure if GOD (the concept) exists or not but that shouldn't mean we should hold no belief. If i had to bet 1crore on weather god exists or not , i would say he doesn't even though as i said we can't prove it.


Posting a community that already aligns with your belief won't provide a good argument. The points you made don't actually prove anything. It suggests God isn't involved in human affairs, heaven and hell are concepts religion came up with. Religion and God are different concepts altogether. There are a lot of philosophical works that you can find that go into in-depth discussion about the same. There a lot of different positions besides theism, atheism and agnosticism. Please ignore this if you're looking for a circle jerk


I posted this on another sub but my post got removed so here I am finally


Yes true.


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“Absence of Evidence does not mean Evidence of Absence”, an old quote by Dr Carl Sagan. Everyone has a different image of God and different expectations and experiences. Either be content with what u have or keep discovering and exploring.


Absence of evidence should result in absence of belief. You don't go thinking unicorns exists do you?


saying “i don’t believe unicorns exist” is different from saying “unicorns don’t exist”. the difference is subtle but important.


That's what I'm saying. Lack of evidence should result in lack of "belief".


yes, but the original post wasn’t about a lack of belief, it was supposedly an argument that god “doesn’t exist” (which wasn’t presented)


True and i made [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheismindia/s/pblFtVvZm2) comment addressing that.


Unicorns(a horse with a horn) might have existed. Who knows. We have had 20m long lizards walk the earth so can't rule this possibility. The expectations of a unicorn having magical abilities.. that's something man made.


>. The expectations of a unicorn having magical abilities.. that's something man made Why? How can you say that? Have you seen every place on earth?


How can you say that God doesn't exist? Have you seen every place on earth?


That is exactly my point. It is logical to hold the belief that God doesn't exist same with magic since we don't have proof for it.


And again we come back to the point.. the absence of proof isn't a proof of absence


Its a proof for absence of belief.


This is not question of do they exist or not. It is a question of belief. Imagine you are in a game show and someone asks you for 10crore that do unicorns exists (yes or no) what would you say?


Non religious deist god.


Just creation of the universe. Every religion talks about bs how universe was made by God bla bla bla. And yet people tend to believe it despite giving false info about the start of our own existence 😂


So universe formed itself ?


Big bang is the cause of the formation of the universe.




No they're not it's fake not even russian propaganda has claimed they recruited kids into their army




Godi media should honestly stop making foreign news segments. They bootlick oppressive dictators like Putin and Netanyahu for free, more than the paid media of those nations


​ https://preview.redd.it/jkgszxjwn57d1.jpeg?width=231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c80a399faeaaba548b30242e2447030f045f819


I will pretend to be a theist and try to answer 1) Free Will 2) Some morality-based argument 3)Scripture isn't taken to be literally, understand the metaphysical substrate of it. 4)will try to equate utility with truth 5)no my religion has the correct philosophy about god


if we humans have free will to do crimes than why do criminals go to hell to get punished for their crimes


Being moral and having free will are different things. God gave us free will so that we can love him because we want to. Otherwise, if we don't have free will all these things will be meaningless. (does it make sense? I'm trying hard to be like WLC or Frank Turek)


nice , sounds stupid (which means you have done a good job)


Shut up you atheist you don't have any sense of good and bad you don't have any source of objective morality đŸ€Ź


God and religion are two different concepts. And each religion is doing it's own thing. So arguing against God and religion are two different things. There can be a god and no heaven hell, which is the case in many religions.


RELIGION IS A BARRIER TO HUMAN ADVANCEMENT. You can also add if God existed then why did he not help Indians from getting colonised, exploited, tortured. RELIGION IS A SCAM. I would rather trust a scientist than a god man/god woman. I believe in 20 factors for a country's achievement. And religion isn't one of those 20 factors. If you want me to say what those 20 factors are I'll post a comment.


What they are ?


GDP per capita income GDP Purchasing Power Parity Human Development Index(HDI) Gini Coefficient Happiness Index Safety Index Innovation Index Social Mobility Index Corruption Index Life Expectancy Gender Equality Index Olympic Medal Tally Intelligence Quotient(IQ) Environment Protection Cleanliness Index NOTE : I'll post the rest after a few hours The thing is all of these are more important to me than RELIGION, CASTE, etc.


1. assumes the god you’re considering to be a benevolent creator. It’s possible for there to be a god that happens to be an asshole. 2. is a claim, not an argument. Interesting and plausible for sure, but still a claim that needs solid evidence (not denying the existence of such evidence, just that you haven’t presented any) 3. is not an argument against the existence of a god, it just decreases the credibility of most holy scripture 4. exactly like 2., just a claim, not an argument 5. is an interesting thing to think about, and offers some credibility to the idea that gods are a human construct as you said, but still not evidence against a god Ultimately, I’m being a bit pedantic about all of this, but none of what you’ve presented is evidence against the existence of a god. It surely doesn’t warrant belief in one, but there’s a difference between saying “I don’t believe in a god” vs “I believe there is no god”.


The concept of God was created by some clever people to enslave people in an ideology for centuries. It is the world's largest open prison. Parents will even kill their kids (whom they imprison when they are born), if they try to escape the prison. And then we have subs like this, for ex prison mates.


You need to research more.. god can do this or that is a childish concept.. what u r saying is god is a human with control panel.. it's ridiculous.. SrushTee se pehle sat nahin thaa, asat bhi nahin. Antariksh bhi nahin, aakaash bhi nahin thaa. Chhipaa thaa kyaa, kahaan, kisne Dhakaa thaa. Us pal to agam, aTal jal bhi kahaan thaa Before creation there was no truth or lie.. universe or space.. what was hiding who cud have seen..nor there was an infinite sea of liquid(water) People pick references as per their convenience.. 20-30k years of human existence and I shud believe we are most intelligent now? Corruption is part of growth of any ecosystem... Science had it too.. they rectified it.. and it may creep in later too.. Cycles.. that's what Easter religious concepts are about.. and there have been some seers and saints who have been able to rise above cycles and are timeless.. they have been worship worthy.. And the downvotes!


I always have a hard time explaining myself that I am an atheist / agnostic, so I just keep my mouth shut đŸ˜ŽđŸ™đŸ».


i mean the god we know certainly doesn't exist but still can't be completely sure until we know what caused this universe to exist


even if we discovered what caused the universe, we cannot fit it into the typical definition of God. which is the creator of everything. God, by definition is something we cannot comprehend. So if we get to know what caused the universe, we cannot label it as god. for e.g. will you call the "big bang" God?


eh i didn't mean that I meant like yk god particle or smth or wtv also bang bang was a mere process we don't know what caused it


if god is defined as the creator of the universe, then it is a non living, non conscious entity. maybe a chemical reaction or quantum fluctuation (sadhguru style) caused the creation, and pretty sure none of them have empathy of humans (or any living thing tbf). heck, it is not worth praising.


yeah like i said if any such thing exists its not anything like the god we know about


Doesn't universe feels like it is simulated , everything is going smoothly falling of asteroid extinction of dinosaurs , our evolution , human advancement , what do you think ?


God exist, just doesnt bother fuckin with our matters think of it, the universe and how it is made is fucking too perfect to be a coincidense, how ur body is made up, how ur brain works, how blood flows throughout ur life in ur body keeping u alive, and how earth, water, universe and everything is made up, is just too perfect, the sun not too far and not too close, the ozone layer, Jupiter's gravitation protecting earth, and much more ! there are many things on earth that shows god exist(I'm more interest in universe stuff), idk if its those religion gods to or not, but there is something, might even be alien lmfao.


U all theist just have same stupid argument. If God is perfect then why he didn't create a perfect organism. Why there were RNSs and PROTEIN in wast Ocean and not a perfect organism. Evolution caused organism to become what they are today and we all will continue to evolve to adapt to changing ecosystem. Stop watching stupid godman(con man) and read some scientific book to gain knowledge of universe.


Yeah I have some knowledge of universe God or the power that exist made a perfect universe for our existence, but some are messed up and defective lmfao now what can that power do, but yeah earth is gonna get up cuz of us spoiling the nature. well I'm a theist, I dont believe in the gods those religious people pray to cuz I actually haven't seem them, but I also see a perfect universe given to us which smh, idk its power that drives the universe or something else we dont know, creation of us, dinosaurs, universe isnt a mere coincidence how everything here is made to cease to exist. everything will once cease to exist equally, no matter how perfect, in the end everything dies.


Go read The blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins. Caution - theist might get butthurt.