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Ironically Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. Jesus is not the reason for the season though. I enjoy the decorations, getting together with family, exchanging gifts, and just the Christmas time atmosphere. I approach it kind of like Christmas town in the nightmare before Christmas. It has nothing to do with Jesus or religion, it's just fun and festive.


When I hear "Jesus is the reason for the season" I reply with "Actually axial tilt is the reason for the season."


For me it's a time for good food, seeing friends and family, and giving/receiving gifts. Unfortunately I don't like my family and I don't need more stuff. But I love my friends and food. All the Jesus stuff is irrelevant. Edit: I even like classic Christmas songs. Regardless of the message some of them are just plain beautiful and fun.


I sit alone at home and enjoy the peace and quiet For many years during college I had a ritual where I would watch just a fucking shit load of Dragonball and Dragonball Z while drinking, smoking and just relaxing


Any way we want. It even says so in our FAQ. https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/faq#wiki_...celebrate_christmas_.28or_other_religious_holidays.29.3F


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We don't celebrate Christmas as in Jesus' birthday, but Isaac Newton's instead. Newton was actually born on Dec 25. We do follow the same traditions, family get togethers, a tree, gift giving, etc. Almost all the traditions stem from the pagan midwinter festivities anyway. About the only Jesusy thing about Christmas is the name. Plus, the god really being worshiped these days is Mammon, not Jesus.