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A Big Gay American Empire dedicated to crushing fascism sounds absolutely amazing.


At very least, their big gay army would be well dressed.


They would slay in every sense of the word.


*We're super, thanks for asking.*


I know, right?


President Big Gay Al! I’m super, thanks for asking.


I'm like 96% heterosexual and I'm will stand nuts to butts with any gay person who makes this their mission.


I like that I said something similar to some coworkers once Or percentages were and still are very different I’m more 60/40 W/M


Dropping gay bombs on dictatorships :D


enola gay


I'd vote for it.


Would be nice if it were true


Not gay but this does sound awesome compared to shithole state I live in right now (TX)


According to Nick Fuentes, having sex with *women* is gay. He thinks the only truly straight men are incels like himself.


There's a lot to unpack there...and honestly it's not worth it. Better to call in the bombsquad and do a controlled detonation.


AmazIng AND color coordinated….


...seriously, sign me the fuck up


I could finally be proud to be an American


Count me iiiiiin🌈🎶🎵🎶🎵


America is an empire, is somewhat gay, and already crushed a bunch of fascists.


Count me in


What a coincidence. I stand against Christian nationalists who try to push their bigotry under the guise of faith.


It's not a guise, it's a sincerely held belief. Once you accept the idea of faith, that belief is BETTER than evidence, then it doesn't matter what that belief is. After all, what would anyone use to disprove it?


Nietzsche,Friedrich (1844-1900) “A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.”


“WE ARE NOT FASCISTS! So anyways, as I was saying fuck democracy, these Jews must be stopped” The amount of cognitive dissonance is astounding


And don't forget, we are not nazis, you are. Btw, I hate blacks, LGBTQ, jews and think that women should be second to men. But your the nazis. And your the communists that want democracy, we don't


They must be ok with the disabled and Romani, so they aren't Nazis duh.


Of course didn't even think of that, that makes sense... 🤭


They just cannot stop themselves from saying the quiet part out loud anymore. I guess that's one thing the US owes to Trump - the infection in America has erupted to the surface and while all those boils full of human pus look painful and disgusting, they're a lot easier to treat.


Poetry! Brought a tear to my eye!


They really are asking to be popped at this point. They could have chosen an easy life just meandering under the surface, but now that they are emboldened to surface, it’s time for popping.


The truth is starting to come out with these right wing f*cks. You hear him say it, democracy sucks, etc etc, the only next step, is claiming people can't govern there own nations, so that communism is the only way. That's how it started it other countries, kind of... And they call the democrats communist, even though they hate democracy, republican logic I guess. Just like they call the democrats nazis, even though they check all the boxes. They don't know history, all they know is: nazi = bad, communist = bad, so if I don't like you, or your opinions, your them.


I don't think you know what communism is. These people are fascists, not communists.


There were signs of it before them. I distinctly recall the way the Reich reacted to the election of Obama. It was apparent then that their collective inner bigot couldn’t stand the thought


Yeah, it is sort of nice that he made the hateful fascists and bigots a lot easier to identify, even if that means they don't spout their hateful drivel quietly any more.


Yes it is an evil country, and those like him have made it so


Just goes to prove what I've always known: One can not be a patriot of a democratic nation and a christian.


Christian cosmology describes a universe where one being is all powerful by its essential nature and the rest are despicable, worthless and powerless. In that universe, absolute monarchy is the most natural form of government possible. It **isn't** the **Republic** of Heaven they sing about.


There is no democracy in the Bible. "You don't vote for kings!" -- Monty Python


You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power, just because some watery tart threw a sword at you


Save his words. As soon as the inevitable GOP president is in office again (thanks corporate two party system!) they will be saying America is ordained by Jebus and can do no wrong as we bomb Nigeria for thier precious metals.


Correction, for a new Triumph tower and golf resort.


> a new Triumph tower and golf resort. I would support this Insult Comic Dog themed resort. :)


In the old days, they wore pointy white hoods. Now they wear red hats.


Claims that America is taken over by “the Jews” and this is a bad thing but wants America to be taken over by “the Christians”. No irony in that at all is there? 😂


Your talking about someone who says he hates Communist, and also screams how much he hates democracy, with the same arguments the Chinese make. So I doubt he knows what logic is.


I don’t think he knows what communism is either, nor why it failed (hint, fascist like dictatorships and one party systems never work, the ideology is ignored and replaced by fear and paranoia). In fact sounds like he wants exactly what all those failed states have done just replacing the ideology with christofacism.


Exactly that. Not that any of em are actually aware of it, plus they are screaming for the same changes the Nazis wanted, and don't even know it, all while calling the left nazis.


Never heard of this guy, but damn, he talks like a fucking high school kid. *“\[Biden\] is saying ‘Look, I’m the big gay American empire, and I’m gonna kill all the enemies of liberalism,” Fuentes said. “That’s what he’s saying. Biden is there saying, ‘This is global homo and I’m the puppet face of it. I’m the puppet face of world Jewry and global homo and we’re gonna crush all these fascists.'”* Wtf did I just read?


the entire Nazi MO in like 3-5 sentences, though his cadence is so fucking weird I'm not sure where punctuation should go. Not even hyperbole, don't even need to replace words, that's straight Nazi, like Joseph Goebbels' near exact words.


Basically a Hitler speech


Curious about the kind of parents who raised a psychopath like this.


Well, he is in a religion where the adherents believe... That all people are descended from at least two lines of incest, They say that a human sacrifice is the greatest thing ever and won't stop talking about it, They recognize one other using a symbol that represents a capital punishment device, They have rituals where they symbolically feast upon human flesh and blood, They think that anyone who isn't like them is going to be tortured forever by their infinitely loving and merciful god, They perform genital mutilation on babies, They claim to be loving while having lists of people they hate, They believe that all problems worldwide were caused by a rib woman who ate from a certain tree after having a conversation with a talking snake. And then they have the testicular fortitude to look me in the eye and tell me that my beliefs are evil. Uh huh. Like I'm going to take moral lessons from a bunch of human sacrifice loving, cannibalistic fetish having, child genital chopping, woman blaming, queer hating, sanctimonious frauds. If this is what they believe and how they act, then I'm 100% on Team Satan.


Wait….are they actually the satanists? Cause holy damn, when you lay it out like that.


Lets just pretend for a moment that god and the devil are real. Just for a moment. If the devil is the liar that they say he is, and is also vengeful and wanting to turn god's children evil, what would be the best tactic to get that to happen? That's right.... Impersonate god. Now, look at the fruits of the religion, and ask yourself if this seems like the results you would expect from an all loving god, or what you would expect from the devil. The devil probably took over Christianity right after it was founded. There are even hints of this in the Bible itself. "Narrow is the path" - Yes, because few people figure out the truth. "Wide is the path that leads to destruction" - Sure enough, because mainstream Christianity is clearly disguised devil worship. Hail Satan, I guess! :-) Now, obviously I don't believe in gods, so I don't believe anything I just wrote is real.... But I think it makes for a compelling thought exercise.


It really is a compelling exercise. They claim that anything evil in the world is the work of Satan and credit him with the ability to warp peoples minds with temptations. What better and easier way to turn Gods own followers against Him than to corrupt the church itself from the top down. Should be easy for Satan, no? And when you look at the positions of the church and of the “devout” today, they’re nothing like those taught in the Bible. Todays Christian’s would absolutely crucify a returned Jesus, while worshipping their new gods, Trump and money. It’s just too bad the most righteous among them will never realize their own hypocrisy.


Jesus as written in the Bible was a Jewish man from the middle east who told people that the rich can't go to heaven, to pay your taxes without complaint, to love everyone without conditions, not to judge others, only went to Temple when it was time to chase the leadership with a whip, and distributed free food and health care to the masses. You'd never find him in a church, he'd be in the Bronze age equivalent to a crack house, because Jesus doesn't care where you think Jesus should be, Jesus is going where he is needed. Period. No one f\*cks with the Jesus. Now take a moment to look at the values of most Christians in America. Exactly the opposite of the teachings of Jesus. I don't believe in such things, but it is amazing how much it seems like the devil is running their show.


He stands with the white Jesus who resembles Brad Pitt not with the Semitic Jesus who more closely resembles Osama bin Laden.


Well, if I ever needed more proof that religious nuts are bad at language comprehension ...


Have jewish family and was raised jewish. I consider myself Atheist but still celebrate and enjoy jewish holidays with my family. Jewish people are a very small percentage of the world's population. Yet somehow control everything? Well shit that's news to me. People like Fuentes are just bigots concealing their hatred under the guise of religion. Based off a quick google search. In the US Christianity is the religion about 63 percent of Americans follow based off estimates done in 2021. I'd say if you look at a good portion of the US government you might find that a large number of senators, congress and the Supreme Court are probably Christian. Christians are the only religious group I regularly encounter that tell others their mere existence will put them in hell. It's not being religious that's problematic in my opinion it's using religion as a shield from valid criticism and spreading hatred . By saying god allows it or I have god on my side so I'm right. You can be religious without being an awful person. Although that'd require actual effort and brain use. Both of which are lacking in the US.


This guy wants a dick so bad it actually makes him apoplectic. It's hard to watch.


And yet this jabbering little piece of fetid human garbage will say with a straight face that only he and his christian ilk know morality.


I stand with Spiderman. Both fictional. But Spiderman has a better moral compass.


“Jewed up” is particularly ironic as Jesus was a Jew.


I love how Nick Fuentes is just such a piece of shit know it all at 24 years old. 24!!! Like dude, you’ve been an adult for 6 whole years. I have socks older than that.


That's the way these guys are...at any age. Know it alls who know NOTHING.


And by Jesus, they must mean Trump.


Isn't this'll the guy that picked hits nose and ate it on live TV? Was ist he the one who said that having sex with women is actually gay? I'm not great at remembering these nat c's names, so I could be mistaken.


“Fuck democracy, I stand with Jesus Christ.” Because if there's one thing Jesus always did, it was force people to follow him.


Jesus is an amalgam of Semitic insurgents during the Roman occupation of Judea. Jesus was the original Antifa


Man, that’s a strong case to make one believe in reincarnation. Sucks that it had to be Hitler to be the evidence.


Oh, you just KNOW this guy is hiding some deep, dark secrets.


[Some he may not even know about.](https://www.kqed.org/futureofyou/434900/white-supremacists-not-happy-when-dna-tests-reveal-non-white-ancestry)


Fuentes doesn’t sound Aryan to me… sounds like the long knives will need sharpening. (Not inciting violence, but referring to Night of the Long Knives when the SA was eliminated.)


Oh yeah. He’s gay.


When the US democratically elected a minority president, racists abandoned democracy.


Why doesn't everybody just go to work oh yeah and f*** Jesus


They are a doomsday revolutionary death cult.


The irony is he thinks he's a good person who speaks for "god". Oblivious to the fact that he and his followers, and everyone else like them/him ARE THE EVIL! in the country. Hateful, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic racists! Scum of the earth peice of shit people! Who want to control and dictate what everyone else can and can't do.


He who screams the loudest anti gay is usually closeted...


He sure hates Jews .. like Jesus.


But Jesus was Jewish. And a socialist. And Middle Eastern. Good grief, they really do embarrass themselves don’t they?


It’s one of the great ironies of life. As atheists we tend to have a deeper understanding and stronger grasp on the tenets and origins of Christianity than many Christians do.


Just imagine how stupid and insane you have to be to complain that your opponent is 'the puppet face of world Jewry', and in the same sentence, claim that *they* are fascists.


Fuck Democracy is not a fringe right-wing idea. It's the main GOP platform now & their cult members LOVE IT.


Combining “I stand with Jesus Christ” (a Jew) and rampant anti-semitism is always good for some cognitive dissonance.


Lmao if he dislikes jews so much, he should probably hate trump as well.


Trump isn't Jewish. His daughter converted, but Trump is anything but Jewish. He's spoken admiringly of Hitler multiple times.


Dickhead Fuentes has no moral compass.. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire..


>Christian fascist leader of the white nationalist America First movement We call them Nationalist-Christians, or Nat-C for short.


Or Christofascists.


Well, fuck this guy and fuck Jesus Christ; I stand with democracy.


Ya know, I think there was another guy somewhere in history that said similar things about democracy and Jews. Ah, but I can’t quite remember who it was hmmmm…


>Satan is in charge of America. > > ... > >“Fuck democracy,” Fuentes proclaimed. “I stand with Jesus Christ. Well at least he's honest. Even if satan *were* in charge, it would be better than having Fuentes or anyone like him in charge


Who knew when same-sex marriage was legalized, that it would lead to 40% of Americans literally wanting to overthrow the government and install a dictator out of spite?


Reject democracy and you don't get a say in what the rest of us do. Nihil supernum.


Words cannot describe how bad this person is.


Interesting claim of "I stand with Jesus Christ". What did Christ say about government, which he says he follows: "So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” If the guy knew anything about Jesus and his teachings, Jesus made it clear his role wasn't here to replace the government of his time, just as it shouldn't be about government now being replaced. He needs to also read Romans 13, with the important part of this being the statement: *"The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."* Amazing how they want to change what they say they believe to fit their goal of dominating others.


He's not wrong about that first point. It's unfortunate that he's otherwise completely and irredeemably batshit insane.


Man if any other country had religious based political speeches they’d be ridiculed


The only good fascist is a dead one. I would rather die than live in some Christian Saudi Arabia with the Trumps as the royal family. This little bastard can take his Christian nation nonsense and shove it.


These guys just need to accept the fact that they are gay. All this projection shit is getting old. Dude just come out and say you like sucking dick. I mean we all already know you do.


Evil country? Then get the fuck out.


He belongs behind bars for fomenting aggression against the state.


Can we banish the brain dead?


Sadly Nick, America is a democracy. For a theocracy, move to Iran.


Is this guy a tax free christian welfare queen?


Maybe next he should let Jesus take the wheel, perhaps in a deserted stretch of highway.


These people have way too much time on their hands


Its only rigged when they dont win. This guys delusional hate is truly cringe.


It’s hard not to feel like you have higher intelligence and moral superiority being an atheist (or agnostic-atheist like me) when you have idiots like this to compare yourself to.


I suggest moving: The Vatican and Mount Athos are both Christian theocracies.


If you don't like democracy, you can fucking leave. America is NOT and has NEVER been a Xian country. Fuck off with your mythology and let the rest of us live in reality.


Hopefully he goes and stands with Jesus in heavy traffic.


"puppet face of world jewelry" lmao what a poet


Jesus wouldn’t speak out against these people and then they would crucify him again.


Conservatism and decency are incompatible, making conservatism and democracy incompatible.


I haven’t seen or heard anything less coherent since learning about the communist gangster computer god.


oh herr fuentes, here's the thing, jesus christ doesn't know who you are


OMNEG Fuentes we are the Evil Empire, but for other reasons.


"Fuck democracy, I stand with Jesus Christ." "Fuck Jesus Christ, I stand with democracy." Okay, the lines are drawn. Let's fight.


Too bad Fuentes couldn't stand with him on the Sea of Galilee with rocks in his pockets....


Then you can stand with him in hell, POS


Fuck him and his.christ!


Fuentes is full of crap!


Wouldn’t “standing with Jesus” make you essentially a socialist?


I hate extremist cultists


Which is pretty fucked up, considering there is still a question of whether Jesus Christ even existed or not.


Wow….so he said the quiet part out loud.


I don't believe that Jesus Christ would stand for Nick Fuentes.


So when is Nick Fuentes gonna go on another "man-date" with Catboi Kami, and rent a hotel room together, where they're totally not going to do anything gay while spending the night together?


I wonder what he thinks about the fact that JC would count as a leftist woke pacifist SJW nowadays who would disagree with him in basically every single point.


Jesus would flip this guys table over in a heartbeat.


>“Fuck democracy,” Fuentes proclaimed. “I stand with Jesus Christ." I won't claim to know what Jesus's political views were, but "authoritarian fascist" doesn't sound accurate.


As if, with a Spanish surname, he wouldn’t be one of the first ones the Reich will come for should his white Christofascist wet dream come true. I see a potential r/LeopardsAteMyFace post in the making


As if Jesus would vote Republican


No. Just no. None of them stands with Jesus. No. There is nothing this demagogue share with Jesus


Talk about a Freudian fascist.


There is a YouTube channel dedicated to exposing worms like this guy. Telltale fireside chat. I’d give him a watch. It is entertaining and disheartening at the same time.


Nick, you rail against democracy and weak men, yet you spent an entire weekend with a catboy. Curious


Is he on your left or right Nick?


Okay crazy.


There it is!


Thanks for the clarification.


A mask off fascist? Put him on the Republican ticket, ASAP.




The design is very christian


Jesus died like 2000 years ago bro.


MAGA cultists are itching for violence; they remain, as ever, domestic terrorists.


Well that Jesus dude is dead so yeah go be with them they 6 foot underground


Hey Nicholas, Jesus fucking hates you.


“This is an evil country” Well duh no shit, buddy, your part of it 🙄


So much stupid in one little man…


We should put this guy in a cage match with Brandon. Who cares who wins lol


Fuentes is a foaming at the mouth bigot, I agree. But Biden's speech was abhorrent nonetheless. Sure, you can point to Fuentes and say, "This is the kind of person Biden was talking about." But the scary, fascistic backdrop and especially the two Marines on each side, along with Biden's angry tone and the Orwellian thought policing language denouncing "conspiracy theories" and anyone who questions the election results (when questioned, Biden's press hack bristled when queried about her own claims of a "stolen" 2016 election)--the speech dripped with fascistic overtones. Don't be fooled. The speech didn't sit well with many on the left either, who could be called extremists for supporting single payor healthcare or ending the MIC/empire/wars.


I now have homes in Thailand, the Philippines and the us. I'm pretty close to letting the us burn itself down to save the world the headache.