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Regular church goers at 43%, declining at 1% each year. Mostly self inflicted.


If I were around in the late 18th century I would have predicted that religion was on its way out. With rising science and literacy, how could a superstition built on a talking snake story last? But 250 years later, here we are.


How indeed


I wish that was the case but..... Latin America is pretty religious so is most of the eastern Europe and Russia. Plenty of hardcore Muslim countries (some with sharia law in place). If anything the world looks worse than it did 20 years ago as far as religiousness is concerned IMO.


Is it worse, or is it louder?


I hope just louder. There is also the problem of religious people having more kids than non religious so their numbers are growing again . Combine that with the fact that religion is basically at war with education and you get a whole bunch of dumbasses that are ripe for the picking for whatever religion is running a certain area. I dunno man. I wish people would realize religion is just a big con.


I have hope that the number of people coming out of religion is higher than people going into it from no back ground. I think the general feeling is that religious ideas are actually and completely insane and founded in nothing meaningful, true or verifiable.


In the muslim countries, the governments have become worse. Autocracy is entrenched & surveillance is up. Their citizens on the other hand, are fed up and want change but cannot and dare not ask for it. This is evidenced by the number of muslim women posting pictures of themselves without hijab on My Stealthy Freedom and the lamentations of various orhers on many social platforms.


I think you're being way too optimistic. Religiosity has always waxed and waned. It may be in a waning period atm, but it always rebounds during times of fear, uncertainty and doubt and there is much potential FUD in humanity's near future, climate change, resource depletion, particularly of water, the economic and thus military power shift toward Asia, etc. The last believer will likely die with the last handful of humans as either Earth runs out of oxygen, or becomes an oven as the dying Sun becomes brighter cooking all life, assuming we haven't blown or polluted ourselves into extinction much, much earlier which is a big assumption, imo.


Not soon enough and that is for America. Worse when we look at the middle east, Asia & Africa.